April 06, 2018, 01:20:15 PM |
Google to Remove Chrome Extensions that Mine Cryptocurrencies Google stated on their Chromium blog that they will no longer allow any new extensions that mine cryptocurrency and will remove all those already on the platform by June.
Google previously has allowed “cryptocurrency mining in extensions as long as it is the extension’s single purpose, and the user is adequately informed about the mining behavior.” Google has decided to nix the privilege for everyone since they said that “90% of all extensions with mining scripts” that were uploaded to the Chrome Web Stored failed to follow these policies. Such as SafeBrowse that claimed to be a “protect browsing” extension, but actually maliciously mined Monero without informing its 140,000 users.
Google said that they will still allow extensions with blockchain related programs other than mining. Google’s actions follow that of itself banning cryptocurrency related ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, and MailChimp.
Sr. Member
Activity: 494
Merit: 252
Warning: ICEBreaker on this Forum is a troll!
April 06, 2018, 02:34:33 PM |
Dash (DASH) Stability Boost by Payza, Uphold Inc. #dash_force
April 06, 2018, 03:04:57 PM |
I am hoping for and uptick in the price of dash. News are good last days.
April 06, 2018, 06:16:43 PM |
Dash Claims Over 23 New Integrations, Dozens of New Partnerships in Q1 2018 Dash has had a whirlwind year in 2018 so far, with over 23 new integrations and dozens of new partnerships.
While the cryptocurrency markets have experienced a severe correction since last winter’s exuberance, Dash has continued to claim achievements week after week, resulting in at the minimum 23 new integrations over the first quarter of the year, and many more partnerships. Notably, 20 integrations and major partnerships were achieved in January alone, kicking the year off to a strong start, with continuing momentum through until Spring.
Integrations In the first quarter of the year, Dash has been added to dozens of different services worldwide, from exchanges to payment processors and more.
Activity: 1030
Merit: 1006
April 06, 2018, 07:53:59 PM |
I think this could be a hugely successful project combined with Monero. We would then have a cryptocurrency which is untraceable, self-funding and self-governing  This would definitely rock! ...aand...what is "Monero" ?

Activity: 98
Merit: 11
April 07, 2018, 02:39:28 AM |
We will be releasing a new Qt wallet for windows and Mac OS tomorrow, along with a detailed explanation of the mining exploit we dealt with. thanks everyone for being patient! We are NOT having a give-away as seen below, it's spam.
April 07, 2018, 02:00:07 PM |
Dash Aerosports Brings Dash to American Televisions on NBCSN This past Saturday, an American television sports network, NBCSN, broadcasted an hour long segment “Start Your Engines” of the 2017 National Championship Air Races.
Featured in the race was Scott Farnsworth and his Dash Aerosports team that promote “DASH” in large text along with other Dash marketing material on their plane. The Dash Aerosports plane can be seen in the online video from 2:05 – 6:45, 40:05 – 44:40, and a Dash promotion at 19:38. Viewers were also treated to impressive views from the “ Digital Cash CAM” at various moments throughout the broadcast.
Scott and his team, throughout the race, were able to promote Dash to the numerous people that attended the race last year, as well as those that watched this weekend. Viewership ratings were not available at the time of writing this article.BEST!! SPEND More and more on advertising. Specially on TV!!
April 07, 2018, 05:30:33 PM |
Dash Force Podcast E46 – Feat. Chuck Williams (Dash Core Head of UI/UX Development) Video repost of episode 46 of the three amigos podcast. This week we were joined by special guest Chuck Williams Dash Core Head of UI/UX Development.
The 3 amigos podcast takes place every Friday at 3pm EST / 8pm BST.
The Dash Force News 3 amigos podcast is now available to listen to on the following platforms:
🎙 Itunes 🎙 Tunein 🎙 Stitcher 🎙 Google Play 🎙 Overcast 🎙 Podbean
If you haven’t done so by now, can you please make sure you like and subscribe to the Dash Force News YouTube channel. Thank you to the Dash community for your continued support.
Sr. Member
Activity: 882
Merit: 251
Empowering crypto w/ sustainable energy
April 07, 2018, 07:10:40 PM |
Yeah you are completely right with your statement  . But if the community dereceases dramatically the token prices will suffer aswell in my opinion. ps. Does anybody have a link to find the roadmap of dash 
Sr. Member
Activity: 455
Merit: 261
Look Morty magic internet money
April 08, 2018, 09:00:08 AM |
April 08, 2018, 12:07:10 PM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
April 08, 2018, 12:35:33 PM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
No news from Evan for a long long time. I think he just sold most of his coins at the ATH prices and go on a good retirement. No news from him makes me think like that.
April 08, 2018, 02:12:21 PM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
No news from Evan for a long long time. I think he just sold most of his coins at the ATH prices and go on a good retirement. No news from him makes me think like that. on Dash Labs, since it is more experimental and hardware+software, things will move slower and they might have the same issue with not wanting to release information until after patent work has been filed. Prolly not sitting on a beach and if he is, prolly thinking of the next phase. This takes time and Dash is one of the only coins paving the way forward. Keep accumulating while we are >10 on the marketcap!
April 08, 2018, 02:44:57 PM |
The Tragedy of the Commons in Cryptocurrency The biggest buzzword in cryptocurrency: decentralization. The most scarce commodity in cryptocurrency: decentralization.
Though prided on having loose structures and open participation, many cryptocurrency projects nonetheless suffer from the effects of centralization, from dominance by a single development team to cult of personality around the founder, powerful mining conglomerates, services or businesses dominating a large chunk of the market, and more. This is because most have fallen prey to the tragedy of the commons: no one/everyone owns it, so no one has responsibility to properly maintain it, leading to either disrepair or centralized entities coming in and taking over.
Activity: 84
Merit: 0
April 08, 2018, 05:56:34 PM |
it's big project i bought 1000 when it was 2 $ but i want to buy more.
April 08, 2018, 08:43:01 PM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
No news from Evan for a long long time. I think he just sold most of his coins at the ATH prices and go on a good retirement. No news from him makes me think like that. on Dash Labs, since it is more experimental and hardware+software, things will move slower and they might have the same issue with not wanting to release information until after patent work has been filed. Prolly not sitting on a beach and if he is, prolly thinking of the next phase. This takes time and Dash is one of the only coins paving the way forward. Keep accumulating while we are >10 on the marketcap! The last post on medium is from 7 months ago. I do not have any problem if he is resting on a beach, I just want to hear from him that's ok. I'm still holding and only sell to pay my expenses and trying to accumulate while still cheap. And my 6GPU miner mining other coins and sell them to buy dash.
April 08, 2018, 08:46:43 PM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
No news from Evan for a long long time. I think he just sold most of his coins at the ATH prices and go on a good retirement. No news from him makes me think like that. on Dash Labs, since it is more experimental and hardware+software, things will move slower and they might have the same issue with not wanting to release information until after patent work has been filed. Prolly not sitting on a beach and if he is, prolly thinking of the next phase. This takes time and Dash is one of the only coins paving the way forward. Keep accumulating while we are >10 on the marketcap! The last post on medium is from 7 months ago. I do not have any problem if he is resting on a beach, I just want to hear from him that's ok. I'm still holding and only sell to pay my expenses and trying to accumulate while still cheap. And my 6GPU miner mining other coins and sell them to buy dash. yea, I agree that hearing from him would be nice. =)
Mangled Blue

Activity: 64
Merit: 500
April 09, 2018, 12:17:58 AM |
The lag/bear-run in crypto is almost over Soon, a steady rise will ramp-up, dip and then, gather momentum into a 3rd BULL-RUN.... [if you've been here long enough, you know what I mean] If you haven't been buying or Hodling, ya better get on it... ...this ship is about to pull up anchor .... and scream - 1 more-time....
April 09, 2018, 12:37:33 AM |
So just wondering since Ryan Taylor has taken over at DASH, what is Evan Duffield doing?
I miss his updates etc.
Is he still an integral part of the DASH project in some way?
No news from Evan for a long long time. I think he just sold most of his coins at the ATH prices and go on a good retirement. No news from him makes me think like that. on Dash Labs, since it is more experimental and hardware+software, things will move slower and they might have the same issue with not wanting to release information until after patent work has been filed. Prolly not sitting on a beach and if he is, prolly thinking of the next phase. This takes time and Dash is one of the only coins paving the way forward. Keep accumulating while we are >10 on the marketcap! The last post on medium is from 7 months ago. I do not have any problem if he is resting on a beach, I just want to hear from him that's ok. I'm still holding and only sell to pay my expenses and trying to accumulate while still cheap. And my 6GPU miner mining other coins and sell them to buy dash. yea, I agree that hearing from him would be nice. =) Yeh thanks, I saw that Medium article too and presume he is still working hard in Dash Labs in Hong Kong. A quick update or press release on what they are working on would be good. I cant imagine Evan selling off his DASH and not working, I think he will work on this project in some way or another until mainstream adoption is reached...however long that takes!
April 09, 2018, 01:10:13 PM |
George Soros’ Fund Has Approved Cryptocurrency Trading George Soros, who famously called Bitcoin a bubble this past January, now has his fund, Soros Fund Management, internally approved for cryptocurrency trading.
Adam Fisher, who oversees macro investing for the fund, has reportedly gotten internal approval to trade cryptocurrencies. While no reports indicate that any trades have actually taken place, yet, the statement is a complete 180 degree turn from the earlier public sentiments of George Soros. However, Soros and his fund have been making indirect upward bets on cryptocurrencies by becoming the third-biggest shareholder in since the fourth quarter. was one of the first to accept cryptocurrencies and has Medici Ventures as a subsidiary to invest heavily in cryptocurrencies and related technology, including tZERO as a trading platform.