Activity: 3822
Merit: 11043
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
April 01, 2018, 01:25:40 PM |
Herewe go. Another shove down.
Fucking tiresome! Still too high to buy though when you’re already sitting on a healthy stash. If it goes down to $2000 - $3000 I’m emptying my fiat savings accounts & pumping it all into bitcoin.
April 01, 2018, 01:25:47 PM |
Bitcoin has a secret weapon, it is call scarcity! Take those coins away from the market and they will need to pump it again to shake the tree.  Not when they can provoke a massive panic selling, making the price drop to uncanny and unimaginable low levels. Remember, they can print fiat money out of nowhere and at any time. Fiat money for them is infinite, and that's where most people base their perception of value. The ensuing crisis from so much printing will be blamed on crypto, prompting legal persecution against it. They were able to manipulate the price to below 8k in a matter of months. And this with only 10% of volume in the exchanges, the rest locked in personal wallets. The solution is for the exchanges to create a private conclave and put a stop to it, blocking any trade below the mining value, with full authority and in a very artificial and biased way. This should be a international private conclave to protect crypto against the sharks from the banks and governments.
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
April 01, 2018, 01:26:39 PM |
April 01, 2018, 01:31:08 PM |
Everybody will say here this is tin-foil hat conspiracy theory. But central banks can print money out of tin air, provoking inflation, which is in turn masked by the media. You can see that people are always FUDing about tether, saying that is illegal and immoral for Ifinex to print it without a dollar equivalent, like it was a stupendous crime againt humanity. However, when its central banks doing exactly the same, nobody cares. So such cartels can run free. Thats how they dumped the gold market. Remember that a hundred years ago, gold was a store of value, and used as a protection against financial tyranny. Now they are doing the same with crypto. They print money out of tin air, buy bitcoin, then sell at low prices. Since every financial crisis is planned, this is good for their goals. But hey, its a conspiracy. Trust the state and the banks, lets FUD about the immoral tether. Bitcoin has a secret weapon, it is call scarcity! Take those coins away from the market and they will need to pump it again to shake the tree.   Yes but that is equally true for gold and to a lesser extend other PM's. And since their weapon of choice is paper, it is an unequal battle. I heard and read many many times that we should buy their paper gold and then redeem the real stuff in order to bring them down. Only, the few people who actually tried to have their contracts settled in physical, had a rather cold experience... . (So far at least). Now of course, why would someone want to have paper gold in any way ? Not really, there is no deliverable on BTC futures. The only way to get BTC is in the BTC markets. They can battle with their fiat but we just need people to buy and HODL. Scarcity will win the game. It may take some time. 
April 01, 2018, 01:33:24 PM |
Oh... bleeding to the bottom again...

Activity: 154
Merit: 10
April 01, 2018, 01:35:45 PM |
I wonder, how many of those "HOLD BITCOIN, YEAH!" accounts are actually just sock puppets of old coin holders, who are themselves unloading their coins on the market and cheering for everyone else to hold value in the meantime.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4071
April 01, 2018, 01:41:32 PM |
My SOMA Prediction(TM) for the day.
Based on highly scientific hunches, sophisticated 4-dimensional technical analysis, barbershop and shoeshine boy brainstorming, and mainly on carefully extracted rectal material, I feel we will briefly kiss 6k. On Tuesday, some of the blood will get cleaned. Just some, though.
Straight Off My Ass Analytics - Mostly wrong, most of the time!
Activity: 3542
Merit: 2598
April 01, 2018, 01:43:57 PM |
Bitcoin has a secret weapon, it is call scarcity! Take those coins away from the market and they will need to pump it again to shake the tree.  Not when they can provoke a massive panic selling, making the price drop to uncanny and unimaginable low levels. Remember, they can print fiat money out of nowhere and at any time. Fiat money for them is infinite, and that's where most people base their perception of value. The ensuing crisis from so much printing will be blamed on crypto, prompting legal persecution against it. They were able to manipulate the price to below 8k in a matter of months. And this with only 10% of volume in the exchanges, the rest locked in personal wallets. The solution is for the exchanges to create a private conclave and put a stop to it, blocking any trade below the mining value, with full authority and in a very artificial and biased way. This should be a international private conclave to protect crypto against the sharks from the banks and governments. If they print money to feed their short positions then we print tethers to feed our longs. Problem solved. Fight fire with fire. Fuck all.
April 01, 2018, 01:44:12 PM |
Bull of HEAVEN RETURN!!!!!  
Ludwig Von
April 01, 2018, 01:51:22 PM Last edit: April 01, 2018, 02:05:12 PM by Ludwig Von |
Everybody will say here this is tin-foil hat conspiracy theory. But central banks can print money out of tin air, provoking inflation, which is in turn masked by the media. You can see that people are always FUDing about tether, saying that is illegal and immoral for Ifinex to print it without a dollar equivalent, like it was a stupendous crime againt humanity. However, when its central banks doing exactly the same, nobody cares. So such cartels can run free. Thats how they dumped the gold market. Remember that a hundred years ago, gold was a store of value, and used as a protection against financial tyranny. Now they are doing the same with crypto. They print money out of tin air, buy bitcoin, then sell at low prices. Since every financial crisis is planned, this is good for their goals. But hey, its a conspiracy. Trust the state and the banks, lets FUD about the immoral tether. Bitcoin has a secret weapon, it is call scarcity! Take those coins away from the market and they will need to pump it again to shake the tree.   Yes but that is equally true for gold and to a lesser extend other PM's. And since their weapon of choice is paper, it is an unequal battle. I heard and read many many times that we should buy their paper gold and then redeem the real stuff in order to bring them down. Only, the few people who actually tried to have their contracts settled in physical, had a rather cold experience... . (So far at least). Now of course, why would someone want to have paper gold in any way ? Not really, there is no deliverable on BTC futures. The only way to get BTC is in the BTC markets. They can battle with their fiat but we just need people to buy and HODL. Scarcity will win the game. It may take some time.  Agh, yes of course, the contracts are settled in cash only. Meanwhile, it looks like our questions about the desireabillity of the big boys entering the BTC ecosystem also has been answered... .
April 01, 2018, 01:54:24 PM |
Notlambchop is too ashamed to ever show her face again. She wasted two years of her life and had opportunities like few other.
Theymos's April fool's day joke has given Notlambchop ridiculously high politeness and virtue scores. They should be negative numbers for Notlambchop.  I don't know, you're scum and have a very low politeness. So everything seems to be in order. 
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4071
April 01, 2018, 01:56:08 PM |
Bitcoin has a secret weapon, it is call scarcity! Take those coins away from the market and they will need to pump it again to shake the tree.  Not when they can provoke a massive panic selling, making the price drop to uncanny and unimaginable low levels. Remember, they can print fiat money out of nowhere and at any time. Fiat money for them is infinite, and that's where most people base their perception of value. The ensuing crisis from so much printing will be blamed on crypto, prompting legal persecution against it. They were able to manipulate the price to below 8k in a matter of months. And this with only 10% of volume in the exchanges, the rest locked in personal wallets. The solution is for the exchanges to create a private conclave and put a stop to it, blocking any trade below the mining value, with full authority and in a very artificial and biased way. This should be a international private conclave to protect crypto against the sharks from the banks and governments. If they print money to feed their short positions then we print tethers to feed our longs. Problem solved. Fight fire with fire. Fuck all. It sounds nice and it can be a partial remedy, but the situation is asymmetric. Not to say your point has no merit, but freshly minted tether needs to be backed by fiat. Is it? Is it not? FUD FUD. Inquiries. FUD FUD. Audits. Walking a thin line, with regulation possibly disrupting any tether based counter action. Central bank supported action, on the other hand, doesn't really need any backing to print more fiat. It's a bit like swords against cannons. The swords have to be plenty, and the action has to be close as in a melee. There is another asymmetry, though, in the favor of swords. Scarcity, as RayX12 and fabiorem, among others, just suggested. It's like having a sloping battleground, where the swords have the higher position. This limits cannon reach and makes it easier to have quick runs at the enemy firing the cannons. It takes a lot of patience.
April 01, 2018, 02:00:17 PM |
If they print money to feed their short positions then we print tethers to feed our longs.
Problem solved. Fight fire with fire. Fuck all.
Thats why the exchanges need a conclave. They need to devise a plan to stop those sharks. One way is to print tether by the trillions, without any fiat equivalent. No auditing will be possible. There will be layers after layers of overseas business to mask it. Everytime bitcoin drops, Ifinex could print 1 trillion tethers and no fucks will be given. The sheep who keeps complaining about it can go back to their masters, we dont want them in cryptospace. The issue with gold and silver is that they cant be artificially printed. They are physical. Bitcoin is not, and here's a advantage, we will be playing in the same field the banksters are. There's a limit to bitcoin, but not to tether. It will be a money printing war. Maybe at the end of it we can even save the precious metals as well, if we peg them to bitcoin instead of the dollar.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4071
April 01, 2018, 02:06:00 PM |
If they print money to feed their short positions then we print tethers to feed our longs.
Problem solved. Fight fire with fire. Fuck all.
Thats why the exchanges need a conclave. They need to devise a plan to stop those sharks. The exchanges feed on scraps from the sharks. Not gonna happen IMO. Any realistic counter action should assume the exchanges are neutral (optimistic view) or hostile (more balanced view).
Activity: 2352
Merit: 1064
Bitcoin is antisemitic
April 01, 2018, 02:08:36 PM |
What tells of manipulation is the weekend dumps. If one wants to get the most money for his coins he would not dump when fiat influx to exchanges is closed. But from now on the price is starting to become attractive for perspective buyers, and the more will be the more they crash it. Coins at $5K look like a 4X easy, at $3K a 7X, etc.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4071
April 01, 2018, 02:25:29 PM |
What tells of manipulation is the weekend dumps. If one wants to get the most money for his coins he would not dump when fiat influx to exchanges is closed. But from now on the price is starting to become attractive for perspective buyers, and the more will be the more they crash it. Coins at $5K look like a 4X easy, at $3K a 7X, etc.
+1 WOsMerit Sorry I'm paying you in alts, but I'm keeping my last precious sMerits for worthy newbies, juniors etc. Not for legends until I have a few more. 
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
April 01, 2018, 02:26:28 PM |
Well it looks like we are are fucked.
Breaking news, the UK has stated they are going to ban cryptocurrency.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4071
April 01, 2018, 02:29:00 PM |
Well it looks like we are are fucked.
Breaking news, the UK has stated they are going to ban cryptocurrency.
Source? The National Lampoon, April 1st edition? The Pound Sterling is fucked as it is now anyway.
Activity: 3822
Merit: 11043
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
April 01, 2018, 02:29:11 PM |
Well it looks like we are are fucked.
Breaking news, the UK has stated they are going to ban cryptocurrency.
April 01, 2018, 02:29:29 PM |
Well it looks like we are are fucked.
Breaking news, the UK has stated they are going to ban cryptocurrency.
All except Dogecoin, because the queen finds it amusing. 