August 03, 2017, 03:41:39 AM |
AHOY! My withdrawal also went through.
August 03, 2017, 05:36:48 AM |
Recently poloniex services had a lot of problem with users, it's not a problem as long as this exchange not scam
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1029
August 03, 2017, 05:44:39 AM |
:POL is back to normal again..
Still down for me - I assume that there is a traffic related issue and they are struggling to cope with BCC

Activity: 120
Merit: 10
August 03, 2017, 06:54:56 AM |
finally all my asset withdrawal succes from polo to bittrex...  im done with polo 
August 03, 2017, 08:25:57 AM |
Still down for me - I assume that there is a traffic related issue and they are struggling to cope with BCC
Wait. Are you really believe that we have chance to get some BCC at polo accounts?!? If it happens I will think about to stay, otherwise I'll quit.
Activity: 1762
Merit: 1011
August 03, 2017, 08:51:20 AM |
finally all my asset withdrawal succes from polo to bittrex...  im done with polo  I was going to say, I wish I'd gone with Bittrex now. I see that it actually has a higher XCP price and higher volume at the moment. 
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
August 03, 2017, 09:15:47 AM |
This is one of polo's BTC wallets: https://blockchain.info/address/12cgpFdJViXbwHbhrA3TuW1EGnL25Zqc3PThis is one of polo's ETH wallets: https://etherscan.io/address/0x32be343b94f860124dc4fee278fdcbd38c102d88No, these guys are not insolvent. They're being shamefully unprofessional in following up with their recent announcements about the BTC hardfork and BCC/BCH sidechain tokens that are rightfully the customers' who hold BTC on the exchange; as well as utterly disgraceful in handling their support requests. I, for one, am not worried. A little digging and the dox for the CEO/Founder of Poloniex are on this forum. And anyone that's been in the crypto game for long enough has seen the same as I have; scammers getting eviscerated and devoured by this community. Lol I think that everyone that works for Poloniex knows it is in their best interest to get their shit together and start telling us what's going on, STAT. that BTC address is now empty.. lets hope they're just moving funds for safety before moving BCH to separate wallets..  edit: looks like this is probably the case since they appear to be sending withdraws from an address that received coins from the above BTC address the ETH wallet has been inactive for 7 hours. edit: they just started moving funds again maybe they're not insolvent, but something is up.. lot of red flags: - support tickets unanswered for months - withdrawals 'pending approval', not processing - lots of wallets have gone down recently when there was nothing wrong with the wallet in question - TOS changed 8/1 Changing the TOS just before an exit scam doesn't make much sense don't you think ?
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
August 03, 2017, 10:05:34 AM |
About BCC, the logical thing for Poloniex to do would be to credit accounts according to the BTC balance on August 1st 12:20PM.
Personally I only had about 0.5BTC not on order so if they screw us it's not too bad.
I'm still withdrawing my funds 0.73BTC at a time, lending rates are crazy low right now anyway, I think I will wait for a month or two before coming back. And for my Tier2 verification to be approved.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
August 03, 2017, 10:19:54 AM |
About BCC, the logical thing for Poloniex to do would be to credit accounts according to the BTC balance on August 1st 12:20PM.
According to section 18 of their updated TOS : "18. OWNERSHIP OF TOKENS You hereby certify to us that any Tokens used by you in connection with the Platform are either owned by you or that you are validly authorized to carry out transactions using such Tokens, and that all transactions initiated with your Account are for your own Account and not on behalf of any other person or entity." So yeah they should credit BTC holders on their exchange for their rightfully owned BCC, even if they do not offer it as a trading pair.
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1023
August 03, 2017, 10:44:22 AM |
I am pretty sure they will credit people's Bitcoin Cash. The question is mainly - "When?".
The answer probably has to do with waiting for the BCH blockchain to start moving at 6 blocks per hour. They did make a statement saying they will credit it if the chain is secure.
August 03, 2017, 11:42:25 AM |
Personally I think Poloniex can't credit those BCH, simply because they have liquidity problems and had to turn to "fractional banking", explaining the large amount of complaints of people missing funds, slow withdrawals, claiming that certain coins have "wallet problems" while other exchanges don't seem to have problems with LTC, Lisk, etc.
And Poloniex? They keep shut about it, not a word, trollbox closed.
I would not leave one penny on Poloniex right now.
Remember Cryptsy? MtGox? BitMarket? CoinEX? BTC-E? McxNOW? Mintpal? SwissCEX? Need to say more?
Be warned, you will lose it all.
Great times ahead for Decentralized Exchanges though.
Activity: 27
Merit: 0
August 03, 2017, 12:41:09 PM |
When I want to withdraw from Poloniex, I always get a complete: error - and the money has gone!
Sent a support ticket.
Does anybody have the same problems?
Activity: 2688
Merit: 1005
fly or die
August 03, 2017, 12:48:20 PM Last edit: August 04, 2017, 01:44:16 AM by aesma |
Personally I think Poloniex can't credit those BCH, simply because they have liquidity problems and had to turn to "fractional banking", explaining the large amount of complaints of people missing funds, slow withdrawals, claiming that certain coins have "wallet problems" while other exchanges don't seem to have problems with LTC, Lisk, etc.
And Poloniex? They keep shut about it, not a word, trollbox closed.
I would not leave one penny on Poloniex right now.
Remember Cryptsy? MtGox? BitMarket? CoinEX? BTC-E? McxNOW? Mintpal? SwissCEX? Need to say more?
Be warned, you will lose it all.
Great times ahead for Decentralized Exchanges though.
BCC/BCH is linked to BTC. Other altcoins don't matter. Most people complain about altcoin withdrawals. Nothing to do with BCC. Some people have problems withdrawing BTC, but many others don't, so your theory doesn't seem legit.
August 03, 2017, 01:35:09 PM |
When I want to withdraw from Poloniex, I always get a complete: error - and the money has gone!
Sent a support ticket.
Does anybody have the same problems?
I did my first withdrawal of many synereo amps today and i also received this message. I have also opend support ticket. And i am very upset and serious about this issue because my invesment was very precious 
August 03, 2017, 01:41:44 PM |
Personally I think Poloniex can't credit those BCH, simply because they have liquidity problems and had to turn to "fractional banking", explaining the large amount of complaints of people missing funds, slow withdrawals, claiming that certain coins have "wallet problems" while other exchanges don't seem to have problems with LTC, Lisk, etc.
And Poloniex? They keep shut about it, not a word, trollbox closed.
I would not leave one penny on Poloniex right now.
Remember Cryptsy? MtGox? BitMarket? CoinEX? BTC-E? McxNOW? Mintpal? SwissCEX? Need to say more?
Be warned, you will lose it all.
Great times ahead for Decentralized Exchanges though.
BCC/BCH is linked to BTC. Other altcoins don't matter. Most people complain about altcoin withdrawals. Nothing to do with BCC. Some people have problems withdrawing BCC, but many others don't, so your theory doesn't seem legit. Withdrawing BCC/BCH? Do you even read what you write? Poloniex didn't convert BTC to BCC (or BCH, whatever you call it) yet and they won't. If everyone would withdraw their coins right now, Poloniex couldn't even do that. They are short of coins, that's what's causing all the delays. There's not enough BTC on their balance to credit everyone their BCH and if they did, they would exist as a number only. PoloniEx is near empty. Withdraw now you can... you will lose your coins, just like Cryptsy, MtGox and many others, all the same signs.
August 03, 2017, 01:47:22 PM |
Try to Google search for "Poloniex lost coins". You will amazed by the amount of coins they lost this year, the amount of tickets unsolved, the amount of people losing everything in their account, withdrawals gone. Do you know why they closed the troll box? To move moderators to become support staff? Really? Did tickets close quicker after that? Nope... Closing the trollbox has only one reason: to silence the critics. Poloniex is like the Titanic right now. Try to withdraw some coins right now, you'll find out 70% of the withdrawals get stuck. Tickets take weeks or are unanswered. You may even be to late, though your account may say you have coins to trade with, the balances are near empty. Many users have shown that already, others downlplaying it by saying "those are not the Poloniex wallets". Well, wake up, they are.  And I feel sorry for you, it was a great exchange once. Poloniex is trying to repair the damage in the background, they may even be talking to investors to take over business but you have to realise it may not succeed, your coins may be lost. Do you think I'm wrong about Poloniex? Well... it's your coins at stake, not mine... thank me later...
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
August 03, 2017, 02:24:18 PM |
I opened a support ticket about BCC/BCH and was first given copy pasta answer saying "read our latest press release". I demanded more information and threatened litigation if I was denied rightful access to my BCC/BCH as per their TOS section 18.
This ticket was promptly responded to with,
"We're sorry for the inconvenience, in case the tokens are credited they will be credited to all eligible customers at the same time.
Unfortunately we are not able to credit any at the moment and cannot guarantee they will be credited in the future.
Sincerely, Poloniex Support Team"
Then my ticket declared resolved and deleted from freshdesk.
Their TOS does not block small claims court, which is where most US citizens with less than $10k in losses would be filing suit anyways. And by their own recently updated TOS, the tokens deposited to trade with are acknowledged by the user and the exchange as the user's properties, or the user is an authorized handler of said token properties.
By this standard, the BCC/BCH tokens are owned by the user who deposited BTC into their account and did not loan it out (i.e. used for normal market-limit and stop-limit as well as marginal collateral).
Now, I do understand the fledgling nature of BCC/BCH, and polo's potential reluctance to open trading pairs while the side-chain develops further; but fact of the matter is that the BCC/BCH tokens that polo currently hold are primarily the properties of their users, whom they are denying properly crediting to, AFTER a precedent setting action like the ETC accreditation when ETH hardforked.
This shit is a joke to win in small claims and then simply put liens on Tristan's property(s).
I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. My discussion of litigation is currently pure speculation as I work to remove all my available assets off polo indefinitely.
August 03, 2017, 03:47:49 PM |
I opened a support ticket about BCC/BCH and was first given copy pasta answer saying "read our latest press release". I demanded more information and threatened litigation if I was denied rightful access to my BCC/BCH as per their TOS section 18.
This ticket was promptly responded to with,
"We're sorry for the inconvenience, in case the tokens are credited they will be credited to all eligible customers at the same time.
Unfortunately we are not able to credit any at the moment and cannot guarantee they will be credited in the future.
Sincerely, Poloniex Support Team"
Then my ticket declared resolved and deleted from freshdesk.
Their TOS does not block small claims court, which is where most US citizens with less than $10k in losses would be filing suit anyways. And by their own recently updated TOS, the tokens deposited to trade with are acknowledged by the user and the exchange as the user's properties, or the user is an authorized handler of said token properties.
By this standard, the BCC/BCH tokens are owned by the user who deposited BTC into their account and did not loan it out (i.e. used for normal market-limit and stop-limit as well as marginal collateral).
Now, I do understand the fledgling nature of BCC/BCH, and polo's potential reluctance to open trading pairs while the side-chain develops further; but fact of the matter is that the BCC/BCH tokens that polo currently hold are primarily the properties of their users, whom they are denying properly crediting to, AFTER a precedent setting action like the ETC accreditation when ETH hardforked.
This shit is a joke to win in small claims and then simply put liens on Tristan's property(s).
I am not an attorney and this is not legal advice. My discussion of litigation is currently pure speculation as I work to remove all my available assets off polo indefinitely.
At least you got a response from them. How many days did it take them to get back to you?
Copper Member
Full Member
Activity: 282
Merit: 111
Doing cryptocurrency stuff since 2010.
August 03, 2017, 06:26:38 PM |
Hhhmm.... that is getting more weird with every single reaction from poloniex..
As i told you earlier here on this thread, a friend of mine was credited with BCC _on the poloniex platform_ ... so in fact they're telling us lies to keep users calm...
And additionally, i still don't have my withdraw out there .. it's still staying in "awaiting approval" and i did not even get a answer on my support ticket....
I'm getting really angry at them now.......
Cryptocurrency Mining, Gambling, Lending, Trading, Staking .. So much to do with them, since 2010! Donations-> 1bytoroRvXLGc1FWTob5h1oH92VMdUSFi Questions? Dunno! To the moon? Mün or bust! Lust auf klönschnack? Schau bei uns rein im Cryptotalk (D-A-CH+EU) unter https://t.me/cryptotalkgerman
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
August 03, 2017, 07:43:09 PM |
At least you got a response from them. How many days did it take them to get back to you?
Days? No, day. This all happened over the past 24 hours.