Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
February 03, 2020, 05:07:28 AM Last edit: February 03, 2020, 05:19:34 AM by bitserve |
https://twitter.com/CNN/status/1224151782223491073"Doctors in Thailand say they have successfully treated two Wuhan coronavirus patients with a combination of drugs used in HIV and flu treatments, the country's Health Ministry has announced." Surprise, surprise...... Wutang Aids-Flu responds to...... combining Aids and Flu medicines. Its almost as if someone in a lab added Aids to another virus. The sample size is ridiculous (1? 2?). Maybe it wasn't the drugs but the inmune system what combated the virus. Or maybe it was the flu specific medicines. Or maybe both were just generic anti-viral drugs. Useless data without further more detailed evidence. Even if it was just an immune response this is good news bc its the first time I found any doctors proclaiming a patient no longer had the virus in their system and we have documented cases of a patient "recovering" from symptoms, but still having the virus in their blood, Magic Johnson style. Wait till the anti-vaxers find out their kids gotta take aids medicine and get HIV vaccines, lol. Or maybe they have finally found a HIV's vaccine CURE ... even if a bit aggressive in its action. Really, we don't have enough reliable data to even reasonably speculate about it.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
February 03, 2020, 05:23:03 AM |
Or maybe it was before your time.
Ouch!!! That's funny. Yer both relative n00bs, going by your reg date here in BTCT. That's a zinger, jbreher, even if, based on your registration date, it seems that you should know a whole hell of a lot more about the importance of bitcoin's serving as difficult to change, and one of the guilty aspects of Coinbase involved their trying to bully various aspects of bitcoin, and seemingly forgetting (at least for a while) who brought her to the dance. What's doubly funny, JJG, is that you presume to know more than do I. You, the admitted technical ignoramus. Whatevs. Wallow in yer sandbox, junior. You are the one who seems to be getting all pretentious and defensive about this whole matter, no? You want to measure intelligence dicks... what is the point? I am largely responding to your seemingly pretentious tone and you seemingly getting into BIG blocker bullshit, and then spreading your nonsense on this thread. I suppose I don't really need to repeat what I already said, because I already said it. I could give less than two ratt's asses if you happen to know some things that I do not know... technical aspects of bitcoin versus other coins and those various attack vectors that you have been cheerleading for on a regular basis for about the past nearly 5 years or whatever. So, i doubt that my point is really regarding whether you might know some things that I don't know, and you seem to be the one who is coming out with a kind of insecure and defensive and thereafter devolving into offensive response. So whatever, I would just be repeating myself if I am again going to assert that you are a seemingly dumb fuck for ongoingly staying involved in those various bcash and BIG blocker shitcoins and feeling that it is necessary to defend those attack vectors, misleading projects, scams, in this thread.. As you likely realize Bitcoin is way more than just technicalities, and seems that I already said what I was going to say already, so no need to really repeat... at this point, except that the topic of your involvement and underlying ongoing digs at bitcoin need to be responded to from time to time, and fuck off if you are trying to suggest that it is some kind of intellegence dick measuring contest.. because it is not.. I never said that you were not smart, even if I suggest you are a dumb fuck for getting involved in scam, deceptions, attack vectors. blah blah blah. Anyhow, some of your seeming ongoing bitterness ...
What is this bitterness of which you speak? You are but comedic relief to the background radiation one must accommodate in modern life. I thought that I said whatever I thought was an accurate description already, and sure getting involved in bullshit BIG blocker projects on an ongoing basis and continuing to suggest that those crap projects are the real bitcoin, seems to rise to the level of bitterness to me... Maybe you are not demonstrating such bitterness all of the time, and surely you seem to engage in gloating when your crap projects are pumping. ... but in the end it is a BIG ASS so what in terms of the topic of this thread, even though I don't mind pointing such seemingly bitterness out from time to time... like I already did.... It's not comic to me, so if you believe that the little BIG blocker misinformation that you continue to get involved with is comic, then that just seems to be symptom of rollercoastering emotions that you likely feel when you continue to be involved with spreading inconsistent contradictory bcasher bullshit, and yeah, maybe bitterness is not the right exact word, because your disposition does not seem to be consistent in terms to how you continue to be involved in spreading a lot of bcasher, BIG blocker, bitcoin naysaying shitcoin pumpening nonsense.
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
February 03, 2020, 05:55:06 AM Last edit: February 03, 2020, 06:08:20 AM by Gyrsur |
new AYH confirmed at $9615 (Bitstamp). 
Activity: 2307
Merit: 3735
Flippin' burgers since 1163.
February 03, 2020, 05:56:26 AM |
Everyone watching the superbowl and here I am watching the Chinese stock market open and CNY/USD plunging..
Me watching a bottle of rosé, the sea and my precious brother and sister, who cares about markets....  After 2 years of being together all three of us... yeah it gets to me.... Good for you Mic, do enjoy. Time (with our loved ones) is the most valuable thing we have. It is scarce no matter how much money you have. Since I started working I quickly got obsessed with trying to reach financial independence, compared to my student life it felt like a prison. Money would buy me time and freedom, not jeeps. Side effect was that money all of the sudden started to play an important part in my life, I constantly worry not having enough. Never had this as a student while I barely had any savings. Nowadays I kind of like my work (Stockholm syndrome I am sure) and afford myself some modest luxuries, but still prefer spending it on others who ‘need’ it instead of myself. I hope I can let it all go one day and enjoy true freedom: not having to consider money in my decision making, just whether I think it is worth my time.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1799
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
February 03, 2020, 06:09:50 AM |
- China’s death toll rises to 304 with more than 14,550 confirmed cases.
So how is that tracking with that spreadsheet that was being passed around last week? I seem to recall we should be in thousands of deaths by Feb 2nd. Just thinking. Posting spreadsheets everyday might be annoying to some people here. A quick summary is better, to much things happening. Do not trust China's official numbers or statements, casualties are higher than they say. Daily is fine with me, this thing moves too quickly for a weekly report. What concerns me most however is the number of non Asian deaths, since it affect Asians and non Asians differently. As far as I know, all deaths so far has been Asian. I would also like to know if recovered cases are virus free or just symptom free, can't find any good info on that.
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1799
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
February 03, 2020, 06:14:05 AM |
It's palindrome day today, the first in 999 years.
The next will be on 12/12/2121 and then not again until 03/03/3030.
Go forth and celebrate. I would but I threw another Windows 7 party yesterday to celebrate the end of updates. It was kerrrazy.
Here's a palindrome on palindrome day "ni talar bra latin" ("you speak good latin" in Swedish).
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
February 03, 2020, 06:32:12 AM |
^ [img ]https://media.giphy.com/media/smvO0U7z3ZE2Y/giphy.gif[/img] Jeep, I've always had one at home, you can do anything with them.  Self levelling active air suspension my man. The wheels should go up and down but the cabin should remain stable. That guy in the backseat isn’t going to have a spine left.  This is better.
Activity: 2147
Merit: 1662
We choose to go to the moon
February 03, 2020, 06:49:02 AM |
Activity: 2310
Merit: 1799
Cлaвa Укpaїнi!
February 03, 2020, 08:13:14 AM |
Trump has overturned US ban on landmines. Fuckstick.
Probably gonna be needed to keep the infected off of govt property.  Hmmm... wouldn't those have the opposite effect? They'd be all over gov't property if they got too close. The ones that I'm familiar with just injure your leg when you step on them, like breaking your femur and pushing it up your pelvis.
Activity: 2133
Merit: 1292
Never selling
February 03, 2020, 08:24:02 AM |
^  Jeep, I've always had one at home, you can do anything with them.  Self levelling active air suspension my man. The wheels should go up and down but the cabin should remain stable. That guy in the backseat isn’t going to have a spine left. Yeah it was so bad they used to get something called Jeep riders' disease back in the war.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
February 03, 2020, 09:10:56 AM |
Sr. Member
Activity: 505
Merit: 270
Don't Trust, Verify
February 03, 2020, 09:26:48 AM |
Encryption Ban in United States Threats Telegram, Whatsapp, Signal and Threema
Companies like Apple, Google and Telegram could soon face anti-encryption demands from the government. Democrats and Republicans within the Senate support the new draft bill. They call it the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act. Thanks to the act, the law enforcement agencies will read communications of people thanks to the presumable encryption ban. In such a case, anyone outside the NSA will see what you send via messengers with ‘build-in end-to-end encryption https://www.coinspeaker.com/encryption-ban-whatsapp-telegram/
Activity: 3528
Merit: 2598
February 03, 2020, 09:56:06 AM Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
Encryption Ban in United States Threats Telegram, Whatsapp, Signal and Threema
Companies like Apple, Google and Telegram could soon face anti-encryption demands from the government. Democrats and Republicans within the Senate support the new draft bill. They call it the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act. Thanks to the act, the law enforcement agencies will read communications of people thanks to the presumable encryption ban. In such a case, anyone outside the NSA will see what you send via messengers with ‘build-in end-to-end encryption https://www.coinspeaker.com/encryption-ban-whatsapp-telegram/Not if you use PGP. Follow this tutorial and you can create your own encrypted messages... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yM4ciPUy-cIf you send your encrypted messages via whatsapp, all they'll get to see will be unrecognizable letters.
Sr. Member
Activity: 505
Merit: 270
Don't Trust, Verify
February 03, 2020, 10:12:54 AM Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
Encryption Ban in United States Threats Telegram, Whatsapp, Signal and Threema
Companies like Apple, Google and Telegram could soon face anti-encryption demands from the government. Democrats and Republicans within the Senate support the new draft bill. They call it the Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect of Interactive Technologies (EARN IT) Act. Thanks to the act, the law enforcement agencies will read communications of people thanks to the presumable encryption ban. In such a case, anyone outside the NSA will see what you send via messengers with ‘build-in end-to-end encryption https://www.coinspeaker.com/encryption-ban-whatsapp-telegram/Not if you use PGP. Follow this tutorial and you can create your own encrypted messages... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yM4ciPUy-cIf you send your encrypted messages via whatsapp, all they'll get to see will be unrecognizable letters. This is an option, thanks.
Sr. Member
Activity: 505
Merit: 270
Don't Trust, Verify
February 03, 2020, 10:54:10 AM |
I read the pages since my last connection, I would send some merits, but I have none left.
No weekend pump.  Nevertheless, I still think we're set for twin dildo style daily candles, taking us to $10k & $11k respectively. The later, around the 14th would be on schedule.  TLDR: More up.
Activity: 3262
Merit: 8887
February 03, 2020, 11:23:18 AM |
I read the pages since my last connection, I would send some merits, but I have none left.
Make good/notable/interesting contributions to the forum and the merits will follow. I don't recommend talking about merits to get them.