Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
April 03, 2018, 10:54:13 PM |
Anyone concerned that Gemini seems to have raised their trading fees 4x in the past day on top of about a 2x increase from last year. Seems to add up to about 10x increase in their fees. Here is a thread that was started about the issue. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3248495.msg33826905#msg33826905I am kind of wondering what Gemini's goal is? It would seem that if they wanted to create more liquidity, then they would keep the fees lower, but perhaps they are attempting to become the Cadillac of exchanges, and I wonder if other exchanges will follow to raise their trading fees? or if Gemini will attempt to serve more of a niche clientelle who are willing to pay higher trading fees? I would pay higher fees than on other exchanges if there is higher return. Whatever that might be... . High return could be considered to be more security and more volatility, but I don't think that purposefully creating higher volatility by removing liquidity is a way to increase user confidence in a platform. I have no real idea of their motivation at this point, except that they are attempting to go down the path of prestigious pricing, and that does not seem to be a good move based on their current market position based on current trade volume (but hey what do I know? Administrators/owners there would know their trade numbers better than my looking at what I believe to be their relatively mediocre trade volume). Maybe it is just because of the low volume... . In that case, they might be followed by the others. I am not sure about whether you are misreading my post. Gemini has lower trade volume relative to other exchanges; however, their increasing their fees is likely to decrease their trade volume - however, those kinds of measurements would be for them to make about whether their trading volume decreases significantly in order to cause the increase in fees to be imprudent, from a business perspective. They are an exchange, so I am not sure about why they would take measures that might decrease their trading volume, unless they are gambling on the fact that more and more BIGGER investors are coming into the space (such as institutional investors), and they are trying to cater their platform towards the institutional investors rather than the regular Joe.. but even institutional investors like to see high volume which is likely going to come, in part, from regular Joes. Regarding overall assessments of low trading volume, currently, I think that those kinds of assertions of low overall trade volume are a mythical, and I believe that we have not left BTC price battling, and this supposed consolidation game (in the below $10k arena) is not over yet... so even if there might be some recent drops in trade volume, I doubt that those recent drops are anything more than temporary - in the current bitcoin (and crypto) price dynamic climate. There is a bit of a contradiction in the service that Gemini offers, because they are increasing their trading fees, but their fees for getting in and out seem to be lower than the average (see these Gemini transfer fees)

Activity: 111
Merit: 12
April 03, 2018, 10:54:48 PM |
Is he saying "more baby sausage!"? LOL
Activity: 3822
Merit: 5504
April 03, 2018, 10:58:43 PM |
Is he saying "more baby sausage!"? "More spankings all night!" ?
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13818
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
April 03, 2018, 11:05:19 PM |
Breaking 24777$ prediction game FINAL LIST 27/12/2017 bikerleszno  29/12/2018 cAPSLOCK  30/12/2017 digithusiast  31/12/2017 Raja_MBZ  01/01/2018 elg  02/01/2018 wachtwoord  03/01/2018 JimboToronto  04/01/2018 d_eddie  05/01/2018 BTCMILLIONAIRE  06/01/2018 HanvanBitcoin  07/01/2018 ghandi  08/01/2018 savetherainforrest  09/01/2018 explorer  10/01/2018 bicoinpsycho  11/01/2018 Bitcoinaire  12/01/2018 speedwheel  13/01/2018 undeadbitcoiner  14/01/2018 northypoale  15/01/2018 ivomm  16/01/2018 maca068  17/01/2018 bitcoinvest  18/01/2018 last of the v8s  19/01/2018 mfort312  20/01/2018 1982dre  21/01/2018 flamast2  22/01/2018 RealMachasm  23/01/2018 willope  24/01/2018 kartala  25/01/2018 orpington  26/01/2018 rolling  27/01/2018 LFC_bitcoin  28/01/2018 jojo69  29/01/2018 CristiTCM  30/01/2018 rayX12  31/01/2018 realsteelboy  01/02/2018 twocorn  02/02/2018 mancroofer  03/02/2018 True Myth  04/02/2018 poolminor  05/02/2018 itod  06/02/2018 scheptan  07/02/2018 vapourminer  08/02/2018 alexeft  09/02/2018 siera  10/02/2018 AlcoHoDL  11/02/2018 Dunkelheit667  12/02/2018 yonton  13/02/2018 Wekkel  14/02/2018 Thekool1s  15/02/2018 starmman  16/02/2018 Globb0  17/02/2018 leveldkrypto  18/02/2018 olesh  19/02/2018 BitCoinBurger  20/02/2018 Paashaas  21/02/2018 flynn  22/02/2018 icygreen  23/02/2018 erisdiscordia  24/02/2018 phil_s  25/02/2018 sirazimuth  26/02/2018 Arriemoller  27/02/2018 yonton  28/02/2018 Muttley  01/03/2018 bones261  02/03/2018 heater  03/03/2018 soullyG  04/03/2018 InvoKing  05/03/2018 Notme  06/03/2018 sa_94  07/03/2018 NUFCrichard  08/03/2018 Imbatman  09/03/2018 Roombot  10/03/2018 STT  11/03/2018 badream  13/03/2018 erre  14/03/2018 julian071  15/03/2018 podyx  17/03/2018 fragout  18/03/2018 fabiorem  21/03/2018 dakuastaking76  23/03/2018 nikauforest  31/03/2018 vroom  01/04/2018 somac.  02/04/2018 kurious  04/04/2018 fluidjax 05/04/2018 bitcoinbunny 08/04/2018 tyler1890 10/04/2018 ludwigvon 11/04/2018 hairymaclairy 16/04/2018 practicaldreamer 18/04/2018 free-bit.co.in 27/04/2018 drbrockoin 01/05/2018 sprinkles 02/06/2018 oblox 07/07/2018 IntroVert 03/08/2018 toxic2040 28/08/2018 bitserve 15/10/2018 Yefi 05/11/2018 mikenz 31/12/2018 melman2002 01/01/2019 Spaceman_Spiff_Original 12/02/2019 FractalUniverse 21/04/2019 gentlemand 20/02/2020 romneymoney 18/12/2021 luckygenough56 UPDATE AND GOOD LUCk !!! hope to see green going greener for a few months when will bitcoin truely unleash the kraken 
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
April 03, 2018, 11:05:43 PM |
I don't think that you should distort the truth of what he actually said, in this instance. What he said is that "more babys are dying," and that is weird enough, so to change what he is saying into "sausages" actually trivializes the stupid thing that he already said. The guy is a psycho, and his real words and the way that he said them are proof enough about his current nutjob status.
Activity: 3822
Merit: 5504
April 03, 2018, 11:06:46 PM |
Is he saying "more baby sausage!"? "More spankings all night!" ? "More babies all day" ? "Spore monkeys are gay!" ? Someone needs to phone the Bad Lip Reading guys, lol
Rosewater Foundation
April 03, 2018, 11:10:05 PM |
I don't think that you should distort the truth of what he actually said, in this instance. What he said is that "more babys are dying," and that is weird enough, so to change what he is saying into "sausages" actually trivializes the stupid thing that he already said. The guy is a psycho, and his real words and the way that he said them are proof enough about his current nutjob status. He said wut? Why??
Ludwig Von
April 03, 2018, 11:16:21 PM |
Anyone concerned that Gemini seems to have raised their trading fees 4x in the past day on top of about a 2x increase from last year. Seems to add up to about 10x increase in their fees. Here is a thread that was started about the issue. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3248495.msg33826905#msg33826905I am kind of wondering what Gemini's goal is? It would seem that if they wanted to create more liquidity, then they would keep the fees lower, but perhaps they are attempting to become the Cadillac of exchanges, and I wonder if other exchanges will follow to raise their trading fees? or if Gemini will attempt to serve more of a niche clientelle who are willing to pay higher trading fees? I would pay higher fees than on other exchanges if there is higher return. Whatever that might be... . High return could be considered to be more security and more volatility, but I don't think that purposefully creating higher volatility by removing liquidity is a way to increase user confidence in a platform. I have no real idea of their motivation at this point, except that they are attempting to go down the path of prestigious pricing, and that does not seem to be a good move based on their current market position based on current trade volume (but hey what do I know? Administrators/owners there would know their trade numbers better than my looking at what I believe to be their relatively mediocre trade volume). Maybe it is just because of the low volume... . In that case, they might be followed by the others. I am not sure about whether you are misreading my post. Gemini has lower trade volume relative to other exchanges; however, their increasing their fees is likely to decrease their trade volume - however, those kinds of measurements would be for them to make about whether their trading volume decreases significantly in order to cause the increase in fees to be imprudent, from a business perspective. They are an exchange, so I am not sure about why they would take measures that might decrease their trading volume, unless they are gambling on the fact that more and more BIGGER investors are coming into the space (such as institutional investors), and they are trying to cater their platform towards the institutional investors rather than the regular Joe.. but even institutional investors like to see high volume which is likely going to come, in part, from regular Joes. Regarding overall assessments of low trading volume, currently, I think that those kinds of assertions of low overall trade volume are a mythical, and I believe that we have not left BTC price battling, and this supposed consolidation game (in the below $10k arena) is not over yet... so even if there might be some recent drops in trade volume, I doubt that those recent drops are anything more than temporary - in the current bitcoin (and crypto) price dynamic climate. There is a bit of a contradiction in the service that Gemini offers, because they are increasing their trading fees, but their fees for getting in and out seem to be lower than the average (see these Gemini transfer fees)Sometimes I misread, indeed. But isn 't the low (appears zero)transfer fees, confirming the lack of voume motive for increasing trade fees?
Last of the V8s
Activity: 1652
Merit: 4393
Be a bank
April 03, 2018, 11:17:12 PM |
 When you take adopting Korean customs just that bit too seriously.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
April 03, 2018, 11:21:07 PM Last edit: April 03, 2018, 11:31:10 PM by JayJuanGee |
I don't think that you should distort the truth of what he actually said, in this instance. What he said is that " more babys are dying," and that is weird enough, so to change what he is saying into "sausages" actually trivializes the stupid thing that he already said. The guy is a psycho, and his real words and the way that he said them are proof enough about his current nutjob status. He said wut? Why?? What do babies dying have to do with cryptocurrency ?!?? I'm so confused right now. Beginning to genuinely suspect the mental state of Roger Ver is rapidly deteriorating. In this instance, it is probably better to link the actual video with the audio, because the guy is a fucking nutjob.. and bordering on desperate psychopath.. Likely Xhomerx10 has the original video/audio clip, but I am sure it is available . Edit 1: O.k. here is the tweet again. https://twitter.com/bitcoinrick/status/981233235635195904And here is the part where Roger says that more babies are dying because of the lack of economic freedom that core has caused. you can fast-forward to 11:00 if you don't want to hear all of Rogers drivel; however, it may be good to hear a bit of the context from the cueing up at about minute 9:00. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaWcJPSs9Yw&feature=youtu.be&t=8m59sEdit 2: Last of the V8s beat me to it... I am a slow poe... 
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
April 03, 2018, 11:30:58 PM |
I don't think that you should distort the truth of what he actually said, in this instance. What he said is that "more babys are dying," and that is weird enough, so to change what he is saying into "sausages" actually trivializes the stupid thing that he already said. The guy is a psycho, and his real words and the way that he said them are proof enough about his current nutjob status. He said wut? Why?? Because of Bitcoin core... what else? https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/89h0zk/babies_are_dying_because_of_bitcoin_core_roger_ver/
Rosewater Foundation
April 03, 2018, 11:32:15 PM |
Poor people are dying due to our inability to provide economic freedom to the masses. I was not aware.
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
April 03, 2018, 11:54:02 PM Merited by DeathAngel (1) |
Anyone concerned that Gemini seems to have raised their trading fees 4x in the past day on top of about a 2x increase from last year. Seems to add up to about 10x increase in their fees. Here is a thread that was started about the issue. https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3248495.msg33826905#msg33826905I am kind of wondering what Gemini's goal is? It would seem that if they wanted to create more liquidity, then they would keep the fees lower, but perhaps they are attempting to become the Cadillac of exchanges, and I wonder if other exchanges will follow to raise their trading fees? or if Gemini will attempt to serve more of a niche clientelle who are willing to pay higher trading fees? I would pay higher fees than on other exchanges if there is higher return. Whatever that might be... . High return could be considered to be more security and more volatility, but I don't think that purposefully creating higher volatility by removing liquidity is a way to increase user confidence in a platform. I have no real idea of their motivation at this point, except that they are attempting to go down the path of prestigious pricing, and that does not seem to be a good move based on their current market position based on current trade volume (but hey what do I know? Administrators/owners there would know their trade numbers better than my looking at what I believe to be their relatively mediocre trade volume). Maybe it is just because of the low volume... . In that case, they might be followed by the others. I am not sure about whether you are misreading my post. Gemini has lower trade volume relative to other exchanges; however, their increasing their fees is likely to decrease their trade volume - however, those kinds of measurements would be for them to make about whether their trading volume decreases significantly in order to cause the increase in fees to be imprudent, from a business perspective. They are an exchange, so I am not sure about why they would take measures that might decrease their trading volume, unless they are gambling on the fact that more and more BIGGER investors are coming into the space (such as institutional investors), and they are trying to cater their platform towards the institutional investors rather than the regular Joe.. but even institutional investors like to see high volume which is likely going to come, in part, from regular Joes. Regarding overall assessments of low trading volume, currently, I think that those kinds of assertions of low overall trade volume are a mythical, and I believe that we have not left BTC price battling, and this supposed consolidation game (in the below $10k arena) is not over yet... so even if there might be some recent drops in trade volume, I doubt that those recent drops are anything more than temporary - in the current bitcoin (and crypto) price dynamic climate. There is a bit of a contradiction in the service that Gemini offers, because they are increasing their trading fees, but their fees for getting in and out seem to be lower than the average (see these Gemini transfer fees)Sometimes I misread, indeed. But isn 't the low (appears zero)transfer fees, confirming the lack of voume motive for increasing trade fees? I doubt that it would be reasonable to conclude that low trade volume is triggering certain business decisions from Gemini that are likely to play out over several months rather than how trade volume might trend over a longer period of time (such as over a year or two) while being low one week and high the next week. Also, trade volume at any particular exchange as compared with other exchanges is one thing to assess and assessing overall trade volume is a compilation of the trade volume on all of the exchanges (close to 200 exchanges, now). Regarding specific motivations for Gemini's business decision to change its fees, business may attempt a variety of ways to distinguish themselves from others. ... So there could higher fees for one service and lower fees for another service, and Gemini offers some services that are not offered by other exchanges too, including the daily OTC auctions that are intended for BIGGER investors. Anyhow, there could be an incentive to make transferring fees cheap and trading fees high, but they might end up off-setting each other, yet there is going to remain a variety of factors concerning how exchanges might attempt to distinguish themselves from other exchanges and attempt to remain profitable to the kind of customer(s) that they might be attempting to attract. It is also possible (but I doubt it) that Gemini tries out this particular new higher fee structure for a while, and they determine that they are losing too many average Joes in the process and losing some liquidity based on such losses of average Joes; however, if their higher fee structure attracts BIGGER institutions, then such newer BIGGER institutional volume could off-set their losses with average Joes, then they may decide that it is good to stay with the higher fees. Some of that information about how one change affects some other part of their business is just outside of our reach or our time/willingness to attempt to analyze, yet I still think that you are too much buying into a narrative about bitcoin's trade volume supposedly being down in some kind of meaningful way that would affect Gemini's current decision about fees, which I don't think is the case - because I believe that it would be erroneous to use a hype period from August 2017 to February 2018 (from $2,600 to $19,666) as the standard of measurement, as if that is regular amount of trade volume for comparison purposes.... So sure, there does seems to be a whole hell-of-a-lot less hype in current times in regard to bitcoin trade and bitcoin overall, especially compared with August 2017 to February 2018, but so what.. the August 2017 to February 2018 was surely a hype-period, rather than this period being a currently low period... In other words, I conclude that trade volume is not currently low, merely because it happens to have come down from our recent previous hype-period.
Activity: 3598
Merit: 2386
Viva Ut Vivas
April 03, 2018, 11:54:52 PM |
The fact that Vitalik called out Craig Wright makes me want to buy my first ethereums with the bcash I still have left.
Jr. Member
Activity: 128
Merit: 9
April 04, 2018, 12:01:53 AM Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
I don't think that you should distort the truth of what he actually said, in this instance. What he said is that " more babys are dying," and that is weird enough, so to change what he is saying into "sausages" actually trivializes the stupid thing that he already said. The guy is a psycho, and his real words and the way that he said them are proof enough about his current nutjob status. He said wut? Why?? What do babies dying have to do with cryptocurrency ?!?? I'm so confused right now. Beginning to genuinely suspect the mental state of Roger Ver is rapidly deteriorating. Absolutely nothing. It just goes to show the lengths he will go to to find some controversial statement to make BTC look bad; when in turn it just makes him look like an idiot. If I were a BCH supporter I'd be shitting bricks every time this loon opens his mouth or gets near a computer with an internet connection. He's a dangerous fool
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
April 04, 2018, 12:02:24 AM |
The fact that Vitalik called out Craig Wright makes me want to buy my first ethereums with the bcash I still have left.
If you recall, Vitalik is repeating an earlier theme of his.. from May 2016 I believe. Remember when Wright was claiming to be Satoshi, and Vitalik was one of the earliest of crypto persons to describe a fairly straight-forward process in which Wright could sign a transaction, and the fact that Wright was choosing a more convoluted method of proof had demonstrated, for Vitalik, that Wright was engaging in purposeful deception rather than really being Satoshi. I think Vitalik said it at the conference in which the announcement had been made on the same day and Gavin Andressen had been attempting to validate Wright as Satoshi.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4046
April 04, 2018, 12:22:51 AM |
Roger, Craig Wright are walking ghosts living in their own fantasy world. Bcash is a dead man walking.
And if the exchanges can wash trade a dead coin like BCash up to $1000+, just think what they are doing to the price of all the other shitcoins out there? <<Shudder>>. yes !!! of course they do ! the goal of wash trades is to increase the volume. it's can be dangerous to handle the price with wash trades, however you will experience that they remove their bidds as soon as your transfer to hit them is cleared. still, this segwit and other lightning, I bet, will be used to censor and ban certain actors (think assange or more generally all the enemies of the globalists) txs. this is a real problem. bcash attempts to solve this fear. This segwit? The other lightning? Ah. I see. Censor Assange. Of course. I'm envious. Can't find any of that good stuff anymore. Good for you.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4046
April 04, 2018, 12:27:15 AM |
I doubt Amber is as young as she looks (haven't bothered to check, actually). Out of my ass, I reckon JPM wouldn't put a millennial in that position. Unless... a playground seat granted by a high-ranking mentor...? No. No. She's not hot, either. I'd pick Meltem over Amber any day, apparent age notwithstanding.