August 29, 2013, 09:55:52 PM |
ok so...
[22:30] <kenslaughter> big news tomorrow [22:36] == kenslaughter [464048bf@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] [22:36] == realname : S01067cb21b30a7a3.ss.shawcable.net/ [22:36] == channels : #ActiveMining [22:36] == server : herbert.freenode.net [DE] [22:36] == idle : 0 days 0 hours 6 minutes 20 seconds [connected: Thu Aug 29 21:25:41 2013] [22:36] == End of WHOIS
What a poorly thought out pump attempt, didn't even do your research that ken doesnt go by "kenslaughter" but uses "AMC_"
Activity: 826
Merit: 1004
August 29, 2013, 09:58:22 PM |
I vote for 100% refund and an opportunity to increase the number of shares I own by 0.5%.
We all have our own opinions and logic, I see success in the same time frame regardless of a possible reinvest.
If this stock increases in value forty fold, then those extra 0.5% shares I own will have been bitcoin well spent.
40x increase in value from it's current value? That's not going to happen. A 4-10x increase is more probable. Remember, at 0.005 BTC it's already at 10x the IPO price. If we assume equal profit to AM we get the following numbers: AM 400,000 shares 2.712 BTC per share. ActM 25,000,000 shares 62.5x more shares than AM 2.712 BTC / 62.5 = 0.043392 BTC per share Labcoin 10,000,000 shares 25x more shares than AM 2.712 BTC / 25 = 0.10848 BTC per share
August 29, 2013, 10:11:45 PM |
Again, get the speculation off this thread please guys.
August 29, 2013, 10:24:43 PM |
I speculate that the price will continue to depreciate until it reaches the support at .0038, where price will stagnate unless Kenneth releases some news
August 29, 2013, 10:52:23 PM |
I speculate that the price will continue to depreciate until it reaches the support at .0038, where price will stagnate unless Kenneth releases some news
I speculate that as well
August 29, 2013, 10:55:22 PM |
I speculate that the price will continue to depreciate until it reaches the support at .0038, where price will stagnate unless Kenneth releases some news
I speculate that as well Too much time before something real with pictures and working prototype + NDA_to_their_own_investors => price going down with a few people trying to keep the price @ 0.005. Once there will be no one to keep this pump => 0.0038.
August 29, 2013, 11:37:30 PM |
I'd like to add my voice to that of ffssixtynine, and to reiterate that while we are doing all we can behind the scenes to try to help make ActiveMining successful, we are only an Advisory board. We make no decisions, we haven't signed the eAsic NDA and aren't legally tied to ActM. We give advice, and it is up to Ken wether or not he acts on that advice.
Activity: 54
Merit: 0
August 30, 2013, 12:11:50 AM |
Can we put a motion up on BTCT for what to do with any refunded BTC?
YES = Reinvest NO = Pay as dividend ABSTAIN = 50/50 split
Something like that.
August 30, 2013, 12:18:44 AM |
Can we put a motion up on BTCT for what to do with any refunded BTC?
YES = Reinvest NO = Pay as dividend ABSTAIN = 50/50 split
Something like that.
The problem with that is that Bitfunder doesn't have a voting capability (to my knowledge) and that would leave the majority of shareholders unable to vote.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 12:31:06 AM |
I'd just like to voice my two cents and say that paying the refund out as a dividend makes absolutely NO sense. Have none of you invested before? Dividends are one aspect, and one that should be done when the company is doing well. AsicMiner paid whopping dividends when they were performing exceptionally well, and now all you idiots care about is DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS. ActM just got punched in the dick, and you want them to use the extra to cash to pay you guys? Are you nuts?? You will get a lot more return than just one stupid dividend if you reinvest in the company and make it stronger.
There shouldn't even need to be a vote on this, it is a no-brainer. No dividend.
August 30, 2013, 12:32:07 AM |
I'd just like to voice my two cents and say that paying the refund out as a dividend makes absolutely NO sense. Have none of you invested before? Dividends are one aspect, and one that should be done when the company is doing well. AsicMiner paid whopping dividends when they were performing exceptionally well, and now all you idiots care about is DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS. ActM just got punched in the dick, and you want them to use the extra to cash to pay you guys? Are you nuts?? You will get a lot more return than just one stupid dividend if you reinvest in the company and make it stronger.
There shouldn't even need to be a vote on this, it is a no-brainer. No dividend.
Activity: 1025
Merit: 1000
August 30, 2013, 12:33:33 AM |
I'd just like to voice my two cents and say that paying the refund out as a dividend makes absolutely NO sense. Have none of you invested before? Dividends are one aspect, and one that should be done when the company is doing well. AsicMiner paid whopping dividends when they were performing exceptionally well, and now all you idiots care about is DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS. ActM just got punched in the dick, and you want them to use the extra to cash to pay you guys? Are you nuts?? You will get a lot more return than just one stupid dividend if you reinvest in the company and make it stronger.
There shouldn't even need to be a vote on this, it is a no-brainer. No dividend.
That is true but there's a lot of short term investors and speculators, who probably don't care about the long-term outlook.
August 30, 2013, 12:38:18 AM |
I'll also reiterate no dividends.

Activity: 88
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 12:40:52 AM |
reinvest. no div's from refund.
August 30, 2013, 12:43:02 AM |
I like how everybody thinks they have a vote of some kind. 
August 30, 2013, 12:45:31 AM |
I like how everybody thinks they have a vote of some kind.  I certainly don't think that, but it is good to make the collective voice of the shareholders known.
August 30, 2013, 12:49:52 AM |
I like how everybody thinks they have a vote of some kind.  I certainly don't think that, but it is good to make the collective voice of the shareholders known. +1. Reinvest, no dividend.
August 30, 2013, 12:50:33 AM |
I like how everybody thinks they have a vote of some kind.  I certainly don't think that, but it is good to make the collective voice of the shareholders known. Cool.. I wonder if we talk all at the same time it will have more of an affect? Now that would be a collective voice!
August 30, 2013, 12:59:48 AM |
I like how everybody thinks they have a vote of some kind.  I certainly don't think that, but it is good to make the collective voice of the shareholders known. Cool.. I wonder if we talk all at the same time it will have more of an affect? Now that would be a collective voice! "How do I hook my megaphone up to this thing?"