For those that would like to learn about blockchains ..
People go on about decentralised blockchains with smart contracts on them?..
Now why do you sign a contract? <<So you can show a centralised body proof of your ownership?..
So if you want Decentralised blockchains with "CONTRACTS" on them how do you show a centralised
body I.E police the law your "CONTRACT" to prove you are the owner?..
Now imagine no law it's all decentralised no taxes getting paid just your profits and they are yours
no one gets any cut of your profits ?..
What happens if a gangster makes you sign on a blockchain the deeds to your home then because no law who do you complain too?..
Now what if i say no he sold me that home and he as lost the plot and gambled all his monies..
Who do you turn to to get your home back PLUS the fact it's in another name because some gangster
made me sign it and put the evidence on a smart contract on a blockchain..
Will you be crying to a central body like the law?..Your home is gone..
So what will you do?
The very idea of a "CONTRACT" is so others can see it's yours and by other i mean a LEGAL BODY
like the law enforcement the police the courts ..
Now if no central body needs to see your "CONTRACT" then what's the point in having a contract
on a blockchain ?..
Plus people can just TAKE your homes and businesses and that "CONTRACT" wont mean anything..
because no law to up hold it..
Just think GANGSTERS will rule FACT..
Gang of 50 men with guns TAKE your homes businesses and if you don't they spray your home up..
Many gangsters have done this Took businesses and clubs off people and said they kill them ..
How many movies you seen this on? KRAY TWINS..
Now if this happens in a decentralised world who do you turn to ? And then what's the point in having
"SMART CONTRACTS" if no CENTRAL BODY can see them so they can say yes that's yours by LAW..
They wont be any laws How if no one is willing to pay TAXES? Judges cost money courts cost money ..
Lets right up a contract and show NO ONE
You want DECENTRALISED BLOCKCHIANS but want a centralised law to up hold your "CONTRACT"..
I will tell you something YOU DON'T WANT MUCH DO YOU
You don't want to pay taxes IT'S ALL MINE ..
Then when it goes WRONG you want a central body to protect your asses << CHEEKY HUMANS..
To sign a "CONTRACT" is to SHOW a legal central body proof of what you have signed the contract for..<<NO central body your contracts are USELESS ..
So now you all know TEZOS is both <<DIP SHITS< Lol
Smart contracts on a blockchain <TEZOS ..
Contracts takes a central body to check it's yours..