Maybe there are no better companies in expanding their customer base than mobile telecoms. Competition is such hard now in crypto like from long time in mobile telecom market. It's hard to acquire new miners exactly the same way like is hard to acquire new mobile telecom customers on saturated market. Wise person - and Vertans are wise indeed - should learn from them, how to efficently operate on saturated market.
In our case expanding customer base is de facto expanding number of miners (network hashrate growth - and it is at least linear to level of adoption! ) Please note, that any new, potential mobile customer are able to buy the same phone set almost always in better price than customer already aquired, e.g. some months ago. And it's not overpaying - it is preserving continuos growth.
Additionally, we have less than telecoms risk of long "overpaying" period, because we have variable price, regulated by the market (see how overpayed 40$/ltc was self-regulated to 10-20$ level). Another important difference - new miners starting with VTC won't have better conditions than old miners (like in telecoms), but only: will be not punished as much as would be punished in old Satoshi inflation model.
The fact is, sad but true: Satoshi model is not efficient in case of saturated market.
Here is the mobile telecom expansion strategy translated into cryptoworld language - "Flexibility Hardcoded": growth of network hashrate cause 41.42% of growth of coins released (this is from sqrt(2) = 1.4142 )
In case of network hashrate growth, e.g. 4x:
a) difficulty grows 2x - it means 2x less amount of VTC for miners, but not 4x less - still 2x better than in other coins
b) 2x increased price in long term - instead of 4x , but this is the cost invested into network&customer base expansion; clear telecom strategy for customer base expansion
IMHO this is the most justice model ever between miners and investors - and perfect for current saturated cryptomarket. The only reasonable strategy.
As Vertcoin is aiming to be replacement of Litecoin for GPU miners - the level of saturation of Litecoin GPU network is not a bad idea for 28,8k coins per day level. It would be our goal.
Because it is well confirmed by Litecoin, that such robust 256GH/s scrypt network is able to handle 28,8k inflation, even at price more than 0.01 btc. Not mention about sky-rocketing level of adoption on such level...
Thank you for your attention.