Activity: 3052
Merit: 2814
Enjoying $100k
January 21, 2020, 05:52:53 PM |
Activity: 3920
Merit: 5623
Note the unconventional cAPITALIZATION!
January 21, 2020, 06:37:21 PM |
Oh, my. I was thinking Square would implement the obvious "layer 2" of them being custodians and allowing you to "pay with BTC" via their app. That is a viable and probable path forward for them, and other custodians in the space like Baakt. But THIS development is HUGE. This means they are also likely to implement lightning payments into square. This is where the rubber hits the road for lightning my gentlemen of Carolina. If lightning CAN be developed into the scaling layer for BTC then it is going to happen sooner than I thought. Of course if it fails? Well then we are set back. But with the new additions to the code including the multi path payments as well as routing to self... the developers are going to be able to make lightning work in a very painless way for end users. I am bullish. -edit- Man that Medium article is the most bullish thing I have read in about a year. In my opinion this makes things like Baakt look like tiddlywinks.

Activity: 165
Merit: 10
January 21, 2020, 07:54:00 PM |
Seems like bears don't wanna give up just yet. I really am in no mood to see that $7xxx (or anything less than that) again.  When the right time comes it will reverse again to the upside. The moon and the sun makes water level go up and down in our body. That can change our mood and the trading. The masses of people subcounsciosly react to it and that's why 1% of the whealthiest people don't want you to know this. They don't want you to use this so they'll say it's a pseudo science. They don't need any competition. Besides if all people used this secret it wouldn't work anyway.
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 21, 2020, 08:01:09 PM |
Seems like bears don't wanna give up just yet. I really am in no mood to see that $7xxx (or anything less than that) again.  Me neither, please no NUTpain for this evening
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 21, 2020, 08:05:50 PM |
Seems like bears don't wanna give up just yet. I really am in no mood to see that $7xxx (or anything less than that) again.  Me neither, please no NUTpain for this evening This is fine!!!!!
Full Member
Activity: 817
Merit: 158
Bitcoin the Digital Gold
January 21, 2020, 08:09:56 PM |
Seems like bears don't wanna give up just yet. I really am in no mood to see that $7xxx (or anything less than that) again.  Me neither, please no NUTpain for this evening This is fine!!!!!BIg Green Dildo for the Bears please
Activity: 1806
Merit: 1520
January 21, 2020, 08:20:54 PM |
~snip~ This is fine!!!!!
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 21, 2020, 08:27:18 PM |
~snip~ This is fine!!!!!
Absolutely!  This is finer!!!
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 21, 2020, 08:36:51 PM |
Wow, and then a post gets total merit-worthy
Activity: 4088
Merit: 5729
Doomed to see the future and unable to prevent it
Good morning Bitcoinland. Still going sideways preparing for another assault on $9k I see... currently $8646USD/$11312CAD (Bitcoinaverage). Ho. Hum. “The most subversive thing you can to with bitcoin is saving” It's a shame but it's absolutely true. How times change. I guess I'm showing my age but when I was a kid saving was considered a virtue. Usury was a crime. Loan sharks were sleazy gangsters akin to pushers and pimps. We were advised to save up to buy things we needed. Borrowing to buy things was considered foolish weakness, like drug addiction or gambling. Bank accounts were for saving, not spending. Sure, some payments were made by cheque (i.e. utility bills) but most purchases were made with good clean honest cash. Bank credit was for businesses, for earning money, not spending it. Individuals borrowed mainly for mortgages or home improvement loans which were themselves a form of business loan. For everything else you saved until you could afford to buy with cash. Consumer credit was on a small personal level. People would send their kids to the neighborhood grocery store for a few things during the week and the grocer would put them on your tab to be settled up in cash when he delivered your weekly grocery order on Saturday. Banks paid people to save money which they then lent out to businesses. There were no service charges for regular services like deposits and withdrawals. "Prizes" like toasters or other household appliances were given as inducements to open accounts. No identification was required (nor asked for) to open an account. The fact that you trusted them with your money was enough. Benjamin Franklin in his wisdom said, "neither borrower nor lender be". How sad that we have allowed ourselves to become wage and debt slaves. "Hodling" is emancipation. credit score should really be called a "sucker score" because it's a number that exists for only one reason: to tell banks how much money they're going to be able to make off of you. The higher it is, the more of your money goes to them.
That's not how they sell it, of course. They sell it as a metric for determining "credit worthiness". But if you really break down what makes a credit score higher or lower, you'll see that they aren't being honest about what it actually is.
For example, if you're the type of person who doesn't use credit all that much, but can make large purchases and pay them off in a matter of days or weeks, that should be an indicator that you're the most "credit worthy" person on the planet. Right? Shouldn't the people who do that have the highest credit scores?
Nope. You're actually penalized for that, and your credit score goes down. Banks hate you, because you don't carry debt long enough for them to make anything off of you. 
infofront (OP)
Activity: 2660
Merit: 2920
Shitcoin Minimalist
January 21, 2020, 09:09:28 PM |
Imagine being someone who still thinks the bottom isn't in. 
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13829
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
January 21, 2020, 09:24:06 PM |
Imagine being someone who still thinks the bottom isn't in.  Thats just saying i'm a salty, BTC-hating, NO-coiner troll.... hoping no one to reach luck or financial independency Most important is don't be such a person, hope the best for the people next to you and those living in this corrupt bad world of today.
Activity: 1442
Merit: 2282
Degenerate bull hatter & Bitcoin monotheist
January 21, 2020, 10:20:16 PM |
To be fair, the question extended beyond BTC to crypto.
And the bottom is most definitely not in for shitcoins.
Activity: 3808
Merit: 11042
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
January 21, 2020, 10:21:47 PM |
Imagine being someone who still thinks the bottom isn't in.  Twitter is full of anti bitcoin trolls who are so jealous that they missed the train so try to turn others against bitcoin. We are the lucky one’s. Goodnight gentlemen.
Sr. Member
Activity: 728
Merit: 317
Crypto Casino & Sportsbook
January 21, 2020, 11:44:14 PM |
I thought this line break was the entrance to the maze, but I guess I'm wrong... 
Activity: 4284
Merit: 5227
You're never too old to think young.
January 21, 2020, 11:46:16 PM |
| credit score should really be called a "sucker score" because it's a number that exists for only one reason: to tell banks how much money they're going to be able to make off of you. The higher it is, the more of your money goes to them.
That's not how they sell it, of course. They sell it as a metric for determining "credit worthiness". But if you really break down what makes a credit score higher or lower, you'll see that they aren't being honest about what it actually is.
For example, if you're the type of person who doesn't use credit all that much, but can make large purchases and pay them off in a matter of days or weeks, that should be an indicator that you're the most "credit worthy" person on the planet. Right? Shouldn't the people who do that have the highest credit scores?
Nope. You're actually penalized for that, and your credit score goes down. Banks hate you, because you don't carry debt long enough for them to make anything off of you. No kidding. 
Activity: 1464
Merit: 1136
January 22, 2020, 12:19:23 AM |
Damn real life pulling me away from WO thread! Phan Rang is a good guess, have spent a lot of time there in the past before it became discovered as a kite destination. Water not as blue as the previous photos but the landscape in the area is stunning weathered exposed aggregate rocks down to the ocean. Visit by motorbike if ever you have the chance.  I see the corn tried to shake a few out before catching a bid higher. Down to 8500 and right back up to 8700
Activity: 1464
Merit: 1136
January 22, 2020, 12:26:31 AM |
I have been to a local Bitcoin meet-up this evening. Host/Valet: Giacomo Zucco Special Guest: Saifedean Ammous. I think you know the guy.  Best quote of the night: “The most subsersive thing you can to with bitcoin is saving” ❤️ #nohomoThat was great! Edit: the concept has been told a few times: "The only crime you should do with Bitcoin is saving and that's the most powerful of the crimes" @saifedean really like both these guys. That's a conference I'd like to attend. Nice quotes also, I'll try to remember them.