Tomb Sweeping, Easter, the Mystical Orient, etc...
This is a holiday weekend for many reasons, it seems, depending on your people. I hope that sp_ returns safely from his vacation, soon. His well-followed (and referenced) thread has been wandering the desert while he has been scaling the mystic oriental heights in search of the best Bitcoin beer and perhaps racking up an expense tab on a crypto-mogul.
I've been reading about "Coolbits" and Linux overclocking. From a post on another blog, I've found and re-written an xorg.conf file. I haven't tried it yet. I am going to place it in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ on my Ubuntu 14.04 Linux box, with the filename "50-nvidia.conf":
Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"
VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
BoardName "GeForce GTX 750 Ti"
Option "Coolbits" "28"
Option "TripleBuffer" "True"
The page on which the original configuration file was found is at "", and the post was from user "manorba", posted 23/MAR/15. I believe that his system has a single 650ti.
The "Coolbits" option is set at "28"; this number being derived from "4" + "8" + "16". If "Coolbits" is set at "4", fan control is enabled, if set at "8", clock adjustments are enabled, if set at "16", power adjustments are enabled. Nvidia Linux driver 346 + drivers are required for all three of these user-controls to be enabled. I have read that power adjustments are command-line interface (CLI) only. Also, a setting of "12" enables only fan+clock controls.
I am posting this here so that performance-minded Linux users can perhaps come up with working nvidia configurations for multi-card mining boxes. In a preliminary experiment, I was only able to enable the nvidia-settings GUI fan and clock controls for my device0 card in my 6x750ti rig.
I hope, because sp_ is performance minded, that this is not too far off-topic. On my Windows box, I discovered that EVGA PrecisionX 16, their overclocking program, is limited to a maximum of 4 cards. I am looking for a better program, one that will manage 6 cards, or I may revert to Linux. And, for those that overclocked in Linux years ago, a "Coolbits" setting of "1" only works with older Nvidia cards and drivers.
I hope that all enjoy a holiday weekend, wherever they may be in the world! --scryptr