Activity: 3444
Merit: 4852
diamond-handed zealot
February 27, 2020, 03:30:23 PM Merited by BobLawblaw (1) |
-where is that guy anyway

Activity: 4606
Merit: 4302
what is this "brake pedal" you speak of?
February 27, 2020, 03:31:18 PM |
i wish
aaah to be young again
WHAT IF, in the near future this was possible. The only thing would be, as it's crazy expensive - to give all your BTC & start over from scratch. Would you do it? *. I think I know the answer, just looking for a mere confirmation. i would do it just to piss Ibian off 
February 27, 2020, 03:35:18 PM |
The old greeks would likely stab themselves in shame, if they'd know what "democracy" looks like today.
Nah, they knew it was flawed. More likely to get a response: "I told ya so" 
February 27, 2020, 03:38:16 PM |
i would do it just to piss Ibian off  Thanks, the reason is irrelevant, but it will do I guess. 
Activity: 2856
Merit: 1520
Bitcoin Legal Tender Countries: 2 of 206
February 27, 2020, 03:47:30 PM |
Inn daa wall street house the soundtrack of the whole day:

Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
February 27, 2020, 03:49:40 PM |
#random Retirement is strange. I'm primarily living off of Bitcoin-funded fiat investments, that pay me out monthly over the next couple decades or so, and I find it highly amusing that I'm using portions of those disbursements to re-buy corn-dip.
That's how hedging works. You did secure your retirement, and you did it the way you had to do it (in fiat investments). Now that you are safe it is ok if you prefer to use some of the surplus income coming from those investments into whatever you feel like (ie. more BTC instead of more spending you probably don't "need"). All is well 
February 27, 2020, 03:50:22 PM |
Actually I would like to hear r0ach’s opinion about the corona-virus....
Beware of what you wish for dude. He's probably gonna go with the - it's all good scenario, "hope everyone dies". For once, I don't give a single fuck, on what that kind of person thinks about anything. I mean, look at Ibian - he's already feasting on this, hoping that this the one. Why would I give a fuck to this kind of approach? #
Activity: 1908
Merit: 3214
All good things to those who wait
Just bought 0.0777 BTC immediately withdrawn to my cold storage. Hopefully more people will learn to do the same, instead of looking for a quick profit. The more bitcoins are removed from exchanges the better.  
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
February 27, 2020, 04:12:51 PM Last edit: February 27, 2020, 04:44:35 PM by bitserve |
Most linux distributions can be run on read-only filesystems (same as from cd) BUT the only true security hole is running them as root, because volumes can be remounted in rw mode on the fly. I'm using this strategy on my raspberryPi that is running the game console emulators for the kids. They don't do no shutdown, they just pull the plug/wallwart. Roms are stored on etx4 USB, mounted read-only. This one is just mounted in rw mode on the PC, to manage the roms and emulator binaries.
Just make sure you run linux as unprivileged user. Privilege escalation is a thing though, but unlikely on patched systems. However, when you're not connected to the net, i doubt there is a fair chance of catching a successful exploit via USB.
Again, your postulated security described above is utterly dependent upon the rando USB device implementing only a storage class endpoint. Whatevs. Good luck with that. I would care less if i am running as unpriv. user on a system that is not network connected. I didn't mention that i'd never use a host with actual user data on it. I thought that would be clear because i was replying to Dabs' "frozen sysimage" approach. I would definitely not use a guest VM but a dedicated box that i can reset via dd or similar disc imaging tools, i wasn't clear on that, as i just recognize while typing this. And yes, it's part of the very basics: there is no 100% security, only 100% security against certain (and therefor known) attack vectors. I’m gonna say this one last time. Your postulated recovery is weaksauce against anything other than a disk-resident vector. dd ain’t gonna do nothing for you if malware-containing USB infects the BIOS. Forget about badUSB/badBIOS as it has already been perfectly documented and evidenced... Maybe you are the right person to ask this, depending on how low level your work or knowledge goes... I have always thought another theoretical attack vector would be in the HD firmware from which it would be possible to on-the-fly replace a call to the boot sector adding some payload to it. I still think so but... have you ever seen any real practical example/exploit of that? Even as a PoC "lab test"? Well, if you can program new drive FW, and you can get it programmed into the drive’s FW store, then yes - that would be trivial. Indeed, I’ve shipped devices that provided canned boot sector data before - not as an exploit, but because the operating environment needed such in order to function. Of course, that was a ‘from the factory’ thing, not a field exploit. However, drive FW development is non-trivial. Embedded computers without public data on memory maps, peripheral specs, etc. Nonstandard SoCs, built on various ISAs, dependent upon lots of in-house developed tools. Very difficult. Albeit doable in theory. However^2, most (all?) contemporary drives will not load FW that does not have a valid crypto signature. I have never heard of any case of a successful exploit of a drive’s FW sig being cracked. Though drive companies are just collections of people, and some people in the chain of custody for the root certs may not fully understand their responsibilities. I could see the possibility of a leak of keys happening some day by some vendor or another. At which point, such an exploit again becomes plausible. Nice. Good to know it is something that hasn't been seen in the wild yet even though I guess, from your description, it is not something completely out of reach for a determined (and resourceful) enough attacker. It also sounds as something that YOU (or someone you know) could probably do given enough time and motivation. And when I say YOU, I can perfectly mean some/many others. So the risk is real. I guess the real reason it hasn't happened yet is mainly because there are plenty of WAY more cost effective attack vectors. If it were the only one, it would be exploited for sure. Indeed, I’ve shipped devices that provided canned boot sector data before - not as an exploit, but because the operating environment needed such in order to function. Of course, that was a ‘from the factory’ thing, not a field exploit. Yeah, that's exactly what THEY wanted you to believe  Just kidding. Or maybe not... Was that "canned boot" somehow easily replaceable with a different one afterwards? Ie: the canned boot residing in another area of the HD which could be updated or using a custom tool? Or just reusing all the developed firmware, replacing the "canned boot" and generating the payloaded firmware?
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1278
February 27, 2020, 04:17:30 PM |
The fact of the matter is that it was the boomers who voted in socialism in practically the entire world. They deserve to die, and they need to die before we have even the possibility of building something better.
And I'm saying this as someone with old parents. Good parents at that, even. But a few worthwhile people, if they are, do not make up for an entire world run by old people who deliberately make things worse.
If Corona-chan kills most people over 60 and stops unlimited immigration, then it may in the long run turn out to be a good thing. Even better if the world turns on the chinese for releasing it.
Our elders still have a lifetime of valuable experiences to share, I'm not quite ready to give them up. No they don't. An easy and safe life does not breed wisdom. I'd wager you have had it 100x easier and safer. I'm not a boomer but I have no desire to see them killed. Everyone of those people you casually and cruelly dismiss has a full lifetime of experience, pain, heartache, joy, and knowledge. Have some heart and if you can't muster up a basic level of humanity at least think of self preservation. Icygreen has it absolutely correct. Maybe you should actually talk to some older people sometime instead of living out your bigoted uneducated self-defeating prejudices online. When/if the shit really hits the fan many will be completely unprepared for reality and relying on some aging boomer to show them how to find clean drinking water or repair an engine or a million other skills people learned as a matter of course pre-internet. You think they had it easy because they spent their lifetimes helping make YOUR life easy. Wishing death on millions because you think they are in your way is juvenile at best and psychopathic at worst. I'm a capitalist living in a socialist country, and culture always keeps moving further to the left over time. I can assure you I have not had it easy. Safe yes, not safer, but not easy or easier. It's not casual and it's not cruel. Unlike the boomers, I want a society that continues to work after I'm dead. Socialism does not work comrade. You are doing nothing but appealing to emotion. That is how communism happens. You can't run an economy, or a society, on emotion.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
February 27, 2020, 04:20:20 PM |
The fact of the matter is that it was the boomers who voted in socialism in practically the entire world. They deserve to die, and they need to die before we have even the possibility of building something better.
And I'm saying this as someone with old parents. Good parents at that, even. But a few worthwhile people, if they are, do not make up for an entire world run by old people who deliberately make things worse.
If Corona-chan kills most people over 60 and stops unlimited immigration, then it may in the long run turn out to be a good thing. Even better if the world turns on the chinese for releasing it.
Our elders still have a lifetime of valuable experiences to share, I'm not quite ready to give them up. No they don't. An easy and safe life does not breed wisdom. I'd wager you have had it 100x easier and safer. I'm not a boomer but I have no desire to see them killed. Everyone of those people you casually and cruelly dismiss has a full lifetime of experience, pain, heartache, joy, and knowledge. Have some heart and if you can't muster up a basic level of humanity at least think of self preservation. Icygreen has it absolutely correct. Maybe you should actually talk to some older people sometime instead of living out your bigoted uneducated self-defeating prejudices online. When/if the shit really hits the fan many will be completely unprepared for reality and relying on some aging boomer to show them how to find clean drinking water or repair an engine or a million other skills people learned as a matter of course pre-internet. You think they had it easy because they spent their lifetimes helping make YOUR life easy. Wishing death on millions because you think they are in your way is juvenile at best and psychopathic at worst. I'm a capitalist living in a socialist country, and culture always keeps moving further to the left over time. I can assure you I have not had it easy. Safe yes, not safer, but not easy or easier. It's not casual and it's not cruel. Unlike the boomers, I want a society that continues to work after I'm dead. Socialism does not work comrade. You are doing nothing but appealing to emotion. That is how communism happens. You can't run an economy, or a society, on emotion. When your ideas (be it right or wrong) require mass of people to die... you are carrying your ideas too far.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1278
February 27, 2020, 04:22:59 PM |
i wish
aaah to be young again
WHAT IF, in the near future this was possible. The only thing would be, as it's crazy expensive - to give all your BTC & start over from scratch. Would you do it? *. I think I know the answer, just looking for a mere confirmation. i would do it just to piss Ibian off  Hey I'm for it. If a genie granted me one super power I would go with eternal youth and Wolverine-levels of regeneration.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1278
February 27, 2020, 04:24:34 PM |
The fact of the matter is that it was the boomers who voted in socialism in practically the entire world. They deserve to die, and they need to die before we have even the possibility of building something better.
And I'm saying this as someone with old parents. Good parents at that, even. But a few worthwhile people, if they are, do not make up for an entire world run by old people who deliberately make things worse.
If Corona-chan kills most people over 60 and stops unlimited immigration, then it may in the long run turn out to be a good thing. Even better if the world turns on the chinese for releasing it.
Our elders still have a lifetime of valuable experiences to share, I'm not quite ready to give them up. No they don't. An easy and safe life does not breed wisdom. I'd wager you have had it 100x easier and safer. I'm not a boomer but I have no desire to see them killed. Everyone of those people you casually and cruelly dismiss has a full lifetime of experience, pain, heartache, joy, and knowledge. Have some heart and if you can't muster up a basic level of humanity at least think of self preservation. Icygreen has it absolutely correct. Maybe you should actually talk to some older people sometime instead of living out your bigoted uneducated self-defeating prejudices online. When/if the shit really hits the fan many will be completely unprepared for reality and relying on some aging boomer to show them how to find clean drinking water or repair an engine or a million other skills people learned as a matter of course pre-internet. You think they had it easy because they spent their lifetimes helping make YOUR life easy. Wishing death on millions because you think they are in your way is juvenile at best and psychopathic at worst. I'm a capitalist living in a socialist country, and culture always keeps moving further to the left over time. I can assure you I have not had it easy. Safe yes, not safer, but not easy or easier. It's not casual and it's not cruel. Unlike the boomers, I want a society that continues to work after I'm dead. Socialism does not work comrade. You are doing nothing but appealing to emotion. That is how communism happens. You can't run an economy, or a society, on emotion. When your ideas (be it right or wrong) require mass of people to die... you are carrying your ideas too far. That's just how humans work. It's the cycle of empire, things go well until they go a little too well and then a large part of the population die. And then something new can be built. And it has nothing to do with what I, personally, want. I'm just an observer. Don't shoot the messenger.
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1278
February 27, 2020, 04:27:44 PM |
I mean, look at Ibian - he's already feasting on this, hoping that this the one. Why would I give a fuck to this kind of approach? I don't think I have actually said that I hope this is The One. If you want to know what someone thinks, why not ask instead of guess?
Activity: 2268
Merit: 1278
February 27, 2020, 04:32:03 PM |
Corona finally confirmed in Denmark. There goes the chance to be the one to introduce it.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1621
Self made HODLER ✓
February 27, 2020, 04:36:41 PM |
Corona finally confirmed in Denmark. There goes the chance to be the one to introduce it.
You can always go there, get infected, kill the previous patient zero and claim to be satoshi the real patient zero. Just saying.
Activity: 2030
Merit: 1493
February 27, 2020, 04:52:55 PM |
Fellow WO´s, just letting you know - I know you couldnt care less  - that I am back after some forced time-out and my first ban here on bitcointalk...  Promise I´ll be a good boy from now on!  That being said - I have persuaded my best bro and he is now also bitcoin-addicted after being a hater for years. Thats a sign, isnt it. Now even accepting crypto-payments in his online-shop. 