Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
March 31, 2018, 08:33:34 PM |
WTF was that?
I'm not a seller.
Copper Member
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1465
March 31, 2018, 08:36:14 PM |
Sometimes i’m very curious who in This threat or the actually really LONGterm hodlers ..., the once with 75-85-90% btc stash off crypto but to hodl and not to trade with , the REAL locker up coins
XD I resemble this.... HODL
March 31, 2018, 08:48:00 PM |
going to 2-3k. 
Activity: 2938
Merit: 1951
In order to dump coins one must have coins
March 31, 2018, 08:55:59 PM |
Hmm is the blood on the streets yet? Are these Gox coins being liquidated, MtGox coming back to Gox us one (last?) time
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1828
March 31, 2018, 09:01:39 PM |
Hmm is the blood on the streets yet? Are these Gox coins being liquidated, MtGox coming back to Gox us one (last?) time
No Mt Gox coins moved lately. They are still hanging over our head.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
March 31, 2018, 09:04:05 PM |
hmmm #d_eddieknew

Activity: 368
Merit: 31
March 31, 2018, 09:04:59 PM |
7k isn't going to hold for long support at 6k maybe ?
March 31, 2018, 09:32:14 PM |
7k isn't going to hold for long support at 6k maybe ?
Nobody knows what's the bottom. But I know we are going down and it's unlikely that we are going up again anytime soon.
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
March 31, 2018, 09:39:21 PM |
Breaking 24777$ prediction game FINAL LIST 27/12/2017 bikerleszno  29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  30/12/2017 digithusiast  31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ  01/01/2018 elg  02/01/2018 wachtwoord  03/01/2018 JimboToronto  04/01/2018 d_eddie  05/01/2018 BTCMILLIONAIRE  06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin  07/01/2018 ghandi  08/01/2018 savetherainforrest  09/01/2018 explorer  10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho  11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire  12/01/2018 speedwheel  13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner  14/01/2018 northypoale  15/01/2018 ivomm  16/01/2018 maca068  17/01/2018 bitcoinvest  18/01/2018 last of the v8s  19/01/2018 mfort312  20/01/2018 1982dre  21/01/2018 flamast2  22/01/2018 RealMachasm  23/01/2018 willope  24/01/2018 kartala  25/01/2018 orpington  26/01/2018 rolling  27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin  28/01/2018 jojo69  29/01/2018 CristiTCM  30/01/2018 rayX12  31/01/2018 realsteelboy  01/02/2018 twocorn  02/02/2018 mancroofer  03/02/2018 True Myth  04/02/2018 poolminor  05/02/2018 itod  06/02/2018 scheptan  07/02/2018 vapourminer  08/02/2018 alexeft  09/02/2018 siera  10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL  11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667  12/02/2018 yonton  13/02/2018 Wekkel  14/02/2018 Thekool1s  15/02/2018 starmman  16/02/2018 Globb0  17/02/2018 leveldkrypto  18/02/2018 olesh  19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger  20/02/2018 Paashaas  21/02/2018 flynn  22/02/2018 icygreen  23/02/2018 erisdiscordia  24/02/2018 phil_s  25/02/2018 sirazimuth  26/02/2018 Arriemoller  27/02/2018 yonton  28/02/2018 Muttley  01/03/2018 bones261  02/03/2018 heater  03/03/2018 soullyG  04/03/2018 InvoKing  05/03/2018 Notme  06/03/2018 sa_94  07/03/2018 NUFCrichard  08/03/2018 Imbatman  09/03/2018 Roombot  10/03/2018 STT  11/03/2018 badream  13/03/2018 erre  14/03/2018 julian071  15/03/2018 podyx  17/03/2018 fragout  18/03/2018 fabiorem  21/03/2018 dakuastaking76  23/03/2018 nikauforest  31/03/2018 vroom 01/04/2018 somac. 02/04/2018 kurious 04/04/2018 fluidjax 05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny 08/04/2018 tyler1890 10/04/2018 ludwigvon 11/04/2018 hairymaclairy 16/04/2018 practicaldreamer 18/04/2018 27/04/2018 drbrockoin 01/05/2018 sprinkles 02/06/2018 oblox 07/07/2018 IntroVert 03/08/2018 toxic2040 28/08/2018 bitserve 15/10/2018 Yefi 05/11/2018 mikenz 31/12/2018 melman2002 01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original 12/02/2019 FractalUniverse 21/04/2019 gentlemand 20/02/2020 romneymoney 18/12/2021 luckygenough56 UPDATE AND GOOD LUCK with this long downmovement i'm curious who of the remaining going to get lucky
Full Member
Activity: 266
Merit: 222
Deb Rah Von Doom
The level of bullishness in this thread is bizarre and concerning since I normally factor in a reverse sentiment indicator.
Ludwig Von
March 31, 2018, 10:08:56 PM |
Breaking 24777$ prediction game FINAL LIST 27/12/2017 bikerleszno  29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  30/12/2017 digithusiast  31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ  01/01/2018 elg  02/01/2018 wachtwoord  03/01/2018 JimboToronto  04/01/2018 d_eddie  05/01/2018 BTCMILLIONAIRE  06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin  07/01/2018 ghandi  08/01/2018 savetherainforrest  09/01/2018 explorer  10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho  11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire  12/01/2018 speedwheel  13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner  14/01/2018 northypoale  15/01/2018 ivomm  16/01/2018 maca068  17/01/2018 bitcoinvest  18/01/2018 last of the v8s  19/01/2018 mfort312  20/01/2018 1982dre  21/01/2018 flamast2  22/01/2018 RealMachasm  23/01/2018 willope  24/01/2018 kartala  25/01/2018 orpington  26/01/2018 rolling  27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin  28/01/2018 jojo69  29/01/2018 CristiTCM  30/01/2018 rayX12  31/01/2018 realsteelboy  01/02/2018 twocorn  02/02/2018 mancroofer  03/02/2018 True Myth  04/02/2018 poolminor  05/02/2018 itod  06/02/2018 scheptan  07/02/2018 vapourminer  08/02/2018 alexeft  09/02/2018 siera  10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL  11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667  12/02/2018 yonton  13/02/2018 Wekkel  14/02/2018 Thekool1s  15/02/2018 starmman  16/02/2018 Globb0  17/02/2018 leveldkrypto  18/02/2018 olesh  19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger  20/02/2018 Paashaas  21/02/2018 flynn  22/02/2018 icygreen  23/02/2018 erisdiscordia  24/02/2018 phil_s  25/02/2018 sirazimuth  26/02/2018 Arriemoller  27/02/2018 yonton  28/02/2018 Muttley  01/03/2018 bones261  02/03/2018 heater  03/03/2018 soullyG  04/03/2018 InvoKing  05/03/2018 Notme  06/03/2018 sa_94  07/03/2018 NUFCrichard  08/03/2018 Imbatman  09/03/2018 Roombot  10/03/2018 STT  11/03/2018 badream  13/03/2018 erre  14/03/2018 julian071  15/03/2018 podyx  17/03/2018 fragout  18/03/2018 fabiorem  21/03/2018 dakuastaking76  23/03/2018 nikauforest  31/03/2018 vroom 01/04/2018 somac. 02/04/2018 kurious 04/04/2018 fluidjax 05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny 08/04/2018 tyler1890 10/04/2018 ludwigvon 11/04/2018 hairymaclairy 16/04/2018 practicaldreamer 18/04/2018 27/04/2018 drbrockoin 01/05/2018 sprinkles 02/06/2018 oblox 07/07/2018 IntroVert 03/08/2018 toxic2040 28/08/2018 bitserve 15/10/2018 Yefi 05/11/2018 mikenz 31/12/2018 melman2002 01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original 12/02/2019 FractalUniverse 21/04/2019 gentlemand 20/02/2020 romneymoney 18/12/2021 luckygenough56 UPDATE AND GOOD LUCK with this long downmovement i'm curious who of the remaining going to get lucky Looks like I am gonna miss a Honeybadger birthday present... . Nah, I missed the previous one by two days (it was two days before my guess) so there is hope ! 
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
March 31, 2018, 10:11:11 PM |
The level of bullishness in this thread is bizarre and concerning since I normally factor in a reverse sentiment indicator.
It's called long term thinking. Remember there are very few actual traders left here, mostly holders.
btc or eth
Activity: 146
Merit: 0
March 31, 2018, 10:36:35 PM |
Be confident! It has time to go down, but it will repeat the cycle!
Activity: 2604
Merit: 3056
Welt Am Draht
March 31, 2018, 10:50:36 PM |
Looks like I am gonna miss a Honeybadger birthday present... . Nah, I missed the previous one by two days (it was two days before my guess) so there is hope !  Dropping like flies, so they are. My choose was totally random and now looks like a rather silly date. I can't see any particular reason why it would pop around then. I'll take full credit, and delete this post, if it happens all the same.
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1259
March 31, 2018, 10:54:30 PM |
Looks like I am gonna miss a Honeybadger birthday present... . Nah, I missed the previous one by two days (it was two days before my guess) so there is hope !  Dropping like flies, so they are. My choose was totally random and now looks like a rather silly date. I can't see any particular reason why it would pop around then. I'll take full credit, and delete this post, if it happens all the same. 
Rosewater Foundation
March 31, 2018, 10:58:17 PM |
The level of bullishness in this thread is bizarre and concerning since I normally factor in a reverse sentiment indicator.
I tried to capitulate. There was a snag
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
March 31, 2018, 10:59:30 PM |
March 31, 2018, 10:59:48 PM |
SOON! The shot has been fired! 
Activity: 1844
Merit: 1338
XXXVII Fnord is toast without bread
March 31, 2018, 11:01:05 PM |
The good news is that the Sun will come out.........just not tomorrow, and I will bet my bottom dollar. I would be a heavy buyer around April 6th, and again mid-May. And early 2019.P.S. this chart is from the future, your results may vary.  Yes.... Results do happen to vary..... Results especially vary from your random predictions. I thought that you would have given up after your stupid-ass March 5 fiasco'ed attempt at sorcerer status? Oh? I forgot. The practice of a wanna-be sorcerer is merely to keep making spectacular predictions, and sooner or later one of those predictions will happen to come true.  Pot-Kettle argument: Most of your posts are worth very little because when you attempt to make predictions you want to play both sides of down/up that the post ends up being meaningless drivel; much akin to the statement "a coin flip could produce either a heads up or a tails up"I'm not going to quote any of your bs posts here because you posting them once was too much already The March 5th thing was a Bazinga!......I sodled before Cinco de Marzo
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
March 31, 2018, 11:04:28 PM |
The level of bullishness in this thread is bizarre and concerning since I normally factor in a reverse sentiment indicator.
The bears are probably eyeing the 17 April tax due date and have some concerns about badger’s unwillingness to leave $7k behind. At this rate we will not even achieve $5k before an expected pump in late April / early May as the selling pressure eases. Meanwhile bcash lol solidly under 0.1 and slowly continuing to drop.