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Author Topic: [ANN][BURST] Burst | Efficient HDD Mining | New 1.2.3 Fork block 92000  (Read 2171100 times)
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July 29, 2016, 03:17:09 AM

To past and future miners the pool is capable of finding blocks and I await more upgrades to one of my servers I apologize for we are finding blocks its just these past wallet changes are affecting all pools.  I am seeing another day of 6 block not accepted by the wallet or whoever pool is in control.
You all want my code and talk of growing burst however you aren't treating my pool as a worthy growth. How many pool owners have switched to the new wallet? How many pools are out there. Alot

Why you guys are forking is it because of Burst ninja?

When I started this pool on wallet 1.2.3. Everything was fine. I don't understand why this past month has been so difficult with the Fork. I guess I lost site of the reason for forking.

Since the fork My pool and miners started to benefit from my increased upgrades in making the pool better at finding blocks. these past few weeks I have grown the pool  and attracted new miners that helped in finding 2 block a day. Then when I started to brag about a guarantee of 2 blocks a day BAM the introduction of 1.2.5 and now 1.2.6 Something isn't right anymore.

Maybe cheated is a strong word however when you see the pool wallet showing again 6 blocks not accept you are hurting my attempts to help grow Burstcoin.
I think you really need to treat all pool owners as one and start including us on the specific changes that are made behind the scenes.

Yes upset at the loss of 6 block for you miners on my pool
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July 29, 2016, 11:11:20 AM

Help i got this error

any solutions

Update Internet Explorer version, then it will be fixed. The wallet using IE inside it.

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July 30, 2016, 03:24:43 AM

To past and future miners the pool is capable of finding blocks and I await more upgrades to one of my servers I apologize for we are finding blocks its just these past wallet changes are affecting all pools.  I am seeing another day of 6 block not accepted by the wallet or whoever pool is in control.
You all want my code and talk of growing burst however you aren't treating my pool as a worthy growth. How many pool owners have switched to the new wallet? How many pools are out there. Alot

Why you guys are forking is it because of Burst ninja?

When I started this pool on wallet 1.2.3. Everything was fine. I don't understand why this past month has been so difficult with the Fork. I guess I lost site of the reason for forking.

Since the fork My pool and miners started to benefit from my increased upgrades in making the pool better at finding blocks. these past few weeks I have grown the pool  and attracted new miners that helped in finding 2 block a day. Then when I started to brag about a guarantee of 2 blocks a day BAM the introduction of 1.2.5 and now 1.2.6 Something isn't right anymore.

Maybe cheated is a strong word however when you see the pool wallet showing again 6 blocks not accept you are hurting my attempts to help grow Burstcoin.
I think you really need to treat all pool owners as one and start including us on the specific changes that are made behind the scenes.

Yes upset at the loss of 6 block for you miners on my pool

The reasoning for the fork, was to multithread the coin, and add necessary updates to the AT code that could have potentially caused issues with the massive PR attempt we are planning, so we've done these things, making the coin faster and stronger, and then 1.2.4 and 1.2.5 had a few bugs to iron out networking wise, that were resolved in 1.2.6.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and running 4 pools ourselves, know your pain of mining forked blocks, I personally have paid out 60+k and anticipate paying out more out of my pocket, to make sure the miners that mined these fork blocks get the payout they deserve, even if they technically don't deserve them.

this is the cost of running a pool, in my opinion. If something goes wrong and the miners stats say they earned more than they did, you have to pony up and pay the extra. That's my opinion. So that is what the BURST team pools have done.

Yes, the forking issues caused a bit of havoc there for a minute, but it has been resolved in 1.2.6, network now running great with the new multithreading, processing blocks faster than it ever has before.

These are growing pains of a coin, but we were able to work through them extremely fast due to the talent in the dev team we have.

Again, apologies for the issues, they obviously weren't intended, as they cost us out of pocket as well, but everything when you move to 1.2.6 should be perfect, you may have to resync the chain from scratch, but that should be the last time this will have to happen. Thanks!

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August 01, 2016, 08:59:21 PM

Check, I think it's stuck
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August 06, 2016, 01:46:13 AM

There's been some recent papers discussing similar concepts to Burst. Can the devs please comment on these?


Myriad: the ORIGINAL and fairest distribution 5 algo coin, which I did not develop.
NOT the Myriad developer. Just a fan.
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August 06, 2016, 07:19:58 AM

Something wrong with the dev v2 pool? Currently on 259368 but my wallet shows 259390 :-(
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August 07, 2016, 02:15:43 PM

Something wrong with the dev v2 pool? Currently on 259368 but my wallet shows 259390 :-(

I also wonder what's that crap with new wallet versions/fork?  Huh "official" download shows 1.2.3 as latest but block number differs from my 1.2.3 and balances are fluctuating. Poloniex even halted deposits and withdrawals. Dev V2 pool also seems to be running 1.2.3...

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August 07, 2016, 03:34:24 PM

Something wrong with the dev v2 pool? Currently on 259368 but my wallet shows 259390 :-(

I also wonder what's that crap with new wallet versions/fork?  Huh "official" download shows 1.2.3 as latest but block number differs from my 1.2.3 and balances are fluctuating. Poloniex even halted deposits and withdrawals. Dev V2 pool also seems to be running 1.2.3...


I am not sure about this, but it seems the 1.2.3s are running their own version of the blockchain, and it is not the same persons getting the blocks.

my miners made some blocks on the 1.2.3 chain, but i have changed all of them now to use a 1.2.6 wallet.

The 1.2.6 has been running nicely here for some hours, and it seems to be fine.

one of the pc's could not generate the blockchain by itself due to cpu getting too hot. It seems the new wallet is more effective at using all cores, and that box is kinda heat sensitive at 100% cpu.  I built the blockchain on another pc and copied it over to the other ones.

I would advice not doing business at sites running 1.2.3 as there is a small chance that the transactions do not get picked up by the 1.2.6 network. Certanly do not do 1.2.3 mining, do not mine at pools still at 1.2.3, as the mined blocks and rewards to you are very likely to be refused by the 1.2.6 network.

When copying the burst database around, i have experienced that copying a database made with java64bit to an installation that is running java32bit (or the reverse) will give you all sorts of instabillity headaches.. it seems to work, but it breaks down over time.
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August 07, 2016, 03:54:52 PM

Something wrong with the dev v2 pool? Currently on 259368 but my wallet shows 259390 :-(

I also wonder what's that crap with new wallet versions/fork?  Huh "official" download shows 1.2.3 as latest but block number differs from my 1.2.3 and balances are fluctuating. Poloniex even halted deposits and withdrawals. Dev V2 pool also seems to be running 1.2.3...


I am not sure about this, but it seems the 1.2.3s are running their own version of the blockchain, and it is not the same persons getting the blocks.

my miners made some blocks on the 1.2.3 chain, but i have changed all of them now to use a 1.2.6 wallet.

The 1.2.6 has been running nicely here for some hours, and it seems to be fine.

one of the pc's could not generate the blockchain by itself due to cpu getting too hot. It seems the new wallet is more effective at using all cores, and that box is kinda heat sensitive at 100% cpu.  I built the blockchain on another pc and copied it over to the other ones.

I would advice not doing business at sites running 1.2.3 as there is a small chance that the transactions do not get picked up by the 1.2.6 network. Certanly do not do 1.2.3 mining, do not mine at pools still at 1.2.3, as the mined blocks and rewards to you are very likely to be refused by the 1.2.6 network.

When copying the burst database around, i have experienced that copying a database made with java64bit to an installation that is running java32bit (or the reverse) will give you all sorts of instabillity headaches.. it seems to work, but it breaks down over time.
We should all be on 1.2.6 but some pools are not. We also need to resync from scratch. This is my take. Is this correct?
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August 07, 2016, 09:44:25 PM

Something wrong with the dev v2 pool? Currently on 259368 but my wallet shows 259390 :-(

I also wonder what's that crap with new wallet versions/fork?  Huh "official" download shows 1.2.3 as latest but block number differs from my 1.2.3 and balances are fluctuating. Poloniex even halted deposits and withdrawals. Dev V2 pool also seems to be running 1.2.3...


I am not sure about this, but it seems the 1.2.3s are running their own version of the blockchain, and it is not the same persons getting the blocks.

my miners made some blocks on the 1.2.3 chain, but i have changed all of them now to use a 1.2.6 wallet.

The 1.2.6 has been running nicely here for some hours, and it seems to be fine.

one of the pc's could not generate the blockchain by itself due to cpu getting too hot. It seems the new wallet is more effective at using all cores, and that box is kinda heat sensitive at 100% cpu.  I built the blockchain on another pc and copied it over to the other ones.

I would advice not doing business at sites running 1.2.3 as there is a small chance that the transactions do not get picked up by the 1.2.6 network. Certanly do not do 1.2.3 mining, do not mine at pools still at 1.2.3, as the mined blocks and rewards to you are very likely to be refused by the 1.2.6 network.

When copying the burst database around, i have experienced that copying a database made with java64bit to an installation that is running java32bit (or the reverse) will give you all sorts of instabillity headaches.. it seems to work, but it breaks down over time.
We should all be on 1.2.6 but some pools are not. We also need to resync from scratch. This is my take. Is this correct?

resync from scratch on 1.2.6 yes, download the windows client from sourceforge

it contains 1.2.6

If you're not using windows, download the new wallet from github

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    ..Web and Application hosting.
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August 07, 2016, 11:09:50 PM

The Bittrex wallet is back online and my issue with my withdrawal has been fixed and my coins were returned to my Bittrex account. I just made a withdrawal and it all went fine so glad to see they have fixed the issue.

Thanks Bittrex for the fast response at getting my issue fix.

I can promote your project on X to my 100k+ followers for a reasonable price. Just DM me for prices.
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August 08, 2016, 01:42:49 PM

Nice price action today.. hopefully we can get back above 100 soon.. Smiley

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August 10, 2016, 08:56:40 AM

Happy birthday to BURST!!! Smiley

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August 10, 2016, 05:56:31 PM

I am trying to change servers. I am updated to 1.2.6.  When I try to change I get this error: {"errorDescription":"recipient account does not have public key","errorCode":8,"requestProcessingTime":10}.  I am trying to change to  Any ideas?
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August 11, 2016, 05:41:55 AM

I am trying to change servers. I am updated to 1.2.6.  When I try to change I get this error: {"errorDescription":"recipient account does not have public key","errorCode":8,"requestProcessingTime":10}.  I am trying to change to  Any ideas?

You should join us on BURST forums, and ask this question.

However, I can tell you, judging by the response of the network, you have not done an outgoing tx on your account yet. Go ahead and set a name for you wallet, or send coin anywhere, do anything that requires 1 coin outgoing, and this will go away.

if you need coins, go to the new faucet (link in the windows UI, or or others) to get some coin, THEN make an outgoing tx.

This will solve the issue.

Any further questions, propose them to the and one of the team or community will gladly answer your question.

Also, this is the OLD OP. There is a new one at...

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August 13, 2016, 11:07:58 AM


tross Burstcoin Pool

Recipient: BURST-JGBV-U7YK-SWHM-4P4QS  and 8124

I hope people come and try it out! Only cost is 1 Burst and your are free to stay or go as you please
It's an alternative to a large pool without pay hassle and forks. Thats not saying it couldnt happen to
my pool but less frequently or not so often. I will be changing the site design and some of the JS code.
Like any other project there is always a bug somewhere.

Burstcoin has to have more than a couple large pools. It wasnt too long ago all the big pools were forked.
But us smaller pools were not. You never know a smaller pool might be better than where you are. Its all
luck! Are you lucky? <<<<<pow coin mining<<<<<<< is the place to mine! 
Burstcoin mining POC mining
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August 16, 2016, 09:18:02 PM
Last edit: August 17, 2016, 02:03:17 AM by BurstVest

New asset on the exchanges: BurstVest

Name: BurstVest

Asset ID: 9942303089158877431
Asset Issuer: BURST-TX7W-YTB2-EZY7-APA7J
Supply: 1,000,000 (1,000,000 will be sold on the market. All profit from sales goes into the asset)
Price: 100 (Has 2 decimals to break into 1 burst per .01 shares. All assets will be the same price from the issuer! NO increase!)
Asset Decimals: 2
Dividends: Monthly


BurstVest invests it's funds into current and future assets and reinvests profits while maintaining dividends to shareholders.

The purpose of BurstVest is to simplify investing in multiple assets and reinvesting profits by packaging it into one asset. To put it in simpler terms, BurstVest takes investor's funds and allocates them to assets. The revenue from those assets is split into shareholder dividends, some of it is reinvested, and 1.5% is taken as a maintenance fee. The most unique aspect of BurstVest is that it reinvests 35% of it's revenues creating a larger dividend each month. No matter how many shares are sold, the dividends will keep going up for as long as the burst asset exchange exists.

Shares will be sold 100,000 at a time on the exchange.

Burstvest will allocate it's investor's funds like this:
20% BURSTize ID:14692463117907261266
15% BURSTeam ID: 14092376023955917604
15% thstake ID: 18176646582737130927
15% BurstGames ID: 9245423647144851863
10% ByteEnt ID: 1800253871016293364
10% BURSTaker ID: 15208279992621279224
15% Retained in the wallet for future assets. Wallet Address: BURST-TX7W-YTB2-EZY7-APA7J

The profits from the asset investments will be distributed:
60% Dividends to investors
35% Invested in more assets
3% Put into the wallet for future assets(Future assets will be determined by majority on the burstcoin forum)
1.5% Maintenance fee

Any funds sent to the asset will go directly into buying an asset immediately.
Don't have any burst? Throw some faucet burst at the exchange and you can get .01 shares per burst! If I go to the faucet and get 5 burst, I can get .05 shares and watch the profits roll in.

Just in case anybody missed it. The price of the asset in future releases will be the SAME. No increase whatsoever because that would cheat people who are late into buying it. HOWEVER, Any late buyers will not receive dividends from the previous months.

If you still aren't convinced, you can check how many of what asset the wallet currently owns by going to the exchange and clicking on the account ID (Who owns it). Anyone can see how many of what asset the wallet owns. There is the proof that this asset is legit.

Any amendments to investment percentages will be addressed on the official burstcoin forum page
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August 17, 2016, 02:05:27 AM

The roi seems bad. 25% to 50% a year is horrible. The HDD will take 2 years to be paid back and then only will I be able to make profits. I this right or am I missing something ? I'm going on the bases of 1tb HDD = +-$80 the calculator says it's 1400 burst a week.
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August 17, 2016, 02:38:02 AM

The roi seems bad. 25% to 50% a year is horrible. The HDD will take 2 years to be paid back and then only will I be able to make profits. I this right or am I missing something ? I'm going on the bases of 1tb HDD = +-$80 the calculator says it's 1400 burst a week.

You're not looking at it the right way, BURST is about the future, with all of the things we have coming in a short period of time, mining now is good, the rewards are dropping, many new people coming in and offering services, and a LOT more big things coming.

Get in now, and mine coins that go up 1000x in value in the near future, suddenly your ROI has happened 20 times in a few months.

BURST isn't about profit now, not by mining anyway. If you want profit now, you can mine with your existing drives, or buy and sell the coin, but the future, is where you're really going to see the long term goals coming to fruition, and massive increases once we get a few things finished up.

Everything will be public soon.

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August 17, 2016, 11:24:46 PM

The roi seems bad. 25% to 50% a year is horrible. The HDD will take 2 years to be paid back and then only will I be able to make profits. I this right or am I missing something ? I'm going on the bases of 1tb HDD = +-$80 the calculator says it's 1400 burst a week.

1 TB costs around $ 25 to $ 30 and a "return on investment" of 25 to 50% per year is horrible? With the value of the working HDD or without?

ROI is a very limited measurement of performance especially for long term projects.

github/dawallet   Burst Client for Win &
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