Amazing job everyone - congratulations!
Are you new to DNotes or a returning veteran? Drop in and say hello, or ask a question if you have one.
What a brilliant community that has built up around DNOTES these past few years. Returning veteran here. I've been away for a minute (my wife works weekend nights, I work 24/7 on a tech startup, and we have 3 kids and don't live by family for help), but thankfully things look rosy on that end. I feel like my tech startup life has run a very parallel course to DNotes: sweet technology backed by a great vision and lots of hard graft which is now reaching escape velocity. So hopefully soon I'll be far more free after our exit to devote more time to this crypto community.
What a great compliment, I've been holding DNotes for 3 years now and I tend to agree with you. DNotes has been working very hard to develop essential infrastructure that will scale into a large corporation. Watching all the work that it took to bring the platform to it's current stage has been very impressive. This is a highly dedicated team and I've come to learn that DNotes also values their stakeholders almost as if they are family.
I echo every word of this post 100%.
I had just built a rig at the end of 2013 all those years ago and rather than just point it to an extant coin like LTC, I wanted to find one from Day One. DNotes' value prop hit me like a ton of bricks. It just seemed so SENSIBLE. There were so many coins releasing on a daily basis. Absurd premine scams, IPO frauds etc etc. There was a real, no bullshit dynamism to the NOTE platform. DNotes was (and is) truly going to be a shared stake coin. And so it has proven to be, and then some. So I've literally been a NOTE holder since Day 1, and will continue to soldier on as a died in the wool DNotes evangelist.
As Mark Zuckerberg said waaaay back in the day, "I'm here to build something for the long-term. Everything else is secondary."
This is a team with a dream thats becoming reality. They have a unbelievable abount of patience, more than i have...hats why even when they were quite working in the background not only did i not sell any, i bought more. Exciting times! Once again, i cant wait to see what the future of dnotes looks like!
In late 2013, I read Satoshi's whitepaper, a work of staggering genius, and was entirely convinced of the blockchain's power.
But I knew myself enough to understand that I am too emotional w/my investments. This is why I was a shitty hedge fund trader. If I just bought a bunch of BTC w/cash, I knew I'd care way too much about market movements. So I decided to build a supercomputer that could mine cryptocurrency. I viewed it then, and still now, as an educational expense. That's made all the difference.
Otherwise, I definitely wouldn't have the patience of Job to stick this long, like the DNotes team has. Kudos all around!!!
We have a strong conviction that by helping others to become successful it will ultimately result in great success for DNotes. Everything that we have done thus far, reflects our long-term commitment to build a trusted brand and one that is of great inspiration and value to those who believe in our missions with an invested interest.
In the meaningful life you use your highest strengths and talents to belong to and serve something you believe is larger than the self."
-Martin E.P. Seligman
It concerns me that people like Dorfman should be allowed to teach young malleable minds
"To know that you do not know, is best. To pretend to know when you do not know, is a disease."-Lao-Tzu
Dr. Dorfman, like many other critics just look at the inherent weaknesses of emerging technologies and point out any imperfections. We, as innovators, are excited about the immense potential and commit our life savings and other precious resources to solve critical problems that constraint the progress of the technologies.
"I think almost every great investment has a contrarian check. A lot of people will think that’s a bad investment. But you have a good reason for thinking it’s a good investment and it will get to scale. Those are typically the unusually great investments."-Reid Hoffman
“Very often when you are going for real innovation you have to go against prevailing wisdom, and it’s hard to go against prevailing wisdom when there are people who have been there for a long time and you have some vice president who says, ‘No, that doesn’t make sense.’ ”Dr. Robert Langer, MIT Langer Labs
"If DNotes were to succeed as the digital currency of the future with lasting value it has to take a very different path to reach that mountain top. It must build a solid foundation, block by block, systematically, while executing its strategic plans at the most opportune time which may often conflict with that of speculators."Bitcointalk: March 8th, 2014 - Alan Yong, DNotes co-founder
Right now, there are 1.5 trillion of USD in circulation and 8.5 trillion of gold mined WW over history. The crypto world now is not even 1% of that. The room to grow is absolutely enormous. I believe there is only one market of the 21st that is similar in size and scale, and that is the world of pervasive Augmented Reality governed by Networks of AIs. The obviousness of that world seems as apparent to me as a pervasive blockchain.
This entire thread has a very similar feel to how DNOTES felt to me the day it released. Only now, the entire crypto world has developed some SERIOUS street cred, and NOTE itself has appreciated nearly 10,000% since inception (no that's not a typo).
"Like an oversexed man at a harem. This is the time to start investing." -Warren Buffet
Open source is great for this purpose, but there are also many people who instead of using the open-source nature to build and improve upon a network choose to only incorporate the work of others without ever actually building on top of it, or contributing anything new. There are many cryptocurrencies of this ilk, who you will find that while on the face of it may have kept up with 'industry standards', have only spend a few weeks incorporating the code of other open source developers into their own network.
I view blockchains in this fashion. As the top crypto-engineers make their upgrades more blockchain-specific to integrate within their own ecosystem, those crypto that rely upon copying and implementing modular updates will find their technical ability to copy insufficient, and/or the incompatibility issues from blockchain design engineering irreconcilable even if the technical coding ability is there.
"Standing on tiptoe at a parade. Once one person did it, everybody had to do it."
-Warren Buffet
Thing is, once everybody does it, then nobody can see. It's those few who peer through the crowd that get the real glimpse into what happens next.