
Activity: 77
Merit: 10
February 05, 2016, 08:57:32 AM |
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152619382886025&set=a.441395256024.210964.589811024&type=3&theater Traded the bitch in for a newer model. BTW, kickin' his two kids to the curb during the process, ergo anybody who thinks they're ever gonna see their moneys once on Cryptsy again best go see a doctor, for you've got serious issues. No person who doesn't give a fuck about his kids is gonna have compassion for you or your money. It was "FUCK YOU, I'M GETTIN' MINE!" since May 20, 2013, with John Hammes aka BitJohn cheerleading a month prior to Cryptsy goin' live, with John's brother-in-law, John "cup my" Ballenger, working with Mullick building and maintaining the exchange. It is incredible that all these things came to light now: 1. Cryptsy is not the first company that Paul Vernon shutdown. 2. The divorce, and the ex-wife reporting him as a thief because of fleeing with company's capital to China. 3. Paul Vernon having a second family in China (this fact explains many things). What I don't really understand is: why Paul Vernon did this to their community of users. It is avarice but it is not a crime that it is going to be forgotten easily. Lots of hackers and Crypto Supporters lost money there or feel empathy for the losers of this processes and are going to harass him forever and wherever he goes. It is not like stealing a candy from a kid you know. If I were him and his team I would be scared. Do the words "Paul doesn't give a shit!" mean anything to you? This was planned long before Cryptsy came online. That's how Paul thinks. And that's exactly how Jim Shockney, Ginny Shockney, John MacPherson and John Hammes thinks. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. This is the world of today.
February 05, 2016, 09:31:45 AM |
Horus n Terrik both in Poloinex troll box atm....
yes that was me just got banned polo starting to look suspect. you see how he claims he doesnt work for them anymore . and apparently he his doing investigations i told him to come here / what exactly his he doin in polo box ? yup i saw that. terrik has been spending lots o time on polo over the last week r so. yea his likes need to be exposed anywhere they are. i dont care about the chat ban when its up i see him again i call him out again. anywhere i see them. HOERUS WERE IS YOUR INVESTIGATION REPORT YOU SCUMBAG Maybe Horus will fight cyber-crime on Polo. Didn't he say he doesn't trade? Very weird guy to wanna "hang out" in exchange troll boxes.
February 05, 2016, 09:33:54 AM |
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152619382886025&set=a.441395256024.210964.589811024&type=3&theater Traded the bitch in for a newer model. BTW, kickin' his two kids to the curb during the process, ergo anybody who thinks they're ever gonna see their moneys once on Cryptsy again best go see a doctor, for you've got serious issues. No person who doesn't give a fuck about his kids is gonna have compassion for you or your money. It was "FUCK YOU, I'M GETTIN' MINE!" since May 20, 2013, with John Hammes aka BitJohn cheerleading a month prior to Cryptsy goin' live, with John's brother-in-law, John "cup my" Ballenger, working with Mullick building and maintaining the exchange. It is incredible that all these things came to light now: 1. Cryptsy is not the first company that Paul Vernon shutdown. 2. The divorce, and the ex-wife reporting him as a thief because of fleeing with company's capital to China. 3. Paul Vernon having a second family in China (this fact explains many things). What I don't really understand is: why Paul Vernon did this to their community of users. It is avarice but it is not a crime that it is going to be forgotten easily. Lots of hackers and Crypto Supporters lost money there or feel empathy for the losers of this processes and are going to harass him forever and wherever he goes. It is not like stealing a candy from a kid you know. If I were him and his team I would be scared. Do the words "Paul doesn't give a shit!" mean anything to you? This was planned long before Cryptsy came online. That's how Paul thinks. And that's exactly how Jim Shockney, Ginny Shockney, John MacPherson and John Hammes thinks. You are absolutely right.He really does not give a shit.I sent few times all mine findings,with complete analysis of transactions.I even managed to locate "hacker" BTC wallet where BTC from altcoins sold on different exchanges come and got not a single reply or help from them.Absolute silence.So called "hacker" left so many traces on different exchanges,but they are obviously not interesting in finding "hacker" at all.If they were,they could hire a professionals to monitor on stolen coins and alarm exchanges in realtime when this coins start to come on them.They did nothing and that is very strange for someone who lost $13M. This is also first time that thief did not put BTC in mixer after few days and that he took not just BTC but almost every valuable coin on exchange during hack which lasted for hours.Such long exposition made him so vulnerable for detection,that even Tor could not save him from it.Hackers avoid to steal altcoins ,because there are no mixers for them and they could be easily traced when start to move them to exchanges,but not this one.He was so confident and greed that hacked exchange for hours ,picking coin by coin.And no one tries to find him...
February 05, 2016, 09:37:39 AM Last edit: February 05, 2016, 10:04:24 AM by Libertymind |
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152619382886025&set=a.441395256024.210964.589811024&type=3&theater Traded the bitch in for a newer model. BTW, kickin' his two kids to the curb during the process, ergo anybody who thinks they're ever gonna see their moneys once on Cryptsy again best go see a doctor, for you've got serious issues. No person who doesn't give a fuck about his kids is gonna have compassion for you or your money. It was "FUCK YOU, I'M GETTIN' MINE!" since May 20, 2013, with John Hammes aka BitJohn cheerleading a month prior to Cryptsy goin' live, with John's brother-in-law, John "cup my" Ballenger, working with Mullick building and maintaining the exchange. It is incredible that all these things came to light now: 1. Cryptsy is not the first company that Paul Vernon shutdown. 2. The divorce, and the ex-wife reporting him as a thief because of fleeing with company's capital to China. 3. Paul Vernon having a second family in China (this fact explains many things). What I don't really understand is: why Paul Vernon did this to their community of users. It is avarice but it is not a crime that it is going to be forgotten easily. Lots of hackers and Crypto Supporters lost money there or feel empathy for the losers of this processes and are going to harass him forever and wherever he goes. It is not like stealing a candy from a kid you know. If I were him and his team I would be scared. Do the words "Paul doesn't give a shit!" mean anything to you? This was planned long before Cryptsy came online. That's how Paul thinks. And that's exactly how Jim Shockney, Ginny Shockney, John MacPherson and John Hammes thinks. You are absolutely right.He really does not give a shit.I sent few times all mine findings,with complete analysis of transactions.I even managed to locate "hacker" BTC wallet where BTC from altcoins sold on different exchanges come and got not a single reply or help from them.Absolute silence.So called "hacker" left so many traces on different exchanges,but they are obviously not interesting in finding "hacker" at all.If they were,they could hire a professionals to monitor on stolen coins and alarm exchanges in realtime when this coins start to come on them.They did nothing and that is very strange for someone who lost $13M. This is also first time that thief did not put BTC in mixer after few days and that he took not just BTC but almost every valuable coin on exchange during hack which lasted for hours.Such long exposition made him so vulnerable for detection,that even Tor could not save him from it.Hackers avoid to steal altcoins ,because there are no mixers for them and they could be easily traced when start to move them to exchanges,but not this one.He was so confident and greed that hacked exchange for hours ,picking coin by coin.And no one tries to find him... This is some sleazy stuff right there.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
February 05, 2016, 10:38:25 AM |
This is very telling https://www.scribd.com/doc/297988447/Urgent-Motion-for-Injunctive-ReliefOctober 2015. No mention anywhere at all about any hacking or the likes thereof. Someone needs to contact the lawyer and have her query the wife. this is the wife's lawyer http://www.brinkleymorgan.com/profile/yueh-mei-kim-nutterpartner/Did Paul at any time between the end of July 2014 (so called hack) to say end of December 2014 ever show or express odd strange behavior, did he at any time ever mention to her about this hack or the loss of BTC or funds or anything related whatsoever to this event? Did he exhibit the behavior of a man who lost 13 million dollars over night in his business? It would be utterly incredible that a team of husband and wife of 16 years would not discuss this "event" at the time it took place. Inconceivable in fact. 1. Has anyone replicated the malcode that was planted at that time, and determined that it could do what is being claimed? Not guessing and not from reading it. Installing it on functional servers under similar conditions to see if indeed access to wallets could be compromised, and more importantly compromised without any major red flags being raised. 2.To the blockchain blood hounds, can you see any distinct difference between the movement of the stolen coins LTC to China and sell off and the BTC to that one wallet that remains there? Time frames, anything at all, or were they precisely simultaneous? Ideas: a) : Vernon discovers the back door and theft and movement of only the LTC to the Chinese exchanges for self. Seizes the opportunity and moves the BTC to his retirement account while investigating it all. Is there anything in the movement that can suggest two different transaction / operations of the movement of all these coins? b) the whole thing is just that a setup by him and his Chinese girl friend, she or brother make believe to be this new developer, insert some functionally looking malcode (which addresses the above), he installs it, it really does nothing, gives the keys to the cousin or her, to help themselves to whatever coins they want, provided they send the BTC to his retirement address which he intends to collect when the dust settles, whether it is years from now which he will split with her as they run off into the sun set. c) Opportunity self created or not, to siphon off all that BTC with or without this new girlfriend period. Trick is: 1. did he ever mention the loss of 13 million dollars to the wife ever? 2. is there any significant difference(s) between the movement of coins out and the movement of BTC to that address where they remain. Someone contact the lawyer invite her to this thread to bolster her case if she has the time to sift through everything for the many available nuggets, while asking her to check if the wife ever got wind of the loss of that monstrous sum of money.
February 05, 2016, 11:16:12 AM Last edit: February 05, 2016, 01:38:11 PM by splat44 |
Wow! What shaky is that guy! I certainly hope He'll gets what he deserve!
In my accusation isn't withdrawals but on their verification process!
Those who were verified will know what was being asked: 1) government issued ID such a passport 2) A picture of me holding above ID plus a paper having user name and date 3) copy of bill showing address.
I was shock to find out they couldn't even find some accuracy between pictures. Strange part is if US custom were able finding accuracy while crossing border, why wouldn't crytpsy?
I even contact plaintiff's attorney to explain my case and hopefully he can use this against that company! I never got involved in any lawsuit and I don't expect doing so but we never know!
February 05, 2016, 12:26:31 PM |
To withdraw from 780k MZC Cryptsy, I had to do 106 operations and other operazions +,- , 100 empty. Now I only see MZC. Fuck vern,Cryptsy and the whole team!!!
Activity: 23
Merit: 0
February 05, 2016, 12:45:29 PM |
Vern & gang probably planning similar heist with chinese bite9 exchange - whats the chances right? They probably thought if it worked at Cryptsy then do that on a bigger scale over in China were there are loads more crypto users.
Any Mandarin / Cantonese writers in here? if so should post summary of this thread to warn the Chinese - about this feg loser
Horus - you lying piece of crap - hope your take was worth the grief that will come your way for years
Amazing work Gleb / Thunderjet you guys should be hired by Natalies lawyers as experts
February 05, 2016, 01:02:58 PM |
This is very telling https://www.scribd.com/doc/297988447/Urgent-Motion-for-Injunctive-ReliefOctober 2015. No mention anywhere at all about any hacking or the likes thereof. Someone needs to contact the lawyer and have her query the wife. this is the wife's lawyer http://www.brinkleymorgan.com/profile/yueh-mei-kim-nutterpartner/Did Paul at any time between the end of July 2014 (so called hack) to say end of December 2014 ever show or express odd strange behavior, did he at any time ever mention to her about this hack or the loss of BTC or funds or anything related whatsoever to this event? Did he exhibit the behavior of a man who lost 13 million dollars over night in his business? It would be utterly incredible that a team of husband and wife of 16 years would not discuss this "event" at the time it took place. Inconceivable in fact. 1. Has anyone replicated the malcode that was planted at that time, and determined that it could do what is being claimed? Not guessing and not from reading it. Installing it on functional servers under similar conditions to see if indeed access to wallets could be compromised, and more importantly compromised without any major red flags being raised. 2.To the blockchain blood hounds, can you see any distinct difference between the movement of the stolen coins LTC to China and sell off and the BTC to that one wallet that remains there? Time frames, anything at all, or were they precisely simultaneous? Ideas: a) : Vernon discovers the back door and theft and movement of only the LTC to the Chinese exchanges for self. Seizes the opportunity and moves the BTC to his retirement account while investigating it all. Is there anything in the movement that can suggest two different transaction / operations of the movement of all these coins? b) the whole thing is just that a setup by him and his Chinese girl friend, she or brother make believe to be this new developer, insert some functionally looking malcode (which addresses the above), he installs it, it really does nothing, gives the keys to the cousin or her, to help themselves to whatever coins they want, provided they send the BTC to his retirement address which he intends to collect when the dust settles, whether it is years from now which he will split with her as they run off into the sun set. c) Opportunity self created or not, to siphon off all that BTC with or without this new girlfriend period. Trick is: 1. did he ever mention the loss of 13 million dollars to the wife ever? 2. is there any significant difference(s) between the movement of coins out and the movement of BTC to that address where they remain. Someone contact the lawyer invite her to this thread to bolster her case if she has the time to sift through everything for the many available nuggets, while asking her to check if the wife ever got wind of the loss of that monstrous sum of money. You are asking excellent questions. Did Paul express strange behaviour after hack? Yes,8 months after hack, 25.Mar.2015 he bought new big house worth 1.37 millions dollars - that is really odd for someone who lost 13 millions. I found BTC wallet that hacker using to store BTC from selling stolen altcoins on different exchanges - https://www.walletexplorer.com/wallet/1356a64174770337 (details about it you can see in one of previous posts - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1173703.msg13678567#msg13678567 ) Last batch of BTC from selling altcoins came to this account in September. Nobody did anything to track and stop selling altcoins on exchanges,which would not be hard task ,because there are no altcoins mixers to make this task harder.Moving and selling so many altcoins is easily visible and in this case selling process last from October 2014-September 2015 - 1 year.Batch after batch of altcoins came to Bittrex,Huobi,BTC38,BTC-e and they just looking. Finally,theft on Cryptsy was revealed after all stolen altcoins were sold,so now nobody can stop it.
February 05, 2016, 01:41:38 PM |
I tried to open wallet PopularCoin, but my Norton blocked as "Trojan.Gen.2", what do you think?
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1035
February 05, 2016, 04:27:55 PM |
Where i can find last official statement/information someone who stays behind Cryptsy? I mean something more fresh than last BigVern tweet from January 21. Thanks.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
February 05, 2016, 04:49:11 PM |
Horus n Terrik both in Poloinex troll box atm....
yes that was me just got banned polo starting to look suspect. you see how he claims he doesnt work for them anymore . and apparently he his doing investigations i told him to come here / what exactly his he doin in polo box ? yup i saw that. terrik has been spending lots o time on polo over the last week r so. yea his likes need to be exposed anywhere they are. i dont care about the chat ban when its up i see him again i call him out again. anywhere i see them. HOERUS WERE IS YOUR INVESTIGATION REPORT YOU SCUMBAG Maybe Horus will fight cyber-crime on Polo. Didn't he say he doesn't trade? Very weird guy to wanna "hang out" in exchange troll boxes. John MacPherson (Horus) doesn't trade, hence hangin' out in exchange troll boxes. Paul Vernon (BigVern) doesn't own BiteBi9, hence all evidence proves otherwise. John Hammes (BitJohn) has never been to Florida except once a long time ago, hence filming hangouts in Cryptsy's office.
Gleb Gamow
In memoriam
Activity: 1428
Merit: 1145
February 05, 2016, 04:54:23 PM |
Do the words "Paul doesn't give a shit!" mean anything to you? This was planned long before Cryptsy came online. That's how Paul thinks. And that's exactly how Jim Shockney, Ginny Shockney, John MacPherson and John Hammes thinks.
You are absolutely right.He really does not give a shit.I sent few times all mine findings,with complete analysis of transactions.I even managed to locate "hacker" BTC wallet where BTC from altcoins sold on different exchanges come and got not a single reply or help from them.Absolute silence.So called "hacker" left so many traces on different exchanges,but they are obviously not interesting in finding "hacker" at all.If they were,they could hire a professionals to monitor on stolen coins and alarm exchanges in realtime when this coins start to come on them.They did nothing and that is very strange for someone who lost $13M. This is also first time that thief did not put BTC in mixer after few days and that he took not just BTC but almost every valuable coin on exchange during hack which lasted for hours.Such long exposition made him so vulnerable for detection,that even Tor could not save him from it.Hackers avoid to steal altcoins ,because there are no mixers for them and they could be easily traced when start to move them to exchanges,but not this one.He was so confident and greed that hacked exchange for hours ,picking coin by coin.And no one tries to find him... <part of quote snipped> Paul Vernon has the mindset of a terrorist: DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT! Those that he recruited had the exact same mindset, carrying such over to this very day.
February 05, 2016, 05:10:34 PM |
it should also be mentioned that the support staff at cryptsy said that only big vern could access the wallets, and he could not do so while in china. So... Either they lied (again... still) or they had access the whole time. I can honestly say that career prospects for the support staff at cryptsy must be abysmal. Any exchange that hires them runs the risk of everyone leaving as they are suspected to be involved in this, and at the very least lied to everyone...
February 05, 2016, 05:16:30 PM |
it should also be mentioned that the support staff at cryptsy said that only big vern could access the wallets, and he could not do so while in china. So... Either they lied (again... still) or they had access the whole time. I can honestly say that career prospects for the support staff at cryptsy must be abysmal. Any exchange that hires them runs the risk of everyone leaving as they are suspected to be involved in this, and at the very least lied to everyone...
They have more then 13M $ they don't need a job  Oh I bet Vern has 13M...but I don't believe the crew got more than a polite note and a fuck you. The fact that they lied and help that huge dildo doesn't mean he didn't fuck them over too.. They just lack the resources to flee the jurisdiction of the feds EDIT> You dont see the rest of them on here trying to defend themselves because there is no way they can. They cannot possibly have not known anything about it. I don't think anyone here believes that for a second
February 05, 2016, 06:50:20 PM |
it should also be mentioned that the support staff at cryptsy said that only big vern could access the wallets, and he could not do so while in china. So... Either they lied (again... still) or they had access the whole time. I can honestly say that career prospects for the support staff at cryptsy must be abysmal. Any exchange that hires them runs the risk of everyone leaving as they are suspected to be involved in this, and at the very least lied to everyone...
They have more then 13M $ they don't need a job  Oh I bet Vern has 13M...but I don't believe the crew got more than a polite note and a fuck you. The fact that they lied and help that huge dildo doesn't mean he didn't fuck them over too.. They just lack the resources to flee the jurisdiction of the feds With the knowledge that the exchange is out of funds you trade differently and people in possision of the wallets will put them in maintenance whenever the price moves into a different direction then expected. He bought a house for 1.3M last year guess where the money is coming from And even if they don't flee you can hide millions on a usb stick and until the people from the fed show up nothing will happen. i guess it will be christmas 2016 so enough time to hide the usb stick  I will be happy to tell them where they can put it... assuming they don't keep it there for fun anyway... 
Activity: 1092
Merit: 1001
February 05, 2016, 07:18:31 PM |
Breaking News i know where the USB stick is lol  wait its not in far enough you crapsy point butt heads i cant retrive them can i

Activity: 77
Merit: 10
February 05, 2016, 08:53:04 PM |
Oh my god!. The Cryptsy bullshit is now elephant shit. They are acting like a criminal organization. Must be no mercy with them.
Activity: 3962
Merit: 9209
February 05, 2016, 09:04:36 PM |
You removed the article because Horus e-mailed and asked you to?  Top notch journalism.