August 30, 2013, 01:53:56 AM |
Wheres the part where it was "exposed"?
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
August 30, 2013, 02:02:44 AM |
I've always wondered VE. Why is your username spelled wrong? Is it simply a pop culture reference I'm too dense to recognize, or was it simply a typo?
August 30, 2013, 02:03:39 AM |
I've always wondered VE. Why is your username spelled wrong? Is it simply a pop culture reference I'm too dense to recognize, or was it simply a typo? pop culture reference
Activity: 1025
Merit: 1000
August 30, 2013, 02:14:30 AM |
It's funny how all the biggest d-bags and villains in the investing community are major IceDrill supporters. They've got to just be trolling right?

Activity: 111
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 02:44:59 AM |
I've always wondered VE. Why is your username spelled wrong? Is it simply a pop culture reference I'm too dense to recognize, or was it simply a typo? (HINT: Skylanders)

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 02:52:03 AM |
I've always wondered VE. Why is your username spelled wrong? Is it simply a pop culture reference I'm too dense to recognize, or was it simply a typo? (HINT: Skylanders) My kids own every freakin' Skylander figurine and all the games, and I still didn't get the reference. *sigh* I'm getting too old. 
BTC: 1FJ6nP3BmEDrpGZP5UtaGUrssV3A6rnhpU
Activity: 994
Merit: 1000
August 30, 2013, 02:52:25 AM |
I've always wondered VE. Why is your username spelled wrong? Is it simply a pop culture reference I'm too dense to recognize, or was it simply a typo? (HINT: Skylanders) so... this + typo? 

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 03:00:50 AM |
Just to put in my BTC0.02 about the Avalon decision... I say re-invest for sure. I'll even take it a step further and say I wish ALL our current dividends were instead used to build a stronger base, move more product, and if possible speed up our relationship with eASIC.
I realize that I'm likely in the minority on that last part, but it certainly makes sense. The majority of ActM's profit will be through the use and resale of custom chips through eASIC. the current Avalon machines are a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the business plan. Since there's no way to re-invest our current Friday dividends due to shareholder expectations, the least we can do is re-invest the (possible) refund from Avalon.
BTC: 1FJ6nP3BmEDrpGZP5UtaGUrssV3A6rnhpU

Activity: 75
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 03:06:58 AM |
nope! Keep tryin!
M:TG reference? Edit: or Mass Effect, or LoL? ... hell, is it even a reference to any game? 
BTC: 1FJ6nP3BmEDrpGZP5UtaGUrssV3A6rnhpU
August 30, 2013, 06:40:45 AM |
okay I'm out of the loop, no news article, no central place for news
something something Avalon refund seen on multiple sources, something something ActM price drop, something something these are related
whats the news, PM me?
Activity: 13
Merit: 0
August 30, 2013, 06:52:48 AM |
First time poster on this thread:
It's events like this where a clear communication strategy is essential to maintain investor confidence. I was okay with limited updates due to the fact that the business plan had already been articulated and (as far as everyone knows) was tracking along.
With the news of possibly cancelled Avalon chips (a significant part of the mining strategy if I'm not mistaken) there has to be some statement of some kind. At this point I have next to zero faith in a clear path ahead.
If someone has some information I'm missing please enlighten me.
Activity: 1554
Merit: 1000
August 30, 2013, 06:56:27 AM |
okay I'm out of the loop, no news article, no central place for news
something something Avalon refund seen on multiple sources, something something ActM price drop, something something these are related
whats the news, PM me?
Through lack of meaningful progress and explanation, people are losing confidence in ActM's ability to realise and maintain 'value', amidst the quickly changing ASIC landscape, IMO.
Pale Phoenix
August 30, 2013, 07:22:35 AM |
Except, no IceDrill scam was exposed at all. The only possible takeaway from the link VE provided is that he must suffer from some attention deficit issue and also hasn't mastered the California corporation search website.

Activity: 68
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 07:39:18 AM |
I'd just like to voice my two cents and say that paying the refund out as a dividend makes absolutely NO sense. Have none of you invested before? Dividends are one aspect, and one that should be done when the company is doing well. AsicMiner paid whopping dividends when they were performing exceptionally well, and now all you idiots care about is DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS DIVIDENDS. ActM just got punched in the dick, and you want them to use the extra to cash to pay you guys? Are you nuts?? You will get a lot more return than just one stupid dividend if you reinvest in the company and make it stronger.
There shouldn't even need to be a vote on this, it is a no-brainer. No dividend.
I've been thinking the same thing since day one, in fact when i tendered acm shares, i missed divs, i didn't even want them. I'd rather Ken take the btc an invest it into ActM, it'll pay off 100x more down the road. I say we take a vote, who cares about some bitdust ?

Activity: 105
Merit: 11
August 30, 2013, 09:45:17 AM |
This stock has turned into a PMB

Activity: 72
Merit: 10
August 30, 2013, 10:39:03 AM |
This stock has turned into a PMB
On the contrary. The Avalon chips would have led to a mining income at a fixed hashrate until our own chip is ready. We're farther from a perpetual mining bond than before. The stock's value is now completely determined by the ability of Active Mining to produce a good next gen chip.
Please keep in mind that I am currently trading/holding shares of ASIC Miner, ActiveMining, Rentalstarter, Labcoin and may be posting in my own interest. Always do your own research.