covid-19 is not a virus, it's a disease that is caused by the corona virus that was first discovered in late 2019.
Once your immune systems fight off a virus, you should be immune to that specific strain.
ok now you just lost the plot.. time for you to take a day or two to have a nice relaxing cup of coffee, take a bit of a chillout time and then actually do some research..
co-vid19 is a virus which has a particular symptom list
yes a health disorder with a particular symptom list is formally called a disease
but calling it a disease does not make it no longer a virus
a disease is a change to a persons health with a particular list of symptoms
the word disease itself does not describe the cause. or the effect. its just a term that covers anything that harms a persons health
including a virus
this particular virus has a known main severe symptom of pneumonia.
it is a virus with a known symptom
thus the current 'disease' is a virus with a symptom of causing pneumonia
by saying its a disease does not illiminate the virus part or change the symptom part
the word disease yet again because ithink it needs rattling into your mind is simple
its a word for ANY change of a persons health that has a certain symptom which can be fatal
again to repeat incase you didnt get it
by calling it a disease does not make it not virus thing. its still a virus thing
now go take a break and do some research
as for the whole 'people can get it again'
next year people will get corona.
people have been getting corona every year for decades
people next year will get a different strain
just like people got the sars corona then years later got the mers corona
both are categorised as respiratory diseses
and yes those that got sars and mers and others over the years can get co-vid19
what you really need to be aware of is that it is not like chicken pox. where by if you had it as a kid you cant get it
the reason i say this is because there is a myth playing around that some are spreading the misinfomation that if they had the flu once in their life they will never get the flu again.
they will get the flu. thats life. get used to it
you will get the flu over and over again.