Activity: 2758
Merit: 4018
April 04, 2018, 09:31:18 PM |
Related sentiment news.
DJIA +0.96, S&P500 +1.16, NASDAQ +1.45.
Influential Wall Street people in a closed invitation-only meeting voted against tweaking the well-known old adage. No replacement, no March, May stays. For the time being. Thanks to the Plunge Protection Team.
Rosewater Foundation
April 04, 2018, 09:33:09 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY!
If you say so, man.
Activity: 4116
Merit: 9204
April 04, 2018, 09:37:09 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY! We're talking UNPARALLELED MISERY, not seen since Sept 2011. People actually had a valid reasons to be miserable then. Their Bitcorn only worth two dollar.
Now, we're just a bunch of whiny instabears~snip

Activity: 3612
Merit: 3748
born once atheist
April 04, 2018, 09:41:27 PM |
posters who like suddenly appear in here outta nowhere and proceed to plaster walls of text/memes every other post for like past 6 pages... kind of annoys me...
Sr. Member
Activity: 406
Merit: 551
I am a banana.
April 04, 2018, 09:42:26 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY!
If you say so, man. Sorry, Rosey, I know the misery bubbling from your well runs deep. But look at the bright side: it can't possibly drop another $12,000! 
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 04, 2018, 09:42:57 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY!
If you say so, man. btc down $2k since all that came out. Tom Lee wouldn't know a misery if it bit him on the ass. still, chin up, the next 25 years are critical
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1828
April 04, 2018, 09:45:25 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY!
If you say so, man. Sorry, Rosey, I know the misery bubbling from your well runs deep. But look at the bright side: it can't possibly drop another $12,000!  I'm sure if the bears could figure out a way to short this to less than zero, they would.
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1259
April 04, 2018, 09:50:03 PM |
Something is happening in Canada. I don't know what it is, but I don't like it.
Spring? I just checked into a hotel downtown Toronto. My plan was to hit the ATM's this afternoon, but it's too cold to capitulate on foot. Idk how the hell Jimbo does this. Typically in a taxi, IIRC
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
April 04, 2018, 09:56:30 PM |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY! We're talking UNPARALLELED MISERY, not seen since Sept 2011. People actually had a valid reasons to be miserable then. Their Bitcorn only worth two dollar.
Activity: 2016
Merit: 1259
April 04, 2018, 09:58:21 PM |
posters who like suddenly appear in here outta nowhere and proceed to plaster walls of text/memes every other post for like past 6 pages... kind of annoys me...
I find that most of them hide behind some sort of shield. Lookalikedis: This user is currently ignored.
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13760
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
April 04, 2018, 10:04:44 PM |
Breaking 24777$ prediction game FINAL LIST 27/12/2017 bikerleszno  29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  30/12/2017 digithusiast  31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ  01/01/2018 elg  02/01/2018 wachtwoord  03/01/2018 JimboToronto  04/01/2018 d_eddie  05/01/2018 BTCMILLIONAIRE  06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin  07/01/2018 ghandi  08/01/2018 savetherainforrest  09/01/2018 explorer  10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho  11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire  12/01/2018 speedwheel  13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner  14/01/2018 northypoale  15/01/2018 ivomm  16/01/2018 maca068  17/01/2018 bitcoinvest  18/01/2018 last of the v8s  19/01/2018 mfort312  20/01/2018 1982dre  21/01/2018 flamast2  22/01/2018 RealMachasm  23/01/2018 willope  24/01/2018 kartala  25/01/2018 orpington  26/01/2018 rolling  27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin  28/01/2018 jojo69  29/01/2018 CristiTCM  30/01/2018 rayX12  31/01/2018 realsteelboy  01/02/2018 twocorn  02/02/2018 mancroofer  03/02/2018 True Myth  04/02/2018 poolminor  05/02/2018 itod  06/02/2018 scheptan  07/02/2018 vapourminer  08/02/2018 alexeft  09/02/2018 siera  10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL  11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667  12/02/2018 yonton  13/02/2018 Wekkel  14/02/2018 Thekool1s  15/02/2018 starmman  16/02/2018 Globb0  17/02/2018 leveldkrypto  18/02/2018 olesh  19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger  20/02/2018 Paashaas  21/02/2018 flynn  22/02/2018 icygreen  23/02/2018 erisdiscordia  24/02/2018 phil_s  25/02/2018 sirazimuth  26/02/2018 Arriemoller  27/02/2018 yonton  28/02/2018 Muttley  01/03/2018 bones261  02/03/2018 heater  03/03/2018 soullyG  04/03/2018 InvoKing  05/03/2018 Notme  06/03/2018 sa_94  07/03/2018 NUFCrichard  08/03/2018 Imbatman  09/03/2018 Roombot  10/03/2018 STT  11/03/2018 badream  13/03/2018 erre  14/03/2018 julian071  15/03/2018 podyx  17/03/2018 fragout  18/03/2018 fabiorem  21/03/2018 dakuastaking76  23/03/2018 nikauforest  31/03/2018 vroom  01/04/2018 somac.  02/04/2018 kurious  04/04/2018 fluidjax  05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny 08/04/2018 tyler1890 10/04/2018 ludwigvon 11/04/2018 hairymaclairy 16/04/2018 practicaldreamer 18/04/2018 free-bit.co.in 27/04/2018 drbrockoin 01/05/2018 sprinkles 02/06/2018 oblox 07/07/2018 IntroVert 03/08/2018 toxic2040 28/08/2018 bitserve 15/10/2018 Yefi 05/11/2018 mikenz 31/12/2018 melman2002 01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original 12/02/2019 FractalUniverse 21/04/2019 gentlemand 20/02/2020 romneymoney 18/12/2021 luckygenough56 UPDATE AND GOOD LUCK
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13760
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
April 04, 2018, 10:07:15 PM |
where in a few months of down movement BUT STILL when it comes to BTC bulishness leaks right out of my nuttsack 
Activity: 2338
Merit: 1130
April 04, 2018, 10:16:17 PM |
Wherever you are.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 04, 2018, 10:16:35 PM |
where in a few months of down movement BUT STILL when it comes to BTC bulishness leaks right out of my nuttsack  Sir, I think you should have that looked at. Bull semen is very valuable stuff, and many dairy farmers are crying out for insemination.
April 04, 2018, 10:21:04 PM Last edit: April 04, 2018, 10:40:47 PM by pfrtlpfmpf |
Congratulations, Ladies and Gents:
We have achieved PEAK MISERY! We're talking UNPARALLELED MISERY, not seen since Sept 2011. People actually had a valid reasons to be miserable then. Their Bitcorn only worth two dollar.
Boolish!  He looks like having constipation for a week, picture made right after his epic dump 
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13760
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
April 04, 2018, 10:23:22 PM |
where in a few months of down movement BUT STILL when it comes to BTC bulishness leaks right out of my nuttsack  Sir, I think you should have that looked at. Bull semen is very valuable stuff, and many dairy farmers are crying out for insemination. I do believe that my friend ..... i keep growing bullishness on these semens  HODL 
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 04, 2018, 10:28:22 PM |
^er you hodl yours, i hodl mine, lol https://www.ft.com/content/f7b3b356-3774-11e8-8b98-2f31af407cc8SoftBank waived day-to-day control of Fortress to win deal Two people with knowledge of Fortress’s dealing said the private equity group had also liquidated about $200m worth of bitcoin it had held in the past few months. +362m kobayashi dump = $562 million 'extra' sold and bought this year.
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 04, 2018, 10:38:00 PM |
Activity: 1908
Merit: 3214
All good things to those who wait
It seems that the big whales are spending their last BTC reserves with the hope some FUD/news will help them to lower the price before the next bull rally. They are biting their nails nervously in the fear someone else will overtake them at the start of the race. At the same time the bulls are patiently waiting and probing with some bull traps whether the bear reserves are drained. If there is no bad news (China, Korea, etc.) in the coming days, I expect a strong bull run to 12K in 2-3 weeks. If we break that resistance, the next is 15K. The last, and the toughest is 17K, but it seems too far to think about it now 