Activity: 4074
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April 24, 2020, 02:32:51 PM |
I noticed Trump in one of his later press relesses promotes the use of MMS, who would have though.
The FDA is trying to shut down the MMS church. It's a religion that includes Christianity and MMS, and a few other things, as well - Why are they doing this? Because MMS and several other things work for CV and all kinds of other things. You almost don't need a medical system if you can get cured of all kinds of things this easily. They would have to go out and find a job. Btw, Dupont makes and widely sells chlorine dioxide, the main constituant, and active ingredient of MMS. 
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April 24, 2020, 03:31:25 PM Last edit: April 24, 2020, 04:09:42 PM by Tash |
I noticed Trump in one of his later press relesses promotes the use of MMS, who would have though.
The FDA is trying to shut down the MMS church. It's a religion that includes Christianity and MMS, and a few other things, as well - Why are they doing this? Because MMS and several other things work for CV and all kinds of other things. You almost don't need a medical system if you can get cured of all kinds of things this easily. They would have to go out and find a job. Btw, Dupont makes and widely sells chlorine dioxide, the main constituant, and active ingredient of MMS.  It isnt just mms. He also mentiont to use light. Ultraviolet light is a proven germ killer it is used readly in banks for note disinfection or doctor surgeries, 400-10 nm is the Germicidal Wavelength. X-rays ranging from 10 to 0.1 nanometers. Could a simple chest x-ray kill of the viruses?? 
Activity: 2716
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April 24, 2020, 03:57:03 PM |
I noticed Trump in one of his later press relesses promotes the use of MMS, who would have though.
The FDA is trying to shut down the MMS church. It's a religion that includes Christianity and MMS, and a few other things, as well - Why are they doing this? Because they're trying to convince people to drink bleach.
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1519
April 24, 2020, 04:31:34 PM |
Currently on Twitter, Lysol, disinfectant, Clorox, and "DontDrinkBleach" are all trending in the United States. Here is the clip from yesterday's news conference - don't understand liberals/the media twisting this so badly. Trump is notorious for saying stupid shit and mouthing off on people's comments. It's the way he talks and he put his foot in his mouth trying to talk about the field of epidemiology to which he has no knowledge of. Do people sincerely believe Trump was advocating for people to drink disinfectant or advocating for research of the effects in consuming anti-viral agents? I imagine this is another baseless attack on Trump but another part of me thinks people actually think Trump was advocating for the consumption of fucking bleach.
Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
April 24, 2020, 04:39:51 PM Last edit: April 24, 2020, 07:19:47 PM by franky1 |
I don't understand liberals/the media twisting this so badly. Trump is notorious for saying stupid shit and mouthing off on people's comments. not twisting it badly. but knowing other idiots.. such as badecker type of people believe what trump says and then promotes it as a cure. so many people dont just dismiss and brush it off.. but have to highlight how idiotic it is to even suggest it. just in the hopes no one believes the suggestion and actually tries it and dies from it .. did you know there are idiotic trolls that make 'suicide websites' and coax people to visit them and taunt them into killing themselves
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April 24, 2020, 04:52:20 PM |
Currently on Twitter, Lysol, disinfectant, Clorox, and "DontDrinkBleach" are all trending in the United States. Here is the clip from yesterday's news conference - don't understand liberals/the media twisting this so badly. Trump is notorious for saying stupid shit and mouthing off on people's comments. It's the way he talks and he put his foot in his mouth trying to talk about the field of epidemiology to which he has no knowledge of. Do people sincerely believe Trump was advocating for people to drink disinfectant or advocating for research of the effects in consuming anti-viral agents? I imagine this is another baseless attack on Trump but another part of me thinks people actually think Trump was advocating for the consumption of fucking bleach. It's incredible that your take away from all this is to defend the President and criticize the press. He thinks he's qualified by his "natural instinct for science". Same goes with building airplanes, military weapons, environmental science, etc. He thinks his instincts makes him an expert, and plenty of people believe him. I don't understand how 'he says stupid shit and mouths off on peoples comments' is a defense for mouthing off and saying stupid shit when he's the president of the united states giving a press conference in the middle of National Crisis. Even if you think it should be acceptable for a president to behave that way, the "drinking bleach is a miracle cure the deep state doesn't want you to know about" is not a new conspiracy theory and it overlaps with the "Trump is our savior and the only one that can save us from the satan worshipping pedophile Deep State" (scroll up to BADeckers last post if you don't believe me). So yeah, I think he definitely increased bleach consumption in America with his comments.
Activity: 4858
Merit: 1290
April 24, 2020, 04:58:08 PM |
... I was reading about MMS and stumbled upon this article in Popular Mechanics. It offers some insight into why certain people are prone to believe in conspiracy theories and/or religion, and delves into the overlap between them. The article is about a cruise for conspiracy theorists, and has a few great quotes: Everybody in the dining room except Dina and I twirled their napkins in the air while singing along. Olé, o-lé, olé, o-lé. It was kind of silly, but I think the point was to make people feel they were a part of something bigger...
The conspiracy community does the same thing. Its emotional power is much stronger than facts. It offers a worldview in which chaos, randomness, happenstance—the messy, frightening qualities of life that science depends upon and our minds find so hard to accept—simply do not exist. For some, a sinister reason for life's disappointments is more satisfying than no reason at all... That's probably one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. Firstly, being a so-called 'conspiracy theorist' certainly has not made me feel like 'being part of something bigger'. Exactly the opposite. Usually I am the only person who thinks like I do, and when that is not the case I generally don't like the other few 'conspiracy theorists' all that much anyway. Secondly, it is the opposite of 'comforting' to know that the government is capable of doing 9/11, creating and releasing customized coronavirus 'on it's own people', etc, etc. In some ways I wish I could enjoy all the warm fuzzies that normies get from the mainstream TV, the politicians they like, and what-not. It would be like being a kid in a loving family with no worries again with mommy and daddy hovering above to take care of me. I'm just not wired or trained in such a way that I can hide in a safe-space shell. I go where facts and logic lead me, and I don't think I could change even if I wanted to.
sig spam anywhere and self-moderated threads on the pol&soc board are for losers.
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April 24, 2020, 05:39:12 PM |
He's now claiming that his disinfectant comment was just a sarcastic response to a reporters question...
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1519
April 24, 2020, 05:43:29 PM |
It's incredible that your take away from all this is to defend the President and criticize the press.
He thinks he's qualified by his "natural instinct for science". Same goes with building airplanes, military weapons, environmental science, etc. He thinks his instincts makes him an expert, and plenty of people believe him.
I don't understand how 'he says stupid shit and mouths off on peoples comments' is a defense for mouthing off and saying stupid shit when he's the president of the united states giving a press conference in the middle of National Crisis.
Even if you think it should be acceptable for a president to behave that way, the "drinking bleach is a miracle cure the deep state doesn't want you to know about" is not a new conspiracy theory and it overlaps with the "Trump is our savior and the only one that can save us from the satan worshipping pedophile Deep State" (scroll up to BADeckers last post if you don't believe me). So yeah, I think he definitely increased bleach consumption in America with his comments.
Trump can be ridiculously misinformed and the media can be wrong about it. Both of these things can be true at once. I'm not attempting to make excuses for Trump when he said something stupid which is why I am openly admitting he said something ridiculously foolish. Some of Trump's staunch supporters are trying to defend him for it but in reality there is no defense to what he said. He put his foot in this mouth very badly and he has no scientific expertise to speak on. That being said, no, I don't believe it's okay or appropriate that Trump said something this stupid on national television during a national crisis. My point is that it's not something particularly new for Trump. And to be clear, it's not what I would expect out of the President of the United States. I am all for criticizing Trump on substantive policies, believe it or not. We can have conversation about what aspects of Trump's coronavirus response worked, what didn't work, ect. However, when people are arguing that Trump is insinuating that people drink bleach to cure coronavirus, you can't have any reasonable conversation about policy at that point. It becomes hyperbolic partisanship. And the media pushing this idea that he is actively suggesting people should take a shot of Clorox to fight coronavirus is untrue. Keep in mind, the media did the same thing when a couple drank fish tank cleaner to "cure" coronavirus. He's now claiming that his disinfectant comment was just a sarcastic response to a reporters question... I mean, surely you didn't think he would handle his fuck up with grace right? Look, I agree with you. What he's doing is not a good look. But see above on why I think it's important to make accurate attacks on Trump and not ones based on hyperbole.
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April 24, 2020, 05:57:14 PM |
Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
April 24, 2020, 07:29:44 PM Last edit: April 24, 2020, 08:23:45 PM by franky1 |
OMG (facepalm) that articles first 'fact' is a lie its based on what i now call del bigtree bad math. and not a single fact here goes californai done a study of 3300 random people in a californian county. out of 3300. only 50 people had the anitbodies that is like 5million on 330m population if you do the most basic maths of adding zeros even a 5year old can work that out this makes it not even 10% of people heck its not even 2% spread guess what.. stupid people who cant do maths want people to think out of the 800k positive there is 16m-40mill infected and asymptomatic no no no no no ill say it again. the study suggests if there are 330m american population there are probably 5m that it spread to which is similar numbers to the 80% asymptomatic/mild. number that has been know for months. yep the 800k that are positive for corona in america are just those who are severe enough to need hospital so it sounds about right but trying to suggest the asymptomatic is more like 16m-40m is so bad at any concept of maths that it really does need to be called out as BS but anyway. even a 16m is only a 5% spread and 40m is only a 13% spread. which means when hospitals were getting to capacity with numbers of such a low spread as FACTUALY 1.5% or even mythically 5%-13% means that its not really good to just go back to business as usual over night. .. will you people stop reading stupid websites and actually try to dare yourself to find the source study and look at the actual numbers. and stop just blindly believing stupid articles that cant even get the numbers right 1.5% spread so far. out of ~5m people 50k deaths thats 1%.. and thats before including those still in hospital right now for next few weeks
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April 24, 2020, 07:37:04 PM |
I read their first "Fact" and stopped right there as it's complete bullshit. The "best" state is new york. They have tested only 3.6% of their population, the most of any of the states I looked into yesterday . Most are at a pitiful 1% or so and a couple others are up to 2% . That article talks about percentages of deaths being really low and they do that by looking at the percentage of the total population. But that's bullshit when you've only tested 3.6% of the population. Here's a stat for you. Of the states that have tested a higher quantity of their population, the mortality rate is getting up to 6% of those that are positive for having covid19. Want to believe that article? Go right ahead. Or you could go check the data for yourself and do your own calculations. York Pop: 19,453,561 Tested: 695,920 Negative: 432,460 Positive: 263,460 Deaths: 15,740
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April 25, 2020, 04:19:18 AM |
In 1999, the American Society for Analytical Chemistry certified that chlorine dioxide to be the most effective bacterial killer in human history. MMS is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in water and if acid (Lemon, Wine, Salt..) is added you end up with chlorine dioxide (ClO2). The claim is MMS kills all anaerobic microbes and parasites, a true germ killer. Apparently a fair few people have swallowed MMS over the years. As the old saying goes "The dose makes the poison!" Update on Healthcare systems. 
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April 25, 2020, 04:24:30 AM |
The coronavirus doesn't have to be a hoax for what I presented to be true. Tell me, what about my actual post is factually incorrect?
When you drop those conspiracy/pseudo science blogs in a thread about a global're spreading misinformation at the worst time.
Activity: 4508
Merit: 5059
April 25, 2020, 04:31:38 AM |
As the old saying goes "The dose makes the poison!"
MMS is a 28% solution of sodium chlorite (NaClO2) in water
pool water is 1000 parts per million.. (0.1%) drinking water is 500 parts per million..(0.05%) but tash advertises people should use 28% and then activate it with citric acid making it 50% poison utter idiot but the other stupid thing is for someone wanting people to kill themselves with poison. or risk 20% chance of lung injury by getting covid or 2% death from covid.. he is on a bitcoin forum, but seems to be wanting to protect FIAT even if it kills people
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April 25, 2020, 05:25:19 AM |
You two are some of the dumbest most willfully ignorant cunts I have ever run across. Yeah why would there be food shortages after:
-droughts -floods -trade wars -early freeze just before harvest -more floods -pandemic shutdown for the winter harvest -pandemic shutdown for spring planting -everyone at home producing nothing -government printing money creating massive inflation resulting in a rise in cost in finite resources
What could go wrong? You people have your heads so far up your asses I am surprised you haven't suffocated years ago. The coronavirus doesn't have to be a hoax for what I presented to be true. Tell me, what about my actual post is factually incorrect?
When you drop those conspiracy/pseudo science blogs in a thread about a global're spreading misinformation at the worst time. Funny, seems like you just made an ad hominem argument in order to completely avoid responding to factual information. You are the one who defines authoritative sources are you? Suck my dick TwattySqueal. People are going to die because of your smug self assured attitude. Thousands, possibly even millions. All because of a bunch of silly selfish cunts who would rather stay home and get "free money" then virtue signal about how they are doing the right thing, and condemning anyone who wants to be able to produce the shit they shovel into their mouths like fat cows. Nothing is free dipshit. You think you just bit into a nice juicy worm, wait until the hook digs in. You are going to pay. We are ALL going to pay.
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April 25, 2020, 05:32:27 AM |
Just posting the full quote since you are a fan of editing out parts you would rather avoid: You two are some of the dumbest most willfully ignorant cunts I have ever run across. Yeah why would there be food shortages after:
-droughts -floods -trade wars -early freeze just before harvest -more floods -pandemic shutdown for the winter harvest -pandemic shutdown for spring planting -everyone at home producing nothing -government printing money creating massive inflation resulting in a rise in cost in finite resources
What could go wrong? You people have your heads so far up your asses I am surprised you haven't suffocated years ago. The coronavirus doesn't have to be a hoax for what I presented to be true. Tell me, what about my actual post is factually incorrect?
When you drop those conspiracy/pseudo science blogs in a thread about a global're spreading misinformation at the worst time. Funny, seems like you just made an ad hominem argument in order to completely avoid responding to factual information. You are the one who defines authoritative sources are you? Suck my dick TwattySqueal. People are going to die because of your smug self assured attitude. Thousands, possibly even millions. All because of a bunch of silly selfish cunts who would rather stay home and get "free money" then virtue signal about how they are doing the right thing, and condemning anyone who wants to be able to produce the shit they shovel into their mouths like fat cows. Nothing is free dipshit. You think you just bit into a nice juicy worm, wait until the hook digs in. You are going to pay. We are ALL going to pay.
Activity: 2590
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April 25, 2020, 05:35:26 AM |
The economy tanking, people starving, and supply lines being shut down is a valid concern, but these are all things that are already factored into the "official" reopening plans. The plan isn't to wait until the virus is completely gone, its to wait until the projected cases and death toll associated no longer outweighs the economic impact. No one has said, screw the economy lets all sit at home, it makes more economic sense to sit at home until we can get the corona virus under control. As gruesome as it is, there is someone who's job it was to figure out the value of a human life and the dollar cost of the care involved for patients. Someone ran the numbers on how many people will be asymptomatic, how many people will require minimal care hospitalization, and how many will end up in the ICU. ICU cost on average will run around $140,000. Low care hospitalization around 10-15% of that. Funeral costs are $10k+, lost revenue in taxes from deaths =  I don't think there are very many people that want to sit home and earn $1200 deflated dollars to sit home on their asses, but its pretty tough to justify working at your $8/hr job at walmart when the statistics say you have X% chance of ending up with a lifetime of crippling hospital debt that'll become a financial burden on taxpayers when you can't pay.
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April 25, 2020, 05:55:23 AM |
The economy tanking, people starving, and supply lines being shut down is a valid concern, but these are all things that are already factored into the "official" reopening plans. The plan isn't to wait until the virus is completely gone, its to wait until the projected cases and death toll associated no longer outweighs the economic impact. No one has said, screw the economy lets all sit at home, it makes more economic sense to sit at home until we can get the corona virus under control. As gruesome as it is, there is someone who's job it was to figure out the value of a human life and the dollar cost of the care involved for patients. Someone ran the numbers on how many people will be asymptomatic, how many people will require minimal care hospitalization, and how many will end up in the ICU. ICU cost on average will run around $140,000. Low care hospitalization around 10-15% of that. Funeral costs are $10k+, lost revenue in taxes from deaths =  I don't think there are very many people that want to sit home and earn $1200 deflated dollars to sit home on their asses, but its pretty tough to justify working at your $8/hr job at walmart when the statistics say you have X% chance of ending up with a lifetime of crippling hospital debt that'll become a financial burden on taxpayers when you can't pay. You also have to factor in the potential economic damage that could come from not having a controlled shut down of the economy. What happens to an economy when a country runs out of hospital beds while daily death count is increasing exponentially? Do we not just end up in the same situation for a longer period of time with way more deaths from both the virus and overwhelmed hospitals? I don't think that's an unrealistic scenario. In other words, shutting down the economy may have been the best thing to do for the economy.
Activity: 2590
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April 25, 2020, 06:05:09 AM |
You also have to factor in the potential economic damage that could come from not having a controlled shut down of the economy.
What happens to an economy when a country runs out of hospital beds while daily death count is increasing exponentially? Do we not just end up in the same situation for a longer period of time with way more deaths from both the virus and overwhelmed hospitals? I don't think that's an unrealistic scenario.
Right, thats what I'm saying was done. In a 100% unrealistic ideal situation, a 14 or 21 day shutdown would 100% wipe out the spread, and we'd be back to normal. Instead in the real world where we can't just hibernate for 14-21 days in pods and then have a switch flip on and emerge, every time anyone gets infected, the timelines shift out. Its already been determined that for every $1 worth of labor someone produces without a mandatory shutdown, it would cost the country/state >$1 until certain requirements are met which I believe at the moment are listed as 14 days of downward trends, appropriate testing capability so you can get tested if you start feeling ill rather than having additional days to spread the virus while you await testing, and appropriate hospital capacity. Whats ironic is that the people out protesting or those just generally blowing this off and not following guidelines are actively damaging the economy more than had they just sat on their asses at home. As a side note, as far as I know, agriculture is listed as essential business, so you're allowed to plant/work your fields throughout all of this. Truckers are also essential, and they've just had a few contact rules imposed on them at pickup/drop off points. Worst case scenario, we've got enough spam and candy corn to last us a few years!