
Activity: 219
Merit: 15
March 23, 2018, 10:57:04 AM |
I have tried a few pairs typing LTC/BTC KMD/BTC XLM/BTC but the only response was "asset ...not known" 
Sr. Member
Activity: 1204
Merit: 425
March 23, 2018, 10:57:45 AM |
is there an signautre bounty online ?? how im join ??
you can check on bounty thread, byteball had signature bounty for only 100 bitcointalk member
| | . Duelbits | │ | | │ | DUELBITS FANTASY SPORTS | ████▄▄▄█████▄▄▄ ░▄████████████████▄ ▐██████████████████▄ ████████████████████ ████████████████████▌ █████████████████████ ████████████████▀▀▀ ███████████████▌ ███████████████▌ ████████████████ ████████████████ ████████████████ ████▀▀███████▀▀ | . ▬▬ VS ▬▬ | ████▄▄▄█████▄▄▄ ░▄████████████████▄ ▐██████████████████▄ ████████████████████ ████████████████████▌ █████████████████████ ███████████████████ ███████████████▌ ███████████████▌ ████████████████ ████████████████ ████████████████ ████▀▀███████▀▀ | /// PLAY FOR FREE /// WIN FOR REAL | │ | █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████ | ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ . PLAY NOW . ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ | █████ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ █████ | |
March 23, 2018, 11:14:31 AM |
Beautiful job. Textcoin, send coins by email, ICO tools: one by one. The Byteball is keeping its movement steadily.
Jr. Member
Activity: 84
Merit: 1
March 23, 2018, 02:28:43 PM |
I have tried a few pairs typing LTC/BTC KMD/BTC XLM/BTC but the only response was "asset ...not known"  This bot is designed to only trade assets that are on the Byteball chain, not every token/coin in the cryptoverse. I'm not sure if every asset (!/assets) can be traded or only ones listed by the bot... I suspect only the listed ones. So Titan Coin and Silent Notary.
Alcibiades Agnes
Jr. Member
Activity: 158
Merit: 1
March 23, 2018, 06:36:20 PM Last edit: April 23, 2018, 06:34:40 PM by Alcibiades Agnes |
⚪ Byteball ❱❱❱ I T J U S T W O R K S . ❱❱❱ Sending Crypto to Email - Risk-Free Conditional Smart Payments - ICO Platform with KYC ANN THREAD TELEGRAM ********** Hi Tony, I have seen most of your interviews and presentation. I have seen many question and doude about the "witness". Many people ask question about it over and over again. I think you or your team should give a presentation just about "witness". By the way I have a question about it. Every one ask about the "12 witnesses" but in the Byteball Witnesses monitoring service there are more than 12, so to my underestanding there can more 12 witnessess. Let say there can be at some point 20 witnesses and it each user choose 12 out of 20 at random for confimation of the transaccion. Am I corrrect? I think you should address the "witness" questions in a very deep presentation about it because you are getting it rid off "the minners". And in today cryptoverse miners have a lot of power, they are a multibilion industry that you are trying not use it at all. I trust your project 100 % Good luck to all. ********** ⚪ Byteball ❱❱❱ I T J U S T W O R K S . ❱❱❱ Sending Crypto to Email - Risk-Free Conditional Smart Payments - ICO Platform with KYC ANN THREAD TELEGRAM

Activity: 77
Merit: 26
March 23, 2018, 06:49:50 PM |
Hi Tony, I have seen most of your interviews and presentation. I have seen many question and doude about the "witness". Many people ask question about it over and over again. I think you or your team should give a presentation just about "witness". By the way I have a question about it. Every one ask about the "12 witnesses" but in the Byteball Witnesses monitoring service there are more than 12, so to my underestanding there can more 12 witnessess. Let say there can be at some point 20 witnesses and it each user choose 12 out of 20 at random for confimation of the transaccion. Am I corrrect? I think you should address the "witness" questions in a very deep presentation about it because you are getting it rid off "the minners". And in today cryptoverse miners have a lot of power, they are a multibilion industry that you are trying not use it at all. OK, here's a little bit more about the 12 witness system Byteball uses versus PoW. What miners do, they look at your transactions and decide, “I like this transaction and will include it, or I don’t like this transaction and won’t include it”. With witnesses, it is the reverse. It is users who look for witnesses to determine the consensus order of transactions. Witnesses don’t decide anything about individual transactions. They are expected just to be there. 12 witnesses seems low?If you up the number of witnesses it will be much harder for users to know and recognise them all so they would just go with the "default" and not care about it much. So you have to have a number that is both safe and practical, 12 seems to fit the job. This number is large enough to protect against occasional failures but is not too large so that users can still know every witness. And we want the witnesses to be accountable, that’s why there is a way to replace them. The way it works is that every user, with every transaction, posts a list of 12 witnesses he trusts. But we won’t have consensus if the lists posted by different users are too far apart. That’s why the lists of neighboring transactions on the DAG must differ by no more than one position. The fact that witnesses can be replaced is another difference with miners. The witnesses are accountable. If a witness loses trust of users, users immediately signal their mistrust by changing their witness lists. Why DAG?PoW, most notably Bitcoin has a number of drawbacks: - Miners are gatekeepers; they have the power to include or not include your transaction. So the access to the ledger is not quite free, you have to meet the miners’ criteria for your transaction to be included in the next block.
- Miners are not accountable; they are supposed to make money, period.
- Fee market is an uncertainty; When the blocks are full, there is competition to get into the next block. Paying a higher fee supposedly increases your chances to get into the block. But a payment system which is supposed to be used in everyday business, is not a game of chance, there must be guarantees that once you send a transaction according to all the rules, which is properly signed, spends existing money, and is not a double-spend, after you send it, you can immediately disconnect and still be confident that it goes through. In blockchains, when the blocks are full, there is no certainty, no guarantees, no such thing as the right fee.
- Trade-off between security and cost; block reward is supposed to be reduced over time and eventually go to 0. This means that miner incentives from block reward will decrease and they should be replaced by fees. Which means that the system is as secure as the total amount of fees paid, and there is an uncomfortable trade-off between security and cost.
- Negative balance of resources; miners burn energy and have to pay to energy companies, outside the ecosystem. Which means that the balance between resources flowing in and out of the ecosystem is negative.
- Outside incentives are ignored; lastly, miner incentives are only inside the ecosystem. They make more money by mining honestly than by doublespending Bitcoins, that’s true under assumption that all their incentives are inside Bitcoin. If we forget about the outside world, as if it doesn’t exist. But in reality, outside incentives do exist. Even more, if there are other tokens issued on the same ledger, as it is the case on Ethereum, the block reward is still in the native currency only but now this should be balanced against doublespending not only the native currency but the other tokens too. If the tokens are worth more than the native currency, the system becomes insecure.
Text mostly taken from this excellent presentation from Tony in Zürich: recommended reading!
⚪ Obyte ❱❱❱ I T J U S T W O R K S . ❱❱❱
March 23, 2018, 06:57:09 PM |
How i get testbytes in the testnet?
March 24, 2018, 03:49:53 AM |
Just some feedback on the guy managing the signature campaign. My application was not accepted, when I asked why I was told: Just right out the gate your activity matches your post count. Usually means alt account or bought account. Doesn't matter what excuse you send me to reply, I won't normally add accounts like that.
I've been on this forum for 5 years, and because my post count average is low, I was told that means I'm probably a bought account. I protested, and then the guy gives me negative trust because he insults me and I insult him back. The guy must be a sensitive little flower, he thinks I was 'threatening' Anyway, I would not likely post 25 spam posts in a week anyway (my average over 5 years is a bit over 2 a week), but @tonych, the guy you hired to run your sig campaign is a dickhead. I'll keep the sig anyway, BB holder since the first drop, not going anywhere. The negative trust is a bit much though, but I can live with that too 

Activity: 119
Merit: 11
March 24, 2018, 06:18:42 AM |
Just some feedback on the guy managing the signature campaign. My application was not accepted, when I asked why I was told: Just right out the gate your activity matches your post count. Usually means alt account or bought account. Doesn't matter what excuse you send me to reply, I won't normally add accounts like that.
I've been on this forum for 5 years, and because my post count average is low, I was told that means I'm probably a bought account. I protested, and then the guy gives me negative trust because he insults me and I insult him back. The guy must be a sensitive little flower, he thinks I was 'threatening' Anyway, I would not likely post 25 spam posts in a week anyway (my average over 5 years is a bit over 2 a week), but @tonych, the guy you hired to run your sig campaign is a dickhead. I'll keep the sig anyway, BB holder since the first drop, not going anywhere. The negative trust is a bit much though, but I can live with that too  Why is tony hiring someone to (badly) manage the signature campaign, aren't there any community members who'd do it for a bounty, or even just to help out BB? yahoo62278 is getting a lot of false negatives and false positives on his spreadsheet, his work doesn't pass the sniff test, looks terrible for Byteball
Activity: 3178
Merit: 1119
March 24, 2018, 06:28:50 AM |
Just some feedback on the guy managing the signature campaign. My application was not accepted, when I asked why I was told: Just right out the gate your activity matches your post count. Usually means alt account or bought account. Doesn't matter what excuse you send me to reply, I won't normally add accounts like that.
I've been on this forum for 5 years, and because my post count average is low, I was told that means I'm probably a bought account. I protested, and then the guy gives me negative trust because he insults me and I insult him back. The guy must be a sensitive little flower, he thinks I was 'threatening' Anyway, I would not likely post 25 spam posts in a week anyway (my average over 5 years is a bit over 2 a week), but @tonych, the guy you hired to run your sig campaign is a dickhead. I'll keep the sig anyway, BB holder since the first drop, not going anywhere. The negative trust is a bit much though, but I can live with that too  Why is tony hiring someone to (badly) manage the signature campaign, aren't there any community members who'd do it for a bounty, or even just to help out BB? yahoo62278 is getting a lot of false negatives and false positives on his spreadsheet, his work doesn't pass the sniff test, looks terrible for Byteball lol Scrotum criticizing the balls project for not passing the sniff test 
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1055
March 24, 2018, 06:40:12 AM |
Follow me on twitter! I'm a private Bitcoin and altcoin hodler. Giving away crypto for free on my Twitter feed!
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1055
March 24, 2018, 06:42:53 AM |
Follow me on twitter! I'm a private Bitcoin and altcoin hodler. Giving away crypto for free on my Twitter feed!
March 24, 2018, 07:03:34 AM |
I don't know if I'd exactly call atomic this exchange between tokens issued on Byteball. It works something like that, but arguably we need to come up with a different term for that.
Activity: 966
Merit: 1009
March 24, 2018, 02:46:35 PM |
Just some feedback on the guy managing the signature campaign. My application was not accepted, when I asked why I was told: Just right out the gate your activity matches your post count. Usually means alt account or bought account. Doesn't matter what excuse you send me to reply, I won't normally add accounts like that.
I've been on this forum for 5 years, and because my post count average is low, I was told that means I'm probably a bought account. I protested, and then the guy gives me negative trust because he insults me and I insult him back. The guy must be a sensitive little flower, he thinks I was 'threatening' Anyway, I would not likely post 25 spam posts in a week anyway (my average over 5 years is a bit over 2 a week), but @tonych, the guy you hired to run your sig campaign is a dickhead. I'll keep the sig anyway, BB holder since the first drop, not going anywhere. The negative trust is a bit much though, but I can live with that too  Why is tony hiring someone to (badly) manage the signature campaign, aren't there any community members who'd do it for a bounty, or even just to help out BB? yahoo62278 is getting a lot of false negatives and false positives on his spreadsheet, his work doesn't pass the sniff test, looks terrible for Byteball It seems Not only me, but also more and more people, finding the guy yahoo62278 did an awful job. He did his own biased selection , which exceeds the selection RULES written in the OP. You can find more complaints in the bounty thread.
Activity: 168
Merit: 0
March 24, 2018, 03:18:43 PM |
Just some feedback on the guy managing the signature campaign. My application was not accepted, when I asked why I was told: Just right out the gate your activity matches your post count. Usually means alt account or bought account. Doesn't matter what excuse you send me to reply, I won't normally add accounts like that.
I've been on this forum for 5 years, and because my post count average is low, I was told that means I'm probably a bought account. I protested, and then the guy gives me negative trust because he insults me and I insult him back. The guy must be a sensitive little flower, he thinks I was 'threatening' Anyway, I would not likely post 25 spam posts in a week anyway (my average over 5 years is a bit over 2 a week), but @tonych, the guy you hired to run your sig campaign is a dickhead. I'll keep the sig anyway, BB holder since the first drop, not going anywhere. The negative trust is a bit much though, but I can live with that too  Why is tony hiring someone to (badly) manage the signature campaign, aren't there any community members who'd do it for a bounty, or even just to help out BB? yahoo62278 is getting a lot of false negatives and false positives on his spreadsheet, his work doesn't pass the sniff test, looks terrible for Byteball lol Scrotum criticizing the balls project for not passing the sniff test  It maybe because he can not qualified enough to pass screening process to join Byteball signature campaign. Lol
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
March 24, 2018, 05:10:25 PM |
That's a lot of good info about witnesses - thanks. What you did not include, however, is a description of what the actual function of witnesses is.
Anyone with a campaign ad in their signature -- for an organization with which they are not otherwise affiliated -- is automatically deducted credibility points.
I've been convicted of heresy. Convicted by a mere known extortionist. Read my Trust for details.

Activity: 77
Merit: 26
March 24, 2018, 05:40:52 PM |
That's a lot of good info about witnesses - thanks. What you did not include, however, is a description of what the actual function of witnesses is. Basically witnesses are publicly known, reputable users who prevent doublespending, because they witnessed the reality for those users who came after them. So their function is to witness the reality. They let us know which branch in the DAG is the real one when there are two conflicting branches. The presentation I linked does a very good job of explaining it all. For convenience:
⚪ Obyte ❱❱❱ I T J U S T W O R K S . ❱❱❱
Activity: 3738
Merit: 1056
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
March 24, 2018, 06:22:30 PM |
LOL, they just can not accept the reality if they are rejected from the campaign. Btw, I really like the application of the BYTEBALL wallet which is very light and smooth. Cheers...
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