But you are using the path, m/0/0 which is not the path for trezor, so I am having a hard time to believe that this is actually worked. Also I just did this with my public key and didn't not get one single address from my trezor.
The correct path is...
Which is currently only compatible with BIP 44 wallets, not BIP 32, they require different hashing.
The BIP32 node displayed in myTrezor wallet for account 0 is m/44'/0'/0'. Thus entering it in bip32.org and doing two more derivations /0/0 gives me my account addresses m/44'/0'/0'/0/0. I did not have to do fake screenshots. I have other things to do. All Trezor owners can do the same and see it just works. Your argument is invalid. It works.
Also bip32.org doesn't support BIP 39 which is required for the seed. BIP32 source code shows that it just 50,000 rounds of hashing that would be incompatible with BIP 39 seeds. Trust me I know what I talking about.
That is why I mentioned you can use python-trezor to get seed from mnemonic. If' you don't like python, you can use gui from trezor-crypto. There are plenty of ways, but you are not going to use them.
1) I provided the line number of the error, not once but twice, how is that not showing them what they need?
This was not what was asked from you. Guys asked which transaction are you questioning. You never provided this information according to the screenshot you posted.
2) No my funds could be lost, as I tried to broadcast a transaction which is signed and could be broadcasted at any time, that was my concern, more than anything. So can you please read what I write, and understand it.
That is related to the above answer. You are concerned about a transaction that may get through, but you never provided any information about which transaction that is and what are the source and destination address of this transaction in question.
3) No they were rude to me in the helpdesk, as they are currently understaffed, plus this is like the forth issue with mytrezor, in the less than 3 months I had my trezor. So those things combined, deserve a negative feedback in my books.
They released their product two weeks ago. I believe it is normal that not all tickets are answered on the same day. They acknowledged in this forum that they had some delay in answering all the tickets. This should be over soon. Be patient. (ouch, you can't do that)
Do you support the co-founder of the company doing this...
If this is how business is done and you support that business than, I feel sorry for you both of you. This extremely unprofessional and uncalled for, especially for someone that was an early support of this project. I helped make this a reality by pre-ordering and waiting a very long time for this device.
The device works fine. It is bitcoinj, third party library that does not work. This library is not part of the device and is not used by the device itself. It is used by the free web wallet you are using. Use some paid solution if you are not satisfied with it. According to my understanding, satoshilabs never wanted to create ANY wallet. They did it as a proof of concept, but you are using this web wallet for free.
4) No I did my research, the only options available to me is to go buy a new device just to fix this (android to get wallet32) or use an unstable version of a wallet, that is still in testing that could hurt my bitcoins even more if their is a bug. Both these options are not viable working solutions to the problem of lazy coding.
python-trezor is for free, bip32.org is for free, trezor-crypto gui is for free. electrum might be unstable BUT you are confirming your transaction on Trezor. You see receiving address on display. Trezor is stable and it is designed to work with computer that is trying to steal your coins. Using it with unstable electrum build is safe as long as you verify your transaction on Trezor display.
For wallet32, you don't have to use your own android device. You can use friend's device (if you have a friend). If none of these workarounds work for you, then just wait. They will fix it eventually.