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3281  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Reward account bloccato e cripto in staking sparite on: March 31, 2022, 06:36:11 PM
quello che mi chiedo è : come faranno a trasferire cripto dal vecchio account al nuovo Huh

i dipendenti di non hanno accesso o controllo dei fondi di un utente sui loro portafogli con chiave privata (non di custodia) , il che significa che non abbiamo la possibilità di annullare o annullare le transazioni o di rimborsare i fondi persi.

Quello che ti stanno dicendo non ha senso. Poi ti parlano di "wallet compromesso" sulla base di cosa? Hai effettivamente avuto accessi non autorizzati al tuo wallet? Io non ho mai usato (e mai lo farò) però avranno delle misure di sicurezza tipo 2FA, approvazione nuovi address, blocco prelievi per 24 ore... Possono bloccarti l'account ma non possono sbloccarlo? Qui mi sembra che puntino a trascinare la cosa il più a lungo possibile, anche il suggerimento di fare un nuovo account verificato, è una cosa perfino fattibile? Non sarebbe come cercare di crearsi un secondo account su Binance etc, nel senso che il sistema dovrebbe rilevare che già esisti e che non può esserci una seconda persona uguale, no?
3282  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: UE e possibile nuovo regolamento wallet crypto: rischi sicurezza personale on: March 31, 2022, 06:29:26 PM
Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni in questo video: Approvata oggi la bozza della nuova normativa UE per l'antiriciclaggio

Per riassumere, al momento è stata approvata una bozza della legge, che quindi potrà successivamente essere modificata. Riguarda solamente gli indirizzi che interagiranno con intermediari, leggasi exchange, non gli scambi diretti tra utenti individuali.

Al momento quindi non cambia nulla, bisogna vedere poi come si evolverà questa bozza. Rimane da capire come si dovrebbe verificare la proprietà dei wallet personali.
3283  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: UE e possibile nuovo regolamento wallet crypto: rischi sicurezza personale on: March 31, 2022, 04:41:37 PM
Un conto però é la facoltà di fare questo tracciamento, un conto é l’obbligo.
Mi sta sorgendo un dubbio: ma anche le banche comunicano qualsiasi transazione superiore ai 1.000 euro di default? Perché io ero rimasto che la banca segnalava casi sospetti per evitare problemi di responsabilità, non che segnalasse ogni singola transazione perché altrimenti staremmo parlando di una mole di dati veramente enorme. Qualcuno mi illumina?

E perche dovresti fare cashout?
Babo, non conosco la tua situazione, ma io sto in affitto, un giorno mi piacerebbe potermi comprare una casa e sicuramente farei, almeno in parte, affidamento sulle crypto per potermela permettere. Non ho intenzione di portarmi il Ledger nella tomba Smiley
3284  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: UE e possibile nuovo regolamento wallet crypto: rischi sicurezza personale on: March 31, 2022, 04:07:58 PM
6)Se devo acquistare qualcosa in bitcoin, come si distingue l'indirizzo di ricezione come "indirizzo di qualcuno che mi sta vendendo qualcosa" da "indirizzo hosted" ed "indirizzo unhosted"? Sembra quasi che non si potrà più tirare fuori le crypto dagli exchanger se non verso altri excahnger, e a quel punto a cosa servirebbe comprare delle crypto che non sono veramente mie?
È quello che dicevo nel mio post di apertura, sembra che l'idea sia appunto quella di creare un circuito chiuso nel quale sarà impossibile custodire personalmente le proprie crypto, quindi si potrà fare solamente banca <--> exchange e finisce lì. Il che ovviamente vuol dire che i governi potranno far congelare i conti degli utenti a loro piacimento, possibile che il fine sia proprio quello. Al tempo stesso non capisco come si potrebbe mai fare cashout dato che gli exchange rifiuterebbero le transazioni che arrivano dai wallet personali, il che vorrebbe dire che ci sarebbe un'enorme quantità di crypto in una specie di limbo. A sua volta vorrebbe dire mancati introiti pure per gli stati perché nessuna vendita su exchange regolamentato = nessuno dichiarerà nulla, niente tasse per lo stato.
3285  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Fisco / Tasse / Legge sul Bitcoin on: March 31, 2022, 03:56:06 PM
Mamma mia ragazzi, in quell'articolo ci sono virgolettati certi abomini... Lips sealed Non saprei neanche da dove iniziare, francamente mi mancava leggere che ora c'è pure il collegamento TikTok -> Investimenti dei giovani -> bitcoin -> Perdono tutto. Imbarazzante. Premesso il fatto che normalmente si inizia a comprare da exchange, quindi il "giovane" deve fare il KYC e, presumo, avere almeno 18 anni per essere approvato, alla stessa età può fumare, bere, giocare alle slot machine, fare scommesse, però poi è bitcoin che gli rovina la vita, ovviamente. Ripeto, imbarazzante, ma anche molto preoccupante.
3286  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: This is going to be bad for the Indian Bitcoin community on: March 31, 2022, 03:49:54 PM
Okay so last time, the Indian government has proposed a 30% tax on capital gains whatever profit do the citizens get from selling the assets.

But for this one.....argggh!!!!


So not one, but two taxes that will be imposed starting next week. This is definitely bad (or shall I say worse) for the Indian crypto community. 1% for every transaction? What is the government thinking about this?
I have read many stupid stuff about regulations, but this one is really on another level. It's a really pity for the Indian community. Anyway as far as I can remember the Indian government has always been against cryptos, taxation at 30% was somehow acceptable even though is pretty steep, the 1% tax on transaction is a really unfair move.
3287  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Long Term Holders - When Do You Plan To Cash Out? on: March 31, 2022, 03:42:43 PM
I made a 5-years plan. Bought in may 2020, plan to sell in july 2025, when I will finish my master degree.
It's interesting for me to see that instead a fiat value goal you have a date to sell. I'm curious to know what you would do in case 2025 is a bad year compared to 2024 and, let's say, bitcoin value is half than the previous year, what would you do? Still selling anyway? Or at that point you'd wait?
3288  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: exchanges that offer 0 commissions on: March 31, 2022, 03:53:33 AM
Hello I understand there are several exchanges that offer 0 commissions but I saw a video in which they explained that these 0 commissions have trap ... if I remember correctly was something related to the slippage ... Has anyone used any of these platforms that offer 0 commissions? what is your experience?
I have never used (or known) any 0% commission exchange, but usually exchanges make the majority of their profits from commissions, so if they are always offering 0% commission (not only for example for the first month after you register) then I wouldn't trust them because they may be making money in some shady/hidden way, otherwise how could the exchange sustain itself in the first place?
3289  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Long Term Holders - When Do You Plan To Cash Out? on: March 31, 2022, 03:30:15 AM
For those people who are long term holders of btc or any crypto, do you have a plan of when you would sell it?  I am talking about the coins you are holding long term and not trading or selling short term etc.  Such that if you have a set amount of btc or crypto where you are holding long term.
Everyone is different, it depends what are your life goals, where you live, what you want to do in the future... In my case I hope that some day I'll be able to afford buying a house thanks to bitcoin, that would be my dream. I'm not talking about anything special, not a mansion, not in a big city, just a nice little house. I hope to be able to do it in the next 10 years.
3290  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Are Your Kids Aware Of Bitcoin? Teach Them. on: March 31, 2022, 03:24:49 AM
Not sure I'd want to encourage them to be a business person either, since I think capitalism is floored, and by doing so your participating in a broken system, something which Bitcoin definitely doesn't solve, but does touch upon how alternatives can at least deviate from it.
I totally agree with you, but for sure it's a good thing explaining them how money works because at the end of the day we all need some money to live. I began having some interest in understanding how money works after I got introduced to bitcoin, and it's a pity that no one told me some things earlier, and at the same time I never felt curiosity about this world. This is why I don't want the same thing to happen to my kids as well. I won't push them, but in this world you must understand some things, wether you like them or not it's not important.
3291  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: CEX ruins the true value of Bitcoin on: March 30, 2022, 11:25:53 PM
In that future, I'm very confident there will be more, and better BISQ-like decentralized exchanges implemented, and more peer to peer exchanges like LocalBitcoins/HodlHodl. Why? Because it they will be necessary for further development of Bitcoin. Exchanges becoming like banks is deteriorated development.
I absolutely hope as well that in the future we'll have several reliable DEXs, that would be the natural evolution of cryptos. At the same time I think CEXs will still have their market share because this world is going to be so big there everyone can have its own space. It's up to us deciding what to use depending on the situation because if someone wants to cash out, doing it through a regulated exchange with KYC approved for sure is going to be way more simple than simply getting some money from some unknown platform.
The problem with DEXs is that even if the technology is decentralized there is still a single point of failure which are the people that own the DEX, one of the likely reasons why satoshi disappeared was to eliminate this point of failure in bitcoin, so we need another visionary like satoshi that creates a DEX technology but that is willing to leave it behind when the time comes, something which is unlikely to happen as such a person would leave a lot of money over the table by doing a move like that.
So you mean that you're worried about a possible exit scam? That's always a possibility, but let's face the reality taking people like CZ and Sam Bankman-Fried: those people already have tens of billions of dollars, and they're assets are extremely (if not completely) crypto related, so why should someone in their position scam? To eventually get some other billion of dollars while tanking the market and becoming an international criminal? What are they even going to do with that money? They already enough money for the next 20 generations of their families.
3292  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: UE e possibile nuovo regolamento wallet crypto: rischi sicurezza personale on: March 30, 2022, 11:17:25 PM
In realtà se ne parla, ma la proposta é accolta con molto scetticismo da parte degli operatori del settore, che sono al momento in fase di denial : non si ritiene possibile che la UE promulghi una regolamentazione così mal congegnata.
Si spera in un finale á la “Ban del Mining PoS”: un nulla di fatto di fronte alla assurdità della legge.
Domani sapremo di che morte dobbiamo morire, manca pochissimo oramai. Mi chiedo se le proteste degli exchange possano davvero servire a cambiare l'opinione dei parlamentari, d'altra parte chi meglio di loro per spiegare l'assurdità di questa proposta? Mi ha sorpreso molto il termine usato da Coinbase nell'email inviata ai clienti, parlando di "crypto surveillance regime", mi pare una definizione veramente forte, che appoggio totalmente, ma che al tempo stesso non mi aspettavo dato che Coinbase è rinomato per andare a braccetto con l'IRS.
3293  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: CEX ruins the true value of Bitcoin on: March 30, 2022, 06:22:19 PM
In that future, I'm very confident there will be more, and better BISQ-like decentralized exchanges implemented, and more peer to peer exchanges like LocalBitcoins/HodlHodl. Why? Because it they will be necessary for further development of Bitcoin. Exchanges becoming like banks is deteriorated development.
I absolutely hope as well that in the future we'll have several reliable DEXs, that would be the natural evolution of cryptos. At the same time I think CEXs will still have their market share because this world is going to be so big there everyone can have its own space. It's up to us deciding what to use depending on the situation because if someone wants to cash out, doing it through a regulated exchange with KYC approved for sure is going to be way more simple than simply getting some money from some unknown platform.
3294  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Banche italiane che bloccano bonifici verso exchange on: March 30, 2022, 06:09:05 PM
Ma perché accanirsi con le crittovalute?
In primo luogo, le carenze erano su KYC/AML, ovvero procedure che non hanno nulla a che vedere con le crypto, e che devono essere comunque messe in atto dalla banca. In secondo luogo, ci sono molti altri servizi che possono essere assai più utili per il riciclaggio che un movimento su una blockchain pubblica ed eterna.
C'è un detto che è all'incirca "una bugia diventa verità se ripetuta tante volte", il discorso delle cripto usate dai criminali e che quindi vanno bloccate dalle banche è una di queste. L'altra probabilmente è che BTC inquina come tutto il *inserite nome di una nazione a caso*. D'altra parte sono oltre 10 anni che ripetono le stesse cose, se all'inizio si poteva scusare l'ignoranza per mancanza di dati, informazioni poco chiare, difficoltà di comprensione, quello che volete insomma, ora direi che la malafede (e la paura) siano chiare. Prima o poi in ogni caso finiremo anche con queste menzogne, ci siamo librati del "la Cina banna bitcoin", ce la faremo anche questa volta.
3295  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is There any other country except El Salvador using BTC as legal tender?
 on: March 30, 2022, 04:48:26 PM
Is there any other country with a serious plan to choose BTC as legal tender?

As a whole country, no, but if I'm not wrong Lugano, a city in Switzerland, should accept it soon. Regarding future countries from time to time I read some news about Paraguay and Uruguay, but we still a long way to go, I guess probably many countries are looking with interest El Salvador situation, if things go well they'll probably follow the same path. El Salvador is a bitcoin Guinea pig Grin
3296  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: "Change the Code, Not the Climate" FUD campaign coming next month on: March 30, 2022, 03:58:06 PM
Chris Larsen, who founded his own altcoin 2012, is going to be one of the people funding this campaign:

Larsen said Bitcoin’s power consumption issue could be fixed via a soft or a hard fork -- both changing the network’s code to make Bitcoin less power hungry. A soft fork would preserve Bitcoin as a single blockchain. A hard fork would split Bitcoin into two separate networks, one supporting miners and the other running different code -- perhaps Proof of Stake.

The campaign believes that about 50 key miners, crypto exchanges and core developers have the power to change Bitcoin’s code.
Well, the nice thing about bitcoin is that if you don't like it you can try to make a fork, then people will decide which version to embrace. Does Larsen really think that the bitcoin community will choose a fork with a guy like him behind it? Good for him, for me this idea will fail miserably. I'm pretty sick and tired about this environmentally FUD about bitcoin, they have no idea what they're talking about.
3297  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How safe it is to invest in cryptocurrency on: March 30, 2022, 03:43:56 PM
Nowadays investing in bitcoin and other cryptos is way safer and simpler than years ago. Before it was a huge bet, the whole system could've failed any moment, now we have even big companies and banks investing in cryptos. Of course there still are a lot of scams and price volatility, it's something that mustn't be forget, but in the long run we should be fine.
Too big to fail? Probably but not into the point that you could really be having some assurance because everything could fail or shall we say that there might be other coins which would overtake bitcoin into this manner.

The main key on here is that invest on the amount or money that you can afford to lose as always because you couldnt be sure on what would happen since future isnt something guaranteed.

I do agree though that on these years it is much more safer than or compared into the past considering the adoption and recognition rate.
Yeah of course there always is the possibility of failure, just like in everything else in this world. I agree about investing only what you can afford to lose, but as I was saying if someone decides to take a small, I repeat small, extra risk, doing it now it's easier compared some years ago. As usual there is a huge difference buying bitcoin or Ethereum rather than some shitcoin hoping it makes 300x.
3298  Local / Italiano (Italian) / Re: Banche italiane che bloccano bonifici verso exchange on: March 30, 2022, 03:36:01 PM
e no.. dicono loro.. cosi non sappiamo che tipo sei... MA VAI A FARE IN CULO
Eh purtroppo funziona così. Quando mi sono trasferito degli USA ho iniziato ad usare più spesso la carta di credito perché era il modo più semplice per far crescere il mio credit history, altrimenti il mio punteggio sarebbe rimasto basso e avrebbe provocato problemi quando, per esempio, ti fanno un controllo prima di accettarti come inquilino in una casa in affitto. Praticamente la banca stessa mi ha pure detto di aprire più account presso altre banche per avere più carte di credito possibili, così da non accumulare troppi debiti sulla stessa. Aaah il capitalismo  Roll Eyes
3299  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Still haven't sold a bit of BTC since 2013... if I can do it you can do it too! on: March 30, 2022, 03:27:33 AM
There's nothing dumb when you hodl, it's simply the best decision in the long term, unless you're a great trader. I read several times articles and they all agree that in the long term hodling is the best move. Congratulations for hodling for almost 10 years now, that's actually impressive!
"Hodling" for the long haul is only for those who can afford doing so. People who need the money right away to survive, won't be capable of doing this. The OP is brave enough to "hodl" Bitcoin for such a long time, even with the temptations to sell at higher market prices. If he keeps up, he might become more wealthy than any of us.
Yeah course if you don't have any particular economical problem hodling is easier, but I know several people who don't actually need to make more money and yet at the first 2x they sell everything. A gain is always a gain, but if you don't need the money then why selling? I wouldn't do it, but everyone is different.
3300  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Do you really believe Satoshi is real?? on: March 30, 2022, 01:32:30 AM
Bitcoin is in many main languages but not Japanese. Why would the guy who created it not make it in his own language? Don't you find it suspicious MtGox is in Japan?
Satoshi is just a nickname, so I don't understand why you are kind of implying that because of this he/she/they is/are supposed to be Japanese. Also because of the way the bitcoin papers were written it's clear that English is the first language. Anyway the papers have been translated in a second time in other languages by other people, so if they're not in Japanese is just because nobody decided to translated them.
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