Thanks for the credits i paid the price for it too.
It meant anywhere in crypto they were hovering over the ban button because of my "reputation"
I know this because the guys at Poloniex admitted it word for word then banned me again.
Simply for disputing "Microsoft is USING Ethereum"
And by that retarded logic if i get a DigitalOcean server rented and use it to host a pool for LTC
..then i guess Litecoin is being "used" by DigitalOcean right ?
And i don't mean that was mentioned once or twice.. all of crypto was spamming that from end to end.
See Polonibox.com logs for a crap load of proof (Search Ethereum + IBM or Microsoft)
BCX has been loud when Cryptsy has looked scammy before too as others who stuck their neck out long ago.
I will give credits to even HippieTech who still has a hard-on for me after all these years LOL
He too was early on the Cryptsy FUD scene..
Gleb took to it like a Penguin to arctic water i seen too.
In other words people who were critical and dared question them and dug deeper were convinced something shady and fishy was / is going on far before Paul Vernon admitted it and their own staff started to look into it.
You can literally hang-out in the crypto scene and scam till you are blue in the face and cry FUD for bucks $$$
It works so they do it !
@Gleb Gamow
Your work as we all know is entertaining and impressive so we are all just watching to see what you post.
We all got our popcorn

But as soon as you say "Where this forum is hosted" i bet 75% of these guys are going to go silent LOL
I don't think you are saying anything bad about anyone.. just putting it out there and saying hmmm what is going on ?
I have no issues with digging for info ever if it's linked or perceived as sketchy.. it's fair !
So i think i am following your links found and it is very much interesting.
More of a coincidence though right ?
..at least at first.As in it's coincidental that Cryptsy had a lot of IXC and it shows up on a "Black" exchange.
(never heard of that term before the previous page either)
So what i wonder is was there lots of IXC on other exchanges too ?
If Vlad is still watching this maybe he can chime in and answer about it's distribution.
(Receivers mention IXC?) is it in Vern's list of stolen coins ?
If we don't hold their feet to the fire they will pull shit eventually that is my experience in life.
Don't give these crypto bastards an inch !
Which would apply to myself too.. i have long said i probably would consider running off with the money too if it was sooo much and that easy to get away with and you all let me.
So.. don't let 'em guys !
People have to be held accountable when they are sitting on OUR money.
When Cryptsy got secretive and mouthy about what they were doing with customer funds..
i often yelled at them loudly fuck you it's OUR money NOT YOURS !
..that paid for the Mansion, SUV & Ring (and god knows what else)
And i was thinking since guy mentioned the suit that hey, maybe he had earned plenty back in late 2013/early 2014 with Cryptsy ?
But even so if he had a pile of his own money to spend it still does not absolve Vern of losing 12+ million roughly on Cryptsy then spending his other potentially separate money.. when he should have been paying his bills.
Sorry i know it's another long winded speel guys

I have thought many times i wonder if his exit-strategy was to setup a Chinese exchange..
then pretend Cryptsy USA was hacked then use those stolen funds to fuel his lifestyle and the new business venture.
We accidentally caught him in the act as guys posted info on bitebe9.com here.
Which i bet REALLY fucking pissed him off big time

Paul Vernon is very smart man.
I think he was seeing the same trends in Crypto i was at the same exact time and agreeing with me.
Which is why he chose to do what he did precisely WHEN he did it.
I started saying in 2013 if we fuck this up it will be a massive downtrend and more & more guys will simply rip people off out there door as they leave and as we look around that is what seems to have been happening since late 2013.
I said before when i was a kid i had to move and i had borrowed my buddy's Walkman music player..
He asked me for it on moving day and i lied to him and said i had no idea where it was.
Same thing Cryptsy did and countless others like the escrow kid thief Master-P
The same story keeps playing out in crypto over & over..
And it would be harder if we kept their feet to the fire !
So we need the Vlad's out there to not be so trusting LOL
It's a bummer we don't get along better..
I really see the same type of investigative skills we all love that Gleb has with you too.
It's just that i think Gleb is a little less likely to jump to a conviction on his findings..
And Gleb will and does admit if his findings are simply wrong or possibly wrong.
Where as i don't see that with you HippieTech.
I am giving you credit.. i think you too also have some good skills investigating etc.