There are two community based developments open to donations/funding right now:
1) #monitor-bot
Amount Requested: 5000 DNA
Donation Address: 0xa822aabecad4ad0c6d6629b0cd3a2b54a3721c87 by @Endogen
- user executes a command with the bot and adds his DNA address as an argument
- the bot watches if the node that belongs to that address is online
- user could easily also choose an individual timespan at which the online status should be checked
- if the node isn't online anymore, the bot sends a Telegram / Discord message to the user that added the address
- the monitoring of the node could be easily added and removed by the user
- the service would be free. not payment involved
- no possibility for the bot to actually scam you or anything like that since no RFC call is used and bot is not deployed on users system. it would be just a centralized service that would watch identities that belong to specific wallets.
- no security issues at all since the bot would analyse data that is currently present on the explorer. it would just automate the check for online status
Set Animals pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Yesterday at 7:33 PM
additional info:
- it will all be open source. so you could just download it (maybe adjust it) and run it on your own system
- after it's done, i could run the service (the bot). but i don't have to. i'm totally fine with admins or anyone else to run it
- will be coded in Python
- my intention was to have that bot on Telegram. but if users demand it on Discord instead, then i'd do it for Discord. Anyway, i plan to have notifications on both systems but let's see how that works out since if you are on Telegram and you talk to the bot but want Discord notifications, not sure if that is easy to get
2) #telegram-vote-bot
Amount Requested: 10000 DNA
Donation Address: 0xcf7ef538769d5eee1983f60c689abc3366163178 by @Endogen
- Can create polls with configurable answers
- Poll can be set to end on a specific date
- Each option for the poll will have it's own DNA address
- Users can send DNA to each of the possible addresses
- The amount sent doesn't matter. Sending is only used to get "in touch" with validated identities
- At the end-date of the poll, bot will count all unique transactions for each poll option, but only from accounts that are validated
- After poll ends, bot will post result in Telegram IDENA group
- The sent amount of coins will not be returned. so it makes sense to only send very small amounts. basically the minimum amount to be able to create a transaction. Around 0.0000000000000200 DNA
- Everyone (if verified) can create it's own poll with it's own answers
Set Animals pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.Yesterday at 7:33 PM
additional info:
- it will all be open source. you could download the code and run your own bot
- will be coded in Python
- I planed to have it as a Telegram bot but if users demand it on Discord then i will do it for Discord
- i can imagine three types of votes:
1) largest number of votes wins (users just send a minimum amount to an address so that the bot counts their vote)
2) largest amount of DNA wins (users send DNA to the addresses and the vote that gets most DNA wins. every other transaction for every other address will get refunded to the users that payed it - or maybe not, that could be optional)
3) funding proposals (not really a vote, but a proposal with a DNA address and everyone, not only validated accounts, could send DNA in and if a specific amount is reached until date X then the proposal is funded and bot pays the amount out to the address of the developer)
- not sure i want to run this service (bot) since there is DNA involved, i'd hope that admins are willing to run it but if not, i would most probably do it.
- admins of the bot could always extend the enddate or close a vote earlier if necessary
- option that i need to check out first: the bot could generate the DNA addresses that are needed for the votes and thus admins would not need to add an address for each vote manually. but i'm not sure how easy that is. have to check it out first