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1721  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why all this hype with Hardware Wallets when Bitcoin Core is all you need? on: March 30, 2022, 01:26:30 AM
if you swallowed your hardware wallet you just traded one problem for another one  Shocked

Probably just a painful surgical procedure, but at least the thieves won't be able to find it, of course, you should have your seeds stored in another place just in case the stomach acid damages all those chips, either way, the implications will be a lot worse if you try to eat your laptop while someone is breaking into your house.
1722  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Why all this hype with Hardware Wallets when Bitcoin Core is all you need? on: March 30, 2022, 12:31:47 AM
Sure, not everyone has two smartphones.

Get Sirin Labs Finney or HTC Exodus and then you won't need the casing nor the extra phone, I don't think they are anywhere near cheap tho.

it would literally allow you to sign transactions in plain sight without much suspicion.

I know some of you guys are super paranoid and I understand why one would want top security for all wallets they use, however, I personally don't think I need that much security for a wallet I am going to be using in front of other people in the first place, just a phone wallet on my phone would do.

a hardware wallet is pretty obviously a device containing money, so the chances are that an attacker will grab it and try to hack it. A raspberry pi or an old computer laying around is way less tempting in the eyes of an attacker.

Assuming we all agree that nobody should be bringing their hw wallet with them for a walk, then we can only assume that someone will break into your house, if that person knows you own crypto and you are being targeted, they will take everything that has a semiconductor in it (hopefully they will leave the fridge alone), now if that person doesn't know anything about crypto, I am pretty sure they will be more tempted to steal the old PC than something that looks like a USB drive.

As far as the OP goes, I am not sure where does the assumption of everyone having a spare PC comes from and thus I don't think that should be used an argument, now besides the extra physical securities that any decent hw has over your old PC, is the ability to hide it and move it once needed, if the building catches fire, or some other country decides to invade your country and you have to flee home, it would be a lot easier to grab that hw and run.

also, should I need to hide my funds at any given point, I am pretty sure I can swallow my hw or even shove it up my arse if I had to, not sure I can do that with a full tower PC. :Dd
1723  Economy / Economics / Re: Member Of The E.U. Parliament Says Crypto Transactions Shouldn’t Be Anonymous on: March 29, 2022, 11:45:45 PM
This guy is talking about KYC for crypto services

It doesn't say so.

"Just like bank transfers, transferring crypto like Bitcoin should be accompanied with information about the person sending and receiving the funds,” he wrote on Twitter earlier today."

They are talking about all transfers, just like the last regulation of Coinbase, if you reside in Canada, Japan, or Singapore you are required to provide information about the recipient even if you were sending them to an individual.

And most centralized exchanges are now also asking for compulsory KYC, so this is not new anymore.

There is a difference between doing your KYC on the exchange once vs having to write the name and/or physical address of the person you are sending your crypto to.
1724  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: بوتن و البتكوين on: March 29, 2022, 09:52:45 PM
أضف الى ذلك أن هذا العرض متعلق بالدول 'الصديقة' التي لم تقم بوضع عقوبات على روسيا مثل تركيا و الصين  .

اعتقد ان المقال يتكلم عن الدول "غير الصديقة" اخي امويقا.

اما عن وجهة نظري فأن اعتقد ان بوتن شخص مطرب نفسيا, وان روسيا اضعف من ان تفعل شي مثل هدا, واعتقد ان من مصلحة البتكوين والكبيرتو ان لا يستعملها بوتن في حربه هده, الجميع يعلم اين يقع التقل الاقتصادي في العالم, الدول الاستعمارية المتمتلة في دول غرب اوروبا وامريكيا الشمالية هما الامر الناهي فيما يتعلق بالاقتصاد العالمي, حتى الصين التي تتفوق على روسيا بمئات السنين لايمكنها مواجهة تلك الدول متحدة, الاغلبية الساحقة من صادرات الصين مثلا تدهب لامريكا واوروبا, ولهدا نراها مكتوفة الايدي في مساعدة روسيا فهيا لا تريد ان تعادي تلك الدول.

لو فرضنا جدلا ان البتكوين اصبحت عملة قانونية في روسيا, ماذا سيحدث في حال قامت امريكيا باعتبار ان البتكوين عملة غير قانونية واصدرت قوانين تدين اي شخص يشتريها, هنا سنفقد اكبر اقتصادات العالم فامريكا لن تكون وحيدة وسوف ينصاع لها عشرات الدول الاخرى مجبرة وصاغرة, تخيل ان اوروبا وامريكيا وكندا واتسرالية واليابان وسنغافورة وتايوان و و و منعو شراء وبيع البتكوين, اضف الى ذلك حظر الصين, يعني لن يشتري احد البتكوين الا من الدول الصغيرة ولا اعتقد ان سعر البتكوين سيصمد حتى فوق ال 1000$ في حال ان امريكا منعت استخدامها, لذلك يا اخ بوتن لو سمحت اترك البتكوين وشأنها Cheesy.
1725  Local / التعدين / Re: شركة لنفط و الغاز تشتغل في التعدين on: March 29, 2022, 09:10:28 PM
كنت قد تحدث عن هدا الخبر في هدا الموضوع يمكنكم قرائته فهو مفصل نوعا ما.

ولكن الشرح المختصر هوا ان هده الشركات قامت باستغلال مشكلة ازلية وتحويلها الى اداة نافعة, هنا يجب ان نتعمق قليلا في مجال التنقيب عن النفط والغاز, فمن المعلوم ان لاستخراج النفط يجب ان تجتاز طبقة الغاز, والمعلوم ايضا ان نقل الغاز الطبيعي اصعب بكثير من نقل النفط فبعض الابار يتم سحب النفط منها وترك الغاز يتبخر في الهواء, ولهده الاسباب وغيرها الكثير التي يمكن الاطلاع عليها في العديد من المواقع فأنه يوجد فاقد كبير من الغاز يتم تسريبه للهواء عمدا, تسريب الغاز الطبيعي في الهواء يعتبر ملوث للجوء باكتر من 80 ضعف من تاني اكسيد الكربون, اذا الحل الوحيد هوا القيام بحرق ذلك الغاز الفائض وهدا ينقص من اضراره سواء على الانسان او غلاف الجو.

لذلك قد تلاحط وجود نار تخرج من اعلى فواهات مراكز التكرير او التنقيب, فهدا الحرق يتم عمدا لانه لايمكن استخدام ذلك الغاز في اي مجال اخر, طبعا يمكن ضخ الغاز الزائد داخل مولدات كهربائية تشتغتل بالغاز ولكن المشكلة ان معظم تلك الاماكان بعيدة عن احتياجات البشر للطاقة ونقل الطاقة الكهربائية مكلف اكثر من نقل الغاز اصلا, يعني ان الحل الوحيد هوا ان تنقل مراكز الاحمال التي تحتاج الى طاقة بالقرب من الاماكان التي يوجد بها فاض من الغاز الطبيعي, وهنا جائت فكرة شركة exxon , فبدلا من حرق الغاز ونظرا لان حرق الغاز مكلف اصلا, يقومو بضخ الغاز داخل موالدات ويستخرجو منه طاقة تغدي اجهزة تعدين موجودة بالقرب من مراكز الغاز, هدا الغاز يعتبر شبه مجاني لانه كان يتم حرقه على اي حال, وبهدا فأن تكلفة الكهرباء هي فقط تكلفة صيانة وتشغيل المولدات, وهنا ضربو عصفورين بحجر واحد.

1- الحصول على كهرباء شبه مجانية بطريقة شرعية
2- الحفاظ على البيئة بتقليل احتراق الغاز.

اما كون ان هدا الشي سيجعل البتكوين صديقة للبيئة فانا لا اعتقد هدا, لان كمية التلوث الناتجة عن حرق الغاز لا تتجاوز 2% , ولكن مع الوقت ومع كثرة انتشار مثل هده المزارع, خصوصا ان كانت الاخرى تستخدم طاقة نظيفة فمع الوقت يمكن ان يكون تعدين البتكوين يقدم اضافة موجبة للبيئة بدلا من تلويثها, ومع هدا فأنا شخصيا لا يهمني موضوع الغلاف الجوي وكل هده الخزعبلات, يوجد اكتر من مليار شخص في الدول الفقيرة لايمتلكون الطعام ولا الماء, الاجر بالعالم ان ينظر لهاؤلاء بدل الاهتمام بمستقبل اجيال تبعد عن الحياة مئات السنين.
1726  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: [Megathread] The long-known PoW vs. PoS debate on: March 29, 2022, 12:43:29 AM
That's laughable. Using that kind of debate, they're obviously nitpicking.

The "energy-wasting" argument just lacks so many things, and it's used as the first offense against PoW, especially on the "go green" side of things, what the majority of people fail to realize is that PoW can actually help reduce carbon emissions to a great degree, for over a century nobody has ever found a better way to deal with uncombusted natural gas (methane) which is 80 times more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide, gas flaring has been the only option ever since and it's also pretty bad for the environment.

The vast majority of oil extraction sites are located in places where no electricity is actually needed so that gas has to be vented into the air or otherwise flared, the only thing that lets you effectively and efficiently utilize that "otherwise wasted gas" is PoW, all you have to do is bring your mining gears near the extraction sites, and you can achieve a few things.

1-Reduce air pollution
2-Offer more jobs
3-Extract more value
4-Make the blockchain more secured
5-Make life more difficult for other miners who rely on resources with a high carbon footprint like coal

And this isn't just a "theory", people are already doing that, what ExxonMobil is doing in North Dakota is a great example of how PoW can be good for the environment.

1727  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: منصة كوين باز و اللامركزية on: March 28, 2022, 10:48:14 PM
منصة كوين بيز تخضع للقوانين اكثر من غيرها نظرا لانه موجودة في الولايات المتحدة, فسواء بوجود هده الحرب او لا, عليها ان تنصاع للقوانين الصادرة من اي حكومة, حكومة سنغفاورة واليابان اصدرو تلك القوانين (على الاغلب لاسباب سياسية متعلقة بالحرب) ولكن حتى لو كان لاسباب اخرى, هده المنصة ستكون اول من سينفدها.

بالنسبة للمنصات الاخرى فهيا واقعة بين المطرقة والسندان, الانصياع للقوانين يعني فقدان زبائنها, عدم الانصياع يعني مواجهة مباشرة مع عقوبات امريكية صارمة, لذلك تلاحظ ان هده الشركات تحاول ان تمسك العصا من النص, اتذكر موقف حصل لي عند شرائي رخصة لبرنامج, وكنت اتحدث مع الشخص حول قبول بتكوين لاني لم اكن امتلك بطاقة فيزا , اخبرني الشخص بالحرف الواحد " نحن لسنا ممنوعين من استقبال البتكوين لبيع منتجاتنا, ولكن علينا توثيق اسماء وبيانات كل زبون يتعامل معنا", فأخبرته اني لا اريد الافصاح عن بياناتي ع الانترنت ولايمكنني شراء البرنامج فرد قائلا " يجب عليا ان أخد بياناتك وادونها في السجلات, ولكن للاسف لا امتلك طريقة للتأكد من صحتها"  Grin.

طبعا انا فهمت المقصود, الرجل كان يحاول اخباري بأنه يمكنني اني اعطيه اي اسم وعنوان فهوا ليس مسؤول عن صحة البيانات, حاول ايصال المعلومة لي بطريقة تبعده عن المسائلة القانونية وفي نفس الوقت تتيح له امكانية التعامل معي لكي لايخسر بعض الربح.

هدا حرفيا ماتفعله كل المنصات وحتى الشركات الاخرى التي تتعامل بحذر مع الدول والشركات المحضورة, الكل يبحت عن مصلحته اولا, البعض يخاف ولايغامر ويكتفي بالسوق المتاح امامه, البعض الاخر يريد المزيد ويغامر بتجاهل القوانين.
1728  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: Overview BTC Solo pools on: March 28, 2022, 02:21:12 AM
The solo miners hashpower in that solo pool still has the same odds as their contributed hashpower to said pool.

The solo miners who did not add more hash power still have the same odds, only the odds of the person that added more hashrate will increase and thus it increases the odds of the pool as a whole.

The more hashpower a solo pool has the better odds are that the pool will find a block.

That's correct.
1729  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: [Megathread] The long-known PoW vs. PoS debate on: March 28, 2022, 12:50:36 AM
Strange their is an increase in blackouts in places where BTC PoW miners reside.

Can you name a few places? the U.S is now the largest mining hub and I don't recall any blackouts were caused by mining operations, places that might have blackouts due to added mining operations are most certainly corrupt and people steal electricity without having to worry about damaging the electrical infrastructure, otherwise and in any half-decent country, the electric company will only wire energy to licensed businesses and houses, and they can limit the amount of power each of them can use to avoid blackouts, so in other words, the same blackouts would have happened due to people using more ACs or taking more showers or anything for that matter, they just happened "faster" with mining.

One point you are missing is that POW creates incentives for people to find cheaper ways of generating energy. Also consuming more energy be it clean or not is also good for every economy, it creates more jobs, increases sales, and essentially helps in economic growth.

Mining is about extracting value, so even if mining was to make energy cost higher for other businesses it does not matter, the business that extracts the most value will survive, this is how capitalism works, I don't see why would anyone have a problem with that unless they are somehow communists.

With that said, PoW isn't perfect either, the voting power will always shift towards one direction which is "cheaper power", but the process of that happening is a lot easier in PoS, it can take years for anyone to acquire say 50% of the voting power in PoW, they will need time to build the farms, time to receive the gears, and they also need to ensure that nobody else is getting close to what they are getting, with PoS, a rich prince or king can just decide to buy half the supply at any given day, he can't just own 150EH worth of hash power in a day, not even in a year even if he had an unlimited supply of money.

Also, the argument you make about the majority of top coins being PoS makes PoS better isn't exactly a perfect argument, the number of coins is irrelevant, I can create 1000 PoW coins or otherwise PoS in a few hours, that won't change a thing, you need to look at the value of the market, if you combine the market cap of all PoW coins vs PoS you will see that market has chosen PoW contrary to your claim.

I don't hate PoS, I am not PoW maxi, not even BTC maxi, I am a big fan of "if it works for you, stick to it", if ADA is doing great with PoS, let it be, if BTC is doing fine with PoW, why nag about it?

1730  Bitcoin / Pools / Re: Overview BTC Solo pools on: March 27, 2022, 11:11:27 PM
Does the higher amount of hashpower a pool has increase the chances of someone in the pool finding a block (solo or otherwise)?

It increases the overall chances of "the pool" finding a block, the only person who gets those added chances would be the one who added that hashrate, the rest of the miners' chances will not be affected by this.

Think about a hunting trip where 1000 people randomly shoot at the woods' side hoping to catch some deers, those people join forces in teams, let's say 100 hunters in each team, now imagine they all shoot at the same rate, now someone "John" in team B decides to buy a gun with a higher fire rate, team B's chances to hunt a deer will now increase, in fact, the chances of the whole hunting group (1000 hunters) increase, but just because "John" now has more chances of hunting a deer than he did before, it means exactly nothing to "Bruce" who is also in team B.

Now that is the solo mining part of it, with pool mining (hunters in the above example share the deers which anyone of them hunts based on the number of bullets each of them shot) it helps smooth the rate at which the hunters get to eat some meat, which is why mining on a large pool gives you a sort of frequent small rewards while small pools give you larger chunks at larger intervals, eventually when measuring against infinity they all give you the same rewards provided that your hashrate has not changed.

That's pretty much how mining works, I can't think of a simpler way to describe it, but if you still have any questions, feel free to ask.
1731  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: recycle miners exhaust with mini wind turbine on: March 27, 2022, 10:18:21 PM
Will you ever generate enough electric to offset the cost of it or eve n come close?

if I had to bet on this one, I would probably bet on "no" Cheesy, but really, as you said, "you can't have this conversation in a "bubble" so to speak ",  there are many factors involved, one key factor would be the cost of energy in the first place, this process of building and running a slightly complicated system comes at a cost, once everything is taken into account, say for an example that total cost of the newly generated energy is 10 cents per kWh while the cost at the wall socket is 20 cents, then maybe it's worth recycling a bit of airflow,  but if it's 14 cents vs 15 cents, then probably not.

Personally, If I had the time and the mood, I would run such an experiment just for sake of it, but I wouldn't invest in turbines and what not just to attempt it, and if I mine at a hot place where the wasted energy of the miner is almost nothing, I would forget about this idea altogether.
1732  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: recycle miners exhaust with mini wind turbine on: March 27, 2022, 02:57:13 PM
Okay, got you. So the idea is: the miner only really needs 20% fan speed, but the minimum speed is 30% before the fan just turns off, so e.g. if 80% of those 10% 'wasted energy' can be recovered, it's still a net positive.

That's pretty accurate, let me add one more missing point, in some cases, the miner doesn't even need 20%, in very cold places people have to generate heat from somewhere and direct it to the miner, sometimes they will put the miner in a box to keep it warm for a while, and then point the exhaust of this miner to another miner's intake so that it can run, of course, this isn't something you can find in every mining farm, but it exists and has to be manipulated very carefully for it to actually become a net positive.

However I wonder if the energy difference between 20 and 30% fan speed, subtracting losses, is enough to turn a turbine.

It's probably not enough with just one miner, I never owned a turbine like that, but I would imagine that you need a lot of miners to spin it without having to intentionally increase the miner's fans, philipma1957 probably knows better, he has a very good experience with solar and wind stuff.

1733  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: recycle miners exhaust with mini wind turbine on: March 27, 2022, 02:34:45 PM
Dynamo is a good example. When you turn that on, you have to pedal harder to keep the same speed.

Perfectly true, now let's stick to this example for a while, imagine the minimum force you can apply to the pedals will put the bicycle at a speed of 5km/h, but you want it to stay at an average of 2.5km/h, and thus you have to hit the break once a while, that will be a loss of energy, which would otherwise be used to run the dynamo.

Now let's reflect that on an s17 miner, we know there is a minimum speed the fans have to spin at and let's say that is 30%, those fans consume about 50w each at 100%, so at 30% we have to burn 15*4 = 60w.

Now if the miner is still cool at this rate, it will "burn" energy by increasing internal voltage to keep the miner warm (miners can't run too cold for reasons not related to this topic) I remember thierry4wd ran the numbers of how much power is wasted when the miner is colder than it wants to be, I will need to find the thread for that, but let's just assume it's an extra 100w burnt to keep the miner warm.

And since as you mentioned, the fans will move less air when having to spin a turbine, it means the miner will run hotter at 30% fan speed and thus it won't have to increase internal voltage and burn energy for nothing, so in theory, we can save 100w per miner which when pointed to a turbine might generate say 20% of that (after all loses that happens in the conversion process)

The key point here is that only the "otherwise wasted energy" should be used to run the turbine, increasing the power consumption on the miner's side just to run the turbine will of course get you a net loss which is what I said in the first post "but your statement is true if OP intentionally runs the miner's fans at higher speeds just to spin the turbine."
It's basically a system with a motor and a generator coupled together.

I do agree with both of you if this theory is applied on a basic system like that without taking into account anything else, if OP's idea was to plug a fan in the wall socket just to spin the turbine -- then we wouldn't be having this discussion, but there is a slight difference that makes a lot of difference which is saving the energy wasted by the miner.

With that said, there is a thin line between success and failure in this method, if the airflow is reduced by more than it should, the miner will run hotter than it wants to be and it will either have to increase the fan's RPMs (if it can) or drop the frequency it mines at and thus reduces the miner's profit, if it can't do either of that, the miner will RIP.

1734  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: recycle miners exhaust with mini wind turbine on: March 27, 2022, 10:15:26 AM
You can't get more energy out of the system than what you put in, simple as that.

It is more like how a dynamo or an altenator works, far from perpetual motion concept, when you place a light on bicycle and a let the wheels induce enough power via the dynami, the lights will turn on, there is no free energy in this concept, it is a simple conversion of energy, similar to OP's idea.

Of course, I would not call this a very effienct way of creating energy, but miners fan have a minumum speed they run at depending on the room temp, if the miner gets too cold the software will increase the voltage to keep the miner hot enough which will increase the overall power consumption, so if you are in a cold place you might very well use all the resistance you get from pushing the exaust through the turbine to help keep the miner warm without having to increase the voltage.

On the other hand, if the turbine creates enough resistance that forces the miner to run at a higher speed that leads to more loss of energy than otherwise the voltage increace would cause -- a loss of energy in the conversion process will happen.

The idea can work at a small scale if the maths are done in a perfect way, a bit of energy can be converted and reused, it also needs to be in a cold place where a large sum of wasted energy is caused by the fact that the miner is raising its voltage to keep the gear running.

1735  Bitcoin / Mining / Re: recycle miners exhaust with mini wind turbine on: March 26, 2022, 10:31:50 PM
If you want to use the kinetic energy from the fans: you're wasting energy. It doesn't come for free, you have to put in more power than you take out. It's more efficient to reduce the power to the cooling fans.

The fans will have to spin regardless, you can't run an S17 without 4 fans attached, the cfm phill gave about represents 100% fan speed, so he will be getting anywhere from 250 to 450 cfm (S17 will hardly run cool with fans below 50% unless it's placed in a very cold room), but your statement is true if OP intentionally runs the miner's fans at higher speeds just to spin the turbine.

I don't think the idea is all that bad, but the problem would be the hot air you push into the turbine, will the turbine run fine at 70c or anything close to that? also, the pressure will fall drastically the further it goes, so I don't think a few S17s will run a turbine at full speed, I also doubt anyone here or elsewhere has an exact answer to your question, you will have to go through a trial and error process, it's an interesting idea nonetheless.
1736  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Grace Zhou - Trusted vendor? on: March 26, 2022, 12:32:49 AM
is the import tax situation the same as normal for china? Thats whats keeping me checking us farm sites.

I believe they are still the same, however, some of Bitmain's mining gears are made in Malaysia and Indonesia, usually, you need to order a large batch to get those items that allow you to ignore the china tariff in the U.S, but you can always ask the resellers if they have those gears, I think the way miners in the USA would be priced is simply the price in China+shipping+ tariff+ some profit, so I am not sure if buying gears locally will be any cheaper.

However, if the price is the same locally, or even slightly higher, it's always best to buy the gear locally IMO, check the marketplace, both Kaboomracks and Scott are good sellers located in the U.S.
1737  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Imersion cooling project on: March 25, 2022, 10:17:35 PM
"boards have serial numbers and will not mix and match from different cases" that i thought that was the case lol  Shocked Grin

 guess i have to trial and error to figure out now how to put everything together and what board goes to what miner...

 learning process all the way!!!

Hey!!, don't even worry about that, only the stock firmware cares about that, vnish doesn't read the voltage stored in the EEPROM and thus you can mix and match boards all you want, I tend to believe all other custom firmware do the same, I just don't have a good experience with them, but I know vnish works.

Obviously, since you will need to disable the fans and overclock the miner, you won't be using the stock firmware either way.

Also, you have got a loose heatsink shown in this image, you have to solder it back on, I highly doubt you can get away with no-heatsink even with Immersion cooling.

Thanks for keeping this topic updated.
1738  Local / العربية (Arabic) / Re: هل فيكم من هو على اتصال بهذا العضو on: March 25, 2022, 09:39:18 PM
أردت مشاركتكم هذا الأمر للأمانة فقط بما أن معظمكم هنا قد ترك تقييم سلبي في بروفايله.

اخي امويقا بالنسبة لتعليقي فسوق يبقا هناك حتى تخبرنا بأنه ارجع المبلغ, عندها سوف اترك لك الخيار في تركه تقيم سالب او تحويله الى تقيم محايد, شخصيا لا اصدق ولا اقتنع اعذار مثل "نسيت اني تسلفت منك المال", وحتى لو صدقت مثل هده الاعذار فهدا لن يغير نظرتي في ذلك الشخص, لانه عندما تتسلف مبلغ من شخص لتقضي حوائجك وتتجاهل حوائج ذلك الشخص وتنساها فهدا لا يفرق كثيرا عن كونك لم تنسى وتحاول تناسي الموضوع لان النتيجة بالنسبة للطرف الاخر هي واحدة.

1739  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Grace Zhou - Trusted vendor? on: March 24, 2022, 08:48:22 AM
Just now finding her telegram, couldve used this sooner. Feels sketchy but if people here have really used them, then what can i say.

Prices also seem real good??

In this industry you should assume by default that all resellers are scammers, it is the right thing to do.

With that said, Grace and her employee bella are among the minority of legit sellers.

As for the prices, you can find cheaper offers if you buy directly from farm owners or some other resellers, but you will need to depend on your luck that the gears you order actually work, grace charges a bit more but she tests everything before shipping, so it is up to you if you want to risk a whole miner just to save some money. 
1740  Bitcoin / Hardware / Re: Imersion cooling project on: March 22, 2022, 10:24:46 PM
Mikey Would like to know more about vnish, was thinking to overclock using
my plan is to take them all apart and wash everything really good with iso propylic alcohol before put them in the liquid is vnish too, see vnish has many distributions, they all are the same, the difference is what you get from using one of the different versions, has a great own support for the firmware, AwesomeMiner lets you pay the monitoring fees using those built-in firmware fees so you don't have to spend more on monitoring license.

So all in all, it all depends on what would you need the most out of these "extra features", but Vnish as a whole is a lot better than mskminer IMO.

as for uploading images, use something like and post the link here.
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