July 01, 2015, 12:24:53 PM Last edit: July 01, 2015, 01:41:32 PM by riskyfire |
Byte ent payout done Amount paid, Account, TX 146449.18125, BURST-79PK-DGC2-M4XP-HUAVB, 16452953019438550100 84459.4875, BURST-W3VU-PJX2-KCN5-F3GP3, 1979365146757681004 35929.022625, BURST-EDTR-SU3E-VV64-3ALJJ, 12559751418263352250 18740.5875, BURST-J8HZ-99WH-5B3G-BCRMF, 4004712798945015150 18450, BURST-BREF-TMF3-FZU3-FR7L7, 3151641130963283850 10470.9285, BURST-Y2QP-GAKA-AECZ-9KQVA, 2190936356298492515 9225, BURST-K376-EJSB-NMC5-FDF2F, 1613098308808934939 7089.4125, BURST-ACGB-YGHQ-G9ZL-5XD7U, 13123608005577857053 4612.5, BURST-ZEWG-V3ZY-WKL8-6V4RM, 17558942153113357137 4072.37625, BURST-YSFT-M5W8-E4Z7-D7UDQ, 851956769810612246 2999.0475, BURST-N8KB-DKKW-9C4W-AF289, 11410629291917468563 2868.51375, BURST-2ECL-MQ5A-AZDN-C6WAR, 18038094886615039921 2494.90125, BURST-6CTC-EFAD-5F5U-8BFDC, 5745576403360879448 2306.25, BURST-FTMG-UHZR-8HL9-9YHNT, 13363765526473101781 2214, BURST-SQGU-CMQM-DM47-A63ZK, 10959484778092811044 1658.655, BURST-3BEM-P3WL-TBM6-APZSR, 7506042413797786371 1562.715, BURST-VVM6-WN67-TS5V-52NB3, 7134206969878721506 1196.94375, BURST-3JGU-CKJV-QQHZ-HH6RP, 6767742633854519835 1130.0625, BURST-58RS-CFFU-QDW9-9QGD6, 12684696446515582664 1062.766125, BURST-KLKV-64G5-ZS2L-6F6PP, 9025936596970056930 968.625, BURST-8XMM-697F-6T5D-C49LZ, 14372384864995713114 778.12875, BURST-EYZ9-2NHP-VN4T-72RU4, 169658914724288177 755.389125, BURST-8M7H-MECE-7TSW-BT2Z9, 4340962265467392548 641.1375, BURST-SDAC-FFUD-SMCB-D3Q74, 9219899224676923593 590.4, BURST-LSQV-BM94-VRFZ-48EUN, 1611414771056441995 507.375, BURST-G5EG-7MQ2-QJJ9-7VRCG, 2359303287138126982 507.375, BURST-LAW7-GHX4-WV6W-HNRKG, 2429571560072304543 461.25, BURST-X2LG-EB5R-JWTE-8D8ZA, 9553610314932535694 461.25, BURST-WTN9-HFDE-XBZB-933Q5, 3522249214832289093 461.25, BURST-K48W-F6TF-LQJW-FHR6A, 7368599794539359042 357.0075, BURST-UF6F-QQCT-2DDW-EUMTC, 12981391301313008585 345.9375, BURST-8RHD-L8GS-UXTN-DEPDK, 15310736242720311284 307.65375, BURST-YZJ6-LYBY-WAC6-BQYGC, 12145187652135794927 291.04875, BURST-X2MY-DV84-GB2J-HCXZE, 3267327857414737196 254.14875, BURST-TKZK-F72H-Z53X-FDSP2, 4282080497077706797 248.61375, BURST-ZTY4-QDR7-CQQW-44TUY, 12031646205449494449 230.625, BURST-J6JQ-ZWC2-RK7E-CLY93, 11756582291788720663 184.5, BURST-YA29-QCEW-QXC3-BKXDL, 12574743861193695554 179.8875, BURST-58XP-63WY-XSVQ-ASG9A, 3867338349253030267 138.375, BURST-ED7D-65NJ-9YPN-HMJ4K, 4966872939209946376 124.5375, BURST-SLHG-PCZ5-3S5N-G7LGL, 16291259645795002320 110.7, BURST-G96T-JFYP-8LFR-9V7KL, 7541381307288713816 93.1725, BURST-XK5D-GUAH-4B8F-D8LYR, 16747233745357917378 92.25, BURST-LEPZ-TS4J-JJAF-DNHYS, 16882066913349949664 92.25, BURST-98FL-KWBK-RXKB-AXF7S, 5055465268128135253 81.18, BURST-P6ZR-UMNC-P42F-8GRH5, 114020068965787269 69.1875, BURST-SARW-AZYD-WB2R-8S2NS, 17323698848975051664 57.610125, BURST-7UD2-ZVTL-9VQB-7YW9C, 6795513594587183025 50.7375, BURST-3BT5-6RGK-3TQL-GUAJ9, 4419944434285613663 46.125, BURST-ZP9M-XTWD-APKS-CD4X8, 9797544983413850631 46.125, BURST-RR2K-7NMT-GRPQ-5VCQS, 1559158332847064402 46.125, BURST-CREX-FD53-Q698-FJHLS, 9191505703071162644 46.125, BURST-VJPX-YHKZ-MBN4-866X5, 4489098383878095052 46.125, BURST-GMYT-83XW-XU8V-H5Z55, 18139825520948588504 46.125, BURST-SJFK-2JRK-38JJ-FFE6W, 15981964944602793472 46.125, BURST-UKCA-C44B-68RG-6V57F, 12034882902533402380 46.125, BURST-QNE2-ET5Q-CPX5-335BW, 15658938603791576925 32.2875, BURST-QS8X-VWZS-JVNY-7QYDU, 16565234207266394793 27.675, BURST-247J-TQC8-T5EB-EJFZP, 17064834662332486336 23.0625, BURST-6WXR-DFRA-U88E-ALANG, 15783910464190396557 23.0625, BURST-WXSL-JFPN-5VBN-2N35S, 9008661274224315795 16.14375, BURST-53DP-A7CT-YTM9-FZCLM, 3602634847141464556 9.225, BURST-WQRG-XZ67-8HX2-4ESHN, 1363857385873488208 9.225, BURST-4BT2-JDQQ-2VMA-6P4TR, 6222618335273122918 9.225, BURST-DQXD-CZKW-JFVQ-CQKRV, 6799971783192835982 6.91875, BURST-EQJE-476J-XHZU-4RAEN, 10324632616370152147 4.6125, BURST-YTCM-Z647-2XGE-APUB6, 4489974475092160792 4.6125, BURST-D4CR-L4M6-RZ9U-A5J7J, 18322977335499505103 4.6125, BURST-C7BV-TMLM-N7YM-66VTT, 7046248491896266370 4.6125, BURST-ESP6-5WD7-BH9M-A85HN, 17404241707246797617 4.6125, BURST-5SBW-4NNR-VSTU-3L7SA, 422749801318752503 4.6125, BURST-359Q-QH73-4N5P-FP54C, 11320487072253770086 4.6125, BURST-S8AY-3BZC-VUXW-EQDK7, 16778680695157340325 4.6125, BURST-6X8H-FVGN-S4VL-D6A93, 9893020108843203394 1.845, BURST-8GKG-B4KD-MDFR-4247Q, 1728592144741119684 0.9225, BURST-S37A-4WRB-RJ35-7WN5A, 17981607465433268853 0.46125, BURST-WKHQ-LQXX-HUR9-C5VQ2, 8940479497123239012 0.09225, BURST-T49R-U9ES-W7N3-6PDNJ, 15168230588998639734 ------------All transactions processed------------ What was the payment per share, 0.7495? I'm not sure if I got paid for my original of 4002 shares or currently holding of 6502 shares? Is there an ex dividend date?
July 01, 2015, 11:21:19 PM |
Byte ent payout done Amount paid, Account, TX 146449.18125, BURST-79PK-DGC2-M4XP-HUAVB, 16452953019438550100 84459.4875, BURST-W3VU-PJX2-KCN5-F3GP3, 1979365146757681004 35929.022625, BURST-EDTR-SU3E-VV64-3ALJJ, 12559751418263352250 18740.5875, BURST-J8HZ-99WH-5B3G-BCRMF, 4004712798945015150 18450, BURST-BREF-TMF3-FZU3-FR7L7, 3151641130963283850 10470.9285, BURST-Y2QP-GAKA-AECZ-9KQVA, 2190936356298492515 9225, BURST-K376-EJSB-NMC5-FDF2F, 1613098308808934939 7089.4125, BURST-ACGB-YGHQ-G9ZL-5XD7U, 13123608005577857053 4612.5, BURST-ZEWG-V3ZY-WKL8-6V4RM, 17558942153113357137 4072.37625, BURST-YSFT-M5W8-E4Z7-D7UDQ, 851956769810612246 2999.0475, BURST-N8KB-DKKW-9C4W-AF289, 11410629291917468563 2868.51375, BURST-2ECL-MQ5A-AZDN-C6WAR, 18038094886615039921 2494.90125, BURST-6CTC-EFAD-5F5U-8BFDC, 5745576403360879448 2306.25, BURST-FTMG-UHZR-8HL9-9YHNT, 13363765526473101781 2214, BURST-SQGU-CMQM-DM47-A63ZK, 10959484778092811044 1658.655, BURST-3BEM-P3WL-TBM6-APZSR, 7506042413797786371 1562.715, BURST-VVM6-WN67-TS5V-52NB3, 7134206969878721506 1196.94375, BURST-3JGU-CKJV-QQHZ-HH6RP, 6767742633854519835 1130.0625, BURST-58RS-CFFU-QDW9-9QGD6, 12684696446515582664 1062.766125, BURST-KLKV-64G5-ZS2L-6F6PP, 9025936596970056930 968.625, BURST-8XMM-697F-6T5D-C49LZ, 14372384864995713114 778.12875, BURST-EYZ9-2NHP-VN4T-72RU4, 169658914724288177 755.389125, BURST-8M7H-MECE-7TSW-BT2Z9, 4340962265467392548 641.1375, BURST-SDAC-FFUD-SMCB-D3Q74, 9219899224676923593 590.4, BURST-LSQV-BM94-VRFZ-48EUN, 1611414771056441995 507.375, BURST-G5EG-7MQ2-QJJ9-7VRCG, 2359303287138126982 507.375, BURST-LAW7-GHX4-WV6W-HNRKG, 2429571560072304543 461.25, BURST-X2LG-EB5R-JWTE-8D8ZA, 9553610314932535694 461.25, BURST-WTN9-HFDE-XBZB-933Q5, 3522249214832289093 461.25, BURST-K48W-F6TF-LQJW-FHR6A, 7368599794539359042 357.0075, BURST-UF6F-QQCT-2DDW-EUMTC, 12981391301313008585 345.9375, BURST-8RHD-L8GS-UXTN-DEPDK, 15310736242720311284 307.65375, BURST-YZJ6-LYBY-WAC6-BQYGC, 12145187652135794927 291.04875, BURST-X2MY-DV84-GB2J-HCXZE, 3267327857414737196 254.14875, BURST-TKZK-F72H-Z53X-FDSP2, 4282080497077706797 248.61375, BURST-ZTY4-QDR7-CQQW-44TUY, 12031646205449494449 230.625, BURST-J6JQ-ZWC2-RK7E-CLY93, 11756582291788720663 184.5, BURST-YA29-QCEW-QXC3-BKXDL, 12574743861193695554 179.8875, BURST-58XP-63WY-XSVQ-ASG9A, 3867338349253030267 138.375, BURST-ED7D-65NJ-9YPN-HMJ4K, 4966872939209946376 124.5375, BURST-SLHG-PCZ5-3S5N-G7LGL, 16291259645795002320 110.7, BURST-G96T-JFYP-8LFR-9V7KL, 7541381307288713816 93.1725, BURST-XK5D-GUAH-4B8F-D8LYR, 16747233745357917378 92.25, BURST-LEPZ-TS4J-JJAF-DNHYS, 16882066913349949664 92.25, BURST-98FL-KWBK-RXKB-AXF7S, 5055465268128135253 81.18, BURST-P6ZR-UMNC-P42F-8GRH5, 114020068965787269 69.1875, BURST-SARW-AZYD-WB2R-8S2NS, 17323698848975051664 57.610125, BURST-7UD2-ZVTL-9VQB-7YW9C, 6795513594587183025 50.7375, BURST-3BT5-6RGK-3TQL-GUAJ9, 4419944434285613663 46.125, BURST-ZP9M-XTWD-APKS-CD4X8, 9797544983413850631 46.125, BURST-RR2K-7NMT-GRPQ-5VCQS, 1559158332847064402 46.125, BURST-CREX-FD53-Q698-FJHLS, 9191505703071162644 46.125, BURST-VJPX-YHKZ-MBN4-866X5, 4489098383878095052 46.125, BURST-GMYT-83XW-XU8V-H5Z55, 18139825520948588504 46.125, BURST-SJFK-2JRK-38JJ-FFE6W, 15981964944602793472 46.125, BURST-UKCA-C44B-68RG-6V57F, 12034882902533402380 46.125, BURST-QNE2-ET5Q-CPX5-335BW, 15658938603791576925 32.2875, BURST-QS8X-VWZS-JVNY-7QYDU, 16565234207266394793 27.675, BURST-247J-TQC8-T5EB-EJFZP, 17064834662332486336 23.0625, BURST-6WXR-DFRA-U88E-ALANG, 15783910464190396557 23.0625, BURST-WXSL-JFPN-5VBN-2N35S, 9008661274224315795 16.14375, BURST-53DP-A7CT-YTM9-FZCLM, 3602634847141464556 9.225, BURST-WQRG-XZ67-8HX2-4ESHN, 1363857385873488208 9.225, BURST-4BT2-JDQQ-2VMA-6P4TR, 6222618335273122918 9.225, BURST-DQXD-CZKW-JFVQ-CQKRV, 6799971783192835982 6.91875, BURST-EQJE-476J-XHZU-4RAEN, 10324632616370152147 4.6125, BURST-YTCM-Z647-2XGE-APUB6, 4489974475092160792 4.6125, BURST-D4CR-L4M6-RZ9U-A5J7J, 18322977335499505103 4.6125, BURST-C7BV-TMLM-N7YM-66VTT, 7046248491896266370 4.6125, BURST-ESP6-5WD7-BH9M-A85HN, 17404241707246797617 4.6125, BURST-5SBW-4NNR-VSTU-3L7SA, 422749801318752503 4.6125, BURST-359Q-QH73-4N5P-FP54C, 11320487072253770086 4.6125, BURST-S8AY-3BZC-VUXW-EQDK7, 16778680695157340325 4.6125, BURST-6X8H-FVGN-S4VL-D6A93, 9893020108843203394 1.845, BURST-8GKG-B4KD-MDFR-4247Q, 1728592144741119684 0.9225, BURST-S37A-4WRB-RJ35-7WN5A, 17981607465433268853 0.46125, BURST-WKHQ-LQXX-HUR9-C5VQ2, 8940479497123239012 0.09225, BURST-T49R-U9ES-W7N3-6PDNJ, 15168230588998639734 ------------All transactions processed------------ What was the payment per share, 0.7495? I'm not sure if I got paid for my original of 4002 shares or currently holding of 6502 shares? Is there an ex dividend date? I get to 0.46125..... And yeah, sorry, tiny payout this month, we'll have to work on that ;P
July 01, 2015, 11:48:57 PM |
The longest thread suddenly became all quite... No longer on the first page?! When did that happen?
Where is everyone? No interest anymore? No question asked, and question answered? Well, I try to get the thread going again:
- irontiga, what's your opinion on TheBurstTruth's words about your boss?
July 01, 2015, 11:53:12 PM Last edit: July 02, 2015, 12:29:38 AM by jorjito25 |
Oh, the price... I checked poloniex, and there are 105,766,034 BURST for sell (about 70 dollars BTC) and 7.1 BTC in buys. Is this normal or a change?
Activity: 1470
Merit: 1002
July 01, 2015, 11:55:59 PM |
What would be a 2 TB external hdd profit ? How long can i make ROI. The project seems to be interesting
Activity: 1050
Merit: 1000
July 02, 2015, 12:05:52 AM |
What would be a 2 TB external hdd profit ? How long can i make ROI. The project seems to be interesting
newbies ....
July 02, 2015, 12:38:41 AM |
What would be a 2 TB external hdd profit ? How long can i make ROI. The project seems to be interesting
newbies .... Did it not use to be an calculator for these kind of things or is it gone? Anyways, with the current market price and if you actually buy a full-priced HDD (and not steal it as some seem to do ), I would guess you are looking for ROI in more then one year. Already ROI on new equipment used to be bad when price was double of what it is today, and any upswing in price I have hard to see in the near future, given that maindev is not thinking of some kind of fork.
July 02, 2015, 12:40:09 AM |
The longest thread suddenly became all quite... No longer on the first page?! When did that happen?
Where is everyone? No interest anymore? No question asked, and question answered? Well, I try to get the thread going again:
- irontiga, what's your opinion on TheBurstTruth's words about your boss?
IronTiga does not have a boss, he is only working for himself (anonymously).
July 02, 2015, 12:45:37 AM |
Oh, the price... I checked poloniex, and there are 105,766,034 BURST for sell (about 70 dollars BTC) and 7.1 BTC in buys. Is this normal or a change?
Either the numbers changed or you look accross some columns ;-) At the moment buying: 7.2850 BTC and selling 142.5969 BTC
July 02, 2015, 12:55:45 AM |
Oh, the price... I checked poloniex, and there are 105,766,034 BURST for sell (about 70 dollars BTC) and 7.1 BTC in buys. Is this normal or a change?
Either the numbers changed or you look accross some columns ;-) At the moment buying: 7.2850 BTC and selling 142.5969 BTC Sorry if I didn't get the correct figures, but the sentiment of my post still stands with your numbers, I think.
July 02, 2015, 12:58:36 AM |
The longest thread suddenly became all quite... No longer on the first page?! When did that happen?
Where is everyone? No interest anymore? No question asked, and question answered? Well, I try to get the thread going again:
- irontiga, what's your opinion on TheBurstTruth's words about your boss?
IronTiga does not have a boss, he is only working for himself (anonymously). What do you mean by that he is working "for himself (anonymously)"? Does he not build all crowetic's websites?
Activity: 2282
Merit: 1072
https://crowetic.com | https://qortal.org
July 02, 2015, 01:44:12 AM |
@mmmaybe -
dude, give it up, you're found out.
1. No one defends 'not' themselves with a two fuckin page response.
2. just shut up.
3. Your mining gear is still mining from the same place, on the same pool.
4. You're talking in Sweden threads - what are the odds your account was bought by not only another swede, but one from the same place? Gothenburg? Not very likely huh?
5. Since you aren't checking this thread anymore, I don't expect you to reply. Kindly go the fuck away and play your games elsewhere, you've already completely ruined your reputation with me, and I'm not the type to let this kind of shit go.
6. Would a rich man steal what little money the PR team had donated to them? Yes, if he was a rich fuckhead, or a normal dude who makes up dumb stories and lies all the time. AKA you.
I DID consider you a friend, but you can seriously rot in hell for all I care, and I know that my comments may not be something the PR team agrees with, but I'm seriously not the type to take this kind of shit in stride, I can't STAND game playing fuckheads, and I will not pretend otherwise.
**my apologies to anyone this offends.**
Hello, This is Karl Perkin again. This might not seem believable, not even to me, but I was just contacted by a member called TheBurstTruth, who could not post in this thread due to being newly registered: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=527438. Evidently, there is some restrictions. However, the content sent to me is new and so very detailed that I find it interesting enough to post it for him. Please note, I do not take stance to what he writes. Warm regards, Karl ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FROM TheBurstTruthI'm offended. Very offended, you fucking little lying creep, just thinking of money! I'm not accepting any apology from you. Here's the truth, bitch! mmmaybe, or my best friend Fredrik, is dead. Very dead. Gone. Forever. I put flowers on his grave every week, and I have got psychological problems after his passing. Fredrik was a very generous man but also a harder fighter than I never seen seen before. We grow up together, we went to school together and hangout afterwards, doing things we weren't supposed to. Had the time of our life, we thought. He came from a family better off than mine - my father was a carpenter and I'm a simple security guard trying to get by, now in the middle of some crypto-shit-conflict with plentiful lies of my friend. Fredrik was well-off, his father had die before Fredrik started school and left a healthy inheritance from him and his sister. As he didn't need to work, he spent money like crazy, wanting to enjoy life, and invited his friends along. Then we really had the time of our life. A bit contradictory, he liked Nine Inch Nails, and often said "We are in this together, Tom". At the funeral, I had a hand-made nine inch nail put into the coffin. "You and I, Fredrik and Thomas." Early in the spring this year, Fredrik got a fast-growing brain tumor, and after a while he underwent surgery. That time everything seem to went well, they removed it by drilling a hole in his skull and the test showed it wasn't malignant. Perhaps they were correct, but then he had really bad luck (and the genes of his father). Still with a bandage on his head, he faced the diagnose skeleton cancer. It was aggressive as hell, and he went in and out from hospitals. Finally he ended up at a university hospital north of Stockholm. For dieing. But it would take time for death to come. I was there several times. We talked of old times, of course, but also he told me about BURST, the role he had in it and the investments he had done. He didn't mention the 10 million BURST he apparently donated unnoticed (they are not on that list, but I can see them in the transfer list and notes) to get things going. He believed in BURST (he always emailed with the name in capital letters), and he wanted me to inherit, what he believed would be a fortune in the future. At the time I knew absolutely nothing about cryptocurrency, but we talked and he wrote long emails. And I tried to learn. I even logged in to Bitcointalk with his handle but never wrote anything, just reading he's posts. But it was weird and I gave it away to a friend who wanted it for writing nonsense here and get paid for it (yesterday he wrote me he made over 100 bucks in a week with different accounts.) Before Fredrik passed, I got loads of passwords in txt documents, they were in mess and it took days to figure things out (if I ever did). It turned of he had almost 60 million BURST, if I found them all (which I doubt). Not a single coin has been sold, only relocated into "cold-storage" (as I think you call it). Just the other day, I also found out he had some kind of an asset, which I didn't understand what it was, despite it was worths BURSTs. I but tried to get rid of those to put also them into cold-storage. Perhaps as I didn't knew was I was doing (they didn't sell and I even put out buy-orders), or perhaps because it it was Creep-crowetic's asset, it was called "dumping" by the shit-head. So why is crowetic a lier, shit-head, Creep and potential thief...? Let me tell you. Of those 60 million BURST, Fredrik had bought some but he still had some impressive mining equipment (in a room I never entered while visiting as it was his former girl's dressing room). When I got there after he passed, I could understand how the setup had developed. First, he had three "rigs" with about 50 TB of capacity which was working/running, but in a terrible state. An electrician would not had approved of the wiring for sure. Secondly, he had a much bigger setup but more properly constructed. I counted the power to +200TB. Thirdly, Fredrik had unpacked HDDs in the room. Many of them: +342TB in boxes, all new. What Fredrik wanted me do to, he said prior death, was to remove the boxes, as those were stolen property. But he's first setup should stay as well as the second, huge one. He said I would get those by the will he had written. So I concentrated on the boxes, removed them as he wished and turned the power off of the other stuff. The Creep-crowetic not only tried to over and over convince Fredrik to give HIM the holdings "as a donation". You have to remember that Fredrik, although constant high on opiates the last weeks, still was very, very weak. A person in that state, you do not urge to do things, especially not things benefiting yourself - to a person in that state, you listen, support, help. But not the Creep. In my world, you do not send constant emails about a donation to a heavily medicated, dieing man but the Creep-Jason had no problem at all doing just that. He even wanted the phone number to Fredrik's room at the hospital, so he could reach him when he wanted! More over, the fucking Creep wanted Fredrik, during his very last days, to arrange a shipment of all the HDD to the US. The Creep continued to keep the pressure on, not a day without emails or other communications. You where such a good friend, Creep... Really. Asshole. To all this comes another rather delicate problem. Those boxes of HDDs I removed from his apartment was stolen items. Not by Fredrik himself, but by people he knew. As he spent a lot a time on clubs and the city casino, he knew some shady people, some going back to us growing us. He had bought the disks very cheaply from them. The Creep wanted those too. Stolen equipment was apparently as good as everything else. Not talking about the ethical matter here (Fredrik wasn't a saint in any way, let me say that), but the shipment cost would have been huge. "Just send them, I take care of it", said the fucking Creep. While visiting Fredrik the last time, he let me in on his own idea. He still immensely believed in BURST, but he saw no reason to donate 60 million BURST to a guy so eager he probably would had killed to have it done. He told me: "Jason shouldn't have so much power over BURST". He also told me the real reason the Creep wanted the money, in detail, but I will not say more than it had to do with bad financial. During the same talk, Fredrik repeatedly emphasized that he saw it completely irrational to ship a ton or two of HDDs from Sweden to the US when the mining operation likewise could be done from Sweden. He was also deeply worried f it would be possible to ship the illegally purchased HDDs to the US. Being a professor, he imagined there at least would be headlines in the local press if they were seized. His last wish was to try to continue the mining operation from Sweden and try to benefit BURST with the income the generated and his current holding. He also instructed me, to get some extra time, to contact the Creep and say he would get what he was asking for, while that never was the plan. The Creep was tricked. Today, Fredrik's sister is living in his apartment, fully aware of this story and his last wish. After some re-wiring, the two separate rigs were started again. As I understand it, one it solo mining while the other is on Dev's pool. The HDDs in boxes has not be installed, nor will they. We keep selling them box by box, and transferring the funds into BTC. About half have been sold so far, not to full price but fully ok. We accumulate BTC to help BURST, but on the terms we know Fredrik would want and not for making money as the Creep. The only ones he trusted was Dev and some "Max". That's pretty much the whole story, even if I leave some details out to keep the Creep out of prison. You have the option to do what you want with the Creep and all his assets, blogs, puppets and pool - who lie to you all and tried to steal from a dieing man. The only one I will try to take contact with eventually is the maindev to ask for his advice. To help out, my strong recommendation will be to remove the Creep from all official position. The things he has done, you simply do not do. On Sunday, I'll walk to Fredrik's grave, remove the faded flowers and put my besides all the fresh ones a, probably crying but happy that he is unaware of what happened after his death. //Tom I could easily refute all of this with emails that had been sent to me offering donations, without any prompting from me. This guy is clearly all the same person with shill accounts and I'm frankly not into the games/bullshit. mmmaybe came at me with this offer before I knew anything of anything. honestly I didn't even bother to read the rest of this post, because it is clearly bullshit. however, I guess if people would like, I can post screenshots of the emails that were sent to me to put this to rest once and for all, but clearly that won't make a difference, if people are out for drama and nonsense, they're going to get it no matter what... SO... all I can really say is... uh...no. This is all complete nonsense that I can easily prove false, but is this what we want to turn this thread into? no. This thread is about BURST, not about some psycho's idea of a fun time. another however, if you, Karl/mmmaybe/thomas/TheBurstTruth/etc etc... would like to make another thread and actually accuse me of something that I've done wrong, go for it, and in that thread I will post proof pics of the opposite of literally everything you said (that I actually read...) The thing is... I'm not here to play games with sociopaths. I'm here to make a company, and better the coin I like. Keep this nonsense out of the BURST thread, make another thread, come here, post a link to it, and I will gladly make you look even more stupid. okay?
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| .⊙.Web and Application hosting. ⊙ decentralized infrastructure .⊙.leveling and voting.
| Founder/current dev group facilitator |
[/td][/tr][/table] [/table]
July 02, 2015, 02:16:39 AM |
whois thepowerofbitcoin.org NOT FOUND
You may want to update your signature!
July 02, 2015, 02:18:15 AM |
So, what is the rest of the PR team now up to?
Any promotions? Any documents? Any ideas?
July 02, 2015, 02:26:26 AM |
The longest thread suddenly became all quite... No longer on the first page?! When did that happen?
Where is everyone? No interest anymore? No question asked, and question answered? Well, I try to get the thread going again:
- irontiga, what's your opinion on TheBurstTruth's words about your boss?
IronTiga does not have a boss, he is only working for himself (anonymously). What do you mean by that he is working "for himself (anonymously)"? Does he not build all crowetic's websites? Who is irontiga? We don't know! As all people in the forum are here with a nick, with no reference to real life. IronTiga picks the cherry for himself, convinced me to give him assets to slam it. I made a mistake in my calculation and HE KNOWS that! but he would not think about to return the overpaid dividends. I paid it from my own pocket, it was also my mistake! However, it shows the real character of a person. All he "helped" me was with wrong instructions and a not working asset dividend script. To make a website isn't a miracle anymore. I don't think crowtec is his boss. I guess more, that crowtec is (or will be) another victim.
Karl Perkin
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 02, 2015, 02:44:16 AM |
Hello crowetic,
Please do not bring me into this. All I got was a message with a content I, at that point, judged relevant to a heated discussion going on here for weeks.
I perhaps will make another assessment in a few weeks and come to different conclusion as I admit to have acted in haste, but today I still see it as relevant to publish as it actually give other possible explanation than have previously been posted. I think that is especially important when things I formally did not know or believe is pointed out. Generally I hold that as a vital principle when dealing with people. The human history is fully of misjudgments and errors corrected with time and reason.
Due to the unstable situation this has caused, I have put my work with my Twitter on hold but hoping to resume soon.
Warm regards, Karl
July 02, 2015, 02:59:18 AM |
Due to the unstable situation this has caused, I have put my work with my Twitter on hold but hoping to resume soon.
I don't think this is the right approach. We need to promote BURST more to get people aware of the benefit of POC (energy cost) and features (AT, lottery, crowdfunding, assets, shops, ... ) Unfortunately we do not get much info from the dev team. Simple things, like AT is not yet implemented as standard. That is really a business obstacle.
July 02, 2015, 03:07:18 AM |
I could easily refute all of this with emails that had been sent to me offering donations, without any prompting from me. This guy is clearly all the same person with shill accounts and I'm frankly not into the games/bullshit.
mmmaybe came at me with this offer before I knew anything of anything.
honestly I didn't even bother to read the rest of this post, because it is clearly bullshit.
however, I guess if people would like, I can post screenshots of the emails that were sent to me to put this to rest once and for all, but clearly that won't make a difference, if people are out for drama and nonsense, they're going to get it no matter what... SO... all I can really say is... uh...no.
This is all complete nonsense that I can easily prove false, but is this what we want to turn this thread into? no.
This thread is about BURST, not about some psycho's idea of a fun time.
another however, if you, Karl/mmmaybe/thomas/TheBurstTruth/etc etc... would like to make another thread and actually accuse me of something that I've done wrong, go for it, and in that thread I will post proof pics of the opposite of literally everything you said (that I actually read...)
The thing is... I'm not here to play games with sociopaths. I'm here to make a company, and better the coin I like.
Keep this nonsense out of the BURST thread, make another thread, come here, post a link to it, and I will gladly make you look even more stupid. okay?
How about you calm down a bit? You are easily the man most associated with Burst, and I don't think your posts benefits the coin in any way right now. Ok...?
Karl Perkin
Activity: 56
Merit: 0
July 02, 2015, 03:12:49 AM |
Due to the unstable situation this has caused, I have put my work with my Twitter on hold but hoping to resume soon.
I don't think this is the right approach. We need to promote BURST more to get people aware of the benefit of POC (energy cost) and features (AT, lottery, crowdfunding, assets, shops, ... ) Unfortunately we do not get much info from the dev team. Simple things, like AT is not yet implemented as standard. That is really a business obstacle. Perhaps you are correct. As I said, human history is full of misjudgments and errors. Perhaps you should think about that too when openly criticizing volunteers most probably doing their very best for your investments...? Everyone can make mistakes. Regards, Karl
July 02, 2015, 05:04:44 AM |
As one of the "angels", I donated the better part of 1 BTC to one of the PR Campaigns that mmaybe was organizing, that never happened. If mmaybe is alive, I'd appreciate the return of that contribution so it can be re-donated to the real PR team; if Thomas is real, has access to mmaybe's accounts, and what happened with mmaybe is true, then I'd still appreciate a refund; In reality - I believe this Burst Angel was just another mmaybe scam victim. Time will tell.
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