Well it is not a banking crisis it is an intentional action where banks are intentionally being crushed.
My long time retired banker buddy has told me 10-15 more will fail and the fed will likely push as high as
6% via a jun july sept and maybe oct jump all at .25%
A lot has to do with 3.5 trillion being entrusted to long term care insurance.
They will be more bailed out if we go to 6% vs the 5% we are at.
Look into fed long term care and see that it shut off new customers. Now that they can buy higher interest fed bonds they will be able to take new customers.
So once fed long term care allows more customers to join we may see the pivot.
You won’t find this info in many spots. But it is a big factor in what is happening. Think magic shows a pretty girl or loud noise gathers you attention so the magician can do the trick.
Ie inflation allows them the excuse to raise rates while reallity is they are bailing out the long term insurance care companies.
Well, yes i agree with you.
And its pretty easy to know this because, we arent in a bank run where you can see all the people rushing to the banks to pull out his money, its only a new saying " ohhh look this X bank make a bad move and in the long term invest they are gonna lose money".
And after that they make a whole scene and yes comes a "virtual bank run" bassed on nothing, because yes in the long term they maybe have a not so good investment, b ut this doesnt mean they are broke or iliquity. But all the press push this narrative, so one day after the bank collapse in the stock markets.....
I dont know if i was clear in my opinion.