but really it seems that there would have been some justifications to accumulate more BTC in the past 7 months or so..? especially since mid-June 2022.. but mums been the word from you.. just vague assertions? Have you been taking lessons from Jojo? Or maybe just you are shy? or the cat's got your tongue? hahahaha
My lil selfie
Buy mounds of corn? Perhaps?
Nowhere to be seen
#haikuYour choice of course, and surely it is likely that some guys and gal will likely get worried about receiving a mindrust treatment when they share too much that is contrary to what many of us consider to be best practices. As you likely realize, I prefer to speak in terms of hypotheticals, yet of course, some of my assertions describe how great life is going and blah blah blah, so maybe a little more complaining might be in order? even for yours truly?
I will say one thing that I did was to add a little bit to my presetting of buying orders because there were a few times that the BTC price went way below expectations, so I had to spread them out. Surely some of that resulted in diluting in whatever value was left (which started to feel like it was not a whole hell of a lot of value to try to redistribute amongst buy orders), and another part was to end up adding more value in a kind of DCA'ing kind of a methodology that largely ended up taking from cashflows starting in about June-ish.. because June-ish was the time that we either went below the 200-week moving average (the theoretical bottom)and then ended up staying below the 200-week moving average for such a long period of time that some money that had not been previously allocated to bitcoin buying ended up getting folded in... and then another aspect may well have been that DCA buys had already gotten executed so there might not really have had been too many easy ways to continue to DCA (because the value that was left for that was diluted too), so what would have otherwise gotten plugged into DCA got plugged into buying on dip ladders that ultimately did not end up getting executed (at least not so far.. but I have them down to $10k-ish currently.. FML... )..
Some people feel better to bet bigger and not save any dry powder for buying on dips, so in that regard, they take the chance of becoming frustrated if they go "all in" or something close to "all in" when our staying in sub $17ks for a couple of months had no real confidence indications that there were high odds that we were at a bottom.
I actually do not feel bad about leaving dollars on the table that could have been invested, because those dollars are insurance and they were mostly dollars that were plugged in that I did not even want to plug in anyhow, so if the BTC price does end up going back up at some point, then I will just become freed up to authorize my lil selfie to spend those dollars that I did not want to plug into authorizing BTC purchases, anyhow.
Stressful times and relief from not getting reckt and surely glad to survive and to still be in the game, without having had been involved in any major rug pulls.. except I am still kind of in a bit of a bailing out someone who was too close to me.. so that is kind of part of some fall out that still ended up affecting me.. even though I did not recommend that the other person engage in such sloppy behaviors.. Maybe Phillip might have been suffering some similar dynamics with his doggie coin oriented partner who had kept refusing to sell doggie coins and then at some point the overly risk taking of the business partner could have fall outs - especially if some sort of a bail-out might need to be supported... another funny thing with me, was that in August/September when I was involved in some bail out discussions, I referred to myself as the SBF of this relationship.. referring to myself as a kind of a benevolent bail out angel.. and that comparison did not last very long.. since by early November, many of SBF's true colors were coming to be known.. and surely my bailout intentions did not have those kinds of malevolences embedded therein...
So, yeah of course, it is possible that we are just having a temporary relief rally - and that's o.k. with me too.. because there seem to be a variety of ways to structure matters without leveraging or engaging in shorting in such ways that there should be profits in either direction.. and probably my most panic period during this whole fiasco (so far) lasted for several days in Mid-June.. when I was like holy shit.. when is the fucking blood bath going to stop? So I did have to remove my BTC buy orders for a few days just to regroup.. .. and even replacing those buy orders had several weeks in which I was adjusting and readjusting and adjusting again to make sure that I was truly comfortable with whatever happens.. which ended up being a consolidation period for a least a few weeks which caused abilities to regroup.. and yeah.. that's what consolidations are supposed to be for.. and why should any of us longer term bitcoiners be needing to engage in such practices to rebalance our finances/psychology? I am not sure, but that's what I did end up doing... and sometimes also it takes a while to reflect upon what had actually happened... and that ended up being a period of time in which there were people (and businesses) getting way more reckt than this here cat... because ultimately I did not get reckt.. I just got nervous.. in such a way that there is a difference.. a distinction and a difference.
Do you guys think 25k is a possibility this month?
Of course, it is possible... you might be really be asking if it is probable.. which is another question.. that might have an answer of sure.. perhaps better than 50/50 odds at the moment.. you want higher odds than that? The cornz are not going to give you much better.. maybe 55%? I don't know, even though you seem to be wanting to ask if the odds are greater than 80%.. which surely is asking too much and nobody knows with that level of certainty...even if they might act like they do.
I was happy to see the pump and Bitcoin reaching 23k just for a short period.
Weren't we all, and we have not really left $23k. even though you seem to be getting all worked up about it.. we are still largely in the zone and largely the price pressure remains mostly UPpity.. as I type this post... even though sure, there is a difference between pushing mid $26ks 24-48 hours ago as compared to our current bouncing in the mid to $22ks.. but really that is not even a 5% price difference.. so you gotta bring in more than a 5% variation when you are trying to suggest that we are no longer close to the top, and we were just at that top of $23,362 less than 48 hours ago.
Then again going down and now facing a strong resistance at 22k.
When you are referring to the price on the way down it is called support.. so yeah, currently there seems to be support in the lower $22ks.. and will it continue to hold, who knows? When you refer to the BTC price going up, then you can use the term "resistance".. so currently (as I type this post) we have some resistance in the mid to lower $23ks, and we have support in the mid-to-lower $22ks.
.... I cant do that irl as I don't know any bitcoiners.
Until this day, you haven't converted a single nocoiner ? Really ??
You have converted some nocoiners to coiners Gachapin? It's not easy. .and do you confirm with them from time to time that they have not bailed ship? I sometimes feel that I have some folks on-board, but they tend to be quite flighty.. so yeah, not an easy ask in these kinds of times.. the conversion of a nocoiner to a coiner... only the durable seem to be left, and there do not seem to be too many of them in the actual real world.. even though sure, they exist, but I tend to be nervous to ask them if they are still buying at these prices.. .. it's like my prior conversation with d_eddie.. they tend to be evasive and vague.
....Your teenage girl quotes belong elsewhere.
Yes they do, and you stated that succinctly and directly
with no toxicity. Kudos.
can't help but to feel indirectly addressed.
I'm definitely guilty of being toxic, especially when I see double and triple posts of the same stuff over and over again, and in absurdly huge formats at that.
Often I think I shouldn't be toxic, but on the other hand I don't see any reason in trying to be nice to peeps that come in here and turn my beloved WO into a trash can.
Not being toxic seems to be overrated... we even have some members in these parts who name their avatars as "toxic"....

I could have
went gone to my grave never seeing this again.
FTFY - Grammar check