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Author Topic: [ANN][BURST] Burst | Efficient HDD Mining | New 1.2.3 Fork block 92000  (Read 2171100 times)
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July 11, 2015, 08:52:00 AM

A question from me again ;

Which pool is the biggest? How would a ranking of the major pools look like?

I am aware of (which is just an amazingly professional site! Think if the official home page be on the same level...), but the figures do not seem to match the numbers reported by the sites.

That can be due to that the pools exaggerate their miner numbers in some way, or that shows an average of miners over a certain amount of time. But the differences is sometimes really big.

DevPool v2 is reported to have 77 miners. If we look at the pool's "Current user balances", which is the miners who been active the last XXX blocks, it shows over 700 miners. If we look at "Current share counts", which is the active miners now, is shows 91 miners.

The numbers from some of the other pools do no seem to match either.

So does display incorrect figures...? And if it does, which pool is the biggest and how would a ranking of the major pools look like?

There are a couple of differences in "point of views"

1. most operators display in their time zone, and is in Germany, therefore GMT+2 (summer time)
2. the definition of active miners is different:
most of the pools show the numbers of miners as the amount of miners who have collected the reward assignments, uses who has got paid within the last 24 hours window (based on German time zone)

While the information of is advanced, the server isn't. In my firefox tab I usually have to refresh the tab, because I see an Temporary error or Internal server error. After refresh I see the content.

Most of your encountered differences could be fixed with the GMT time zone and definition of "active miners" versus "registered miners"

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 08:53:31 AM

A question from me again ;

Which pool is the biggest? How would a ranking of the major pools look like?

I am aware of (which is just an amazingly professional site! Think if the official home page be on the same level...), but the figures do not seem to match the numbers reported by the sites.

That can be due to that the pools exaggerate their miner numbers in some way, or that shows an average of miners over a certain amount of time. But the differences is sometimes really big.

DevPool v2 is reported to have 77 miners. If we look at the pool's "Current user balances", which is the miners who been active the last XXX blocks, it shows over 700 miners. If we look at "Current share counts", which is the active miners now, is shows 91 miners.

The numbers from some of the other pools do no seem to match either.

So does display incorrect figures...? And if it does, which pool is the biggest and how would a ranking of the major pools look like?

Biggest pools are dev v2,, and

Thanks for answering, but what do you base that on? And how many miners do they have if the figures at are not accurate?
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July 11, 2015, 08:59:17 AM
Last edit: July 11, 2015, 11:42:14 AM by yeponlyone

A question from me again ;

Which pool is the biggest? How would a ranking of the major pools look like?

I am aware of (which is just an amazingly professional site! Think if the official home page be on the same level...), but the figures do not seem to match the numbers reported by the sites.

That can be due to that the pools exaggerate their miner numbers in some way, or that shows an average of miners over a certain amount of time. But the differences is sometimes really big.

DevPool v2 is reported to have 77 miners. If we look at the pool's "Current user balances", which is the miners who been active the last XXX blocks, it shows over 700 miners. If we look at "Current share counts", which is the active miners now, is shows 91 miners.

The numbers from some of the other pools do no seem to match either.

So does display incorrect figures...? And if it does, which pool is the biggest and how would a ranking of the major pools look like?

There are a couple of differences in "point of views"

1. most operators display in their time zone, and is in Germany, therefore GMT+2 (summer time)
2. the definition of active miners is different:
most of the pools show the numbers of miners as the amount of miners who have collected the reward assignments, uses who has got paid within the last 24 hours window (based on German time zone)

While the information of is advanced, the server isn't. In my firefox tab I usually have to refresh the tab, because I see an Temporary error or Internal server error. After refresh I see the content.

Most of your encountered differences could be fixed with the GMT time zone and definition of "active miners" versus "registered miners"

Interesting, and I completely agree that if there is not an agreed definition of "active miners", the pool owners should try to find one.

Regarding the server of, I also get those errors. My guess is that many miners do not have their wallet open but check their balances on, which updates regularly.

Perhaps the errors would be less if the front-end updates are less frequent?
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July 11, 2015, 09:01:54 AM

Another question, where did come from with 150 miners...? It shows on but is not even mentioned in the OP.
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July 11, 2015, 09:11:46 AM

Biggest pools are dev v2,, and

Biggest in regards of what?

Most of the "wish outcome" can be set in the pool ;-)

If you setup your pool to payout amounts of 2 BURSTs, then you will see "many" miners (= "got paid the past 24 h window frame") and a lots of transaction fees will be burned.

The amount of found blocks depends greatly on the HDD space used for mining (and the factor "LUCK"). If a pool attracts small miners, then the daily found blocks and so the payout will be lesser than if the pool has many large HDD space miners. Individual miners have different HDD space then the average, therefore non of the values will be accurate.

Another value you did not address is the pool balance. Uray code silently ignored that payouts need to pay a fee. That leads to a result in a pool having too less funds to pay out. If a pool has close to zero, then this will happen more likely. Uray lessened that failure, by carry over a part of the payout to the next round. If a new block was found, miners will not experience a missing payout. To be sure the miners get always paid, the pool balance must be ALWAYS in a range that the

minimum payment  x  maximum amount miners  x  transaction fee  <= pool balance

is fulfilled.

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 09:18:26 AM

There are a couple of differences in "point of views"

1. most operators display in their time zone, and is in Germany, therefore GMT+2 (summer time)
2. the definition of active miners is different:
most of the pools show the numbers of miners as the amount of miners who have collected the reward assignments, uses who has got paid within the last 24 hours window (based on German time zone)

While the information of is advanced, the server isn't. In my firefox tab I usually have to refresh the tab, because I see an Temporary error or Internal server error. After refresh I see the content.

Most of your encountered differences could be fixed with the GMT time zone and definition of "active miners" versus "registered miners"

Interesting, and I completely agree that if there is not an agreed definition of "active miners", the pool owners should try to find one.

Regarding the server of, I also get those errors. My guess is that many miners does not have their wallet open but check balance but reply on, which updates regularly.

Perhaps the errors would be less if the front-end updates are less frequent?

I believe, that is on a shared server and not a cloud instance. From my experience a time out / such server errors occur if a database query takes over. Not likely on a shared server, since most likely these providers use a dedicated database server.

Maybe a node instead of apache server would solve that. The log file would sure give a clue.

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 10:39:14 AM

Another question, where did come from with 150 miners...? It shows on but is not even mentioned in the OP.

blago miner for windows is supporting i think 1000 or more accounts at one instance.

so you create 1000 accounts. make for every account a plot file with 1GB and let it run with the pool. so the pool has 1000 miners.

some pools has no protection for that and out there are a few miners, that get with 1000x 1GB from this pools significant more burst than with one 1TB plot. i also had to face that issue, but i fixed this in my poolcode to protect the miners that not try to cheat.
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July 11, 2015, 11:01:01 AM

Another question, where did come from with 150 miners...? It shows on but is not even mentioned in the OP.

blago miner for windows is supporting i think 1000 or more accounts at one instance.

so you create 1000 accounts. make for every account a plot file with 1GB and let it run with the pool. so the pool has 1000 miners.

some pools has no protection for that and out there are a few miners, that get with 1000x 1GB from this pools significant more burst than with one 1TB plot. i also had to face that issue, but i fixed this in my poolcode to protect the miners that not try to cheat.

I classify this as pure nonsense! But I might be wrong!

1. you can see plot files as "precalculated" results (dl)
If you use the same results (same dl of different miners), only one can be ahead and be the winner. In the pool we do not use "winner" but higher shares.
If you use different dl, then there is always one with more or less shares.
I cannot see that there would be a difference of 1000 x 1 GB or 1 x 1TB

2. the protection is on the pool if you disallow smaller miners. It means that the pool will not be spamed with 1000s of results from different miners.
If bigger miners are on the pool only the best of each miner will be counted though. I don't think that would be result in 100s of BURSTs per day.

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 11:22:19 AM

the public pool code also rewards such small miners. and there is a setting, that they will payout if the value is reached.

sure for every account you plot new files and new deadlines.

i had that issue with some miners at my pool. Within days i got 500 Miners at my pool, hundrets of them joined my pool in seconds. because of that, i plemented a protection for that. if this wasnt a problem for the pool, be sure i would not write it here. if you run the unmodified version, such miners can cheat your poolcode and get burst. and that not good for the other miners at your pool.

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July 11, 2015, 11:26:13 AM

you can see this at this was the pool this miners comes from and as they saw, that i dont pay them, the got back to crypto.

If you look at crypto, you see over 600 miners. but here you see, that only 169 are payed out. Thats because of this cheaters.

sure you can now say, no, thats all small miners. but believe me, that is not the reason.
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July 11, 2015, 11:38:51 AM

the public pool code also rewards such small miners. and there is a setting, that they will payout if the value is reached.

Isn't EXACTLY why you use a pool, so that small miners get a chance to win?

sure for every account you plot new files and new deadlines.

i had that issue with some miners at my pool. Within days i got 500 Miners at my pool, hundrets of them joined my pool in seconds. because of that, i plemented a protection for that. if this wasnt a problem for the pool, be sure i would not write it here. if you run the unmodified version, such miners can cheat your poolcode and get burst. and that not good for the other miners at your pool.

You got many miners, because you offered rewards for additional miners. After that is gone, they go back, because cryptofarm pay out to smaller miners, you don't (quickly enough). As I remember you pay only 4% of one round out, so till a small miner reaches the payout threshold takes too long.

Urays code cannot handle many miners submitting dl.
You get a lots of traffic and handling/calculations on the pool.

However, most of this shortcomings you can fix with thoughtful settings. Not by introducing new program errors ;-)

My new pool software handles it differently. We can handle 100,000 miners, but don't worry, at the current price there are not so many left.

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 11:46:28 AM

believe it or not.

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July 11, 2015, 11:56:56 AM

24hr Change

Have stopped checking prices but saw the above on Last deal was at 57 satoshi.
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July 11, 2015, 12:36:48 PM

I believe, that is on a shared server and not a cloud instance. From my experience a time out / such server errors occur if a database query takes over. Not likely on a shared server, since most likely these providers use a dedicated database server.

Maybe a node instead of apache server would solve that. The log file would sure give a clue. u have any clue what ur talking about? Smaxer's is on DEDICATED hardware, i have NEVER experienced any issues with it. Anyone who does, well, they must be having issues on their side, especially u elmit, with ur 100% uptime isp....
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July 11, 2015, 01:47:48 PM

I believe, that is on a shared server and not a cloud instance. From my experience a time out / such server errors occur if a database query takes over. Not likely on a shared server, since most likely these providers use a dedicated database server.

Maybe a node instead of apache server would solve that. The log file would sure give a clue. u have any clue what ur talking about? Smaxer's is on DEDICATED hardware, i have NEVER experienced any issues with it. Anyone who does, well, they must be having issues on their side, especially u elmit, with ur 100% uptime isp....

I thought you are already gone! No trust in you, not even your disappearing we can trust anymore! Lol

Yes, I DO have a clue what I am talking about.
I guess I have handled more servers than you have ever counted of. Interpret that as you wish ;-)

How often have we heard that Jason's try of a server failed? I believe now that it is YOUR help that made all these downtime.

I do help people if they ask - with correct advices, not like you with wrong answers and Phishing attempts.

host has address mail is handled by 10

host has address mail is handled by 10

host has address

host has address mail is handled by 10

Other domains with that IP:

host domain name pointer

That does NOT sound as a dedicated server!!!!

IP Hoster:    Hetzner Online
IP Company:    Hetzner Online
IP Server Location:    Nuremberg, Germany
IP GEO Location:    49°26'52.008" North, 11°4'5.988" West
OS on this IP:    Ubuntu x64Ubuntu x64
Reverse lookup of IP:

Of course that is just my interpretation of data available on the Internet.   

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 11, 2015, 02:27:03 PM

Haha, that must be one of the clearest STFU-post I ever seen. Smiley Perhaps he moved from dedi to shared, Irontiga?
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July 11, 2015, 11:01:50 PM

Haha, that must be one of the clearest STFU-post I ever seen. Smiley Perhaps he moved from dedi to shared, Irontiga?
Why don't u guys ask him urself lol. I have been personally told stuff about that server. I won't share, as it's none of my business though. Who the hell has a dedicated server and hosts a single site on it? What the hang elmit.
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July 12, 2015, 12:02:29 AM

Haha, that must be one of the clearest STFU-post I ever seen. Smiley Perhaps he moved from dedi to shared, Irontiga?
Why don't u guys ask him urself lol. I have been personally told stuff about that server. I won't share, as it's none of my business though. Who the hell has a dedicated server and hosts a single site on it? What the hang elmit.

1. Just do ONCE what you said you will, ... Go! Disappear! Vaporize!

2. You are just a person without a plan, without knowledge, just talking nonsense.
As more you talk as more you reveal of yourself. Read again 1.

3. Maybe you do not even realize what you say, or cannot understand what is talked here.
At least you proof it with each post here. Read again 1.

4. Keep on your good work of web design, it is a fulfilling job, maybe that is the best you can do.
Maybe you can do that as a profession, learning from the other side what a server is at all. Read again 1.

1. bye-bye

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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July 12, 2015, 12:17:44 AM

Haha, that must be one of the clearest STFU-post I ever seen. Smiley Perhaps he moved from dedi to shared, Irontiga?
Why don't u guys ask him urself lol. I have been personally told stuff about that server. I won't share, as it's none of my business though. Who the hell has a dedicated server and hosts a single site on it? What the hang elmit.

1. Just do ONCE what you said you will, ... Go! Disappear! Vaporize!

2. You are just a person without a plan, without knowledge, just talking nonsense.
As more you talk as more you reveal of yourself. Read again 1.

3. Maybe you do not even realize what you say, or cannot understand what is talked here.
At least you proof it with each post here. Read again 1.

4. Keep on your good work of web design, it is a fulfilling job, maybe that is the best you can do.
Maybe you can do that as a profession, learning from the other side what a server is at all. Read again 1.

1. bye-bye

Elmit, seriously you need to quit posting in this thread. I've been reading your posts for a little bit and i feel like my iq has gone down from your stupidity, you need to do everyone a favour and please stop posting in this thread.

That being said great job burst dev, plus crowetic and irontiga and anyone else i've missed that has been developing and supporting this coin.
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July 12, 2015, 12:19:46 AM

Haha, that must be one of the clearest STFU-post I ever seen. Smiley Perhaps he moved from dedi to shared, Irontiga?
Why don't u guys ask him urself lol. I have been personally told stuff about that server. I won't share, as it's none of my business though. Who the hell has a dedicated server and hosts a single site on it? What the hang elmit.

1. Just do ONCE what you said you will, ... Go! Disappear! Vaporize!

2. You are just a person without a plan, without knowledge, just talking nonsense.
As more you talk as more you reveal of yourself. Read again 1.

3. Maybe you do not even realize what you say, or cannot understand what is talked here.
At least you proof it with each post here. Read again 1.

4. Keep on your good work of web design, it is a fulfilling job, maybe that is the best you can do.
Maybe you can do that as a profession, learning from the other side what a server is at all. Read again 1.

1. bye-bye

Elmit, seriously you need to quit posting in this thread. I've been reading your posts for a little bit and i feel like my iq has gone down from your stupidity, you need to do everyone a favour and please stop posting in this thread.

That being said great job burst dev, plus crowetic and irontiga and anyone else i've missed that has been developing and supporting this coin.

I admire your IQ.
Have a nice Sunday.

Ing. Ronald Wiplinger (@ ELMIT)   Blog and pools:  CAT info at:  Tel.: (O) +886 (0)2--2623-3117, (M) +886 (0) 988--70-77-42, Telegram: @RonaldPhone
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