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Author Topic: [Minera v0.9.1] Your next mining dashboard - Antminer/CPUminer/CGminer/BFGminer  (Read 850626 times)
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May 24, 2014, 03:50:15 PM

Not to mention the fact the development cycle is crazy fast and responsive. Michelem and Sandor make quite the team Smiley

This is quite the fact. My bet is that Minera will be perfect very soon for everyone.
michelem (OP)
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May 24, 2014, 04:34:54 PM

Hello guys, so with the latest commit (not version, commit), Minera should work fine with lot of large data too (I mean with many G-Blades connected).

This isn't definitely confirmed yet (I had only one confirmation) but if you had problems with many G-Blades, you should give a try to the latest commit:

cd /var/www/minera
sudo git fetch --all
sudo git reset --hard origin/master
sudo ./

I would like to thank Sandor so much, he did the PHP patch to get this working, so the beer goes to him this round! Smiley (

@unamis76 you should definitely look at the cpuminer.log to understand what's happening on your env (a good try it's also run the command directly into the terminal without the screen options)

Get Minera. Your next bitcoin mining dashboard. Donations are welcome
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May 24, 2014, 06:33:00 PM

Hello guys, so with the latest commit (not version, commit), Minera should work fine with lot of large data too (I mean with many G-Blades connected).

This isn't definitely confirmed yet (I had only one confirmation) but if you had problems with many G-Blades, you should give a try to the latest commit:

cd /var/www/minera
sudo git fetch --all
sudo git reset --hard origin/master
sudo ./

I would like to thank Sandor so much, he did the PHP patch to get this working, so the beer goes to him this round! Smiley (

@unamis76 you should definitely look at the cpuminer.log to understand what's happening on your env (a good try it's also run the command directly into the terminal without the screen options)

What should I look for in the log? It seems a perfectly normal log, no errors, nothing, it just ends abruptly when it hangs while setting frequencies or it just says it's hashing, but doesn't show anything accepted.
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May 24, 2014, 06:39:08 PM

I finally had to give up on using this with my blades.  Stability just wasn't there, I was always babysitting, and when I started at a pool with 32 difficulty I would end up throwing a bunch of "difficulty less than target" rejects 90% of the time, occassionally it would actually stay up and vardiff would kick in and get me up to a reasonable diff and stay stable at that point.  I really like the UI and I actually seem to get a bit better hashrate out of my blades with cpuminer, but I've gone back to scripta for now.  I'm going to test this out on a rack of my pods though, and see how it does over there.
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May 24, 2014, 06:40:42 PM

Hello guys, so with the latest commit (not version, commit), Minera should work fine with lot of large data too (I mean with many G-Blades connected).

This isn't definitely confirmed yet (I had only one confirmation) but if you had problems with many G-Blades, you should give a try to the latest commit:

cd /var/www/minera
sudo git fetch --all
sudo git reset --hard origin/master
sudo ./

I would like to thank Sandor so much, he did the PHP patch to get this working, so the beer goes to him this round! Smiley (

@unamis76 you should definitely look at the cpuminer.log to understand what's happening on your env (a good try it's also run the command directly into the terminal without the screen options)

Just saw this after my last post, I may give this a try once I see some feedback from others.  Right now I need a few days of stable earnings out of the blades! Smiley
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May 24, 2014, 07:17:23 PM

All, it really helps when you state your issues that you mention if you are using mini's or blades and how many of each. The fact that Blades do not use autotune, means they are almost 2 different products with regard to troubleshooting and configurations.

Just an FYI many, many people are running minera with absolutely no issues with both Blades and mini's. In fact of all the solutions I have used this is by far the most stable and easiest to use. Not to mention the fact the development cycle is crazy fast and responsive. Michelem and Sandor make quite the team Smiley

I have one pi if it can't run both 5 chip and a blade at the same time 13/2 I either have to split it  and put my blade on my notebook where it works fine or use something else like hashra.

My blade stutters and hangs when used with the rest of my 5 chip gridseeds on minera,

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May 24, 2014, 07:20:21 PM

I installed minera onto my Ubuntu machine. It was working for a while but now it isn't hashing or showing any frequency from the miner. So I plugged it into a pi running minera and all was fine. I did notice that it seemed to start doing this after I tried to change the frequency from 600 to 838 in the settings.
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May 24, 2014, 07:31:31 PM

Hello guys, so with the latest commit (not version, commit), Minera should work fine with lot of large data too (I mean with many G-Blades connected).

This isn't definitely confirmed yet (I had only one confirmation) but if you had problems with many G-Blades, you should give a try to the latest commit:

cd /var/www/minera
sudo git fetch --all
sudo git reset --hard origin/master
sudo ./

I would like to thank Sandor so much, he did the PHP patch to get this working, so the beer goes to him this round! Smiley (

@unamis76 you should definitely look at the cpuminer.log to understand what's happening on your env (a good try it's also run the command directly into the terminal without the screen options)

GREAT.....I LOVE U  MINERA AND SANDOR.... hOHO Grin Grin Grin Grin Grin
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Activity: 71
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May 24, 2014, 07:57:59 PM

How to set my minera to mobileminer   (, need api ?
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May 24, 2014, 08:03:55 PM

Minera is definitively the best interface for managing my miners. I love it!

However, it appears that my Gridseed Blade is having some issues with this last version.

Namely, the miner keeps staling after a random number of minute (ranging from 30 to 50)

It is not a poolside effect because I have been testing it with a number of different mining pools. I have also tried to set the frequency both manually and using the preset ones. Same result.

Any ideas?

Hero Member
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May 24, 2014, 09:30:49 PM

BFGminer 4.0 is out with MultiMiner 3.0. It is setup for girdseed
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Activity: 71
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May 24, 2014, 09:50:16 PM

How can i set my device(g-blade) 0,1,2,3 to 800MHZ  and  4,5 to 838MHZ...

if i set may  838mhz to
ttyACM0,1,2,3  many hw... so said.. but 4,5 is very fine 0 hw.

Hero Member
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May 24, 2014, 10:22:01 PM

How can i set my device(g-blade) 0,1,2,3 to 800MHZ  and  4,5 to 838MHZ...

if i set may  838mhz to
ttyACM0,1,2,3  many hw... so said.. but 4,5 is very fine 0 hw.


I dont think it is possible right now. Perhaps in a later update
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May 25, 2014, 12:47:10 AM

I just installed the latest image from github on my ras pi. After changing the pool it still shows the default pool as the active pool. My config is shown below. I have saved/saved restarted miner/restarted minera. what do I have to do to get this working???

Active Pool: Selected stratum+tcp:// 0 active Alive 5504 203 0 Sat, 24 May 2014 23:49:37 UTC michelem.minera x

My settings:

    "gc3355-detect": true,
    "freq": "800",
    "log": "\/var\/log\/minera\/cpuminer.log",
    "pools": [
            "url": "stratum+tcp:\/\/",
            "user": "emanzer0.1",
            "pass": "123"



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May 25, 2014, 01:32:59 AM

well I ran the auto update so i'm on 1.12 but now the dashboard just spins and never reports anything but ipominer shows that it's getting hash from me?
Hero Member
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May 25, 2014, 01:42:18 AM

How to set my minera to mobileminer   (, need api ?

Let me know if you folks need any help with this. I'd love to see MobileMiner support added to Minera! The API is very simple and only requires a few HTTP POST requests.

MultiMiner: Any Miner, Any Where, on Any Device |  Xgminer: Mine with popular miners on Mac OS X
btc: 1BmXY4ZZQh1iHSVre658gM1gPAEtDnq8rv  |  ltc: LP1SsHZTDexndkvRKsqAkXNsienPHwaMb5  |  hardware: nwoolls at gmail dot com
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May 25, 2014, 01:44:14 AM

well I ran the auto update so i'm on 1.12 but now the dashboard just spins and never reports anything but ipominer shows that it's getting hash from me?

Nevermind just ignore me. Everything is working just find now. Thank you so much for minera!
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Activity: 67
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May 25, 2014, 04:01:08 AM

Is there a way to put pool address that is not active?
Have several upcoming new coin launching within few days. Want to put them in the list of pools before launch so that it can switch right away once its launched.
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May 25, 2014, 04:42:05 AM

Is there an option to see the current difficulty the miners are at on the pool?

Also, no matter what I do, if I enable logging it doesn't work.  The miner freezes, the dashboard just sits there with the rotating icons.  If I disable logging, it all starts working again.  Permissions issue?  It's a fresh install of Ubuntu 14.
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May 25, 2014, 05:08:29 AM

Minera is indeed very good, but it's still very unstable, and has been like so in the last versions. Things I've been noticing:

1. If I save new settings and restart, minerd hangs randomly, while setting chip frequencies
2. Also, when I save new settings and restart, it sometimes starts hashing but does not accept any shares
(to solve all of the above I have to restart several times till it works)
3. when I add 3 or more pools, it gives errors similar to 1 and 2, and the only workaround is to remove those pools from the config
4. Pool switcher rarely works

Anyone experiencing the same? Any workarounds?

the miner hanging when you set saved frequencies is a known problem

the other stuff seems to be a feature of cpuminer that or duff usb hubs (mine seem fine since I ditched the cheapo ones) a reboot is the best bet.

Oh and I have had little success with my 40 chip blades which seem to hang with minera if it's blades you are using use hashra or a as I have  low power netbook and bgminer

I never used the save frequency setting on Minera, I already knew what frequencies to use when I installed Minera. But yes, I do put specific frequencies on my settings, that's a problem?

This is just a test system, it's as simple as it gets. It only has one raspberry and one Gridseed 5 chip, unmodded, so no stress with usb hubs. Rebooting doesn't solve. And yes, this is a fresh install.

I've seen what's up with blades and Minera, so not using those with it, thanks for the heads up. I guess I'll switch back to SSH control for now.

Having the same issue.  I had it running, then I added some extra backup pools and fixed the json file being un-editable with an update, and now it won't hash, no matter what I do.

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