June 04, 2019, 11:31:22 PM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
... JIT not being enabled in v0.14.0.2 significantly decreases performance. In addition, v0.14.0.2 is based on inefficient sync code present in v0.13. Both these issues will be resolved in v0.14.1 though, which is expected to be released soon (I cannot provide a specific ETA unfortunately). Additionally, could you perhaps type status into monerod and post the output here? At this time my node is in sync. The answer of command "status" is: Height: 1849876/1849876 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 326.75 MH/s, v11, up to date, 4(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 0m 17s This is a frequent log output of monerod: 2019-06-04 23:04:57.839 [P2P6] WARN net.dns src/common/dns_utils.cpp:519 WARNING: no two valid MoneroPulse DNS checkpoint records were received 2019-06-04 23:18:58.615 [P2P4] WARN global src/p2p/net_node.inl:1338 No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port 18080
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
June 05, 2019, 12:09:57 AM |
[Monero-announce] Long Payment ID Deprecation Dear participants of the Monero ecosystem,
We would like to inform you that we will be phasing out long payment IDs this year. Long payment IDs are detrimental to privacy and a source of negative user experience (as well as additional support work for services). Services will have to upgrade to either integrated addresses or subaddresses. Note, however, that there is some discussion about phasing out integrated addresses as well. Therefore, services are, to avoid having to potentially perform additional work, encouraged to upgrade to subaddresses directly.
Long payment IDs will be phased out because they have several salient drawbacks. First, long payment IDs are detrimental to privacy insofar as they can potentially link the transactions of a user in case of reusage. Second, long payment IDs have to be attached separately to a transaction. This is inconsistent with conventional cryptocurrency transactions and therefore unintuitive for the user. As a result, users occasionally forget to attach the long payment ID when sending their transaction to a service and thus have to go through support to 'recover' their funds. Third, it logically follows from the previous point that long payment IDs cause additional support work for services. Fourth, only one long payment ID can be attached to a transaction. Thus, services cannot batch withdrawals of multiple users specifying a long payment ID. By contrast, subaddresses have no such restriction and withdrawals can thus all be batched.
In sum, payment IDs have serveral salient drawbacks and will therefore be phased out. Services are recommended to upgrade to subaddresses as soon as possible. Subaddresses essentially function similar to Bitcoin HD wallets and should thus be relatively straightforward to implement. Furthermore, subaddresses are managable from a resource point point of view.
Yours sincerely,
The Monero dev community
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
... JIT not being enabled in v0.14.0.2 significantly decreases performance. In addition, v0.14.0.2 is based on inefficient sync code present in v0.13. Both these issues will be resolved in v0.14.1 though, which is expected to be released soon (I cannot provide a specific ETA unfortunately). Additionally, could you perhaps type status into monerod and post the output here? At this time my node is in sync. The answer of command "status" is: Height: 1849876/1849876 (100.0%) on mainnet, not mining, net hash 326.75 MH/s, v11, up to date, 4(out)+0(in) connections, uptime 0d 0h 0m 17s This is a frequent log output of monerod: 2019-06-04 23:04:57.839 [P2P6] WARN net.dns src/common/dns_utils.cpp:519 WARNING: no two valid MoneroPulse DNS checkpoint records were received 2019-06-04 23:18:58.615 [P2P4] WARN global src/p2p/net_node.inl:1338 No incoming connections - check firewalls/routers allow port 18080 That looks fine. Regarding the warnings: 1. No incoming connections does not inhibit your daemon (monerod) from syncing properly. However, to 'seed' (i.e. serve) the blockchain to others, you'd need incoming connections, which you can get by forwarding port 18080.
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
June 05, 2019, 11:30:28 AM |
Damn! If we keep getting these type improvements there will be no where else left to go!
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
June 05, 2019, 12:57:54 PM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
When top mixer services shut down recent weeks, I guess that people whom want anonymous transactions might come back to more regularly use Monero as their main means of transactions. Because there is no doubt that Monero is the best (or one of the best) altcoins that can provide anonymous transactions. To reach anonymous transactions, it also requires some technical steps that should be do right and carefully from users, but at least we know that there are available featurers for anonymous transactions with Monero. It will increase total demands on Monero in short term; for long term we might have to wait for crypto bull run.
You're missing one important point. Even such platforms like LocalBitcoin started delisting Monero. If people will really start using XMR, then authorities will force bans and delistings from pretty all reliable exchanges. The only thing that saves anon coins from disaster is that luckily they are not popular enough. Adoption will kill them.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
June 05, 2019, 02:59:43 PM |
When top mixer services shut down recent weeks, I guess that people whom want anonymous transactions might come back to more regularly use Monero as their main means of transactions. Because there is no doubt that Monero is the best (or one of the best) altcoins that can provide anonymous transactions. To reach anonymous transactions, it also requires some technical steps that should be do right and carefully from users, but at least we know that there are available featurers for anonymous transactions with Monero. It will increase total demands on Monero in short term; for long term we might have to wait for crypto bull run.
You're missing one important point. Even such platforms like LocalBitcoin started delisting Monero. If people will really start using XMR, then authorities will force bans and delistings from pretty all reliable exchanges. The only thing that saves anon coins from disaster is that luckily they are not popular enough. Adoption will kill them. See: People often like to purport that Monero will inevitably get banned. However, the new FinCEN guidance is basically inconsistent with that notion. From the CoinCenter article: Section 4.5.3 states that exchanges are not per se banned from using privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies but will need to comply with the same BSA regulations they comply with for typical cryptocurrencies. We believe that this is possible. Exchanges need to know their customers but they do not have a black letter law requirement to know the customers of their customers. In other words, a bank needs to know who you are but they are not obligated to know the name and address of people that you pay using cash you withdraw from your account., this is long-term bullish for Monero. Besides, they, as far as I know, removed other cryptocurrencies too.
June 06, 2019, 08:28:41 AM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
I still have some problems with my node. Monerod status check shows 100% sync and there are some in/out connections (about 8/6), so all ok. But when i connect my gui and send a transaction it takes 20-30 min to fully broadcast it and get the block hight. So orders with a time limit time out before its finished to send the transaction.
At the moment the transaction was done the node had to sync another 471 blocks. And this takes to much time. Would it be more constant if i set a „block sync size“ of 5 or 10 blocks?
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
June 06, 2019, 08:34:23 AM |
I still have some problems with my node. Monerod status check shows 100% sync and there are some in/out connections (about 8/6), so all ok. But when i connect my gui and send a transaction it takes 20-30 min to fully broadcast it and get the block hight. So orders with a time limit time out before its finished to send the transaction.
At the moment the transaction was done the node had to sync another 471 blocks. And this takes to much time. Would it be more constant if i set a „block sync size“ of 5 or 10 blocks?
Which operating system are you using?
June 06, 2019, 10:38:52 AM Last edit: June 06, 2019, 10:53:15 AM by anubizz Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
Debian Linux on both devices. So on my laptop that is connected to the node over Lan. The node is running on a cubietruck (cubieboard3) with 2gb RAM and 2gb Swap (Swap not really in use because of the speed loss when transfering the files to SSD).
Internet connection async. with 100 mbit down- and 10 mbit upload. So fast enough i think.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
June 06, 2019, 02:23:00 PM |
Debian Linux on both devices. So on my laptop that is connected to the node over Lan. The node is running on a cubietruck (cubieboard3) with 2gb RAM and 2gb Swap (Swap not really in use because of the speed loss when transfering the files to SSD).
Internet connection async. with 100 mbit down- and 10 mbit upload. So fast enough i think.
Is it fair to say then that the system where the node runs on is not particularly resourceful? Because if so, that is partly the cause of your relatively poor performance. In addition, note that the current daemon has inefficient sync code and JIT is not enabled. Both have a serious impact on performance, which may also be partly the cause of your issue. I'd advise to give v0.14.1, once it is released, another shot, as it will have drastically better performance.
June 06, 2019, 03:33:15 PM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
Debian Linux on both devices. So on my laptop that is connected to the node over Lan. The node is running on a cubietruck (cubieboard3) with 2gb RAM and 2gb Swap (Swap not really in use because of the speed loss when transfering the files to SSD).
Internet connection async. with 100 mbit down- and 10 mbit upload. So fast enough i think.
Is it fair to say then that the system where the node runs on is not particularly resourceful? Because if so, that is partly the cause of your relatively poor performance. In addition, note that the current daemon has inefficient sync code and JIT is not enabled. Both have a serious impact on performance, which may also be partly the cause of your issue. I'd advise to give v0.14.1, once it is released, another shot, as it will have drastically better performance. The cubietruck should not be underestimated. The computing power of this tiny computer is very impressive ... But i will wait for the new release of course
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
June 08, 2019, 10:40:23 AM |
Please add this coin in CEX.IO, i want to buy this coin from there. Thank you!
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
June 08, 2019, 04:58:02 PM |
It's more important to keep an eye on the sheeple as they are easily led.
“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
Activity: 25
Merit: 2
June 12, 2019, 06:19:01 AM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
Hi guys!! What do you think about Xeon Phi and new algo for Monero in October? I Think it'll be most profitable hardware because it's like a big processor. 
Activity: 1512
Merit: 1442
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1141
June 15, 2019, 11:12:13 AM Merited by iCEBREAKER (1) |

Activity: 406
Merit: 10
June 15, 2019, 12:47:02 PM Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
Please add this coin in CEX.IO, i want to buy this coin from there. Thank you!
There are TONS of places you can buy monero dude. No reason to list it on CEX.IO whatsoever.
June 15, 2019, 02:45:17 PM Last edit: June 15, 2019, 07:07:57 PM by versprichnix Merited by iCEBREAKER (2) |
Runs fine until now, sync is fast. I'm on ubuntu 18.04 LTS.