Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
March 02, 2014, 05:12:01 PM |
its just a pump and dump . false alarm no "to the moon"  Investors are willing buy as low as you are willing to sell, it is going up, it's just desperate people will drive the price down for a bit, no one said the road to the moon is free of pumps.
March 02, 2014, 05:13:49 PM |
Oh well, fun while it last. Lucky that bitcoin deposit takes quite some time so that i didn't buy them at 20000.
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
March 02, 2014, 05:14:32 PM |
its just a pump and dump . false alarm no "to the moon"  Investors are willing buy as low as you are willing to sell, it is going up, it's just desperate people will drive the price down for a bit, no one said the road to the moon is free of pumps. i`m not selling i`m making 16 UTC per day mining  I need to pay my electrical bill 
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
March 02, 2014, 05:16:13 PM |
I dont belive UTC. UTC 'll die. Carefully!!!
Go To Hell... wait... Hell is a nice place for U... Go Fuck yourself instead. ( sorry for the swearing ) Im tired of this negativity!
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
March 02, 2014, 05:16:54 PM |
You will see a few more pumps today, before all the dumpers are cleared out of the way.
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1017
March 02, 2014, 05:19:45 PM |
DAT DUMP, shame I missed it.. worry not, you will have your chance dumping your coins soon enough !
March 02, 2014, 05:19:58 PM |
Looks like poker is on mintpal, seeing 1337 orders lol
March 02, 2014, 05:20:04 PM |
Lol instant +100 -100 percent pump and dump in one hour.
In Pump and Dump we trust.
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
March 02, 2014, 05:20:52 PM |
The buy support will come and go as investors try to pick up at the lowest price. have faith and hold. 46% up is only the start. people trying to trade on the up and down, will suffer a major loss at one point as things will go up beyond their means at one point in the sell  Edit: Big volume coming soon, HOLD HOLD HOLD.

Activity: 98
Merit: 10
March 02, 2014, 05:21:04 PM |
I dont belive UTC. UTC 'll die. Carefully!!!
Go To Hell... wait... Hell is a nice place for U... Go Fuck yourself instead. ( sorry for the swearing ) Im tired of this negativity! Can you please chastise your language a bit my dear friend? I loathe people with little or next to zero education. Thank you for showing some respect and putting some content in your messages.
March 02, 2014, 05:22:25 PM |
You guys are hilarious. If you want to prop UTC's price, you would do what I'm doing. Mine and dump other coins and buy UTC. This is a coin war. Push other coin prices down and see UTC price rise. That's why the price is increasing. Right now you can buy more than you can mine. Takes coin away from the dumpers and put's it in the wallets of the holders.  I've been mining drk and selling it to buy utc 
Activity: 39
Merit: 0
March 02, 2014, 05:23:31 PM |
I dont belive UTC. UTC 'll die. Carefully!!!
Go To Hell... wait... Hell is a nice place for U... Go Fuck yourself instead. ( sorry for the swearing ) Im tired of this negativity! Can you please chastise your language a bit my dear friend? I loathe people with little or next to zero education. Thank you for showing some respect and putting some content in your messages. Don't like it.. don't read it, and the post can be deleted! Haters to the ground! No more excuses for them!
March 02, 2014, 05:23:51 PM |
What k/hash after the last n-factor change should I be getting on 270 and 280x cards..
I remember once it change people saying it halved.. currently getting 80 k.hash on my 280x but remember someone getting 150..
anyone able to help>?
Activity: 1059
Merit: 1020
March 02, 2014, 05:25:08 PM |
This is not a pump and dump, this a market shake down, all those with doubts will see what they have done in 24 hours or less.

Activity: 96
Merit: 10
March 02, 2014, 05:25:25 PM |
You guys are hilarious. If you want to prop UTC's price, you would do what I'm doing. Mine and dump other coins and buy UTC. This is a coin war. Push other coin prices down and see UTC price rise. That's why the price is increasing. Right now you can buy more than you can mine. Takes coin away from the dumpers and put's it in the wallets of the holders.  I've been mining drk and selling it to buy utc  I'm mining auroracoin, dumping and buying UTC!! 
March 02, 2014, 05:26:01 PM |
What k/hash after the last n-factor change should I be getting on 270 and 280x cards..
I remember once it change people saying it halved.. currently getting 80 k.hash on my 280x but remember someone getting 150..
anyone able to help>?
80-90kh on 270
March 02, 2014, 05:26:28 PM |
What k/hash after the last n-factor change should I be getting on 270 and 280x cards..
I remember once it change people saying it halved.. currently getting 80 k.hash on my 280x but remember someone getting 150..
anyone able to help>?
Best I could get was 130k with my Gigabyte R9 280X ver. 2 with this setting: --thread-concurrency 16384 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-engine 1000 --gpu-memclock 1500 --gpu-powertune -20 --gpu-fan 85 -w 512 -I 12 -g 2 Hope that helps
March 02, 2014, 05:28:19 PM |
What k/hash after the last n-factor change should I be getting on 270 and 280x cards..
I remember once it change people saying it halved.. currently getting 80 k.hash on my 280x but remember someone getting 150..
anyone able to help>?
Pretty sure these were right. I don't run the 270/280, so maybe another can confirm. So.. The best settings to mine UTC :
HD7950 (1044/1500) ~100khs
setx GPUMAXALLOCPERCENT 100 setx GPUUSESYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 256 -g 2 -I 12 --thread-concurrency 16384 --no-submit-stale --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
HD7970/280x (1044/1500) ~135khs(280x)
setx GPUMAXALLOCPERCENT 100 setx GPUUSESYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 256 -g 2 -I 12 --thread-concurrency 16384 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 2 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0 R9 290 8GB RAM (1040/1400) ~180khs
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 64 -g 1 -I 18 --thread-concurrency 45000 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 2 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
R9 290 4GB/6GB RAM (1040/1400) ~140khs
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp:// -u xxx -p xxx --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 64 -g 1 -I 18 --thread-concurrency 42000 --no-submit-stale --lookup-gap 3 --expiry 10 --scan-time 1 --queue 0
As i promised here are my stats:
XFX 270x double dissipation TC: 25984 Core:1150 Memclock: 1466 -I 18 (19 and 20 also work but don't add anything) -lookup-gap 2 -g 2 powertune 20 WU ~70-80 HW 0 R 0 1 gpu thread Gets 92kh/s.
XFX 290 double dissipation TC: 40992 (39992 has minimal HW) Core: 1056 Memclock: 1476 -I 18 (19 and 20 also work but don't add anything)
Ran rig for an hour. no problems. -lookup-gap 2 -g 2 powertune 20 WU ~150 HW 0 R 0 1 gpu thread gets 172kh/s.
System ram 12gb.
Think that covers most of the GPU's
March 02, 2014, 05:34:35 PM |
mintpal is moving.. cmon guys.. lets pump this! 
March 02, 2014, 05:35:52 PM |
I dont belive UTC. UTC 'll die. Carefully!!!
Go To Hell... wait... Hell is a nice place for U... Go Fuck yourself instead. ( sorry for the swearing ) Im tired of this negativity! Can you please chastise your language a bit my dear friend? I loathe people with little or next to zero education. Thank you for showing some respect and putting some content in your messages. Don't like it.. don't read it, and the post can be deleted! Haters to the ground! No more excuses for them!  Here is a perfect example of what kind of messages should be deleted (from Becel and thaitunhi)... this instead of messages with critical questions. I'm very curious about the action now from our Dev becouse this messages are still on this tread ?