Alcibiades Agnes
Jr. Member
Activity: 158
Merit: 1
May 06, 2018, 03:03:18 PM Last edit: May 06, 2018, 03:25:39 PM by Alcibiades Agnes |
Hello Tonych, is there any plans of rebranding byteball in the future? Seems like it would be good move.
Why would it be a good move? And more importantly is something like this even required? Just because it worked in the case of Rai Blocks and the price shot up, doesn't mean that it has to be repeated in the case of Byteball. Tony shot down changing the units from gb to b, but listing on more exchanges is something which nobody should have a problem with. The secret behind byteball name Byteball won't rebrand because a new P2P sports betting exchange being built so guess what, some popular sports ends their name in BALL like: baseBALL, softBALL, basketBALL, footBALL, bolleyBALL other popular sports use a BALL like: Tennis, Water polo, Soccer, Bowling, Squash  now make sense

Activity: 315
Merit: 12
May 06, 2018, 04:01:55 PM |
Hello Tonych, is there any plans of rebranding byteball in the future? Seems like it would be good move.
Are you mad? Byteball has come a long way to reach the current reputation. I don't see any reason to make a rebranding process and start from zero. Only scam projects have to rebrand to get out of FUDs. And, Byteball has definitely been not a scam project. don t be afraid, i think it was just a joke)) ofcourse many newbie guys want to see a answer about bad way of Byteball, and they may thinking - that all because we have a "bad" sign) ofcourse this is untrue thinks just we need end the distribution and make more manegment
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
May 06, 2018, 07:18:13 PM |
Hmm. Your cite: "What is 'Pump And Dump' Pump and dump is a scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false, misleading or greatly exaggerated statements. The perpetrators of this scheme, who already have an established position in the company's stock, sell their positions after the hype has led to a higher share price. This practice is illegal based on securities law and can lead to heavy fines." Nope. Not seeing it.
Anyone with a campaign ad in their signature -- for an organization with which they are not otherwise affiliated -- is automatically deducted credibility points.
I've been convicted of heresy. Convicted by a mere known extortionist. Read my Trust for details.
Alcibiades Agnes
Jr. Member
Activity: 158
Merit: 1
May 06, 2018, 07:31:43 PM Last edit: May 06, 2018, 07:42:58 PM by Alcibiades Agnes |
At byteball have a big community, but just a few normal exchange, is the listing planned anywhere else in the near future?
How to overcome the lack liquidity? I don't mind the low price or been on the second page of coinmarketcap; what worry me is the low trade volume... It is very consistent the low trade volume... how to turn things around? Are we gettring rid off coin airdrop community and looking for a new community for the better?

Activity: 420
Merit: 24
May 06, 2018, 07:35:11 PM |
Hello Tonych, is there any plans of rebranding byteball in the future? Seems like it would be good move.
Are you mad? Byteball has come a long way to reach the current reputation. I don't see any reason to make a rebranding process and start from zero. Only scam projects have to rebrand to get out of FUDs. And, Byteball has definitely been not a scam project. How can you judge that person's anger? he just asked "is there any future rebranding plan" and I think there is nothing wrong with that question.
May 06, 2018, 08:00:31 PM |
Hello Tonych, is there any plans of rebranding byteball in the future? Seems like it would be good move.
Are you mad? Byteball has come a long way to reach the current reputation. I don't see any reason to make a rebranding process and start from zero. Only scam projects have to rebrand to get out of FUDs. And, Byteball has definitely been not a scam project. How can you judge that person's anger? he just asked "is there any future rebranding plan" and I think there is nothing wrong with that question. Also there is nothing wrong about someone getting a little cocky and little angry because he strongly feels for the project. And yes the project has come a long way and seems awesome. But can byteball be easily integrated to other apps other than its original app and can it communicate from app to app. Also the features inside the official app also need serious rebranding / improvement and increase in efficiency and speed.
Activity: 2100
Merit: 1167
May 06, 2018, 10:38:37 PM |
I don't think there is too much need for another exchange unless it is something huge like binance
Bittrex is totally fine
Better marketing, full distribution and less centralised network is all that is needed.
Obviously well undervalued compared to most of the over hyped junk in the top 50
Jr. Member
Activity: 31
Merit: 109
A Slack user is trying to promote the new Byteball (WCG) distribution method (new WCG Bot in the BB wallet). This morning, he already gave away shares of a 1GB reward to all Byteball users that were active participants in the program last week, and were part of the official WCG Byteball team ( Those users each ended up with a 25MB reward (~ $6.60) - not bad. With the participation of Tonyh, he has announced on Slack today a follow-up giveaway: he is offering shares of another 1GB reward on May 19th. To be eligible to receive a share of this reward, the participants have, again, to be active within the Byteball WCG distribution, AND be a member of the official Byteball WCG Team. Apparently, only 40% of the Byteball WCG distribution users are also member of the official WCG Byteball Team. To increase this ratio to more than 75% by May 19th, he is offering 1GB in reward. To be part of this challenge, you first have to be an active member of the Byteball WCG Bot program (tutorial here: Second, you have to join, or switch to the official Byteball Team (to do so, one has to select "My Team --> Find a Team" in their WCG account, search, select and join the team Finally, on May 19th, the Team active members count has to be at least 75% of the number of participants receiving BB daily payouts ( It is also mentioned that to be considered an active team member, you have to contribute any amounts of WCG points to the team every day of the challenge period - either since newly joining the Byteball WCG Bot program, or, for current Byteball WCG Bot participants, since the participant switched/joined the official team.
Activity: 2086
Merit: 4369
<insert witty quote here>
A Slack user is trying to promote the new Byteball (WCG) distribution method (new WCG Bot in the BB wallet). This morning, he already gave away shares of a 1GB reward to all Byteball users that were active participants in the program last week, and were part of the official WCG Byteball team ( Those users each ended up with a 25MB reward (~ $6.60) - not bad.
ahhhhh I was wondering where that 25 megabytes came from! I thought someone had accidentally sent them to me... hahah  With the participation of Tonyh, he has announced on Slack today a follow-up giveaway: he is offering shares of another 1GB reward on May 19th. To be eligible to receive a share of this reward, the participants have, again, to be active within the Byteball WCG distribution, AND be a member of the official Byteball WCG Team. Apparently, only 40% of the Byteball WCG distribution users are also member of the official WCG Byteball Team. To increase this ratio to more than 75% by May 19th, he is offering 1GB in reward.
That's mighty generous... So, come on peeps... if you're using participating in Byteball WCG, go join the team! 
I've created a short pictorial guide to help find and join the right Byteball team: 1. Goto the WCG Homepage and login to your account, then click "My Contribution" (You can also use the "My Contribution" link in "BOINC Manager"): 2. Click "My Team": 3. Click "Find a Team": 4. Enter into the "contains" box and click the "Search" button: 5. You should get 1 search result... click the "" link: 6. Double check the Team info (Name, Date etc) and that the "BOINC Team ID" = 35043, then click "Join Team": Congrats... you're now part of the WCG team 
Activity: 2128
Merit: 1109
Graphic Design & Translation - BTC accepted here!
May 07, 2018, 03:53:42 AM |
A Slack user is trying to promote the new Byteball (WCG) distribution method (new WCG Bot in the BB wallet). This morning, he already gave away shares of a 1GB reward to all Byteball users that were active participants in the program last week, and were part of the official WCG Byteball team ( Those users each ended up with a 25MB reward (~ $6.60) - not bad. With the participation of Tonyh, he has announced on Slack today a follow-up giveaway: he is offering shares of another 1GB reward on May 19th. To be eligible to receive a share of this reward, the participants have, again, to be active within the Byteball WCG distribution, AND be a member of the official Byteball WCG Team. Apparently, only 40% of the Byteball WCG distribution users are also member of the official WCG Byteball Team. To increase this ratio to more than 75% by May 19th, he is offering 1GB in reward. To be part of this challenge, you first have to be an active member of the Byteball WCG Bot program (tutorial here: Second, you have to join, or switch to the official Byteball Team (to do so, one has to select "My Team --> Find a Team" in their WCG account, search, select and join the team Finally, on May 19th, the Team active members count has to be at least 75% of the number of participants receiving BB daily payouts ( It is also mentioned that to be considered an active team member, you have to contribute any amounts of WCG points to the team every day of the challenge period - either since newly joining the Byteball WCG Bot program, or, for current Byteball WCG Bot participants, since the participant switched/joined the official team. sounds good and like an easy way to get some megabytes worth of byteballs. thanks for sharing.
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 07, 2018, 04:51:40 AM |
Simplicity is beauty
May 07, 2018, 07:46:31 AM |
aha.... my nick on WCG must be same like in byteball android wallet? cos on WCG i have very high powerfull with BIBLEPAY mining
You only need to change your username for a moment. Right after you’ve linked up with the Bot you can change it back to your old username. Don’t forget to use the ‚changename‘ command to tell the Bot what your current username is! More details here damn it: im forgot changed my name: 4 days rewards out  .. now changed,i hope that reward will be fix .... 
May 07, 2018, 08:15:37 AM |
aha.... my nick on WCG must be same like in byteball android wallet? cos on WCG i have very high powerfull with BIBLEPAY mining
You only need to change your username for a moment. Right after you’ve linked up with the Bot you can change it back to your old username. Don’t forget to use the ‚changename‘ command to tell the Bot what your current username is! More details here damn it: im forgot changed my name: 4 days rewards out  .. now changed,i hope that reward will be fix ....  The next reward will be calculated from the difference with the score you had at registration, so you will get the reward for these 4 days.
May 07, 2018, 08:43:35 AM |
Hello Tonych, is there any plans of rebranding byteball in the future? Seems like it would be good move.
Are you mad? Byteball has come a long way to reach the current reputation. I don't see any reason to make a rebranding process and start from zero. Only scam projects have to rebrand to get out of FUDs. And, Byteball has definitely been not a scam project. Pff what makes you so angry then? i've asked Tonych, but not your opinion. Looks like some of people sitting here don't understand, that not only tech is important, but also good marketing. Tonych trying to develop FinTech system and one of important parts of it success is to sell/spread the idea, wtf is wrong here? Who need all this great bots if no one knows that they are existing? About rebranding: Look at NEO for example, is it scam? What bad happened, when they went from ANT to NEO?
Activity: 1498
Merit: 1117
May 07, 2018, 10:31:50 AM |
is there somewhere an official statement from byteball about NICEBYTES? i only found their ANN ( but did not receive an answer to me questions. i just got these coins in my wallets - thats it. i would appreciate if Tony would write something about this token.
May 07, 2018, 10:44:21 AM |
is there somewhere an official statement from byteball about NICEBYTES? i only found their ANN ( but did not receive an answer to me questions. i just got these coins in my wallets - thats it. i would appreciate if Tony would write something about this token. Why would he? You can issue your own token too with your own distribution model.!/login
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
May 07, 2018, 11:51:02 AM |
What is this, fella? I can not find anything related to the information you gave that Byteball is #1 in India. Are there something wrong here? Or did you simply try to run your own promotional campaign? Gentlemen do the people who are genuinely interested in byteball a favor and post nonsense in other topics on this forum because otherwise this topic will get polluted and in addition payments to you for the signature campain would be a complete waste of money.

Activity: 476
Merit: 14
Bcnex - The Ultimate Blockchain Trading Platform
May 07, 2018, 02:04:09 PM |
Gentlemen do the people who are genuinely interested in byteball a favor and post nonsense in other topics on this forum because otherwise this topic will get polluted and in addition payments to you for the signature campain would be a complete waste of money.
What did you mean, meneerT? Who is the one you wanted to mention in your thread, caytienbct or ByteFan? It is likely that your thread is over-quoted, which result in a bit difficult to see the flow of discussion.
Activity: 53
Merit: 0
May 07, 2018, 02:45:24 PM |
How often are WCG payouts?