Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
August 06, 2014, 12:53:37 AM |
If someone finds your dollar bill laying around on the ground they can spend it. Dollar bills still work just fine. Dont give your trezor to anyone else, problem solved. If you lose it, oh well you only had 100 bucks on it or w/e is the analogue to what you might keep in your regular fiat holding wallet.
You see, here I disagree. Why would anyone buy a trezor for 120 bucks to only carry an average of 100 bucks around. Doesn't sound too practical tbh. Well not for 120 bucks but the free market drives down the price of everything. Someday these things will be in a little basket on the desk of companies free because they have a logo on the back. In intermediate stages between here and there the price will fall dramatically. In a year I bet they will be driven down to 1/4 of the price.
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
August 06, 2014, 12:53:46 AM |
If someone finds your dollar bill laying around on the ground they can spend it. Dollar bills still work just fine. Dont give your trezor to anyone else, problem solved. If you lose it, oh well you only had 100 bucks on it or w/e is the analogue to what you might keep in your regular fiat holding wallet.
You see, here I disagree. Why would anyone buy a trezor for 120 bucks to only carry an average of 100 bucks around. Doesn't sound too practical tbh. you are correct. this is not the intended use I believe. if you lose it, your life savings are protected as good as you protect the seed. To accomplish the use that anon136 proposes a simple phone app would suffice. But he has a good point. What about this use case: We have a trezor with RFID/any near field tech and can connect to our smartphone. Now we have a "hot"wallet on the phone for immediate expenses that can be funded by connecting the trezor and entering all needed security stuff. The amount on the trezor itself stays very well protected while the phone can be used at POS terminals and NFD/RFID terminals for small purchases. For bigger purchases you could use your smartphone to directly send from your connected trezor to the vendor. Should be possible right? Anything like that in the making?
This spot for rent.
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1005
ASIC Wannabe
August 06, 2014, 01:21:17 AM |
If someone finds your dollar bill laying around on the ground they can spend it. Dollar bills still work just fine. Dont give your trezor to anyone else, problem solved. If you lose it, oh well you only had 100 bucks on it or w/e is the analogue to what you might keep in your regular fiat holding wallet.
You see, here I disagree. Why would anyone buy a trezor for 120 bucks to only carry an average of 100 bucks around. Doesn't sound too practical tbh. this is looking more to 5+ years from now. when an RFID trezor would be almost as cheap to produce as a creditcard is today. Your wallet probably costs $25-75 but carries less than $80 in it most of the time. think of the trezor the same way - you might only carry $40 worth of BTC on it at a time, but dozens of times you can refill it with $40 over its lifespan
August 06, 2014, 01:24:44 AM |
Just discussed Trezor with a good friend of mine. It would be awesome, if one day trezor could additional to BTC transactions also handle all cards needed in your wallet. Credit cards, driverslicense (ok, thats a far stretch  ) , state issued ID , loyality store cards, giftcards ect. So instead of having to use multiple cards, RFID/NFD on the trezor is used for that.
This spot for rent.
August 06, 2014, 01:31:38 AM |
It would be awesome, if one day trezor could additional to BTC transactions also handle all cards needed in your wallet. Credit cards, driverslicense (ok, thats a far stretch  ) , state issued ID , loyality store cards, giftcards ect. So instead of having to use multiple cards, RFID/NFD on the trezor is used for that. Beware that the bigger the code, the more costly it is to validate, and the higher is the risk of an exploitable bug going undetected. Does the processor inside the Trezor have some sort of memory protection, that would prevent some function from accessing data of an unrelated function? Can the firmware modify itself?
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Activity: 1722
Merit: 1217
August 06, 2014, 01:59:48 AM |
What about using your trezor to digitally sign arbitrary data? Does it have that functionality? I'm guessing it does since they have plans to use it for authentication but not sure.
Rep Thread: one can not confer upon another a right which he does not himself first possess, by what means does the state derive the right to engage in behaviors from which the public is prohibited?
August 06, 2014, 03:13:57 AM |
Tax Invoice : Supplier: BitNet Global Inc. 54th East Street #3A City of Panama Republic of Panama Description Qty Unit price Total TREZOR Classic 3 19.00 57.00 Data Security Services 1 300.00 300.00 TOTAL DUE | Currency: USD 357.00
Activity: 1456
Merit: 1001
This is the land of wolves now & you're not a wolf
August 06, 2014, 05:07:42 AM |
Just discussed Trezor with a good friend of mine. It would be awesome, if one day trezor could additional to BTC transactions also handle all cards needed in your wallet. Credit cards, driverslicense (ok, thats a far stretch  ) , state issued ID , loyality store cards, giftcards ect. So instead of having to use multiple cards, RFID/NFD on the trezor is used for that. That Coin Card is supposed to be out this Summer that you can load all of your credit and debit cards onto one card. I pre-ordered one of those. I am anxious to see how it works also. Can't decide which one I am more anxious for...the Trezor, or the Coin card...
August 06, 2014, 06:01:12 AM |
That Coin Card is supposed to be out this Summer that you can load all of your credit and debit cards onto one card. I pre-ordered one of those. I am anxious to see how it works also. Can't decide which one I am more anxious for...the Trezor, or the Coin card...
Coin is a great example of an idea making problems worse than they originally were  Card payments are a complete mess today because high security systems (requiring a dynamic card authorization for each transaction) are coexisting with systems using static security (yay USA), so backends have to support all scenarios which leads to epic failure - such as card data read from a distance on a secure NFC card in country A, with great security and cloned on a magstripe card used in country B, with not so great security. Coin enables that scenario for all cards. Bitcoin is built from the ground up with uncompromised security and Trezor is already out so ... stop being anxious 
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1060
August 06, 2014, 06:03:32 AM |
Coin is a scam. It'll never ship and even if it does, emv is coming soon and it doesn't support it.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1001
August 06, 2014, 01:17:17 PM |
I just received the TREZOR and wanted to setup everything. System: Win 7 with browser Firefox and Google Chrome Installed the windows msi bridge. Opened the plugged in the trezor for the first time It installed an update now when I connect the trezor it only shows this and keeps "loading" without ever stopping:  I worte the support, but maybe someone had the same problem and found a solution? PS: I plugged the trezor in the nearly same built PC of my brother and it worked there without hassle!
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
August 06, 2014, 01:24:24 PM |
the trezor it only shows this and keeps "loading" without ever stopping:
Please try to disconnect Trezor, press Forget device and plug it in once again. Sometimes drivers get stuck on fresh installation.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1001
August 06, 2014, 01:31:20 PM |
the trezor it only shows this and keeps "loading" without ever stopping:
Please try to disconnect Trezor, press Forget device and plug it in once again. Sometimes drivers get stuck on fresh installation. Tried that multiple times already on 3 different browsers. Even installed the msi again and used the "repair" function of the msi. Really weird that it would work without a problem on the other computer but not on mine and my laptop.
slush (OP)
Activity: 1386
Merit: 1097
August 06, 2014, 01:44:58 PM |
Really weird that it would work without a problem on the other computer but not on mine and my laptop.
In few days we'll release Trezor Bridge, a replacement for Trezor Plugin, which should fix these weird issues...
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1001
August 06, 2014, 01:49:27 PM |
Really weird that it would work without a problem on the other computer but not on mine and my laptop.
In few days we'll release Trezor Bridge, a replacement for Trezor Plugin, which should fix these weird issues... Ok, I will try it then again. Thanks for the help anyway!
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1001
August 06, 2014, 03:45:41 PM |
Danke I will go buy one now. Will report back in a few hours if that was the case 
Activity: 1358
Merit: 1001
August 06, 2014, 03:48:53 PM |
How much power does this beast need?
August 06, 2014, 03:51:46 PM |
Danke I will go buy one now. Will report back in a few hours if that was the case  A friend has tested this solution/idea 5 min ago and that helped  .
Activity: 2646
Merit: 1138
All paid signature campaigns should be banned.
August 06, 2014, 04:15:01 PM |
There were some problems reported with the cables at one point but the fact you are using the same cable on both computers, one works and one does not, seems to rule out the cable - but you might try another one anyway.
Our family was terrorized by Homeland Security. Read all about it here: and Any donations to help us recover from the $300,000 in legal fees and forced donations to the Federal Asset Forfeiture slush fund are greatly appreciated!