BitBaydev (OP)

Activity: 155
Merit: 11
March 25, 2015, 05:38:54 PM |
The new QT on Mac works perfectly fine, however the client for Mac crashes every time during Setup Wizard. I'm on OS X Yosemite. Anybody experiencing the same issue?
the same...  (mac os x 10.10.1) Please note that the Market Client is out on it's first public beta test, the idea being that we can get all of your feedback and fix any problems to produce a perfectly working client. This is the reason we are releasing stable QT wallets, so you can stake and send/receive with them while we develop and test the full client. The beta Market Client will go through many changes before we release a final stable version, so as always with beta software, use with caution and expect some turbulence, especially in the early days.

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
March 25, 2015, 05:57:23 PM |
I apologize for the false alarm. I misunderstood it  Sorry Pleas Gizfreak removed post
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 25, 2015, 06:03:23 PM |
The new QT on Mac works perfectly fine, however the client for Mac crashes every time during Setup Wizard. I'm on OS X Yosemite. Anybody experiencing the same issue?
the same...  (mac os x 10.10.1) Please note that the Market Client is out on it's first public beta test, the idea being that we can get all of your feedback and fix any problems to produce a perfectly working client. This is the reason we are releasing stable QT wallets, so you can stake and send/receive with them while we develop and test the full client. The beta Market Client will go through many changes before we release a final stable version, so as always with beta software, use with caution and expect some turbulence, especially in the early days. The BitBay client works fine its only calling the daemons as a subprocess. Bitbayd and Blackcoind. Getting a static build that is good for commercial release. For example we were told getting a linux build for all versions of linux in one client is not practical because of libraries for certain computers being different. Our windows build works on 100% of the systems currently. The others working on more than 90% (according to reports vs download counter) Still though, reports are very important. The reason for public release was because we need more Macs to test on.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 06:15:51 PM |
I loaded the client at still can't get markets to load. Can someone explain how to get this to work. Pretend I am 5 years old.

Activity: 66
Merit: 10
March 25, 2015, 07:25:33 PM |
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1000
Allergic to false promises
March 25, 2015, 08:12:18 PM |
I apologize for the false alarm. I misunderstood it  Sorry Pleas Gizfreak removed post NP I also had to look it over twice to see what they mend by that 
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1000
March 25, 2015, 08:25:13 PM |
how long does it take for contracts to come up?. I set up a contract but have yet to see it on the market
March 25, 2015, 09:01:05 PM |
I tried to create a wallet/address, first time when I installed the software and now from File menu. I named two key files and tried to save them to a different directories, but the files did not appear and the address was not created. Some time ago I tried it with the qt wallet and had the same result, no files and no address. I'm using windows 7.
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 25, 2015, 09:06:51 PM |
I loaded the client at still can't get markets to load. Can someone explain how to get this to work. Pretend I am 5 years old.
Ok sure. First of all, it works on Bitmessage. You are a node in the network. Everyone will pass messages around to their neighbors and eventually the message will get to you. If you can decrypt it, its for you. No servers needed to run this. However, it may take time the first time you connect to the markets. And after two days, orders are forgotten by the nodes. However, a node can of course send the order again as a reminder to new people once it leaves the market. So first of all, take some time to let the nodes find each other. You have a list of nodes and messages will eventually need to find you. However, once the full list of peers is obtained, things start working very fast. So first, you should check and see if you have a good connection in the receive tab. If you see about 8 or more connections you are good. Next, let it find all the nodes. Sometimes that is very fast and sometimes not. Lastly, go ahead and test sending to the market. If your network is running properly anything you send to the market will show in the market tab. I will send some orders to the market to fill it up a bit. If you want more assistance, please PM me and would be happy to help.
March 25, 2015, 09:29:37 PM |
How cute. David has a stalker.
That's me on twitter --> @spookycoins
March 25, 2015, 09:48:24 PM |
As always have a lot of threads in the market.which better thanothers and trustful will be forward... 
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 25, 2015, 11:26:51 PM |
I tried to create a wallet/address, first time when I installed the software and now from File menu. I named two key files and tried to save them to a different directories, but the files did not appear and the address was not created. Some time ago I tried it with the qt wallet and had the same result, no files and no address. I'm using windows 7.
Did you install to somewhere where you have no write access? Or are you trying to save keys to certain directories without write access? I saw this issue before with my friends computer. It wasnt allowed to save to certain directories! Go ahead and see where you can write to. Also, make sure it has admin privelages.
March 25, 2015, 11:39:55 PM Last edit: March 26, 2015, 12:12:28 AM by rqdxrocket |
I have posted my tire pressure gauge listing again but I have yet to see it appear in the market, I sent it using bitmessage. Actually I dont see any items currently in the market. Also if I want a custom contract to appear on the market do I need to fill in the "Send Contract to" field? If i dont fill it in it doesnt seem to try to send to the market. The only way I can get my listing to appear in the market is if I put in an address in the "Send Contract to" field.
My listing is now on the market but I had to search for it to get it to appear
March 26, 2015, 12:24:13 AM |
OK thx for letting me know
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 26, 2015, 01:18:51 AM |
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 26, 2015, 02:22:36 AM |
OK so there was 2 people that didnt see the markets populate. Thats because the default address never loaded. You can solve it by adding it manually to other.dat
If you PM me I can explain how to do it.
Other than that, everything else should be working perfectly.

Activity: 85
Merit: 10
March 26, 2015, 04:14:27 AM |
Did you install to somewhere where you have no write access? Or are you trying to save keys to certain directories without write access? I saw this issue before with my friends computer. It wasnt allowed to save to certain directories! Go ahead and see where you can write to. Also, make sure it has admin privelages.
Does the client display an error message when it experiences a write error?
Activity: 2415
Merit: 1044
March 26, 2015, 09:22:22 AM |
Did you install to somewhere where you have no write access? Or are you trying to save keys to certain directories without write access? I saw this issue before with my friends computer. It wasnt allowed to save to certain directories! Go ahead and see where you can write to. Also, make sure it has admin privelages.
Does the client display an error message when it experiences a write error? Nope, but the write permission error will only happen when trying to make new wallets. If it happened with the core program, it wouldnt load. Oh! One reason for the error too might be to save to a folder that isnt unicode. For example, you have a non-alphanumeric character in your username like a chinese character. I think its a pyqt thing. Bitmessage had the same bug which is why i simply save their data locally.
March 26, 2015, 10:09:28 AM |
Looking good David and team, am impressed with this market 