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8861  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Physical Cash Replacement on: March 22, 2021, 09:37:53 PM
physical cash is harder for disabled people.. .. why. because the physical need to get to an ATM and then when shopping they need to be physically in the store and physically hand the money.

digital money is actually easier. many devices can be customised to be text to speech and speach to text
(no hands needed)
online+deliveries are easier than ATM and physical stores

the issue people have is they want a way to store funds outside of a bank authorisation. EG not need to ask the bank for amounts over $500. not need to be questioned about high amount deposit/withdrawals. not risk account freezings

.. thats what crypto solves. if its on your key you need no one elses consent
.. its why LN fails as it requires partner consent. and destination acceptance and route availability

a government digital currency needs to have the ability to hold outside permission networks. but able to be transfered into permission networks

bitcoin is the outside permission. LN is inside permission network.
LN is like the cheques of a joint account. and bitcoin is the gold that people hold and can be put into bank vaults to then play around with joint signature bank balance cheques

if a government just operate a LN system. it will fail. people will use alternate currency. much like how africa went for m-pesa rather than a government currency
8862  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you think COVID19 is a scam? on: March 22, 2021, 05:59:44 AM

and tash wonders why infection numbers go up
well here is why more people are getting infected

maskless gathering without social distance by individuals declining vaccines
there is a name for these people
Individuals Declining Interventions Or Treating Symptoms...i.d.i.o.t.s
8863  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: March 22, 2021, 04:19:28 AM
People have been predicting and warning, now reality, Covid spiking in states with high vaccination rates. (junk source)

first dose is 50% effective
second dose gets the 95%
if 4of10 population had it..  thats 20% protected at first dose..

however if 100% take off masks and start gathering
100% of those not vaccinated(6of10) will get infected
50% of those vaccinated(4of10) will get infected
=80% infection risk(8of10)

yep 80% of people
yes if them 80% take off their mask and gather. they will inhale higher viral loads so would get sicker
yes if 80% kept their mask and distanced. they inhale less viral load and have better survival rate

governments are now judging future risks of lockdowns based on hospitalisation now. and less emphasis on infections

until you are immune social distancing and masks are still important. as is reduces high viral load. reducing high hospital risk of the 80% still at risk
once 90% of people have second dose. to have a ~85% herd immunity. then masks/social distancing can stop becoming a thing

dont be stupid thinking if:
4 members of your family of 10 are vaccinated once makes you a immortal superman
                                                                   twice makes you an immortal superman
their vaccine progress has no impact on your risk
even if 9 of 10of your family had 2vaccine doses each.. means they wont be hospitalised. but you still can be
8864  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: March 22, 2021, 03:57:58 AM

1. obesity has been a known factor since april 2020. no surprice in march 2021. and no im not surprised your 11 months out of date in your own research

2. the "upsy" is not covid related.
but as for espionage... thats governments for you.
US snatched german doctors and made them into spies in the 1940s
US sent US doctors into africa in the 1960-today to spy on africans
even now US wants full access to middle east and asian labs. but tries if other countries want access to us
hypocrits on both sides

the funny part is US government want PEOPLE to hate china. whilst government is secretly working with china.
all the fearmongering in media is to pretend government hate china. but its just done to stop US people looking too close at what us government is doing WITH china

its like telling your wife you hate your assistant at work. just so she doesnt become suspicious that your cheating on your wife with with your assistant.
and if things are found out. its then 'blame the assistant' for taking advantage of you.
8865  Other / Politics & Society / Re: How does someone in 2 feet of snow in March worry about global warming? on: March 22, 2021, 02:57:48 AM
the one disclaimer i think people need to think about when interpretting the graphs of climate change..

how/why was the 1980's decided to be the point at which zero%baseline was decided.
temperatures in UK in the 19th century were freezing. so why says 1980's is baseline of recovery and anything above baseline is crisis....

again: why was the 1980's decided at zero to then say +2 is a endemic crises

this current era might just be the continual recovery of a 19th century mini ice-age.(not yet reached baseline)
of course its going to get warmer in the 20th century after the 19ths century frost. but where should baseline be.where its deemed normal..

as for the other details about the reasons of man-made climate change
yes its real but my research shows that smoggy coal/wood fire homes and factories in 19th century london was being attacked in return by snow and rain.. not heatwaves

smog causes freezing. history doesnt lie

however the damming up of rivers and turning soil into concrete and tarmac. with insulated pipes below. has causes less water vapour in the air due to less spread of ground water. ..

climate change is real. but the reasons and interpretations of cause and effect and what should be classed as a baseline from a ice-age recovery is what makes many people question climate change

one last thing
if you have 40% water 55.7% other stuff 0.3% carbon
take out 20% of water
and simple maths shows the volume composition changes
20% water 69.625% other stuff 0.375% carbon

yep no actual extra carbon deposited. but removing 20% water from a 100% volume causes a statistic shift of 0.3-0.375 all because of math parameters.. not actual carbon increase

its something you can do at home
get two bottles of water. 1litre of water .. 80clitre of water
put 10 drops of food colouring in both..
same drops of food colouring but the shade of the liquid is different... not due to any extra food colouring. but due to the dilution due to the amount of water
hint: the 80cl appears darker as if it has more food colouring in it.. but reality is its the less water that caused it

Composition. By volume, dry air contains 78.08% nitrogen, 20.95% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, and small amounts of other gases. Air also contains a variable amount of water vapor. Except for the water vapor content, the composition of the troposphere is essentially uniform.

meaning its only 0.04% co2 because they have removed the water from their math
take the 100% dry composition.. add in precipitation %. and you will see the carbon number go down
8866  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Covid Vaccine and animal testing on: March 22, 2021, 02:15:47 AM
They are correct in assuming their place as beasts but I assure you they are not at the top of the food chain and they will only understand this once they have drawn their last breath on this mortal plain.They squander their lives which only lasts the blinking of others eyes on worthless exploits

and how many lightbulbs can a mouse replace
how many cars can a guineapig manufacture
how many rats can farm a field and create more produce than it consumes

so i guess you are talking about rodents squandering their life on worthless exploits and will draw their last mortal breath not succeeding at anything meaningful

by the way, rats kill more rats then lab techs do

All creatures great and small.All men short and tall.For every thing a reason and for everything a season.Mankind was created above the beasts of the field and good husbandry is expected.Cattle,sheep,fowl and fish and many other creatures provided for their needs but is not for their "progress".Let he who invents test upon himself and leave the guinea pig be.It will only be a matter of time before they are using children as their guinea pigs.Wait...they already are and that is one transgression that will certainly earn punishment along with the wicked parents that volunteer them and boast about it to their virtue signalling mob of friends.

if you want to quote scripture and show how you believe in god.
well god in your books used his own son as a guineapig. and let his own kid be sacrificed
seems god cares more about a cow than his own son.

if you think a mouses life is more important than 100million lives. then ofcourse you will also be foolish to then suggest that man should use his own kind as guinea pigs.

seems you dont care about human life. i bet you wish to suicide yourself due to the atrocities of civilisation and hope to be reincarnated as a animal. i can pretty much guarantee thats your mindset. as thats the typical indoctrinated script people like you believe in. wasting time in this life. hoping the next life is better than a dream

funny part is that you say animals were created for the needs of man.. but then you go on your indocrinated warped rhetoric that man should not use animals and instead man should kill other men and children

sounds a lil psycho to me
"dont eat a chicken kill your kids instead".. hmm.. do you even hear yourself.

are you soo indocrinated into your scripture that your not even hearing your rhetoric of 'leave the mouse alone and kill your kids'

if you cannot hear how psychotic and how soulless your words are. then maybe you will not end up in the happy place when judged. because you have completely misinterpreted the scriptures of your own judge and jury

try to realise that if there were 8billion humans and 8 billion mice
if there was risk of death of 100mill humans.. that 100m mice dont have to die
infact only 20,000 mice have to suffer to save 100m humans

when you can finally understand the math and logic that only 0.00025% of mice can save 1.25% of humans
you will see that the benefits outweigh the cost
heck if you just want to think about human guinea pigs.. where 20000 have to risk dying so 100m can live
math and logic and nature and balance would still say 20000mice suffering can save 19999 human guineapigs

.. then if we drill down more. and say about them 20000 mice at risk of death.
if 10 mice at first trial can save 19999 mice. its worth it.

so then you soon find out..
10 mice did not die. which allowed trial to progress to 20000mice
19999 survived which allowed trial to progress to 10humans
no humans died which meant it could progress to 2000 humans
no humans died which meant it could progress to 20000 humans
1 human died.

but now with that 99.995% success rate. where only one human and 1 mouse died
not dozens not thousands. but just a couple
those 100m humans at risk of death will can be reduced to 5000 deaths
1human 1 mouse sacrificed for saving 99,995,000

i call that worth it.
oh and by the way the human trials of vaccines was 18+ volunteers.. no kids were used as guineapigs
so please edit your mind and realise your:
'they are using children as their guinea pigs.Wait...they already are and that is one transgression that will certainly earn punishment along with the wicked parents that volunteer them"
is untrue
ill say it again.. no kids were volunteered into covid vaccine trials.

so please repeat that in your mind "no kids were volunteered into vaccine trials" repeat it 5 times
and then realise how ludicrous your rhetoric is where you say
"Let he who invents test upon himself and leave the guinea pig be"

... as for your other rhetoric. saying woman led men astray. well im guessing your just covering up your reason to be a single virgin. i wont judge. but seems you are judging too much without understanding facts and numbers
screw it ill judge... you are a psychotic virgin, sexist brainwashed person that has no concept of understanding facts logic numbers. you are so indocrinated in scripture that you would prefer to genocide humans for the sake of a couple mice.

please take your time to wait up to how your auto-piloted scripture rhetoric is not helping you look like a peaceful man.

oh and heres a scripture for you
judge the before thy neighbour
(judge yourself before others)... try it. read your own rhetoric and judge what you have said from an outsiders point of view. i hope it wakes you up
8867  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 21, 2021, 04:54:16 AM
In hindsight it would have been better if it works but there’s no way we could go back and see if paying out 30k euros would be a better economic strategy. And tbh I would gladly leave my country and stay out if they were paying me 30k euro...

Simply put, just about every lockdown was too late to the point it was useless. Yeah sure if a country acted early they could have curbed the spread, but again, that’s hindsight.

seems weird to see my words said back to me.. about hindesight. but then ignoring the learnings part of hindesight...  when i clearly said in hindesight too.
thing is we already know which strategy worked best because so many countries tried so many different ones
but hey if you want to just treat last year as a blame exercise instead. and then ignore and forget it and not treat it as a learning exercise for the next wave of new strain corona of the future or new strain of any spreadable pathogen of +1% deathrates.. well so be it.

best solution would have been to shut down the borders in february2020 (the australia/sweden method) keep it out of the country in the first place. and have "freedoms" within the borders
even now. with the UK media saying there are 'quarantine hotels' for UK airport arrivals. this is not for all flights or all passengers. so its not really the same as the sweden/australia model

he went too soft on the borders which then meant he had to go tough within the country.
in hindesight we hope governments learn from this. dont do repatriation flights. just give those abroad £30k to stay abroad and extend their vacation/business trip.. and keep the virus out

anyway.. back to the point a page ago.
if we ever experience another pandemic again. keep it out the borders and pay those people that are our citizens but abroad to sty abroad and extend their vacation/business trip and get paid for it.. much cheaper then paying the entire population within the country.

8868  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 21, 2021, 12:09:02 AM
you have no clue. but you can deny your own existence in court, heck your going to have to deny your parents are your parents too. so good luck with that. and have fun in an ICE detention camp
8869  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 11:24:46 PM
franky1 is not a person.
its an identity.

your parents and a doctor witnessed yourbirth and parents gave you a name. thats something you need to argue and call your parents a liar if you want to pretend your birthname is not you

goodluck with that
yes i can easily argue franky1 is not my birthname. but truly goodluck dis-proving something your family know and are witness to.

you must be truly hated at family parties

person has nothing to do with just a legal identity thats a separate vessel from a human.
a person is the human whether male female. the identity is something else

you can play the identity game separately. but that will involve you relinquishing your right to any bank account in that name if you suddenly want to deny you are called by a certain name
you then have to relinquish your birth certificate and so you will be deemed an illegal alien and put into a detention camp

good luck with that
8870  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 11:17:33 PM
It is an infringement of rights, but so is a lot of things. The question you have to ask yourself is it worth giving up our rights for the collective good of society. Boris Johnson in the UK believed the answer was yes, and so he essentially shut down the entire country. Turns out, lockdowns were never that great of a solution, so you owe it to yourself to fight against them *democratically*.

best solution would have been to shut down the borders in february2020 (the australia/sweden method) keep it out of the country in the first place. and have "freedoms" within the borders
even now. with the UK media saying there are 'quarantine hotels' for UK airport arrivals. this is not for all flights or all passengers. so its not really the same as the sweden/australia model

he went too soft on the borders which then meant he had to go tough within the country.
in hindesight we hope governments learn from this. dont do repatriation flights. just give those abroad £30k to stay abroad and extend their vacation/business trip.. and keep the virus out

This doesn't make any sense. You cannot prevent COVID from entering your country unless you are on an island like New Zealand and completely cut off any and all travel from in and out of the country.
UK.. coulda done the newzealand and australia thing.
yea a little difficult for europe.
but america could have avoided the repatriation flights and stopped all cruiseships and international airlines.

Meaning no one can leave (because eventually they have to come back, you can't just expel your citizens), and no one can enter in. Of course, this isn't feasible at all. 30k euros to banish citizens seems pretty expensive, don't you think?

not as expensive as paying 320million people 'stimulus payments'
yep not many 'americans' were out of country as of february..
so paying a few hundred k is cheaper then hundreds of millions.

yes last april news "nearly 85k americans needed to get home"
they coulda easily pay them to stay where they were or put in a proper 3 week quarantine before being allowed within country

but hey if you think its easy to get in a country with border closures.. then the billions spent on 'the wall' went to waste
8871  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 10:42:22 PM
anyway if you want a true 'human rights abuse' thing to discuss related to covid

look into the over use of DNR's in care homes
8872  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 10:34:31 PM
you dont have a separate entity person with a near similar name
seriously you are brainwashed with the freeman cult..

i know the rhetoric..your going to imply a police officer or a congressmen. in his duties in that role is using a persona of Officer Dave. or Congressman Jim. which they get new rights under that persona. but off duty/outside work hours they are just human dave and jim

but the flaw is. the constitution is defining humans and business entitys as persons

like cats and dogs defined as animals.
like species not of this planet as extra terrestrials

its not saying you as a human can slip in and out of your category at a whim
a cat cant just jump in and out of being an animal.

humans and business entities are always persons

so you trying your 'im a man' wont prove anything about some silly persona game.. they will just laugh and say your gender is not in question. and then proceed

saying your a man wont change the outcome. it wont change the due process. it wont change anything.
man vs person has no debate. man is a person

its like trying to say 'im an animal' .. one look at you and they will say. nope your an idiot
8873  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 09:01:11 PM
Look up the legal definition of "includes." Includes is limited to whatever is listed. This means that when the definition of "person" includes something, it legally includes only whatever is listed. "Man, woman, child" are not listed in the definition of person. Why not? They are not included in the list. There is no assumption in law. Law is very precise, especially in its definitions.

so the constitution is not pro life.
in your mind the constitution does not protect man. but protects persons

if you want to play that flip flop then the constitution does not protect you and you have no rights
now lets see you back peddle to redeem your constitutional rights
8874  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: March 20, 2021, 05:05:52 PM
dont worry about badecker.. he is brainwashed
he thinks if he pays a pill mill alot of money and promotes pilmills he will be immortal an will never die.
maybe we should let him be left alone to learn the hard way that his plan will fail

8875  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 05:00:03 PM
a person is not a fiction..
its to be more abstract category that INCLUDES men/woman/kids/businesses

it is not saying 'your person is a business/copyright and not human'
its saying a person can be man/woman/kid/business

try to learn some basics badecker.. stop reading freeman rhetoric. its making you dumber every day

you do not have a separate entity called 'person'
you are a person. as a man you come under the definition of person

a cat. is not a person.
a blade of grass is not a person

but a man is a person and gets the same legal and lawful and constitutional protections.

please really do try to learn common sense..
oh and try reading the cornell books and not the freeman cult websites pretending their opinion is in the cornell books

and one last thing.
no one has ever won a court case by shouting out "im a man im not a person". many have actually had extra fines/time in jail for being so stupid
8876  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Do you trust the co-vid19 vaccine ? on: March 20, 2021, 04:49:22 PM
badecker.. i know you have previously done 'do as he says' in regards to whatever trump says

but try 'do as he does'

he didnt bleach his throat even though he said its a good idea
he did not have budesinide
when he got sick he went to hospital not to some pill mill or chiropractor
he had the vaccine in january
and this week he locked down his own home when his staff had covid

so if you think trump THINKS covid is a flu.. no he does not.
his ACTIONS show he goes to hospitals and gets a vaccine and practices the restrictions.

what he thinks and what he says are 2 different things

so do as he does. not do as he says
8877  Economy / Speculation / Re: I have a relatives who ask advise to invest, what should I do? on: March 20, 2021, 04:07:56 PM
look for coins that have passed the test of time (still active and prospering)

find out their mining costs and then look at their prices.
bitcoin is about 3x its mining cost and about 1.7X its utxo movement sentiment.
so its a bit 'bubbly'(inflated) right now.

other coins which are at their dip/crash are probably better.

so its just a case of playing the BUY LOW sell high game

never buy at the peak. never
8878  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Decentralization, freedom and security on: March 20, 2021, 01:03:23 PM
if its on your private key no one will steal it.

if its on someone elses key.. its no longer yours.
you then have to have had a contract or a service agreement (account with terms and conditions) that says you are owed the balance they have in their custody.

then you need to have ensured you knew enough about the other user to slap them if they wrong you.

if you dont none of this.. then lets just call it a learning experience you should never repeat again

just remember.. your key your crypto
                         no key no crypto
                         Do Your Own Research
                         have proof of intent of transaction
                         if you cant slap them.. atleast know them

keep in mind even if you can find the person. they can just say it was a gift/donation/payment. and not a custodian contract.
we live in a innocent till proven guilty. so you need to prove it was your property and was taken/received via deception
8879  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 07:50:45 AM
It is an infringement of rights, but so is a lot of things. The question you have to ask yourself is it worth giving up our rights for the collective good of society. Boris Johnson in the UK believed the answer was yes, and so he essentially shut down the entire country. Turns out, lockdowns were never that great of a solution, so you owe it to yourself to fight against them *democratically*.

best solution would have been to shut down the borders in february2020 (the australia/sweden method) keep it out of the country in the first place. and have "freedoms" within the borders
even now. with the UK media saying there are 'quarantine hotels' for UK airport arrivals. this is not for all flights or all passengers. so its not really the same as the sweden/australia model

he went too soft on the borders which then meant he had to go tough within the country.
in hindesight we hope governments learn from this. dont do repatriation flights. just give those abroad £30k to stay abroad and extend their vacation/business trip.. and keep the virus out
8880  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown Policy, can it be viewed as an infringement on our Human rights? on: March 20, 2021, 07:46:36 AM
a) you have the physical ability to walk and talk. and you can still leave your house and go for a walk.

there is no human right that says you should be allowed to enter a private business uninfringed.
a business owner can ban anyone for any reason.
a business owner can tell an employee not to come to work the next day
a government can ban a business from serving customers
a government can ban a business from operating at all

so if your talking about how 'non-essential' businesses are not open to the pubic.. that has nothing to do with human rights
its like construction road work.. a barrier saying you cant go this way is not breaching human rights. you can still travel.. you just have to find another route

being tied to a chair and handcuffed and tortured for days.. thats a human rights breach.
being told a restaurant is closed so you have to choose some other competitors drive-thru. is not a breach.

as for masks
just like clothing.. those that dont want to wear clothing will argue their whole life that them being naked does no physical harm to other people. and if they dont like it they can look away.
however being naked in public can do harm

same with masks it can do harm not wearing a mask and spreading a virus through ignorance
so its the norm to wear clothes even though some prefer not to they have to accept that clothes is mandatory
so are masks.
its not a breach of human rights. you can still walk and talk

b) as for fines..
well in the UK we have a scaling solution. first fine is low like normal average fine costs. then every time you re-offend it increases and increases and increases until like £10k cap
a £10k cap is like 6 months prison time of lost income for min wage earners
so if you havnt learnt first second. third. fourth time. then maybe you deserve the 6month/£10k punishment

i think its fair.. its like having a normal fine all the way through.. then the amount above that is just a 'stupidity tax' for those that didnt learn the first time

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