July 30, 2014, 11:39:04 AM |
[Reasonable, well-thought-out and rationally presented]
*NotLambchop waits for the day when Jorge throws up his hands, mumbles "fuckit," and starts posting gifs*
July 30, 2014, 11:44:03 AM |
Good news: the coins I had "stuck" in my WEEX deposit address have been pried lose. To be clear, these were coins sent to the address AFTER everything stopped working, from some group buy dividends I couldn't change the destination of.
Bad news: instead of giving me access to the coins sent to my unique individual address, the coins were distributed to other people via a "claim form."
Worse news: my Picostocks account is locked to that WEEX deposit address, so unless I can get the private key or some other kind of access, those coins will also be seized and given away.
Is this not robbing Peter to pay Paul?
Is taking coins which were indisputably mine in order to pay of WEEX's other debts legitimate, criminal, neither, or ambiguous?
This is even worse than being goxxed over and over again! Even Mt. Gox payed back those 800 BTC one guy send them after they've gone insolvent.
We Support Currencies: BTC, LTC, USD, EUR, GBP
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
July 30, 2014, 04:43:06 PM |
Is taking coins which were indisputably mine in order to pay of WEEX's other debts legitimate, criminal, neither, or ambiguous?
Criminal - their part of the agreement was to hold your assets on _your_ behalf. This is even worse than being goxxed over and over again! Even Mt. Gox payed back those 800 BTC one guy send them after they've gone insolvent.
In the interest of accuracy, Mt Gox did not return those funds. The court-appointed bankruptcy administrator returned those funds.
Anyone with a campaign ad in their signature -- for an organization with which they are not otherwise affiliated -- is automatically deducted credibility points.
I've been convicted of heresy. Convicted by a mere known extortionist. Read my Trust for details.
July 30, 2014, 05:02:45 PM |
Is taking coins which were indisputably mine in order to pay of WEEX's other debts legitimate, criminal, neither, or ambiguous?
Criminal - their part of the agreement was to hold your assets on _your_ behalf. This is even worse than being goxxed over and over again! Even Mt. Gox payed back those 800 BTC one guy send them after they've gone insolvent.
In the interest of accuracy, Mt Gox did not return those funds. The court-appointed bankruptcy administrator returned those funds. Yeah, so maybe someone should sue Ukyo, so that threre'll be exactly such an administrator! If Ukyo isn't able to return the coins, he'd like to return so dearly, then maybe it's time to hand over the helm to someone who actually is competent!
We Support Currencies: BTC, LTC, USD, EUR, GBP
July 30, 2014, 05:18:06 PM |
And, he more recently offered to liquidate, and then kept, the assets he controlled from BTCINVESTors.
People (including me) try very hard to believe that scammers have the same ethics as us- that they're hard working entrepreneurs with a bum rap. But too often, they're just scammers.
I'm dealing with it now also IRL. Me and another party agreed to something in writing. Now they're like "well, we just don't want to pay you." :-(
"The direct use of force is such a poor solution to any problem, it is generally employed only by small children and large nations." ― David M. Friedman
July 30, 2014, 05:20:56 PM |
And, he more recently offered to liquidate, and then kept, the assets he controlled from BTCINVESTors.
People (including me) try very hard to believe that scammers have the same ethics as us- that they're hard working entrepreneurs with a bum rap. But too often, they're just scammers.
I'm dealing with it now also IRL. Me and another party agreed to something in writing. Now they're like "well, we just don't want to pay you." :-(
I really am under the impression that certain people just lack a basic set of certain ethics! I really believe that. They just decide to break any promises they've made or disregard any social rule in order to gain more money.
We Support Currencies: BTC, LTC, USD, EUR, GBP
July 30, 2014, 05:25:20 PM |
I really am under the impression that certain people just lack a basic set of certain ethics! I really believe that. They just decide to break any promises they've made or disregard any social rule in order to gain more money.
Yes, that is what "professional" scammers do for a living. And there are plenty of them around. Lucky you if you never met one before.
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
August 04, 2014, 03:32:55 AM |
[Reasonable, well-thought-out and rationally presented]
*NotLambchop waits for the day when Jorge throws up his hands, mumbles "fuckit," and starts posting gifs* [ click on image to enlarge ]
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.
Activity: 40
Merit: 0
August 14, 2014, 11:33:11 PM |
Ukyo if you want me to stop asking your friends what you have done and how i can contact you, you should explain the situation here public or send my coins back. I know you read this.
If your plan is to stay it out and forget it, it will not work Smiley, many of us wont give up.
August 15, 2014, 12:33:38 AM |
Ukyo,Stop hidind and tell us truth.
August 15, 2014, 02:38:28 AM |
Ukyo if you want me to stop asking your friends what you have done and how i can contact you, you should explain the situation here public or send my coins back. I know you read this.
If your plan is to stay it out and forget it, it will not work Smiley, many of us wont give up.
Good on you. I suspect there's a lot of justifiably angry people out there who, for fear of incriminating themselves, won't say on word on this public forum, but nevertheless may attempt to/will extract justice as they see fit. The silence from ukyo is both shameful and deplorable.
September 09, 2014, 02:27:41 PM |
say something ukyo. soon the patience is over.
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
September 10, 2014, 02:54:36 AM |
say something ukyo. soon the patience is over.
Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahah. When was it that I pointed out that the most likely explanation for all this is that Jon Montrol stole all our money? Oh yeah - months ago. Keep dreaming. It's so much more comfy than reality.
Anyone with a campaign ad in their signature -- for an organization with which they are not otherwise affiliated -- is automatically deducted credibility points.
I've been convicted of heresy. Convicted by a mere known extortionist. Read my Trust for details.
Activity: 2198
Merit: 1019
Buzz App - Spin wheel, farm rewards
September 11, 2014, 04:19:04 AM |
Ya all the talking has pretty much been done to death. If you don't realize you have been robbed yet, then you are an idiot. But the only person who doesn't know they have been robbed this far in is SebastianJu. I don't think anyone can be that stupid, so I'm guessing he's either been paid off, or is a shrill account purchased by JM. The only other logical conclusion is he's completely moronic. But anyways, didn't want to post just to state the obvious. Wanted to say if you have any information about IRL Jon Montrol, please post it, lets share information. I intend to get some sort of satisfaction for the money he stole from me. It really enrages me how much he stole, with his name out there, and he just got away with it with barely any sweat. I'm not going to state what I plan or intend, or whether it'll be a month or 2 years from now, because that'd be dumb. Anyways this is all I have, his name and addresses he registered his shame company under: was posted about 40 pages back or so by another user. Does anyone else have a more up-to-date whereabouts of this scam artist criminal fuck? Please share any info you may have. Thank you.
September 11, 2014, 07:02:52 AM |
Thanks for being organized and staying on top of this glendall. The number of idiots in this thread astounds me... I don't know how you do it 
Activity: 896
Merit: 1001
September 11, 2014, 06:53:59 PM |
Ya all the talking has pretty much been done to death. If you don't realize you have been robbed yet, then you are an idiot. But the only person who doesn't know they have been robbed this far in is SebastianJu. I don't think anyone can be that stupid, so I'm guessing he's either been paid off, or is a shrill account purchased by JM. The only other logical conclusion is he's completely moronic. But anyways, didn't want to post just to state the obvious. Wanted to say if you have any information about IRL Jon Montrol, please post it, lets share information. I intend to get some sort of satisfaction for the money he stole from me. It really enrages me how much he stole, with his name out there, and he just got away with it with barely any sweat. I'm not going to state what I plan or intend, or whether it'll be a month or 2 years from now, because that'd be dumb. Anyways this is all I have, his name and addresses he registered his shame company under: was posted about 40 pages back or so by another user. Does anyone else have a more up-to-date whereabouts of this scam artist criminal fuck? Please share any info you may have. Thank you. Well said. This thread is / was a joke. Everyone who had coins at WeExchange has been scammed/robbed.
September 11, 2014, 10:25:51 PM |
Just saw that they are friends with karpeles and his second lang is Japanese. What a scammer commando 
September 12, 2014, 12:29:31 PM |
facebook jon.montroll
think you all know this already. lets send him some messages.
Activity: 101
Merit: 0
September 17, 2014, 03:33:14 PM |
facebook jon.montroll
think you all know this already. lets send him some messages.
Are you sure this is him? I mean it's easy fake facebook accounts. Any proof that this profile is real? Why wouldnt he set it to private? Are those fb friends his real friends? I bet alot of people already molested them but he didnt change any privacy settings? I also see (small) posts in this thread getting deleted by board admin/moderators because they are too short or not relevant or whatever. This board is the scammiest place ive been to on the internet, and i have seen alot of internet in my life...
September 18, 2014, 05:30:58 AM |
This board is the scammiest place ive been to on the internet, and i have seen alot of internet in my life...
Academic interest in bitcoin only. Not owner, not trader, very skeptical of its longterm success.