Well, I see other people talking about Zeus Hurricanes, so I suppose it's all nice and dandy to talk about scrypt currencies here (only makes sense, given what the software is I suppose?),
My Zeus or Zus Hurricane X3 or Zus or Zeus *3X Hurricane or whatever it be, this is before possibly making some funky settings to get past this overclocking cockblock (?)... doesn't seem to go higher than the 15.8 or w/e.
my jibber jabber about the situation:
Uh, it's not so hard to find the right port to use. You probably should anyway, at least in Windows, seeing as how it defaults to 'sleeping' when idle. There are also some settings both there and in 'advanced' that you can change to improve performance. Device manager, human interface devices as I recall (that comp in other room).
The stats before I left, after approx. 40 minutes instead of 20m or so from the screenshot:
Accepted: 560333 (114 shares)
Rejected: 4915 (0.87%)
Hardware errors: 1 (not positive how these work.. if they only occur on valid shares, or if they can occur on any hashing operation? if it's any hashing operation, then this amount if negligible, if not, then it would translate to 0.87%, just like the rejected shares)
..and ofc I turn off that overclocking junk before I left the room. Even with 7c electricity, it's not worth it.
Anyhow, the 0.87% DOA is luck, since I'm mining on my p2pool in Germany which I get 175ms base latency to. So ~350ms delay, including the Hurricane processing new work in less than 1ms, and my server sending out new work within 1ms. DOGE has 60 seconds between blocks & p2pool shares are set to 15 seconds. That's 5 interrupts per minute, so 350ms * 5 = 1750ms. Right now with six workers, the server is taking around half a millisecond to distribute work to all six. Main reasons, 1) very few transactions (just about none besides my own, not many others paying 1 doge per 1kb as a fee I guess), 2) all of DOGE is in ramfs (I've always used ramfs because I want shit all to get swapped to disk, I'd rather have it crash), 3) I have a fast server and not some 2 virtual core VPS. ed: oops, forgot to say here that I've already set it to include more transactions, just haven't restarted it. Anyway, after that, it'll probably average around 1ms per worker. My guess is p2pool.org gets so many DOA's because of this.... re: guy cons all these people out of money (2% fee on a bitcoin p2pool that gets like 65% efficiency) and then gets some crap Colocrossing machine that probably has 16GB of memory and a couple of SATA drives. W/ how many chumps use that, I'd be sitting on a 128GB server and have every single one of those coins in RAM, or at the very least a decent SSD drive (network settings and everything else probably isn't configured so hot either).
'k, back to the point. Purely latency wise, 1750ms. So vs. my Dallas server that I get 40ms to (about 200ms total in dreamland, the discrepency is less when you take into account the time it takes for hardware to start working on new work etc). But in this fantasy setting, I should expect to get about 2.5% more DOA than the Dallas server & around 3% in total. Anything less is luck (or dropping difficulties), anything more is probably be downloading pr0n (well, not rly).
The HW errors, it occurred within seconds of restarting cgminer and before any shares were accepted (was raising scan time and expiry time), not even sure that's legit, but w/e. They have always been 1% or less of # of accepted shares in any 5+ hour mining session.
I got it 72 hrs ago (me and a friend made an offer on two of them in a drunken stupor).. the only time it's been offline since then is when I took it down to modify some settings. Likewise, my friend hasn't had any crashes either.
This is on Windows, not some raspberry pi slim ubuntu or whatever it is. I saw some guide for that and the tcp settings aren't even touched? Boggle.