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Question: Price Target for Nov. 30, 2024:
<$75K - 4 (2.8%)
$75K to $80K - 1 (0.7%)
$80K to $85K - 2 (1.4%)
$85K to $90K - 10 (7%)
$90K to $95K - 15 (10.6%)
$95K to $100K - 28 (19.7%)
>$100K - 82 (57.7%)
Total Voters: 142

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Author Topic: Wall Observer BTC/USD - Bitcoin price movement tracking & discussion  (Read 26729434 times)
This is a self-moderated topic. If you do not want to be moderated by the person who started this topic, create a new topic. (174 posts by 1 users with 9 merit deleted.)
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Activity: 3416
Merit: 1912

The Concierge of Crypto

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February 06, 2020, 04:23:42 PM

For all we know, maybe Buffett would "secretly" buy a whole bunch of TRX and BTC ... and then somehow get it's value going up. At this point, he doesn't need to care so much anymore and can probably pump the price just by looking at it or something.

Is it a good move or not, we don't know.

As for Coinbase, I'd try to do a regular withdrawal of the BTC every day to my own wallet. I don't think I'm using them for awhile though.
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Activity: 1806
Merit: 1164

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February 06, 2020, 04:29:47 PM

This is what I would do if I were Tim Draper (who's already sitting on 40,000 BTC

  • I would buy all the bitcoin
  • I would declare a boating, hacking, kebab accident
  • I would send all the money to a mixing service
  • In your face g-men! Bitcoin fixes that!

Mixers don't work. Chain analysis companies have been able to track bitcoin through mixers for some time now.
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Activity: 3150
Merit: 1640

Join the world-leading crypto sportsbook NOW!

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February 06, 2020, 04:32:46 PM

So finally, the dinner with Warren Buffet is over and looks like Justin Sun had gifted him a Bitcoin and some of his Trash. I bet he knew that Buffet wouldn't accept his Trash without the Rat Poison.
With this happening on January 26th werent the corona travel bans in place then?
Justin Sun must of had something better than a fast track pass so to bump through the lines to get out of there to make it to the meeting on time. Wink

This is what I would do if I were Tim Draper (who's already sitting on 40,000 BTC

  • I would buy all the bitcoin
  • I would declare a boating, hacking, kebab accident
  • I would send all the money to a mixing service
  • In your face g-men! Bitcoin fixes that!

Mixers don't work. Chain analysis companies have been able to track bitcoin through mixers for some time now.

So mixers are generally useless now with skynet-level analysis going live on the blockchain?
No wonder we have seen several of them going bust in the past few months. Roll Eyes
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Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852

diamond-handed zealot

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February 06, 2020, 04:53:44 PM

Mixers don't work. Chain analysis companies have been able to track bitcoin through mixers for some time now.

So mixers are generally useless now with skynet-level analysis going live on the blockchain?
No wonder we have seen several of them going bust in the past few months. Roll Eyes

It is worse than that.  Mixers never did work.  The blockchain is permanent and all past transactions are subject to all future analysis.
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Activity: 2744
Merit: 1288

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February 06, 2020, 05:05:29 PM

Marshals Auction is second best cleaning service Bitcoins can have. Best is to mine them or buy virgin Bitcoins.   Why would anyone risk mixing coins that were before in a hands of a government with the coins of someone who was paid for a hitjob?
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Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053

Free spirit

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February 06, 2020, 05:13:37 PM

I don’t know, near 100K I think no one of us talks about the price anymore, more where to visit etc or how to life carefully etc

What mistakes not to make etc

Are you certain?

I will be moving around in one these pulled by 15-20 drag queens.

I am likely to be seeking employment at that time
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Activity: 2702
Merit: 2053

Free spirit

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February 06, 2020, 05:15:31 PM

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Activity: 2772
Merit: 4024

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February 06, 2020, 05:18:01 PM

LN can and will help with fungibility. One aspect of the Lightning Network that few commenters mention.
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Activity: 4284
Merit: 5206

You're never too old to think young.

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February 06, 2020, 05:20:36 PM
Merited by JayJuanGee (1)

Good morning Bitcoinland.

Another day another ATH $9859.6 (Stamp) and a lovely small correction... currently $9790USD/$13018CAD (Bitcoinaverage).

Love this relatively steady moderate upward trend. Up a step, back a half step, rinse and repeat.

Slow and steady wins the race. Go Bitcoin go.
Online Online

Activity: 2436
Merit: 17512

Fully fledged Merit Cycler - Golden Feather 22-23

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February 06, 2020, 06:00:36 PM

This is what I would do if I were Tim Draper (who's already sitting on 40,000 BTC

  • I would buy all the bitcoin
  • I would declare a boating, hacking, kebab accident
  • I would send all the money to a mixing service
  • In your face g-men! Bitcoin fixes that!

Mixers don't work. Chain analysis companies have been able to track bitcoin through mixers for some time now.

Chain analyisis is baser do very weak heuristics.
They are applying hypotesis based on something that would never hold in a trial.
BAtching/coinjoin are best practices in using bitcoin protocol
I doubt the logic behind those analysis could really hold on a trial.
Read more here:
[PAXOS+COINJOIN]Your privacy is a threat to exchange business?#deletepaxos
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Activity: 1908
Merit: 3214

All good things to those who wait

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February 06, 2020, 06:05:40 PM
Last edit: February 07, 2020, 07:52:28 AM by ivomm
Merited by VB1001 (1)

Wow, my rank has just upgraded - a new hero is born  Wink Thanks mic for the last merits to 500th and for being a true inspiration to all of us!  And thanks all WO brothers for the honor of sharing my sincere thoughts in my posts!  #HODL #StrongHands

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Activity: 2938
Merit: 1951

In order to dump coins one must have coins

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February 06, 2020, 06:18:47 PM

There's no long term plan here, at this point even if he somehow manages to prove that he owns Satoshi's private and gpg keys, i don't see how anyone would want to support a blockchain network with an "owner". BSvers can't be that dumb, or can they
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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February 06, 2020, 06:20:42 PM

congrats ivomm you're a great one
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Activity: 2562
Merit: 1055

Clean Code and Scale

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February 06, 2020, 06:27:32 PM

There's no long term plan here, at this point even if he somehow manages to prove that he owns Satoshi's private and gpg keys, i don't see how anyone would want to support a blockchain network with an "owner". BSvers can't be that dumb, or can they

He likes what Satoshi did

He doesn't like what blockCore did to Satoshi 's BitCoin

He might be Satoshi and keeps the trolls running

So far that's cool

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Activity: 3528
Merit: 2595

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February 06, 2020, 06:31:50 PM

[img width=400]
There's no long term plan here, at this point even if he somehow manages to prove that he owns Satoshi's private and gpg keys, i don't see how anyone would want to support a blockchain network with an "owner". BSvers can't be that dumb, or can they

-Narrator: They are that dumb.

Actually they are scammers and if they manage to make money by successfully scamming other people, I wouldn't exactly call them "dumb". They are scammers without a doubt but you know this place, there is always a dumber one out there. (remember bitconnect) BSV people are targeting those morons and sadly, they'll probably make money from this.
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Activity: 1820
Merit: 3626

Man who stares at charts (and stars, too...)

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February 06, 2020, 06:40:00 PM

LN can and will help with fungibility. One aspect of the Lightning Network that few commenters mention.

I was just about to ask. thanks.
Jr. Member
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Activity: 118
Merit: 2

The end approaches..What are you doing to prepare?

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February 06, 2020, 06:49:34 PM

There's no long term plan here, at this point even if he somehow manages to prove that he owns Satoshi's private and gpg keys, i don't see how anyone would want to support a blockchain network with an "owner". BSvers can't be that dumb, or can they

^kick craig wright in the ballzzz coin Wink reeeee
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Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688

lose: unfind ... loose: untight

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February 06, 2020, 07:02:09 PM
Merited by vapourminer (1)

Well, I bought like 0.22025224 BTC at $9,234.41 per BTC yesterday 2/4/20 at $2,064.21 USD.  Of that, there was the $30.31 USD Coinbase fee in previous amount here.

Jeepers. That's like a 1.5% fee. I might suggest you sign up for Instead of trading against Coinbase the company, you are trading against their other customers, with Coinbase merely serving as the marketplace. Fees there are much, much lower. Max of 0.5%, min of 0.0%.
Last of the V8s
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Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393

Be a bank

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February 06, 2020, 07:13:20 PM
Merited by xhomerx10 (1), JayJuanGee (1), kurious (1)
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Activity: 2772
Merit: 4024

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February 06, 2020, 07:25:45 PM

Signed and sealed: Nakamoto, BTC... is it Dorian?  Tongue
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