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Author Topic: CRYPTSY stopping withdraw locking accounts without notifying users! Class Action  (Read 1007202 times)
Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 01:00:04 AM

Yep, @Spoetnik & Penguin got game!

"Spoetnik, Spoetnik, Spoetnik!"
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October 28, 2016, 01:18:26 AM


It's been how long, and this douche is still running free, enjoying what he stole from us?

What's being done about this - anything?  If not, this just means it's fair game to do it again and again....

everyone that was smart enough to join the lawsuit gets their money back =]

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October 28, 2016, 01:25:08 AM


It's been how long, and this douche is still running free, enjoying what he stole from us?

What's being done about this - anything?  If not, this just means it's fair game to do it again and again....

everyone that was smart enough to join the lawsuit gets their money back =]

Yeah...but is the lawsuit actually happening?  I thought Vern went into can the lawsuit continue if he's in hiding in China, living like a king?
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October 28, 2016, 01:46:47 AM

So whats this about Vern and that cocksucker Nettles reaching a settlement?

"The settlement includes a diamond ring valued for over $104,000, the residential property, all funds recovered from the sale of cryptocurrency, all funds received from the sale of personal property, all funds received from the sale of an Infiniti QX60 with an appraised used value of approximately $28,000, and any other assets obtained by the receiver or lead counsel.

It leaves Nettles a small amount of assets to provide basic living necessities for herself and her children."

So that's it? She gets to walk away from all this with a clean slate? How is this woman not in prison? Those kids should be in foster care right now.

Moving to Puerto Rico...
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October 28, 2016, 01:57:30 AM

So that's it? She gets to walk away from all this with a clean slate? How is this woman not in prison?

She knows where the bodies are buried.  Now she'll stay quiet.
Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 02:14:01 AM

Back to about where mass amounts of IXC coins have been traded.

Francisco Dias owns FranTech, the outfit which this forum uses to host this site somewhere in Romania. Dias' being a fan of Bitcoin back in 2011, where the only place available to talk shop back then was here, begs the question, what user name is he under? Surely theymos knows, again, given this forum is hosted via FranTech.

Somehow, I believe, Francisco Dias, Richard Kwan <-- ethought --> Lucas Tulloch, and Lawrence Steve Linzey Jr. are all connected pertaining to
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October 28, 2016, 03:03:18 AM
Last edit: October 28, 2016, 03:13:37 AM by Spoetnik

Thanks for the credits i paid the price for it too.
It meant anywhere in crypto they were hovering over the ban button because of my "reputation"
I know this because the guys at Poloniex admitted it word for word then banned me again.
Simply for disputing "Microsoft is USING Ethereum"
And by that retarded logic if i get a DigitalOcean server rented and use it to host a pool for LTC
..then i guess Litecoin is being "used" by DigitalOcean right ?
And i don't mean that was mentioned once or twice.. all of crypto was spamming that from end to end.
See logs for a crap load of proof (Search Ethereum + IBM or Microsoft)

BCX has been loud when Cryptsy has looked scammy before too as others who stuck their neck out long ago.
I will give credits to even HippieTech who still has a hard-on for me after all these years LOL
He too was early on the Cryptsy FUD scene..
Gleb took to it like a Penguin to arctic water i seen too.
In other words people who were critical and dared question them and dug deeper were convinced something shady and fishy was / is going on far before Paul Vernon admitted it and their own staff started to look into it.

You can literally hang-out in the crypto scene and scam till you are blue in the face and cry FUD for bucks $$$
It works so they do it !

@Gleb Gamow
Your work as we all know is entertaining and impressive so we are all just watching to see what you post.
We all got our popcorn Wink
But as soon as you say "Where this forum is hosted" i bet 75% of these guys are going to go silent LOL
I don't think you are saying anything bad about anyone.. just putting it out there and saying hmmm what is going on ?
I have no issues with digging for info ever if it's linked or perceived as sketchy.. it's fair !

So i think i am following your links found and it is very much interesting.
More of a coincidence though right ? least at first.
As in it's coincidental that Cryptsy had a lot of IXC and it shows up on a "Black" exchange.
(never heard of that term before the previous page either)
So what i wonder is was there lots of IXC on other exchanges too ?
If Vlad is still watching this maybe he can chime in and answer about it's distribution.
(Receivers mention IXC?) is it in Vern's list of stolen coins ?

If we don't hold their feet to the fire they will pull shit eventually that is my experience in life.
Don't give these crypto bastards an inch !
Which would apply to myself too.. i have long said i probably would consider running off with the money too if it was sooo much and that easy to get away with and you all let me.
So.. don't let 'em guys !

People have to be held accountable when they are sitting on OUR money.
When Cryptsy got secretive and mouthy about what they were doing with customer funds..
i often yelled at them loudly fuck you it's OUR money NOT YOURS !
..that paid for the Mansion, SUV & Ring (and god knows what else)
And i was thinking since guy mentioned the suit that hey, maybe he had earned plenty back in late 2013/early 2014 with Cryptsy ?
But even so if he had a pile of his own money to spend it still does not absolve Vern of losing 12+ million roughly on Cryptsy then spending his other potentially separate money.. when he should have been paying his bills.

Sorry i know it's another long winded speel guys Wink
I have thought many times i wonder if his exit-strategy was to setup a Chinese exchange..
then pretend Cryptsy USA was hacked then use those stolen funds to fuel his lifestyle and the new business venture.
We accidentally caught him in the act as guys posted info on here.
Which i bet REALLY fucking pissed him off big time  Cheesy

Paul Vernon is very smart man.
I think he was seeing the same trends in Crypto i was at the same exact time and agreeing with me.
Which is why he chose to do what he did precisely WHEN he did it.
I started saying in 2013 if we fuck this up it will be a massive downtrend and more & more guys will simply rip people off out there door as they leave and as we look around that is what seems to have been happening since late 2013.

I said before when i was a kid i had to move and i had borrowed my buddy's Walkman music player..
He asked me for it on moving day and i lied to him and said i had no idea where it was.
Same thing Cryptsy did and countless others like the escrow kid thief Master-P
The same story keeps playing out in crypto over & over..
And it would be harder if we kept their feet to the fire !

So we need the Vlad's out there to not be so trusting LOL


It's a bummer we don't get along better..
I really see the same type of investigative skills we all love that Gleb has with you too.
It's just that i think Gleb is a little less likely to jump to a conviction on his findings..
And Gleb will and does admit if his findings are simply wrong or possibly wrong.
Where as i don't see that with you HippieTech.
I am giving you credit.. i think you too also have some good skills investigating etc.

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October 28, 2016, 04:11:25 AM

Cryptsy cold wallets getting dumped on Bittrex:

We have more than serious suspect that the Cryptsy wallet has been transferred to Bittrex:

We warned Bittrex and they put the wallet in maintenance while investigating.

It is confirmed that the account we got stopped at bittrex was allowed after security check to continue trading. We have tracked transaction to this account to the cold wallet at cryptsy. Bittrex says that the wallet was not stolen property so all we can gather from that is it was being sold on be hand of solvency agents (still a guess, bittrex claims client confidentiality).
Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 04:37:23 AM

Cryptsy cold wallets getting dumped on Bittrex:

We have more than serious suspect that the Cryptsy wallet has been transferred to Bittrex:

We warned Bittrex and they put the wallet in maintenance while investigating.

It is confirmed that the account we got stopped at bittrex was allowed after security check to continue trading. We have tracked transaction to this account to the cold wallet at cryptsy. Bittrex says that the wallet was not stolen property so all we can gather from that is it was being sold on be hand of solvency agents (still a guess, bittrex claims client confidentiality).

For a second there I thought you were speaking of these:

Please enlighten me as to what you're in reference to, bud.
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October 28, 2016, 05:24:16 AM

For a second there I thought you were speaking of these:

Please enlighten me as to what you're in reference to, bud.

Altcoin cold wallets, not Bitcoin. Should've clarified that, sorry.
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October 28, 2016, 06:32:24 AM


It's been how long, and this douche is still running free, enjoying what he stole from us?

What's being done about this - anything?  If not, this just means it's fair game to do it again and again....

everyone that was smart enough to join the lawsuit gets their money back =]

Yeah...but is the lawsuit actually happening?  I thought Vern went into can the lawsuit continue if he's in hiding in China, living like a king?

lawsuit includes all cryptsy users that can prove their account, like my tax return yeah

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October 28, 2016, 06:49:54 AM

This is BS I tried to join the lawsuit many times and did NOT get a reply from them, I even sent them a VIDEO I took of my account and they ignored me. Are you people telling me now the lawyers wanttake my money?

EDIT: I tried to contact

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October 28, 2016, 06:52:07 AM

This is BS I tried to join the lawsuit many times and did NOT get a reply from them, I even sent them a VIDEO I took of my account and they ignored me. Are you people telling me now the lawyers wanttake my money?

that is what i have heard, i still have not got a response either regarding my claim, but will try again

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October 28, 2016, 02:36:06 PM

This is BS I tried to join the lawsuit many times and did NOT get a reply from them, I even sent them a VIDEO I took of my account and they ignored me. Are you people telling me now the lawyers wanttake my money?

that is what i have heard, i still have not got a response either regarding my claim, but will try again

ive been getting emails from the lawyer the entire process, over months now..

the last one i got was two days ago, saying that everyone in the lawsuit will be getting paid back, and theyre selling off the house, ring, and suv, as well as all the coins the ex-employees helped recover.

im getting my full amount lost back =]

_///// [XVG] ★★★★★WE ARE ON  THE VERGE ★★★★★ [SCRYPT] /////_
Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 03:10:37 PM

This is BS I tried to join the lawsuit many times and did NOT get a reply from them, I even sent them a VIDEO I took of my account and they ignored me. Are you people telling me now the lawyers wanttake my money?

that is what i have heard, i still have not got a response either regarding my claim, but will try again

ive been getting emails from the lawyer the entire process, over months now..

the last one i got was two days ago, saying that everyone in the lawsuit will be getting paid back, and theyre selling off the house, ring, and suv, as well as all the coins the ex-employees helped recover.

im getting my full amount lost back =]

I can't see how that's even remotely possible whether you're due $3.14 or $10K. Are you telling us that sans touching the bitcoin "hack" account, there's enough moneys to pay everybody everything they're owed from the sale of a house, car, ring, etc. after the lawyers take their cut? If true, it'll be the first time in history a class action suit has satisfied all the claimants INCLUDING THE LAWYERS and other nominal fees.

Pardon me while I review your post history to read what other shit you've said:

I have used (suspended trading now) - took less than 4 hours for coins to arrive in my wallet - great took less than 2 hours to arrive in my wallet

MtGox - after approval wire transferred money took 7 days too slow

I use the following exchanges

BTC-e has so far been the favorite

I use Mtgox for withdrawls into AUD as they are the only ones who I have found you can setup an Australian bank with (have not tested withdrawl yet as love my bitcoins)

So basically
Buy bitcoins from spendbitcoins and send to your online wallet at the exchange of your choice.
Setup approved banking with mtgox so you have option for withdrawl into your Australian bank account.
Send coins to mtgox when you want to withdraw if you use a separate exchange.

hope this helps for all you aussies.

Well, that didn't take too long. I found the above post of yours shortly after a post penned by you ordering BFL miners during the timeframe when users were espousing to stay away.

If I'm off-base, please enlighten us on how a non-US-citizen is able to join the class action suit against Cryptsy here in the US like you have. We're sure your reply will be just as entertaining.
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October 28, 2016, 04:32:39 PM

I'd love to hear his explanation how a guy from Australia is in on the class-action lawsuit.

If he is telling the truth then copy and past the part of the message from the lawyer where it says that.
You don't need to reveal any private info just give us what you already posted 20 times but in it's original form.

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October 28, 2016, 06:03:51 PM

So If I am not in the US or a US citizen I can't get my money back?

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Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 06:48:22 PM

So If I am not in the US or a US citizen I can't get my money back?

Even if you're a US citizen, the chances are slim that you'll receive a single-digit percentage of what Paul Vernon stole from you, with same true for Cryptsy's other former clients in the US or abroad. For what it's worth, rest assured that BitJohn, Hourus, and Mullick got their moneys out prior to Paul saying 再见,感谢所有的鱼,吸盘!
Gleb Gamow
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October 28, 2016, 07:34:59 PM

SummaryIP Address	Root Domain	Hosting Provider FranTech Solutions
Hosting Provider's DetailTitle Statistics
Country United States
City Cheyenne
ISP FranTech Solutions
Organization Voxility S.R.L.

Dates	Expires on 2017-01-09	  
IP Address is hosted on a dedicated server  
IP Location Germany - Hessen - Frankfurt Am Main - Globalcity Telecom S.r.l.
ASN Germany AS3223 VOXILITY , RO

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October 28, 2016, 11:02:21 PM

So theymos stole the Cryptsy coins ?  Shocked

About the lawsuit..
I worked at a kitchen many years ago where the owner walked in and said close the doors.. forever.
I never got my final paycheck or any severance pay etc.

I had to go to a collection meeting of sorts.
I was told by Canadian financial law that the creditors will always have first dibs on any collected money.
Money collected because the Sheriff's had seized the various Kitchen equipment etc and was auctioning it off.
In the end i wound up getting a very small fraction of what i was owed and the banks were paid in full etc.

So i am thinking it would work the same in the USA.

And he did not own the property he had Cryptsy at either as far as i heard so he may owe rent etc on that and the bank etc.
We don't know how much debt "Project Investors" had / has.

Just because they were auctioning off equipment from the restaurant did not mean the small amount of employees were going to all get their money back.
In reality ALL of us only got a small percentage of what we were owed !

Oh and i think it's just common sense to assume that people would need to reside in the same country where the lawsuit was started... i think ! Just guessing Wink
If not you would have to go to the trouble of making special preparations and we have heard none of that happening.

Can you tell us about the distribution of IXC coins ? Major business related holders..

I am going to ramp up the heat around here boys & girls.. buckle up  Cool  Cheesy

FUD first & ask questions later™
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