August 28, 2013, 03:41:02 PM |
Do we have any idea where Vbs, ffs, or some of the other board members are?
Intentional Radio silence. That just seems...odd. What are you thinking would be the reason behind this? NDA. Perhaps that was a dumb question. 
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Quality Printing Services by Federal Reserve Bank
August 28, 2013, 04:03:11 PM |
We need more of this:  Lets all be friendly now and have fun... hopping and hoping
While reading what I wrote, use the most friendliest and relaxing voice in your head. BTW, Things in BTC bubble universes are getting ugly....
August 28, 2013, 04:33:23 PM |
I would like to add my comments to this thread please in regards to this, I believe this has been a long time coming and I've bitten my lip until now as this isn't my "usual" type of post.
They are not directed at anybody in particular and are just my views on this situation.
I liquidated 99% of my other stocks to go all in to ActiveMining. (The only reason it's not 100%is because I couldn't sell my remaining AsicMining direct shares - In fact if anybody wishes to swap, to show prove my below statements? Let me know).
Not to go into details, however; if I sold now I would be very happy with the Bitcoins received. This obviously puts me in the pro-ActiveMining category.
The reason I am not selling now is that I have a lot of faith in Ken, his team and our newly appointed Advisory / Shareholder Board Members.
I see on this thread particularly and on other stock threads to a lesser degree different members with the same message "the end is nigh" etc. I'm not sure how well organised these attempts at market manipulation are, however they occasionally work and cause slight dips to allow them to buy in cheaper whilst taking advantage of lesser experienced stock holders.
At this point in time I for one am happy, some may call it blind faith but I'd rather have no posts from designated ActiveMining members than have constant fluffer posts to keep the inexperienced, the manipulators and needy members happy (That doesn't apply to everyone asking questions or requesting updates).
I strongly believe 100% that if things weren't going to plan we'd be seeing these aforementioned fluffer posts on a regular basis. This is a real world business being built from the ground up here and not just an automated e-commerce drop shipping website. I would not stand for this type of constant neediness and requests for updates in my "real world" line of work.
For these reasons, my gut instinct and the slight updates to the website and model line, that we'll be seeing a hugely positive update in the not too distant future. This update and progress will make us investors with faith extremely happy and not just in a monetary sense.
ActiveMining have already done enough thus far to earn our and especially my trust in them otherwise they'd never have gotten out of the IPO phase.
I look forward to seeing an update in the not too distant future when applicable, with real updates.
Obviously what I have put above is the inverse of what I was complaining about in regards to attempts at market manipulation. Therefore please everybody do your own personal due diligence in this and any stock, and not just take the advice and word of any forum member at face value.
- This is a cross post from the speculation thread due to accidentally posting there from my phone.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
August 28, 2013, 04:34:27 PM |
Is there an "official" ending time of the NDA? How long can it take?
That sir is under NDA™
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| "The difference between bad and well-developed digital cash will determine whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy." David Chaum 1996 "Fungibility provides privacy as a side effect." Adam Back 2014
| | |
August 28, 2013, 04:36:45 PM |
All, Ken will be posting an update sometime today.
It has been re-iterated to him that he needs to communicate news more frequently. Whilst key information is still covered by the NDA, shareholders need more than they are getting.
This is from me personally now, not the board:
The advisory board are volunteers and are not part of the company. We have no say in the business. We can only raise things for discussion, of which there has been a great deal. Additionally, PR can only post news when Ken provides it. No news, no post.
I wanted to clear this up as certain people seem to misunderstand and it certainly isn't right for anyone to be receiving abuse. We're not working for Ken, are not paid by him, and do not represent him; we're doing what we can do help long term shareholders.
The only other thing to say is that things are progressing but only Ken can release information, and only when legally allowed to do so.
kslaughter (OP)
August 28, 2013, 04:37:30 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
August 28, 2013, 04:39:50 PM |
Amazing company!!!
Thanks Ken
August 28, 2013, 04:43:36 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
Thank you Ken. Just to avoid confusion is the "technical issue" to do with the website or product line? As I don't want this to be misconstrued.
August 28, 2013, 04:44:26 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
Thnx for the message. Don't forget to keep us updated on a regulary basis. That would be appreciated.
August 28, 2013, 04:45:07 PM |
I would like to add my comments to this thread please in regards to this, I believe this has been a long time coming and I've bitten my lip until now as this isn't my "usual" type of post.
They are not directed at anybody in particular and are just my views on this situation.
I liquidated 99% of my other stocks to go all in to ActiveMining. (The only reason it's not 100%is because I couldn't sell my remaining AsicMining direct shares - In fact if anybody wishes to swap, to show prove my below statements? Let me know).
Not to go into details, however; if I sold now I would be very happy with the Bitcoins received. This obviously puts me in the pro-ActiveMining category.
The reason I am not selling now is that I have a lot of faith in Ken, his team and our newly appointed Advisory / Shareholder Board Members.
I see on this thread particularly and on other stock threads to a lesser degree different members with the same message "the end is nigh" etc. I'm not sure how well organised these attempts at market manipulation are, however they occasionally work and cause slight dips to allow them to buy in cheaper whilst taking advantage of lesser experienced stock holders.
At this point in time I for one am happy, some may call it blind faith but I'd rather have no posts from designated ActiveMining members than have constant fluffer posts to keep the inexperienced, the manipulators and needy members happy (That doesn't apply to everyone asking questions or requesting updates).
I strongly believe 100% that if things weren't going to plan we'd be seeing these aforementioned fluffer posts on a regular basis. This is a real world business being built from the ground up here and not just an automated e-commerce drop shipping website. I would not stand for this type of constant neediness and requests for updates in my "real world" line of work.
For these reasons, my gut instinct and the slight updates to the website and model line, that we'll be seeing a hugely positive update in the not too distant future. This update and progress will make us investors with faith extremely happy and not just in a monetary sense.
ActiveMining have already done enough thus far to earn our and especially my trust in them otherwise they'd never have gotten out of the IPO phase.
I look forward to seeing an update in the not too distant future when applicable, with real updates.
Obviously what I have put above is the inverse of what I was complaining about in regards to attempts at market manipulation. Therefore please everybody do your own personal due diligence in this and any stock, and not just take the advice and word of any forum member at face value.
- This is a cross post from the speculation thread due to accidentally posting there from my phone.
hear, hear... good words.
August 28, 2013, 04:45:50 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
thx Chief.
August 28, 2013, 04:47:44 PM |
hear, hear... good words.
Thank you and aptly timed too it would seem.
August 28, 2013, 04:52:15 PM |
Just to avoid confusion is the "technical issue" to do with the website or product line? As I don't want this to be misconstrued.
Just a minor web issue.
August 28, 2013, 05:06:20 PM |
Statement from the Advisory Board:
Since forming, the Advisory Board has been providing a large amount of feedback to Ken and Active Mining, some of which has been acted upon already and some of which is still under discussion. This includes subjects such as the VMC website.
However, it must be reiterated that the Advisory Board does not represent Active Mining and is not a formal part of the company. As such, it has no decision making power. The Advisory Board are shareholders, like people here, who have volunteered to advise Ken and who he agreed would be good advisors.
There have been some major questions by shareholders that the Advisory Board has been passing on to Ken. The Advisory Board will continue to raise queries and to pass on feedback from shareholders, but its scope for answering direct questions is limited. To that end, the most important info will come direct from Ken or via PR posts.
August 28, 2013, 05:18:10 PM |
Statement from the Advisory Board:
Since forming, the Advisory Board has been providing a large amount of feedback to Ken and Active Mining, some of which has been acted upon already and some of which is still under discussion. This includes subjects such as the VMC website.
However, it must be reiterated that the Advisory Board does not represent Active Mining and is not a formal part of the company. As such, it has no decision making power. The Advisory Board are shareholders, like people here, who have volunteered to advise Ken and who he agreed would be good advisors.
There have been some major questions by shareholders that the Advisory Board has been passing on to Ken. The Advisory Board will continue to raise queries and to pass on feedback from shareholders, but its scope for answering direct questions is limited. To that end, the most important info will come direct from Ken or via PR posts.
Thank you for your hard work!
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Quality Printing Services by Federal Reserve Bank
August 28, 2013, 05:34:42 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
Thank you Ken. Was that really so hard... never mind Cheers!
While reading what I wrote, use the most friendliest and relaxing voice in your head. BTW, Things in BTC bubble universes are getting ugly....
August 28, 2013, 05:41:59 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
You should be smacked upside the head for taking so long to bring up the BTC conversion issue.
August 28, 2013, 05:51:55 PM |
Since there has been a lot discussion in the last couple of days, I would like to reassure everyone that work is progressing well with our partners. Unfortunately we are still unable to comment on this further.
This is as frustrating for us as it is for all of you.
We are allowed to confirm that the BTC were converted some time ago and the board designs are in progress. We are also restructuring our product offerings and fixing issues on the website. We appreciate these have been live updates which are not ideal, but this is due to a technical issue this week that is yet to be resolved.
You should be smacked upside the head for taking so long to bring up the BTC conversion issue. VE's account must be hacked again.
Pale Phoenix
August 28, 2013, 06:05:01 PM |
VE's account must be hacked again.
Well, certainly the sentiment, if not the phrasing, is shared by many.
August 28, 2013, 06:07:00 PM |
VE's account must be hacked again.
Well, certainly the sentiment, if not the phrasing, is shared by many. Indeed. It is.