September 02, 2013, 01:26:09 PM Last edit: September 02, 2013, 01:59:48 PM by Vbs |
If hashing power means crap, then why are you investing in a company that produces hashing power? Why would people buy chips if hashing power means nothing?
Also, in order to sell chips, you actually have to have chips to sell. So, how many chips do you think are likely to be had from the sample batch in November? How many from low volume production in December?
Meanwhile LC will have been hashing with 4 TH/s from the 10th September at the latest and increasing that to 50 TH/s in October. You can mock that hashing power as being meaningless as much as you want, but it'll represent at least 5% of the network hash rate. If ActM had any chance of paying meaningful divs before December, you'd be singing a different tune.
Mindlessly buying hashing power is a sure-fire way to lose money. Just ask anyone that paid BTC1.99 for a block erupter. Again, you are just speculating on the dates. ActM may also have it's high-volume process already at 100% in December, depending on NRE pay date. LC is a whole different gamble than ActM. Have you even seen a working LC chip yet? I haven't. They are receiving untested chips and untested PCB's, relying 100% on "simulation" results. How nice. They've designed a chip using a sea-of-gates methodology similar to what BitFury did. BitFury even "simulated" their chip to reach 10GH/s! You might wanna go find out what it actually ended up working at! 
Activity: 55
Merit: 0
September 02, 2013, 01:59:19 PM |
Mindlessly buying hashing power is a sure-fire way to lose money.
Ouch. Dont tell that to ActM customers. Although, I wish I'd had that advice before stumbling into BFL.
September 02, 2013, 02:41:14 PM |
If hashing power means crap, then why are you investing in a company that produces hashing power? Why would people buy chips if hashing power means nothing?
Also, in order to sell chips, you actually have to have chips to sell. So, how many chips do you think are likely to be had from the sample batch in November? How many from low volume production in December?
Meanwhile LC will have been hashing with 4 TH/s from the 10th September at the latest and increasing that to 50 TH/s in October. You can mock that hashing power as being meaningless as much as you want, but it'll represent at least 5% of the network hash rate. If ActM had any chance of paying meaningful divs before December, you'd be singing a different tune.
Mindlessly buying hashing power is a sure-fire way to lose money. Just ask anyone that paid BTC1.99 for a block erupter. Again, you are just speculating on the dates. ActM may also have it's high-volume process already at 100% in December, depending on NRE pay date. LC is a whole different gamble than ActM. Have you even seen a working LC chip yet? I haven't. They are receiving untested chips and untested PCB's, relying 100% on "simulation" results. How nice. They've designed a chip using a sea-of-gates methodology similar to what BitFury did. BitFury even "simulated" their chip to reach 10GH/s! You might wanna go find out what it actually ended up working at!   I thought the untested chips were what BTCGarden was offering... Yikes.
September 02, 2013, 02:44:38 PM |
Seven posts on the last page from Trolls.
lol keep it up boys, you are doing a great job.
September 02, 2013, 03:05:47 PM |
Come ON guys....lets hear some more from you:
Mabsark - wants to keep ACtM low while he gets 3x investment from LabCoin then buys back - lol IceBreaker - desperately waiting for his manual withdrawl of btc from btc.co to buy cheap ACtM on bitfunder - lol Crumbs - see above as he is icebreaker - lol
What's the common denominator here? lol - they are all backing ACtM. Hilarious.
September 02, 2013, 03:05:57 PM |
Glad i jumped off this sinking ship when it was .008. Amazing that some people still don't see the writing on the wall.
September 02, 2013, 03:11:47 PM |
Glad i jumped off this sinking ship when it was .008. Amazing that some people still don't see the writing on the wall.
Excellent post from this latest Troll. Do you have a picture of a sinking ship by any chance? Preferably the Titanic. Thanks, come back soon. Lovely use of semi-mixed metaphor there - did you see the writing on the wall of the sinking ship?
September 02, 2013, 03:22:59 PM |
Don't bother, I'll do it.  LOOK at the ICEY-BERG! That's the one Mabsark and IceBreaker DON'T want ACtM to hit because when it gets close they will be invested up to the hilt in HMS ACtM. Funny huh. EDIT- friggin lol, here is the caption from this photo "Not even God himself could sink this ship." - this time, it's true.
September 02, 2013, 03:39:18 PM |
Jesus where are these trolls when you need them?
The two biggest Trollers on here are BUYING ACtM! It's doesn't get better than that.
Come on Trollie Trolls - come out to play.
September 02, 2013, 03:45:56 PM |
I thought I'd post this up to instil some confidence to any nervous investors. Below is a list of the top 15 Shareholders taken from Bitfunder for early last week. Share Number Address 1 ActiveMining 642,438 1PHTa8x3Jo4nowjNDVLFxfpCtnE1Lasmgw 2 ActiveMining 262,031 1LKSeSk8cE2hEPGPs4Chx7EsGa5KuAwmDQ 3 ActiveMining 243,573 1NJ4H2SMH4kaKXGFDQzCiJAYmYkWLatMxW 4 ActiveMining 213,901 1Mn65Q9Xm6NBoPdF8ppS3AzgRLt92ZKtTq 5 ActiveMining 180,114 1NAZhPAhVKNbek9rgXSTjk2v5FXuyGPqsS 6 ActiveMining 160,667 17vccqmnhJGZri6LWtRhJgta9yeKpns8TS 7 ActiveMining 154,480 13DzTjabVGGN64Rc8V7tAkSZJ7BHUxuQqY 8 ActiveMining 153,128 1Pn9fHiHJsgBgbYf1rksof2xRRDZLrzW6q 9 ActiveMining 139,807 1Gphg5x9zTk1MNVDjwKm9c2MSH73K4GAhX 10 ActiveMining 134,666 1EvTU1PFqAF6n3qXemeUXVTKbEFy5Rvaz4 11 ActiveMining 111,473 1JZhNnQXUBcAzrLtnaytfkfTjAZGWPug4z 12 ActiveMining 111,000 1Jzhrg2SYQcV7QZQU62Fef1K2zW9bMfF92 13 ActiveMining 110,728 11128WoN565mVBD6upS5hwkBFkrncntJRX 14 ActiveMining 105,296 17RkeE8sC75VVknnLjQtF6HHe7QfvJ7usg 15 ActiveMining 102,794 1FscNBYzd5CqDzUVQ9YapLQNtLbswkM4NL
Below is a list of the top 15 Shareholders taken from Bitfunder just now. Share Number Address 1 ActiveMining 642,842 1PHTa8x3Jo4nowjNDVLFxfpCtnE1Lasmgw 2 ActiveMining 262,009 1LKSeSk8cE2hEPGPs4Chx7EsGa5KuAwmDQ 3 ActiveMining 243,573 1NJ4H2SMH4kaKXGFDQzCiJAYmYkWLatMxW 4 ActiveMining 210,919 1Mn65Q9Xm6NBoPdF8ppS3AzgRLt92ZKtTq 5 ActiveMining 160,667 17vccqmnhJGZri6LWtRhJgta9yeKpns8TS 6 ActiveMining 154,939 1NAZhPAhVKNbek9rgXSTjk2v5FXuyGPqsS 7 ActiveMining 154,700 13DzTjabVGGN64Rc8V7tAkSZJ7BHUxuQqY 8 ActiveMining 153,737 1FscNBYzd5CqDzUVQ9YapLQNtLbswkM4NL 9 ActiveMining 153,128 1Pn9fHiHJsgBgbYf1rksof2xRRDZLrzW6q 10 ActiveMining 146,437 1Gphg5x9zTk1MNVDjwKm9c2MSH73K4GAhX 11 ActiveMining 132,666 1EvTU1PFqAF6n3qXemeUXVTKbEFy5Rvaz4 12 ActiveMining 128,363 1JZhNnQXUBcAzrLtnaytfkfTjAZGWPug4z 13 ActiveMining 110,410 11128WoN565mVBD6upS5hwkBFkrncntJRX 14 ActiveMining 106,394 1DeuvCzRpem6E11oXWbMH1i9aqcCwnA6sy 15 ActiveMining 105,296 17RkeE8sC75VVknnLjQtF6HHe7QfvJ7usg
It appears these investors are in it for the long haul, with a lot more to lose (black and white financially speaking and not relative to individuals situations). With all this blatant scaremongering, manipulation and trolling going on they have seen through it and will not allow these people to try and change their positive perception of ActiveMining. There are a lot of people in this thread attempting to play with peoples emotions and cause this stock to dump whilst attempting to pump their own interests. I hope this shows that it blatantly isn't working where the bigger numbers are involved.
September 02, 2013, 03:55:03 PM |
They are the first class passengers of HMS ACtM - the ship that doesn't sink. We are due in to New York City ASAP. Clear the decks. Throw the life jackets overboard for those who abandoned mid-voyage. HMS ACtM will be steaming 'Full Ahead' through the night. 'ICEY-BERG watch' handled by the 'Advisory Board of Loyal and Talented 1st Class/P.O.S.H Passengers' Don't spare the horses! 
September 02, 2013, 03:59:41 PM Last edit: September 02, 2013, 04:10:50 PM by crumbs |
Seven posts on the last page from Trolls.
lol keep it up boys, you are doing a great job.
You got six eight on this page right now, all ragin' about trolls. Try for seven nine?? 
September 02, 2013, 04:04:30 PM |
You got six on this page right now, all ragin' about trolls. Try for seven?  Is that the best you can do Trollie Troll?! Quote my own idea? Lol you are sooo slow. You missed the boat on this page Trollie - there aren't enough free spaces left to beat my SEVEN posts. You will have to swim along behind. Come ON Troll, do some Trolling. You have been very quiet recently. Did you get all your ACtM shares bought then? Is that it? Waiting for them to go up now are we Trollie? Lol
September 02, 2013, 04:07:19 PM |
Take a break crumbs, it's labor day. You shouldn't be working today  You think this Troll has a job? Maybe he does this while the boss isn't looking?? I don't think so - his mum still makes this Troll his dinners. Job? Moi? 
September 02, 2013, 05:22:09 PM |
FunkyMunky, Are you trying to say that the whales are holding fast and are patient and waiting? Interesting theory. Several of those people have different amounts of shares in your two samples. To what do you attribute that? Why do you suppose they have not cashed out? Why do you suppose they have not bought more? I thought I'd post this up to instil some confidence to any nervous investors. Below is a list of the top 15 Shareholders taken from Bitfunder for early last week. Share Number Address 1 ActiveMining 642,438 1PHTa8x3Jo4nowjNDVLFxfpCtnE1Lasmgw 2 ActiveMining 262,031 1LKSeSk8cE2hEPGPs4Chx7EsGa5KuAwmDQ 3 ActiveMining 243,573 1NJ4H2SMH4kaKXGFDQzCiJAYmYkWLatMxW 4 ActiveMining 213,901 1Mn65Q9Xm6NBoPdF8ppS3AzgRLt92ZKtTq 5 ActiveMining 180,114 1NAZhPAhVKNbek9rgXSTjk2v5FXuyGPqsS 6 ActiveMining 160,667 17vccqmnhJGZri6LWtRhJgta9yeKpns8TS 7 ActiveMining 154,480 13DzTjabVGGN64Rc8V7tAkSZJ7BHUxuQqY 8 ActiveMining 153,128 1Pn9fHiHJsgBgbYf1rksof2xRRDZLrzW6q 9 ActiveMining 139,807 1Gphg5x9zTk1MNVDjwKm9c2MSH73K4GAhX 10 ActiveMining 134,666 1EvTU1PFqAF6n3qXemeUXVTKbEFy5Rvaz4 11 ActiveMining 111,473 1JZhNnQXUBcAzrLtnaytfkfTjAZGWPug4z 12 ActiveMining 111,000 1Jzhrg2SYQcV7QZQU62Fef1K2zW9bMfF92 13 ActiveMining 110,728 11128WoN565mVBD6upS5hwkBFkrncntJRX 14 ActiveMining 105,296 17RkeE8sC75VVknnLjQtF6HHe7QfvJ7usg 15 ActiveMining 102,794 1FscNBYzd5CqDzUVQ9YapLQNtLbswkM4NL
Below is a list of the top 15 Shareholders taken from Bitfunder just now. Share Number Address 1 ActiveMining 642,842 1PHTa8x3Jo4nowjNDVLFxfpCtnE1Lasmgw 2 ActiveMining 262,009 1LKSeSk8cE2hEPGPs4Chx7EsGa5KuAwmDQ 3 ActiveMining 243,573 1NJ4H2SMH4kaKXGFDQzCiJAYmYkWLatMxW 4 ActiveMining 210,919 1Mn65Q9Xm6NBoPdF8ppS3AzgRLt92ZKtTq 5 ActiveMining 160,667 17vccqmnhJGZri6LWtRhJgta9yeKpns8TS 6 ActiveMining 154,939 1NAZhPAhVKNbek9rgXSTjk2v5FXuyGPqsS 7 ActiveMining 154,700 13DzTjabVGGN64Rc8V7tAkSZJ7BHUxuQqY 8 ActiveMining 153,737 1FscNBYzd5CqDzUVQ9YapLQNtLbswkM4NL 9 ActiveMining 153,128 1Pn9fHiHJsgBgbYf1rksof2xRRDZLrzW6q 10 ActiveMining 146,437 1Gphg5x9zTk1MNVDjwKm9c2MSH73K4GAhX 11 ActiveMining 132,666 1EvTU1PFqAF6n3qXemeUXVTKbEFy5Rvaz4 12 ActiveMining 128,363 1JZhNnQXUBcAzrLtnaytfkfTjAZGWPug4z 13 ActiveMining 110,410 11128WoN565mVBD6upS5hwkBFkrncntJRX 14 ActiveMining 106,394 1DeuvCzRpem6E11oXWbMH1i9aqcCwnA6sy 15 ActiveMining 105,296 17RkeE8sC75VVknnLjQtF6HHe7QfvJ7usg
It appears these investors are in it for the long haul, with a lot more to lose (black and white financially speaking and not relative to individuals situations). With all this blatant scaremongering, manipulation and trolling going on they have seen through it and will not allow these people to try and change their positive perception of ActiveMining. There are a lot of people in this thread attempting to play with peoples emotions and cause this stock to dump whilst attempting to pump their own interests. I hope this shows that it blatantly isn't working where the bigger numbers are involved.
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Quality Printing Services by Federal Reserve Bank
September 02, 2013, 05:23:06 PM |
Why do you guys love this pointless guessing game? It will not make you in to a financial analyst, securities analyst nor equity analyst and definitely not in to a investment analyst. To have a better understanding, what is happening, all you need to do, is look at the ActM project plan, compare the actual to base line and see, how the estimated numbers fit with CF, PL statements and voilà... To figure out ActM's value, you only need to look at their balance sheet and go form there...
While reading what I wrote, use the most friendliest and relaxing voice in your head. BTW, Things in BTC bubble universes are getting ugly....
Activity: 826
Merit: 1004
September 02, 2013, 06:39:27 PM |
I'm not talking about Avalon chips, I'm talking about the 28nm chips. Samples from them will arrive around the beginning of November. Low volume production will start around the beginning of December and normal volume production will start around the beginning of February.
Until ActM get those samples in November, they're stuck at 430 Gh/s and have no mining hardware to sell apart from the 6 Avalons producing that 430 Gh/s. So, where exactly is this 50K/month going to be coming from when they don't have any ASIC yet and won't have any significant quantity till December?
No, you are just (wrongly) speculating on the dates. See post #2 on this thread. The date I gave were based on the info in the second post, allowing for slight delays and time to assemble devices. If I am so wrong, then why don't you show us what is right?
Activity: 910
Merit: 1000
Quality Printing Services by Federal Reserve Bank
September 02, 2013, 06:40:34 PM |
Why do you guys love this pointless guessing game? It will not make you in to a financial analyst, securities analyst nor equity analyst and definitely not in to a investment analyst. To have a better understanding, what is happening, all you need to do, is look at the ActM project plan, compare the actual to base line and see, how the estimated numbers fit with CF, PL statements and voilà... To figure out ActM's value, you only need to look at their balance sheet and go form there... Oh shit ... my bad. None of this information is available!
While reading what I wrote, use the most friendliest and relaxing voice in your head. BTW, Things in BTC bubble universes are getting ugly....
September 02, 2013, 06:53:18 PM |
Yawn Bob. What was the point there? Do you think anyone on here doesn't know that already? That was a waste of your time and a waste of out time. Now feck off back to your igloo.
Activity: 2156
Merit: 1072
Crypto is the separation of Power and State.
September 02, 2013, 07:03:41 PM |
Why do you guys love this pointless guessing game? It will not make you in to a financial analyst, securities analyst nor equity analyst and definitely not in to a investment analyst. To have a better understanding, what is happening, all you need to do, is look at the ActM project plan, compare the actual to base line and see, how the estimated numbers fit with CF, PL statements and voilà... To figure out ActM's value, you only need to look at their balance sheet and go form there... Oh shit ... my bad. None of this information is available! All you need to know is Volcanic gave his word price would stabilize around 0.006. Current price 0.003619/BTCT, 0.003/BF. Therefore price MUST rise, or else VE was wrong/incompetent/acting stupidly. 
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| "The difference between bad and well-developed digital cash will determine whether we have a dictatorship or a real democracy." David Chaum 1996 "Fungibility provides privacy as a side effect." Adam Back 2014
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