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8601  Other / Off-topic / Re: How to lose weight? on: May 04, 2021, 07:16:21 AM
"drink more water"
lets clarify. this does not mean have more then 2litres.
this means if you regularly drink 2litres of soda.. stop..
change it to 1.5litres of water 0.25ml of fruit juice and 0.25litres of milk

soda when digesting is not treated as water. its treated as a sugar. so your body wont process it and excrete it as urine well. it sits in your body for longer. meaning the 2litre of fluid is 2kg of weight sitting in your body. and you have to work it off more so than water. yes you need to burn calories to get your body to process soda

fruit juice is better because although its treated like a sugar(fructose). it contains lots of nutrients which can be processed by your body. so the calorie burn to burn off  250ml of fruitjuice is less burn off requirement of the same volume of soda

milk is treated like a sugar too(lactose) but also has other nutrients aswell. calcium for one.

but water. well thats needed by your body for many things. every cell needs it. its also needed to burn off calories. so have it in the ratio of 6:1:1 water:fruitjuice:milk

your body only urinates at about 0.5litre per full bladder. so if your only urinating 1-3 times a day. or your urination is not a full steady stream worthy of a full bladder. then you are obviously holding onto more fluid then you should. and so your weight gain or lack of weight loss may be due to consuming too much or the wrong type of fluid

8602  Other / Archival / Re: Can everyone in the world find a job? on: May 04, 2021, 06:58:11 AM
there are some groups of people that are unworkable
bed-ridden disabled people.. the mentally deprived.
there are also some social restraints. such as having  criminal record. or no fixed address or being an illegal immigrant

there are of course ways to find a job even in those circumstances. but finding a secure job that pays a living wage is the other foot to trip on in those cases

yes a bed-ridden disabled person can still be creative. obviously not if in a coma. but if you have a clear mind and use of hands there can be opportunities to try. ofcourse the other foot is there are no guarantees of success. but there are options.
writing a book. making a subscription blog. graphic design, digital stuff.. take stephen hawkins. in a wheelchair no use of hands. but still made a career for himself.(well with alot of hidden support ofcourse)

but getting a job revolves around access, support, opportunity, circumstance, ability, luck and effort
8603  Other / Off-topic / Re: Our body and the coronavirus on: May 04, 2021, 06:43:59 AM
cytokin storm not pseudo kin storm

also if the virus is a new strain that is far enough away from the previous strains. then your body does not recognise it as threat instantaneously. which is what happens with covid.. its new(novel)
this means your body is not instantly reactive to it and allows a delay period for the virus to replicate and burst out more virons. and accelerate the damage before being fought off

then when your body detects its being injured it then reacts. but because the virus has had a few days to do its job means more severe damage and risk of fatal result.. so your body has to ramp up its response to counter it. meaning more symptomatic and more risk of severe/fatal result

the problem is not the cytokin storm itself. as thats a natural response.. the problems are:
1. the virus is so invasive that the amount of fluid from the cytokin storm to fight it ends up flooding the lungs to prevent normal passage of oxygen
(its not cytokin cell damage.. but suffocation that can kill you)
2. the virus progression has resolved but the cytokin storm remains active

yep the virus normally gets handled in the first 2 weeks of recognising the virus is a cause of damage. but then having immuno response symptoms for 4-12 weeks is where your immune system has gone over active
which without any medical support. causes your body to just give up.

cytokin storm surges are not due to vaccines. they are due to your body not knowing how to respond appropriately
yep people that dont normally get infected or vaccinated are at more risk. as are older people whos immune system has dampened down over the years, yet being suddenly thrust into extreme activity

vaccines can reduce this by entertaining your immune system with a non damaging pathogen to work on to teach the immune system what to do and exercise it without having any of the nasty cell damaging things like replication and cell bursting out with virons

yep a vaccine in the arm will not cause cytokin storm in the lungs.. so you can take a breath of relief taking the vaccine.. literally

better to have a sore arm from a vaccine then suffocate from the virus
8604  Other / Off-topic / Re: Hotels Without Walls and Roofs on: May 04, 2021, 06:00:49 AM
they are not selling rooms..
.. they are selling a concept.

it looks good in picture form.. choosing a good day to photograph it.
but in the practical world its a useless concept.

its for the 'oh this is unique i should try it. just to say i done something different' crowd
there are these things. maybe you heard of them.. rain, wind, snow.. if you have heard of them then you must already see the problems

its not a niche of proper hotel vacation. its a niche of glamour picnic
why sit on a tartan pattern blanket on the grassy hill eating sandwiches. when you can lay on a bed eating steak

its one step up from putting a picnic table on a hill
8605  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Virters understand that some virtual assets can be hard assets. on: May 04, 2021, 05:39:38 AM
bitcoin doesnt get stored on your computer.
heck even if you check the block data. and raw transactions you will not see a single BTC.
yep transactions and blockdata is measured in satoshis.
its just represented as BTC in the graphic user interface.
meaning a btc is virtual(temporary ram and graphic displayed.)

its like having 10x£1 coins and saying you have a £10 bank note.
value wise yes you have £10.. but you dont have a £10 bank note.

so if you showed someone a UTXO and provided a signature to prove key linkage to that utxo you have to admit you have a bunch of satoshis. as there is no 'physical' proof of any btc

having the only set of keys does not mean ownership either. take real estate. the bank owns the house not the mortgage payer. even if the mortgage payer has the only keys to access the house
also if you gave a set of keys to a airbnb vacationer. do they suddenly own the home.. no.

as for defining bitcoin as a hard asset.. sorry but no. its digital.
dare i say it an internet crash or a EMP that blacks out all tech.. and bye bye digital assets
its not something you can store under a faraday caged pillow and just hand to someone the next day

also declaring all fiat as digital as your way to work around the physical/digital divide does not work and is also innaccurate because bank notes are real and physical and you can hide them under your pillow

putting a wallet under your pillow does not make the contents physical if the contents are still digital. and a paper wallet is not bitcoin. its a private key..
yes wallets in terms of bitcoin should be more analogous to keyrings. you know the thing you store the keys together

seems jetcash is trying to be a 70yo white guy trying to start a new twitter trend. that alone is enough to show it wont catch on
funniest part is.. you want to define bitcoin as physical. and then promote a digital investor..
so what is your game. bitcoiners are not digital investors..?
but people with fiat under their pillow or in their physical wallet are digital investors??
.. now your just making no sense at all...

if you need to redefine something to be out of scope of common sense. then its not going to be a thing.
common sense will prevail. and the other nonsense will only exist in the small communities of idiots

if you want to redefine things to make more common sense inregards to bitcoin
1. keyrings, not wallets
2. bitcoin the protocol/network. sats the currency units, btc the digital term for an allotment of 100m sats
              like gold the mineral.. ounces the currency unit, tonnes the physical term for alottment of gold
                                  like fiat. pounds the currency unit. grand the term for 1000 pounds
3. if its not on the chain. it doesnt exist. bitcoin currency is not bitcoin until its confirmed onchain

the reason these need clarifications is because for instance people using altnetworks and sidechains think they fully own 'bitcoin' even when playing with different tokens pretending to be bitcoin

things like the myql database of exchanges.. mtgox users learned this the hard way after depositing funds
things like LN HTLC promsory notes measured in 12+ decimals that wont ever be broadcast and confirmed on the blockchain
8606  Other / Politics & Society / Re: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions on: May 04, 2021, 04:39:00 AM
dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it

What, 'cuz you say so?  Lol.  Surely someone put together a list of the 2000 studies.  Link it.
enjoy.have a blast
8607  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Vitamin D Thread. on: May 04, 2021, 04:07:45 AM
badecker advertises yet another pharma product while pretending to be anti pharma

does he not even see the games his influencers are playing on him. he seems to be too much on auto-play to even have an independent thought or do independent research
8608  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 04, 2021, 03:59:16 AM
you have no clue

you dont simple accept or reject civil law.
by you being within the borders of a country you are bound to its civil law.

EG whilst in america .. no alcohol until your 21. yet get on a plane to the UK and you can drink at 18.
you cant as a brit travel to america and think UK law still applies to allow you to drink at 18 in america

heck. if a brit drove forward on the left side of the road from his prospective in america. thats breaking the law
if an american drove on the right side of the road in the UK thats breaking the law

when you can finally understand jurisdictions. you might learn something

and no you are not even significant enough to be endowed with diplomatic immunity. and no its not something you can award yourself with
8609  Other / Politics & Society / Re: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions on: May 04, 2021, 03:49:51 AM

What would convince you that the covid-19 virus exists, has been isolated, sequenced, and studied?

For me...

A study or set of studies with adequately designed protocols which were adhered to, and a reproducible result.

so like the 2000 studies.
in dozens of different countries.
in hundreds of labs.

they have got so good at isolating the virus that they can actually look at the different strains
heck even the conspiracy nuts are now realising its been isolated.. but then turning that into a conspiracy because they are talking about how isolating it is being used to track people by who and where they came into contact with it.
funny part is that yes. they are contact tracing people by using the isolated virus..
along with other methods of contact tracing

if you still think they have no clue what shape the virus is and you think it must be some ebola 'stringy' shaped thing and not a spikey ball..
they you are ignorant of the research.

dont blame the research if you are purposefully ignoring, avoiding it
8610  Other / Politics & Society / Re: TRAIN LOADS OF LUMBER JUST STACKED UP !!!! Why on: May 04, 2021, 03:42:37 AM
when businesses last year could work socially distanced. it meant lumberjacks could still cut tree's down

when businesses last year could work socially distanced. it meant masons in factories couldnt work

so instead of processing wood.. it just stacked up

simple common sense

last year when bars were closed the amount of alcohol barrels stacked up too.

and yes badecker we already knew you have never left the city limits. you didnt have it point it out
8611  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: May 03, 2021, 10:49:46 PM
there are no nuremburg legal proceedings
tash is showing a conspiracy site writing waffle and them pleading for someone to start something

in short nothing happened just cries of wanting other people to do it
8612  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Vitamin D Thread. on: May 03, 2021, 12:28:18 PM

The table illustrates that old age, comorbidities and vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency contributed to outcome of the disease. Based on these data Vitamin D plasma level is an independent predictor of mortality.

And that's taking >30 ng/ml as the optimal level, which is too low in my opinion.

the walk to a store 30minutes away and back. is more then you need than what can be bought on the vitamin D rack inside the store

No, that is according to current standards and is too low. We have been led to believe that with a walk at 6 pm and with only your arms (and face) exposed to the sun you are going to get enough vitamin D, and it is not true. And you don't need to get like a lobster either, don't exaggerate we know you like it.

taking 30ng/ml
um no..
people dont take 30ng/ml

the 30ng/ml is the measure  inside their blood. not the measure of the supplement consumption

imagine it was taking 500ui
not everyone absorbs the entire 500ui through their gut. so even that is a factor of how much gets into the blood
next comes how much they are deficient.. of which means it then gets absorbed into the bone leaving less free vitd left in the blood.
or someone that is already vitd regulated and so bones dont absorb the new vitd meaning the majority just stays in the blood. or cant metabolise it into the bone so again stays in the blood

see its not that simple.
if your body already has sufficient vitd.
if your bones dont absorb vitD well
having efficient gut digestion...
.. can all cause a higher number too

if your blood was deficient
bad gut absorbtion
or bone deficiency but effective absorbtion
.. can cause a low count

and in both scenarios. thats not going to tell if your immunity is low or high
because it still requires other enzymes nutrients to complete the requirement of making immuno cells

your body has a better chance of creating vitd through sunlight than through excessive suplement digestion.. why.. because if your gut receives too much. it triggers a signal to stop certain processes within your body.

its like the diabetic dilemma. if your body cant process sugars well. cant absorb them into cells.. adding more sugar is going to cause more harm.. yes your body needs more sugar in the cell.. but just ingesting more sugar causes more problems.. because you are not thinking about the other aspects involved with how things get into the cell

you dont treat a sugar absorbtion issue with more sugar
8613  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Vitamin D Thread. on: May 02, 2021, 12:30:05 PM
the table above that has mean age and higher vitD  shows no determining factor.

by having lower age and higher vit d .. cancels out any relevant conclusion of both

is the less death due to age.. or vit d.. .. no one can tell

if they done a study of 100 people in 65+ group with low vit d. then 100 people in 65+ with higher vit d .. then you can make a conclusion

but having a group of 45yo with high vit d.. just messes up any conclusion about vit D

also having alot of vitd in blood does not mean its where it should be, accelerating bone metabolism
there are many people that cannot process vit D so it just remains in the blood. accumulating but not metabolising.
these people can have high vit d count toxifying themselves whilst still not effecting their bones.

some people need to actually find out what their body needs. and not just try everything in high doses and hope it makes them immortal. because the opposite can happen

you do not need to overdose on supplements. nor sunbathe until you are a lobster to get vit D.
just get out your basement for an hour a day and you will have what your body needs.

no pill. no prescription. no pharmacy visit. no over the counter payments
the walk to a store 30minutes away and back. is more then you need than what can be bought on the vitamin D rack inside the store
8614  Other / Politics & Society / Re: THE ANTIDOTE w/ Dr. Mikovits on: May 02, 2021, 12:18:36 PM
badecker advertising another pharma product without understanding it..
.. simply because his conspiracy influencers advertised it without understanding it
8615  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The Vitamin D Thread. on: May 02, 2021, 06:59:44 AM
vitamin D is not the sole cause of immune deficiency.

there are many factors at play
for instance VitD aids getting calcium to the bones.
but this also means calcium is the active ingredient. so having a calcium issue may be due to something else. including low calcium

no matter how much sunbathing someone does. having a calcium deficiency wont cure a calcium deficiency by sunbathing even more.
you might have already been at adequate vitD levels and just needed some calcium. so just taking more vitD/sunbathes wont help one bit. but can cause more issues.

infact excessive vit D can cause bone marrow disease

yes you can over do calcium and vit D and cause an over hardening of your bones which then cause issues with the marrow inside from being able to produce blood and immuno cells

if you are overdosing on vit D then vit D is not the solution

there is a motto.. that remains true "a balanced diet"
going excess in any direction is not going to 'strengthen' you.
8616  Economy / Economics / Re: Stock-to-Flow Model: Modeling Bitcoin's Value with Scarcity on: April 30, 2021, 05:21:44 AM
its no prediction model. .. its more representative of a daily price vs average price
the whole stock part becomes meaningless as that is not really shown in any accuracy at all

go take that S2f chart. grab the line data.. and remove the 'average yearly price' element..
then redraw the line without the price metric in the stock line. and see how suddenly it doesnt fit a pattern
then you will see its the 'average price' thats correlating not the stock change

take any price chart
then take any other random factor n the universe. like the phases of the moon or ocean tide times..
add in the average price metric into this random factor.
and guess what you can make ocean tide times seem 95% accurate to the bitcoin price
8617  Economy / Economics / Re: How a digital EURO may look like on: April 30, 2021, 04:33:25 AM
if anyone done some research about things many years ago where governments went into research on crypto.(hyperledger project)
its not a single blockchain. but if i ELI-5 it.. a master chain(reserve) with lots of sidechains
heck even bitcoin is shifting to this business model with LN and liquid banknotes bitcoin as the reserve asset

i can imagine it more like each euro country having its own sidechain. and each day it just aggregates the daily total coin movements with the reserve chain

this does not mean every country holds every piece of transaction data. nor all life history of balance holder.

it could go as far as every town has its own 'branch' of the bank.

one thing is for sure. they will end up having some way to 'freeze' accounts or gain access to funds in case of courtfines. taxes or illegal activity seize and comply stuff
so ELI- 5 that as multisig involvement
8618  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society on: April 29, 2021, 09:26:09 PM
a injection in the arm with something that does not replicate. does not cause replication and thus spreading from the arm

badecker does not grasp the basics of biology. logic. common sense. fact
8619  Other / Politics & Society / Re: mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out Mad Cow Disease prions on: April 29, 2021, 09:00:57 PM
142million people have had the vaccine in america

yet the hospitals are not as full as the peak of covid when it was only a few dozen million getting covid

no more needs to be said.
vaccine is safer
8620  Other / Politics & Society / Re: “Vaccidents” now wrecking roadways with stroked-out vaccine takers who lose... on: April 29, 2021, 09:30:42 AM
All you bicycle and motorcycle riders >>> BEWARE. You are far more likely to be in a "vaccident" that in an accident. Those vaccinated people are starting to crash into anything for seemingly no reason. Get off the road. At least drive a car or truck so you have a little more protection. Watch the video.

at 26:00-27:00 he says he believes he got covid in late 2019 and developed antibodies
at 20:30-21:40 he says he been taking lots of supplements throughout 2020
at 19:30-20:30 he said he got covid again and more then mild symptom 'aggressive symptoms'
at 21:00-21:40 he said he got other infections that same year and felt symptoms..

sooooo. the supplements didnt work neither did his innate immunity from late 2019 as he got aggressive symptoms of covid in 2020

thats just one point that debunked himself
the rest of the video. is just stupid insanity stuff not worth even commenting on

logic and common sense reveals that the video narrator is talking BS
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