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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.7%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (6.8%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.3%)
$95K to $100K - 29 (19.9%)
>$100K - 85 (58.2%)
Total Voters: 146

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26733816 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Welt Am Draht

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February 07, 2020, 10:51:45 PM
Merited by bitserve (1)

Or maybe you meant that you would be directly spending it all?

While it is always good to have some good chunk of cash on hand I will have to store most of it in banks, like it or not. That's how life is nowadays.

No, I meant it'll go into other areas of investment. It will land in the bank and then go somewhere else where it won't be eaten alive by inflation.
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Merit: 120

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February 07, 2020, 10:52:17 PM

All those trolls are in my ignore list to this day, with kwukduck at the top. Back then I used to think these people were getting paid to troll. And now at this point I'm somewhat convinced these russian/chinese troll farms that are used to sway social media got their start in the Bitcoin community. Sort of a proving ground that sowing discord can have real world effects.

"Ok newbie welcome to trollcorp, now go cut your teeth on those new fangled Bitcoiners and all their joy and exuberance".

Its actually a credit to all of you who kept this thread going and active that you have turned it into what it is today, where the negative troll effect is effectively zero.

Well howdy old timer. Lurk much?

Yep lurking is my jam,  and replying to comments way too late because I'm not paying attention is my game. This thread moves too fast for my old timey bones.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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February 07, 2020, 10:56:40 PM

[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins.
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Activity: 3080
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lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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February 07, 2020, 11:02:29 PM

You sound salty. Poor thing.

Your moral compass sounds way off. Broken.
Poor(er) thing.

You know nothing of my morals.

OTOH, Excoriating someone merely because they have a conflicting opinion of the relative value of the details of otherwise similar technical implementations seems to be rather broken morality to me. But whatevs. You do you.
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Activity: 2604
Merit: 1748

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February 07, 2020, 11:04:09 PM

OK, when Oort Cloud?

We have been beavering away in the asteroid belt lo these last 3 years getting our base together.  There have been setbacks, the unplanned depressurization of the Ganymede installation was especially painful for all of us.  Indeed, at times it seemed as if all was lost.  But now, as we near completion of our first interstellar probe, our spirits are buoyed by the possibilities beyond.

Indeed brother. I know, I too believe.  We shall go forth and reach new horizons, never see before. We shall prevail.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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February 07, 2020, 11:10:37 PM
Last edit: February 07, 2020, 11:34:01 PM by JayJuanGee

I have been thinking about it for a while...

I am going to dump a lot from my stash when this thing goes to moon next time because I want to experience some stuff that only the rich can but I think I'll also do it because, I just want more bitcoins and stay the fuck away from the legacy banking as much as possible.

Getting rich FIAT-wise is cool and that's what most people want but the next bitcoin moon shot will also provide you an opportunity to increase your coins at least x2 and possibly x4-5. (Assuming that it will go down %80 from the ATH again)

I think I'll dump some just to buy back later and If I won't be able to, I won't be really sorry. The only thing that can fuck me in the ass in this scenario is, if FIAT becomes completely worthless like Zimbabwe dollars.

The more important question still remains regarding when you know that bitcoin has mooned, and you are not really going to know until after the fact.

Seems to me that you are inclined towards attempting to get rich too quick, and are likely NOT going to play this very well if you are inclined towards selling most of your stash and attempting to time the market without holding on to some BTC...

But may you will get lucky?  Perhaps?  Perhaps?

I have been thinking about it for a while...

I am going to dump a lot from my stash when this thing goes to moon next time because I want to experience some stuff that only the rich can but I think I'll also do it because, I just want more bitcoins and stay the fuck away from the legacy banking as much as possible.

I want a sizeable chunk out and it's going to stay out. Somewhere around half will do. That's not for the sake of riches, there may not be all that much, more for stability and the ability to focus on other things without having to pay so much attention. I want to be interested, not compelled.

These cycles are just too boring now. It's not stressful or disappointing but I'm sick of being tied to the same old waves of hysteria followed by years of dullness. The idea of doing it all again all in beyond this move upwards, if there is to be one, feels like more than I'm willing to endure.

Very, very little will go into any form of bank.

Same question.

How are you going to know when moon is reached?

I have been thinking about it for a while...

I am going to dump a lot from my stash when this thing goes to moon next time because I want to experience some stuff that only the rich can but I think I'll also do it because, I just want more bitcoins and stay the fuck away from the legacy banking as much as possible.

I want a sizeable chunk out and it's going to stay out. Somewhere around half will do. That's not for the sake of riches, there may not be all that much, more for stability and the ability to focus on other things without having to pay so much attention. I want to be interested, not compelled.

These cycles are just too boring now. It's not stressful or disappointing but I'm sick of being tied to the same old waves of hysteria followed by years of dullness. The idea of doing it all again all in beyond this move upwards, if there is to be one, feels like more than I'm willing to endure.

Very, very little will go into any form of bank.

I share your pain/feeling there.

Somewhere around half looks too much for me though... unless a good chunk of that is for rebuying later. But of course, everyone goals and circumstances are different.

What I don't understand is how to avoid banks here for a sizeable amount of money.

I mean, P2P or even OTC and whatever for the sell, yeah, but then storing heaps of *cash* sounds like a big pain in the ass in many senses.

Also there are lots of limitations on what you can do with that cash... And those limits seem to keep being reduced time after time... And once you go the way of cash you cannot easily convert that cash into banking fiat (which is necessary for any big purchases, like real estate, cars, boats... or even one of those "supercharged" Mac Pro's).

Now THAT reminds me one of the reasons why I didn't sell *anything* in 2017... The logistics and decision making is a big pain in the ass. It is not as easy as just "pull the trigger".

Exactly part of the additional rationales regarding why incrementalism remains a much better practice.  And, even incrementalism has decent chances of accumulating way the fuck more fiat than you wished to have to deal with....

In my humble bumble opinion, it is probably best to pay some taxes with some of that so you do not have to be looking over your shoulders instead of actually enjoying hookers, lambos and blow.
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Activity: 3080
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lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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February 07, 2020, 11:16:37 PM

In my opinion it is this:

It is one thing to find an alternative protocol to Bitcoin interesting, or believe in it as an investment.

I don't agree with this view, but people have the right to make choices, even if they ultimately prove to be wrong.  Live and let live.

However, going so far as refusing to condemn the objectively indefensible, places someone beyond the possibility of respect.  A fellow traveler ceases to be a friend, which is a shame.

Craig Wright's lack of principles and honesty is objectively indefensible.  This has been proven in a court of law.  He has lied under oath; it is not unreasonable to conclude he lives a tissue of lies.

When any man is obviously of sound mind and intelligent, but still disregards the obvious and will not condemn this plainly malignant, transparent liar, one can only conclude he is either; as corrupt as the man he defends, too egotistical, or too weak and foolish to look in the mirror and admit that he might be wrong.

And again, you conflate my support of BSV with support of CSW. Just no.

Dashjr has stated it is legitimate to kill all non-xtians. Does that taint all of BTC? No. For the person and the coin are two different things.

Do you think TRX and Justin Sun are two different things? Do you think TRX is not tainted by Justin?

If you believe that, then I have some TRX to sell you.  

There are plenty of reasons to completely ignore TRX. So I do.

Irrelevant false equivalence is irrelevant.

“I don’t like your question because I can’t answer it truthfully without revealing my corruption so I am going to pretend that I am above answering it”.

Have you considered running for office?

Don’t be a pussy.  Answer the question. Yes or No.

I answered the question. TRX is irrelevant to me. I can't be bothered to spend the time to look into it. Perhaps you have infinite amounts of free time on your hands. I do not.

Don’t pretend ignorance of Justin Sun and TRX - it’s completely transparent  You always run away from hard questions.

Stop being a pussy and answer the question.   Can Justin Sun be separated from TRX.  Yes or No.  

Go fuck yourself. I have no idea, and I can't be arsed to look into it.

But maybe we can figure it out together. What control does Justin Sun have over TRX? For example, can he censor transactions?
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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February 07, 2020, 11:39:34 PM

Oh dear I seem to have lost all my bitcoin in an #unfortunateincident with a bear. Better start #stackingsats again.

Sorry for you loss V8.

That looks like it would have been a very scary situation.    Cry Cry
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Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282

Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist

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February 07, 2020, 11:40:44 PM
Last edit: February 07, 2020, 11:52:51 PM by HairyMaclairy

In my opinion it is this:

It is one thing to find an alternative protocol to Bitcoin interesting, or believe in it as an investment.

I don't agree with this view, but people have the right to make choices, even if they ultimately prove to be wrong.  Live and let live.

However, going so far as refusing to condemn the objectively indefensible, places someone beyond the possibility of respect.  A fellow traveler ceases to be a friend, which is a shame.

Craig Wright's lack of principles and honesty is objectively indefensible.  This has been proven in a court of law.  He has lied under oath; it is not unreasonable to conclude he lives a tissue of lies.

When any man is obviously of sound mind and intelligent, but still disregards the obvious and will not condemn this plainly malignant, transparent liar, one can only conclude he is either; as corrupt as the man he defends, too egotistical, or too weak and foolish to look in the mirror and admit that he might be wrong.

And again, you conflate my support of BSV with support of CSW. Just no.

Dashjr has stated it is legitimate to kill all non-xtians. Does that taint all of BTC? No. For the person and the coin are two different things.

Do you think TRX and Justin Sun are two different things? Do you think TRX is not tainted by Justin?

If you believe that, then I have some TRX to sell you.  

There are plenty of reasons to completely ignore TRX. So I do.

Irrelevant false equivalence is irrelevant.

“I don’t like your question because I can’t answer it truthfully without revealing my corruption so I am going to pretend that I am above answering it”.

Have you considered running for office?

Don’t be a pussy.  Answer the question. Yes or No.

I answered the question. TRX is irrelevant to me. I can't be bothered to spend the time to look into it. Perhaps you have infinite amounts of free time on your hands. I do not.

Don’t pretend ignorance of Justin Sun and TRX - it’s completely transparent  You always run away from hard questions.

Stop being a pussy and answer the question.   Can Justin Sun be separated from TRX.  Yes or No.  

Go fuck yourself. I have no idea, and I can't be arsed to look into it.

But maybe we can figure it out together. What control does Justin Sun have over TRX? For example, can he censor transactions?

Yes.  Justin Sun can censor transactions the same way Calvin Ayre can

Stop deflecting and running away from the question.  Answer the question.  Yes or No.  
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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February 07, 2020, 11:48:21 PM

Gone sideways too long. When moon?

Q3 or Q4 2021 my friend. Annoyingly still some time away.
What's the moon for you? Interesting ...
What are your expectations?

For me?

Moon = Anything above $60,000 I suppose.

I expect a minimum of $40,000 - $50,000 in the next big bull run.

I think we’ll hit $100,000 per coin in late 2021 to early 2022.

"Moon" is the top of the next 4 year fractal.. yet it is too difficult to determine the number at this time, but yeah the more likely range is $50k to $250k... but there are surely chances to NOT fall within the range towards either the downside or the upside.

Falling outside of the range would not necessarily break the stock to flow model or the 4 year fractal model.... Probably going down from here or staying flat might either break or put into question those models... would have to see how such down or flat scenarios were to play out before actually concluding that either model is broken rather than merely manipulated and likely to bounce back into a kind of price prediction conformity.
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Activity: 3990
Merit: 11738

Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"

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February 07, 2020, 11:53:07 PM
Merited by OutOfMemory (1)


10K Tuesday or Wednesday

Yep, around Feb 12th, if this channel holds up:

Jupiter9?  Is that you?

Nope. If i were him, i'd be like:
Beware! "2020/02/20"...important date, the prophet of blah had his first ejaculation on a 20th feb. too, the prove is, it's written in the stars of the electric universe.

Or similar...

Try harder Wink

EDIT: Good night at $9.794 #thisissomehint


Just because I am dickening with you about Jupiter9 numerology does not mean that I am unaware.... Only bargain boyz are that out of touch with reality...

El duderino_
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Activity: 2786
Merit: 13812

BTC + Crossfit, living life.

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February 08, 2020, 12:03:02 AM

Belgian floor is bringing lots of differences so appears....
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Activity: 3920
Merit: 5596

Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!

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February 08, 2020, 12:23:42 AM

In my opinion it is this:

It is one thing to find an alternative protocol to Bitcoin interesting, or believe in it as an investment.

I don't agree with this view, but people have the right to make choices, even if they ultimately prove to be wrong.  Live and let live.

However, going so far as refusing to condemn the objectively indefensible, places someone beyond the possibility of respect.  A fellow traveler ceases to be a friend, which is a shame.

Craig Wright's lack of principles and honesty is objectively indefensible.  This has been proven in a court of law.  He has lied under oath; it is not unreasonable to conclude he lives a tissue of lies.

When any man is obviously of sound mind and intelligent, but still disregards the obvious and will not condemn this plainly malignant, transparent liar, one can only conclude he is either; as corrupt as the man he defends, too egotistical, or too weak and foolish to look in the mirror and admit that he might be wrong.

And again, you conflate my support of BSV with support of CSW. Just no.

Dashjr has stated it is legitimate to kill all non-xtians. Does that taint all of BTC? No. For the person and the coin are two different things.

Jesus (pun intended), Luke does not claim to be the creator of Bitcoin.  Apples and oranges.

Plus where does Dashjr actually say this?  He says some pretty heavy religious things... but I want to see this for myself.
Lambie Slayer
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Merit: 707

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February 08, 2020, 01:26:55 AM

[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  
Yes, Im still embarrassed and bitter so I may never get over being wrong about the Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500 getting reached. If my high blood pressure wasnt affecting my brain I would have listened to Slayer and bought more coins here and divested out of my stupid investments.

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history. Everyone has seen the truth of what Slayer says. He caught me in lies multiple times and had the quotes to prove it. If I could prove he was wrong, trust me, Im so bitter I would.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins. My IQ is low and its hard for me to distinguish between idiots who dont believe in Bitcoin and Slayer who embarrasses me for telling me to woman up and get more heavily invested like he is

There there GayJaunGee, hopefully most people just skim through your boring high blood pressure induced wall rants and actually invest large amounts of their net worth in Bitcoin like I always recommend.

If people didnt take you for a fool you might harm a lot of newbs with your retard advice like recommending to invest 1 percent into Bitcoin. Keep rubbing your Salty Cunt and maybe some testicles will grow out one day. Wink

Newbs out there, GayJG is a pussy, dont listen to his silly advice about buying a little bit of Bitcoin. Buy all the Bitcoin you can afford to HODL. Smiley
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February 08, 2020, 01:30:25 AM

I just ran the calculations on my Bitmain S9i at 12TH and 1,000 watts. (one only, never to ROI) BTC Miner on

So it will TAKE 14 years and 2 months for me to make ONE Bitcoin on this puppy!

What boggles my mind is AFTER Halving (currently May 12th, 2020)

The same S9i (assuming difficulty the in very unlikely, but still) it will take 28 years to make ONE BITCOIN!

As a result, I bought some BTC, just now, so prepare for a dump in BTC price! (This is how I roll!) Smiley

But a different way to have the halving hit you in the face in an obvious way!


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Activity: 1464
Merit: 1136

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February 08, 2020, 01:30:27 AM
Merited by Lambie Slayer (2)

[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins.
I remember Lambie correctly and repetitively calling the bottom at 3.1k Dec. 2018 and again @6K in Dec. 2019  (so far successfully).
Anyone listening to his advice made out really well, myself included.
Ironically, I remember you had denied the notions of the beginning of bear market in early January 2017 until we were at 6K for a sustained period. Not that I'd ever blame anyone other than myself, You were one of the voices I gave weight to during that time of which you were wholly wrong.  
From my perspective, you are neither correct nor have a foot to stand on in your accusations towards Lambie. Roll Eyes
No disrespect intended JJG, I think you're just triggered by the personal pokes of lately.
Stick to your ladder droning shtick.
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Activity: 4032
Merit: 4737

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February 08, 2020, 01:40:13 AM

Why can't we just enjoy the bull market, which can take many different paths.
As long as I am doubling my fiat equivalent each year, I am more than happy (delighted).
I hope that we don't have to surge, then collapse EVERY freaking time (so far thrice we went down more than 80% in the complete four year cycle).
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February 08, 2020, 01:42:31 AM
Merited by smartcomet (1)

Why can't we just enjoy the bull market, which can take many different paths.
As long as I am doubling my fiat equivalent each year, I am more than happy (delighted).
I hope that we don't have to surge, then collapse EVERY freaking time.

Hell, it is ALL a Bull Market to me!

Compared to when I turned on my KNC Jupiter Miner on 0ctober 18th, 2013 and 'when sometime' that day when I looked, One Bitcoin was $150.00 USD!

And I was making about ONE Bitcoin a Day! I miss them days, damn it was fun! If I only knew then what I do now about this! As an aside, HODL!

Looking at Bitcoin 'long-term' it is 'nothing but a large bull run', IMHO. Wink All a matter of your 'Timeline' Smiley

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Activity: 3444
Merit: 4865

diamond-handed zealot

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February 08, 2020, 01:46:15 AM

another data point, this from an unrelated board I'm on

Message from Ebay seller in China to me, they can't ship my RF MOSFET for a repair I'm doing due to the Corona Virus. But I should be safe when they do -

    Hello friend,
    Thanks for patient.
    if we could went to out work until Feb 19th,Which means we are safe then,
    and we will disinfect our hands and our parts with alcohol,
    also,our government tell us ,the virus could not live with our people or animal,
    so we think the virus could not live in the parts we ship to you,
    especially for such long time delivery,
    hoping you could undertanding,thanks

Lambie Slayer
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February 08, 2020, 01:56:58 AM
Merited by Icygreen (1)

[edited out]

Yeah, I know it sucks JJG, aka GayJuanGee, to be completely bested with accurate observations and have your text walls and tedious quoting tactics rendered useless.

But dont worry, once you learn to be more respectful and less antagonistic to others the embarrassment will fade.  


You are a fucking retard.. both you and your revisionist history fantasylandias.  

Hopefully, no innocent persons were damaged by your nonsense by either selling BTC or waiting to buy BTC when they should have been buying, when your stupid-ass predictions did not even come close to coming true.. except your lame-ass attention-whore seeking attempts to revise history.

I was about 90% until we hit 6000.  then I was'nt sure about this rally at all so sold for now.  

Im probably gonna wait till sub 2k.   I mean not that it's worth 2k, but the charts are the charts.   See you at the bottom of phase C, when you will be telling everyone to sell Cheesy

I'll predict the future. Bitcoin won't be $10,000 ever again.

Special guests have already been invited. Cool

Should add dumb-ass lambie-bambie to the list of retards who have a posting history of attempting to talk innocent peeps out of their coins.
I remember Lambie correctly and repetitively calling the bottom at 3.1k Dec. 2018 and again @6K in Dec. 2019  (so far successfully).
Anyone listening to his advice made out really well, myself included.
Ironically, I remember you had denied the notions of the beginning of bear market in early January 2017 until we were at 6K for a sustained period. Not that I'd ever blame anyone other than myself, You were one of the voices I gave weight to during that time of which you were wholly wrong.  
From my perspective, you are neither correct nor have a foot to stand on in your accusations towards Lambie. Roll Eyes
No disrespect intended JJG, I think you're just triggered by the personal pokes of lately.
Stick to your ladder droning shtick.

Thank you Mr. Icy, very well said.  Smiley

If anyone, chat bots included, wants to know exactly what I think atm about Bitcoin price direction...

Im as always Uberbullish and firmly believe in the path to 1 million dollars per coin and beyond.
Im no longer short term Bearish as the Coronavirus and approaching halving have destroyed any more chances to reach or go below the minimum Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500.

Its all Bullish all the time for the next few years for me.

The Baby Bull was born in December of '18, as it got a bit older it ran with a shady group of friends and experimented with some hard drugs. This caused the mini bubble of 2019 to climax at 14k.

Our young bull child layed off the hard drugs of crack and hopium and we fell to the Bargain Boyz Buy Zone of 6500.

Rehab for the young bull was hard and he was in danger of falling to lower prices, but tensions with Iran and the Coronavirus made the world fall in love with our young Bull again and he was cured of his Mini Bear Market hopium withdrawal symptoms.

Soon our young Bull will head off to Halvening University where he will meet girls, get layed, and take us to All Time Highs before winter.

via Imgflip Meme Generator

The future is bright Gents, the Bargains of the past will soon be distant memories.

Invest everything you can afford to lose.

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