The more racist commentaries flow the lower Bitcoin goes..

rayyycists... need to see some individual genetic test results before affirming it so arrogantly. and of course I need a baseline reference before being able to say anything...
He is not a nazi collaborator, he is a jewish opportunist and a (((cultural marxist))) scumbag who wants to destroy the white race
if that's a nazi collabortor, then he must be the worst nazi collaborator of all time

dude he said it himself... why are you so poorly educated and still so vehement in your arrogance?
I don't get it... you know Eichman?
"On Dec 20, 1998, on 60 Minutes did Steve Kroft interview George
Soros where Soros, a Hungarian Jew, admitted collaborating with the Nazi's
as a teenager and stated: "...I had no sense of guilt."
This may have been cited in a Martin Peretz article in the New Republic. "
you have it shared accross many media... those things aren't to be forgotten. And as I think you are lazy here it is : for your general culture :

don't get fooled by the candid smile... brutal and extremely professional... remember those are the men who from a defeated and ruined germany, created one of the most powerful force that the world had ever seen until then...
but I guess those concept are too foreign to you...
anyway extermely worrying to see some iq level in this forum... not even capable to make a simple querry on the internet and still... lecturing...
sorros could have killed his protector and escape... he didn't. he could have returned the funds stolen, he didn't, enough said.
So over the last year from April to April) we had :
- The whole futures Fud (taming Bitcoin, remember)
- A crackdown here and a ban there (remember China)
- A number of very bad taste Fork parties and their snake oil doctors blurbing around all the time... .
- The second coming of Mt-Gox (just wait for episode 3)
- Some ICO scams going down in flames
- Wall street banksters talking public about tulips (no idea what they were doing behind our back)
- Bans on crypto advertising
- Some bizarro never ending Chinese newyear spending
- The US taxman being a tad greedy
- Anything I forgot
And yet, YoY we are up x 5.
So ven who did not take profit at the hight of the bubble still is up 5x.
Now spring has arrived, time for a positive move. And it will come. The fall of the tech bubble giants will send all their groupies, with
their capital, for a large part to the crypto scene. (simply because there is nowhere else to go for them).
Just sit back, take a nap and enjoy the unfolding great turnover.
just 1 cent.
i was trying to find a good chart with the history of the open interests on futures... can't for opsec

. maybe some could help? it's interesting... to say the least
