@HippieTechYou were here refreshing the topic and last commented 5 minutes after i posted.
What's the matter cat got your tongue ?
It's funny on page 1 of your comment history i see you copy & pasting to Gleb Gamow
badgering him asking questions etc if he was in the army.
Then proclaiming "
Silence is.." ?
Then here
YOU are.. being a little chicken shit hypocrite
HIDINGI am stunned to fuck & back the shit you have been pulling for ages.
How the hell are you not banned for Super Trolling & Stalking the living shit out of Crestington ?
People look at this lunatics post history just on page 1 alone..He has targeted myself, Gleb Gamow and Crestington then sprinkled in a few comments
on some random conspiracy topics.. Illuminati and all that psycho shit.
Fuck look at his SIG here LOL
..then round & round he goes page after page targeting the same people personally.
Dude, buddy, your a god damn fucking lunatic !
And the shit you have been posting on Cresty's topics is beyond trolling.
I don't know how your not banned
And on just that 1 page i seen another random guy we don't know..
saying you are mentally ill !
i have seen it said to you before too.
You a bloody lunatic and you need to get it through deranged head.
HippieTech come out of hiding and look at your post history and think carefully about your behavior.
That is when you are done badgering other people of hiding
I looked at your last comments and i see the same exact pattern of wacktard lunacy.2 guys were *suspected* of being in the Philippines so they are of course in cahoots.
making coins together.. you said to Gleb Gamow.
He did not say anything back, probably because he thinks your full of shit.. so now you
added Gleb to the conspiracy and figure he's in on it..
because he did not agree with you !THEN because it's the Philippines you Google searched Military bases and found some over there
so now because they EXIST ..now that is ALSO proof those two Philippines guys are US soldiers
stationed in the Philippines and are in cahoots making coins together..
THEN.. since the word Army came up (
because you mentioned it)
You then now proclaim you have proof of Army ties to Cryptsy (
because Cryptsy had an alleged Military employee)
THEN..Once or twice you seen me leave a comment being nice to Cresty
such as long ago when he (
with out asking) made me a graphic with a penguin on it.
On my "Should Spoetnik Make a coin Poll" from 2 years back.. which was a survey to see what you'd all say.
And rather than being an asshole i thanked him.
THEN the worst thing imaginable happened you found out (probably before i did)
That Crestington was in the same town as me in Canada.. there for..
We are of course in cahoots making coins together.See a pattern yet ?
You are bloody bonkers out of your mind bat shit insane buddy.
NO joke i am dead serious..
Do it before your psychotic delusions end up putting you on a tower with a rifle !
You are wacko lunatic ticking time bomb.
Lets just set this Bitcointalk crap aside for a minute..
Look at what you have been doing here & all over Crypto NON STOP.. for YEARS.
Go and read your post history.. tell me what you see ?
Is the world out to get you ?
Are Cryptsy Illuminati CIA Terrorist Coin Cloners hiding in your closet ?This tragedy waiting to happen will be in the news one of these days.
Unstable wacko that needs to be put on a Terrorist watch list i think ASAP !
I suggest the staff here keep an eye on this fucker big time !
We should not have to put up with your harassment here all the time either.
So if you can't check yourself in ..then Fuck Off.
I can't speak for the others, but fuck off &
leave me alone.
I see you have been pounding this topic while i am not around targeting me non stop.
..then other guys..
round & round forever.I never did 911 and i never made or had anything at all to do with making any coins ever.
How many bloody times do i have to tell you ?
Being nice to someone here once or twice like Cresty or Horus
does not mean i am a part of a massive
Illuminati coin cloning cabal
that is secretly ruling the world via the now defunct Cryptsy with BigVern & associates.Reality check wacktard.. they can't stand me and have given me a 1 year ban last.
..as i have said 100+ times here.
My best buddy Horus also muttered shit with Jshock on two occasions after this topic
threatening to SUE Gleb Gamow & i.
SO for the love of god buddy get a god damn grip with your retarded out of control lunacy !
This exact shit i mentioned above has been dragging on with you for 3 years (minus Gleb Gamow)
And i am tired off it.. GET HELP !