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7881  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 26-July-2019] on: July 31, 2019, 03:09:12 AM
LoyceV, as I know, in some weeks.

LoyceV isn't a spammer, or he'd get booted off the Chipmixer campaign, but if you look through his posts, one of the reasons he makes so many posts is threads like this one with frequent updates, and because there's a 64k post char count limit, he has to make several posts one after another.
I do not imply LoyceV is a spammer, I know him so well because he dumped his data in my thread over weeks. Help me a lot.
In some weeks, his posts rocketed, especially when there were spam attacks, and some of users asked him for data; or with the latest ban wave in April and May.
His posts dropped since that day:
LoyceV's useful data on Bitcointalk

I've created so many topics by now, I can't keep bumping all of them.
Time Series Analysis on Distributed Merits in the forum (daily, weekly, monthly)
I will keep the topic update regularly on weekly basis (mainly because I use weekly data dumps from LoyceV).
7882  Economy / Gambling / Re: – The World's Best Fully Featured Casino. Play or Invest! on: July 31, 2019, 03:05:31 AM
I'd appreciate if you had the courage to post from your main account.
LOL, it is just a question, and do not require courage to ask from main account. I saw MintDice team wrote in previous page that the team have plan to run different types of promotion, including signature campaign. I believe they will at the right time, because I saw their ad banner in the forum, that is a good signal of serious promotion.
Do you have any signature campaign?
We don't have a signature campaign right now. But we are working on building one Smiley
7883  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 26-July-2019] on: July 31, 2019, 02:55:14 AM
I'd like to see which posters you have in mind who can consistently make 100-120 high quality posts per week. Most of the time it's regurgitating other users' answers at best.
LoyceV, as I know, in some weeks. 120 is an exaggeration (I already edited my original post, sorry), but 100 is fair enough.
7884  Local / Others (Pilipinas) / Re: [DISCUSSION] What have you learned on BITCOINTALK FORUM? Share Your Experiences. on: July 31, 2019, 02:51:21 AM
Looks like you all have your interesting story with the forum. If you are self-made users, whom starting from scratch, then become self-made Full Member, self-made Senior Member, self-made Hero Member, please leave your story in my thread.
Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users
For Hero Members and Legendary members, you can leave your stories too, even you are just half-self-made members (started from Members, Full Members with merit system, then hit those ranks).
7885  Economy / Service Discussion / Re: Overview of Bitcointalk Signature-Ad Campaigns [Last update: 26-July-2019] on: July 31, 2019, 02:42:35 AM
Does anyone else feel like that can encourage spam? How often do you see 60 quality posts a week?(I was thinking of posting this in the actual thread but I’m not sure if that would constitute as spam.)
It does not a matter, in my opinion.
Bitvest campaign has run in the forum, for years, not recently.
I know there are some users in the forum, whom usually makes 100 - 120 posts per week, with high or extremely high quality, for their own interests, writing for fun (they likely have fun when they write their constructive posts, or simply for their bussiness).
For the rest, 60-post-quota per week is acceptable. I don't see issues with 9-10 posts per day, in average.

For campaign participants, if they spend enough time, and really concentrate on discussion, on what they write with decent efforts for each post, I do believe that they can make it, without issues.

The last and most important thing, is the campaign's managers. If managers are strictly controlled participants' posts with timegaps between posts (burstposting), length, contents of posts; then reject all unqualifying posts (reject payments for those posts). Yes, there will be no issues at all!
7886  Economy / Services / Re: ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: July 30, 2019, 05:36:11 AM
but this is a bit strange in Tier C, the pay per post for Sr. members and above is less (0.0000225) than members and full members. (0.000030)
I don't see anything wrong with payment rates for different ranks in Tier C. How 2500 satoshis per post in non-gambling sections are lower than 2250 satoshis and 1750 satoshis, for Full member, and Member ranks, respectively?
Basically, rates for Tier C (all ranks) are lower than rates for Tier A, and B (at same ranks); but higher than rates for Tier D (at same ranks)
Tier C)

2 Heros @ 3000 Satoshis/post | Bonus: 300 Satoshis(Extra) / Post
2 Seniors @ 2500 Satoshis/post | Bonus: 300 Satoshis(Extra) / Post
2 Full Member @ 2250 Satoshis/post | Bonus: 300 Satoshis(Extra) / Post
2 Member @ 1750 Satoshis/post | Bonus: 300 Satoshis(Extra) / Post
7887  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BitcoinTalk Account is 3 years old and 88 posts. Still “newbie” and 0 Merit. on: July 30, 2019, 05:14:08 AM
You can ask what you need here, then I and others can help you. Moreover, you will become a Junior Member soon, don't worry, just four more activity points, then you will hit it.

Hey, it's not about ranking XD. I wanted to take your permission to translate some of your very informative topics into the Arabic language.
Thank you!
Accepted! You are free to do it, manually, and please remember don't use Google Translator. I don't know Arabic, so when you finish your Arabic translations, I will have to wait for confirmations on quality from Arabic mods and/ or community. Good luck.
7888  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users on: July 30, 2019, 05:11:15 AM
This thread is contentful, and deserves a slot in OP. Added!
The problem begins and ends with YOU. (by Aero Blue)
7889  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BitcoinTalk Account is 3 years old and 88 posts. Still “newbie” and 0 Merit. on: July 30, 2019, 05:07:37 AM
Hey tranthidung, please allow newbie pm for a sec XD I have a little request. Thank you!
You can ask what you need here, then I and others can help you. Moreover, you will become a Junior Member soon, don't worry, just four more activity points, then you will hit it.
7890  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: BitcoinTalk Account is 3 years old and 88 posts. Still “newbie” and 0 Merit. on: July 30, 2019, 05:02:08 AM Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users.
That one is mine. OP should read these tips, too. Smiley
To promote with merit system and new rank requirements, you should do following things.

(1) Never begging for merits
- Doing this will highly result in Red Trust, it is just the matter of time. Sooner or later, if you keep begging for merits, you will get Red Trust, certainly.
- Doing this don't help you to improve yourself. In long-term journey in the forum, it's not good for you, generally.

(2) Spending most of your time to read and learn
Only start composing your posts when you have something extremely constructive to discussions, topics.
- You are noobs, newbies (lack of knowledge, and experience), so what you think are constructive most likely unconstructive in reality.
- When you actually have reasons to start composing your posts, after finishing it, please re-read again and again to check that your posts are good in grammar, vocabularies, and good enough to express most of your ideas. I wrote most of your ideas because sometimes it is difficult for non-native English speakers to write down and completely express ideas by words. It's a challenge for non-native English speakers, who don't have English as their mother tongue.

(3) Never copy and paste without links to sources, or without quotes
- It is plagiarism, and punishments on plagiarism is kind of strictest ones in the forum.
Plagiarists who got permanent bans almost won't be allowed to come back.
There are new changes by @theymos, that allow perma-banned users give proofs, evidence of their contributions to the forum to come back.
But, the probabilty to have second chance is very very low.
There's been no policy change. redsn0w wasn't permanently banned due to several factors which made me think that permabanning him would be a net negative for the forum. Nobody is banned strictly because of "the rules"; it's always handled case-by-case, but almost always, plagiarists deserve to be permabanned.

If you think that a ban should be ended, make your case in a new topic from a "good for the forum as a whole" perspective.
You should not expect that chance when perma-banned due to plagiarism.
- How to insert quote, please look at the image. It is very easy, click on the quote button at the upper corner on the right side of each post you want to quote.
You need statistics on perma-banned users due to plagiarisms? There you go:
How many banned users have you merited? (by LoyceV)

(4) Never mind of bounties, campaigns when you are noobs
- Campaigns are there, open then close, then others open and close, from time to time. You should never worry that you miss this chance, that chance, this campaign, that campaign, something like this.
It is the same as merits. Lots of users complain that merits are rare, I can not get merits due to it is rare. Nope, merits (more exactly, sMerits - sendable merits) are available, everywhere in the forum. There are so many merit sources, normal users, who have lots of sMerits readily to send out. They kept them partially due to quality posts are rare, not sMerits.
- Instead of paying too much attention, and time on hunting for bounties, especially bounties that have easy rules and joinable for low rank users; you should start learning, reading, and build up your accounts.
When you hit your finish lines, it's time for you to seriously think of joining bounties.

(5) Learn from inspirational stories. Learn from merited users, topics, posts
Reading and learning from most merited users, and most merited topics, posts are one of the best way to improve your post quality, coherence and cohesion when you compose your posts, topics.
I have a topic on: Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users

(6) Spend your time to improve your English, especially Reading and Writing skills
- If you can not read posts or topic in English well, can not get ideas of posts' / topics' authors, it means that you have nothing to do in the forum.
Remember that you have to get their ideas well enough to not misunderstand their core ideas.
- Next, after reading good enough to catch authors' ideas, it is time for you to express your own ideas in case you have something to ask for help, something to discuss, or something meaningful to help others. This is the time you need to have good enough Writing skill.
This is why I mentioned you should improve your English skills, step by step, from Reading to Writing. Of course, you can improve both skills simultaneously.
The forum is the place almost solely for discussions via Reading and Writing.
You can find available sources for English learning in the References at the end of this OP.
There is another one:
The problem begins and ends with YOU.
7891  Other / Meta / Re: I am on the way to Hero Member rank. Within less than 2 years from register day on: July 30, 2019, 04:27:40 AM
Congrats! you have made it. Don’t let your achievements stop you from what you are doing, thus make it inspiration and let yourself push more hard and strive for yours improvement because your next journey (Legendary) will be much more tough. Smiley
Appreciated your 2 merits to help me hit the rank faster a little bit. Whenever we are closely to new ranks, we all usually go crazy. Making constructive posts is a habit with me, by now, so I will not stop doing this.  Smiley

Best regards,
Tran Thi Dzung
7892  Economy / Services / Re: ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: July 30, 2019, 04:06:10 AM
I tried to calculate the payment from the coming week and I thought it would decrease from before even though there were bonuses offered but the Perpost fee was reduced. are my thoughts and calculations wrong?
You are right!
For example, for your rank, in Tier C, new rates are just 50% of previous rates; and manager confirmed about the lower rates, in BitVest's bounty thread.
As per lightlords post we are lowering the rates for the upcoming weeks, so from now on you'll get those new rates.
7893  Other / Meta / Re: I am on the way to Hero Member rank. Within less than 2 years from register day on: July 30, 2019, 03:58:22 AM
Thank you. You know what? When your posting habit changed, become better, then you will do your contributions naturally. You will not stop your contributions, and make your good posts.
It's certainly a great achievement and what's even more impressive is that it took you less time to get there than most users here. I hope to see more of your positive contributions to the forum. Congratulations in advance!

Thank you, too. Everything will start extremely difficult for forum new comers, I had it years ago, too; but if they have good attitude, and good practice (for reading, learning, and writing), they will do move forwards to their next ranks, higher over time.
OP, you'll get there.  I've read a bunch of your posts and it's obvious you put some effort into them, which is what a ton of members who registered in 2017-18 and who are still Newbies-Jr. Members don't take heed of.

So to all the noobs who are wondering what the trick is to ranking up these days, look at OP's post history.  If you're not willing to put in that much effort into your posts, don't expect to rank up past Jr. Member.  

Thank you, too. I do my thread, namely: Inspirational stories from self-made promoted users, due to reasons you mentioned.
I think its nice to have personal achievements and personal stories shared with the community and the Off topic sub forum is spammed on a daily basis which means it would just get lost.
Thank you, God bless you.
Great, you have made it faster than most other people. shared another 2, hope you get the rank within this week.
Thank you, too.
You might be right. I nearly hit it! Once again, merits are not scarce, right? They are floating around us, just waiting for chances to drop on our heads.
Let me guess, you'll rank up today or tomorrow, 10 Merits is only what you need, so there will be another person that will take the opportunity to grant you what you deserve.
Hey, fella! Let me tell you a secret story.
Months ago, I admired you so much because you earned much more significant merits than me, when I was a Member (self-made Member) and struggled to earn each merit, then when I hit the Full Member rank, my pace of merit earning boosted, then I hit the Senior Member rank several weeks or even more than one / two month(s) before you. You dropped back, but then you fastly moved up to Hero Member, faster than me.
Our unofficial race to next ranks (Senior Member, then Hero Member) is interesting, right?
Also let me be the one to congratulate you as the first one when you reach the Hero Rank. Welcome my friend, I hope to see you on the next Legendary League sooner or later as you are one of the quality poster here unlike me who wasn't a good topic starter. And to all, let this be an inspiration to you, as ypu can also reach what we have achieve in this time.
7894  Economy / Services / Re: [1 OPEN* SLOT] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: July 30, 2019, 03:45:11 AM
Good luck to the applicants! It's funny to see how many people are applying without any history of meeting the criteria you've laid out.
Due to the highest payment rates of ChipMixer campaign, for now, people go crazy and forget prerequisites of applications:
There is an original announcement of manager
There is one open slot. This slot is for those who are one (or more) of:
- Active in a Local board(s)
- Active in Bitcoin Technical Support
- Active in Development & Technical Discussion

Don't bother applying if you don't fit any of those categories. I don't accept people based on promises, and I will look at more than one page of your post history so don't bother making one or two posts to 'fit' the critera either. Yahoo's LiveCoin blacklist is in effect for this round. Also, PMing me won't help your application. It's just annoying  Undecided
Then, manager reemphasized criteria
Just to clarify, I don't need all three criteria. Just looking for posters that fit that category (ie I don't need more people who primarily post in Bitcoin/Trading Discussion, Speculation, Economics, etc)
So, please from now on, if you don't meet at least one of those criteria, please do not go crazy and make non-sense applications.
Honestly, I observed the campaign for months, to see my chances to join the gang, but this time, I still didn't see my chance, so did not apply.
7895  Other / Meta / Re: Statistics of user registrations on Bitcointalk 2017-2019 on: July 30, 2019, 03:18:34 AM
Like, are there any way to know how many jr.member ranked up to sr. member/ sr. member ranked up to hero by monthly?
DdmrDdmr has his merit-data-tracking and analytics on this, but results are real time, and I don't know how to trace back to previous months results. Maybe, if you want to have it, you should ask him.
I think you can ask him for help, here: Bitcointalk Merit Dashboard
Or you can play with it, here:!/vizhome/BitcointalkMeritDashboard/GlobalSummary
For example: Please look at figures for Full Member rank.
By defaults, results displayed for 4/24/2019.

If I scroll the timepoint back to 1/16/2019, I will have this one.

By the way, if @DdmrDdmr see this post, and have spare time, I think a new option to manually type timepoints will be great. It is hard to get exact timepoints we want by scrolling mouse.
This is the current set of profiles that have formally ranked-up under the Merit System:

15 people have made it to Legendary needing merits in the process (14 were Hero Members to start with, and one was a Sr. Member (@bob123)). In addition, 70 profiles made it to Hero, 122 to Sr. Member, 194 to Full Member, 3.420 to Member and 10.565 to Jr. Member.

This is interesting to see too:

The reading is that 734 profiles could have made it to legendary (minimum 775 activity- not considering magic number), but only 15 of them have made it so far. Likewise for example, 1.331 Sr. Members could have made it to Hero (by activity), but only 70 comply additionally with the merit requirement.

<...> So i am the first Sr. reaching legendary after merit got introduced? Sounds sweet.
Yep, as per my calculations.
7896  Other / Meta / Re: I am on the way to Hero Member rank. Within less than 2 years from register day on: July 29, 2019, 01:22:18 PM
Definitely, I think introducing the activity ranking system was an attempt to prevent account farming. If I remember correctly, signature campaigns started to pick up during this time, as well as the value, and publicity of Bitcoin. Therefore, the forum was subject to more posts, and more account registrations. I'll have a look at the data of this later on when I've got a bit more time, so this is all off my memory at the moment.
Is this one the first signature campaign in the forum?
7897  Other / Meta / Re: History of rank system on: July 29, 2019, 12:55:31 PM
Thank you, Welsh. I still search to find it, but it looks interesting, like what I saw with merit system and Junior demotion.  Grin
You are one of the first users commented about the second rank system (with activity requirements).
Hmm, this system has it's pros and cons. But, we shall see how it works.
I'm a full member - newbie again! YES.

Thank you for giving me this one, but I do think that such things would be announced by admins, not in a normal thread like this.
Forum rankings, unless custom, are based on post-count alone.

Highest is Hero Member, followed by Sr. Member, followed by Full Member, followed by Jr. Member, followed by Newbie.

What are the numbers of posts for each ranking?

I believe it's something like:
Hero - 500
Sr Member - 250
Full Member - 100? (not sure on this one)
7898  Other / Meta / History of's rank system on: July 29, 2019, 12:42:50 PM
Today, @Welsh wrote this:
It's definitely harder to rank up these days, and certain posts are more likely to get merit. For example, the statistics users are chucking out via data scraping, and all that will be more likely to receive merit, because its both informative, and out of the capability of many of the users here. There's been 3 stages of ranking up if I remember correctly here on Bitcointalk. First of all, ranking up was tied to amount of posts you had (activity wasn't implemented at this time) then activity got introduced, and there were a few moans, and groans about it. Finally, the merit system was implemented, and has had the most criticism, and impact on the forum. I personally believe its had a positive impact on the forum, and is the better system of all three.  

I searched topic history of @satoshi, @theymos, @Cyrus, and @Sirius, but I have not found the first rank system of the forum. I do checked all @satoshi's posts, and did not find what I need. So, anyone knows it, please give me details.

I think this thread is helpful for forum users, old or new users, to have exact information on history of's rank system.
There are three periods, in which the forum has three different rank system and different criteria for it.

1. November 22, 2009 - June 17, 2013: Without activity requirements
Welcome to the new Bitcoin forum!
I need help with more details on rank system within this period. Please help if you know it!
However, that period existed, because I saw some complaints when the second rank system activated.
This is bullshit! I was less than 40 posts way from being a Hero, and now I'm not quite even Sr??!! That's it, I'm outta here.

Totally kidding. I much prefer this new system personally. People have always put way too much stake in the "Sr/Hero" titles... at least now only veterans will get them.

Thanks for your continued efforts upgrading the forum, theymos. Great stuff.
@Welsh gave me hands, but still need more details (official announcements from admins?)
Forum rankings, unless custom, are based on post-count alone.

Highest is Hero Member, followed by Sr. Member, followed by Full Member, followed by Jr. Member, followed by Newbie.

What are the numbers of posts for each ranking?

I believe it's something like:
Hero - 500
Sr Member - 250
Full Member - 100? (not sure on this one)

2. June 18, 2013 - January 23, 2018: Activity requirements
Activity & new membergroup limits
The activity number is determined in this way:
time = number of two-week periods in which you've posted since your registration
activity = min(time * 14, posts)

Rough summary of what this means: If you post once per day on average, then you will eventually get the maximum number of activity points that you can get. Posting more than once per day on average is useless for increasing activity. The maximum number of activity points you can get is 1 per day, but your activity score only updates every two weeks. Therefore, it will take about 100 days to get 100 activity if you post once per day on average.

Activity is updated every hour.

The new membergroup limits work like this: (Edit: Obsolete, do not use)
Brand New0 posts
Jr. Memberactivity: 30
Memberactivity: 60
Full Memberactivity: 120
Sr. Memberactivity: 240
Hero Memberactivity: 480
Legendaryoccurs randomly between 775 and 1030 activity

I'm not 100% sure that the membergroups work correctly. Tell me if you see any bugs.
Theymos wrote that announcement, but Cyrus wrote that one:
I added forum activity, changed the number of coins. Was kinda tired and that slipped away.
I still don't know who coded activity requirements / badges for ranks in this change.

3. January 24, 2018 - by now: Activity requirements + Merit requirements
Announcement for changes: Merit & new rank requirements
In addition to activity, everyone now has a merit score, and you need both a certain activity level and a certain merit score in order to reach higher member ranks. The required scores are:

RankRequired activityRequired merit
Brand new00
Jr Member301
Full Member120100
Sr. Member240250
Hero Member480500
LegendaryRandom in the range 775-10301000
Note that merit requirement on Junior member rank only implemented since September 17, 2018.
Enhanced newbie restrictions & requirements
Due to excessive garbage-posting, you now need 1 merit to be a Jr Member. All existing Jr Members who didn't meet the requirement were demoted. Also, newbies can no longer set any signature or personal text.

To sum up, from the history of forum rank system, it is clearly that we all do survive in the forum, whatever rank requirements used; and we (most of us) don't leave the forum due to new requirements on rank system.

Stop complaining, adapt, and rank up!

If you want to find out more about bitcointalk's history or want to become a bitcointalk historian, I have a few documents for you:
Satoshi's lesson
Bitcointalk history of MtGox and how a Bitcointalk post caught the MtGox hacker.
Bitcointalk history of hacks and vandalism.
The most iconic bitcointalk threads. History on Bitcointalk.
History - signature campaigns and bounties on Bitcointalk
7899  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: Some basic advice for newbies in crypto - Please read. on: July 29, 2019, 10:02:24 AM
Hard wallets are very expensive though and they're just only starters in bitcoin.
Yeah, hardware wallets are not the first option new crypto starters should think of, especially if they have small funds. However, in the long run, if their funds become big enough, they should think of it.
Nevertheless, I would like to emphasize that crypto starters can secure their wallets by strong passwords, carefully store their private keys and wallets backups. Lastly, besides those steps, carefulness on internet space will keep them and their wallets safe.
7900  Local / Others (Pilipinas) / Re: [DISCUSSION] What have you learned on BITCOINTALK FORUM? Share Your Experiences. on: July 29, 2019, 07:39:45 AM
Congratulations for your new rank, cabalism13! Your newest story added in my thread.
Today, we have another selfmade Hero Member. Congratulations, @cabalism13!
[DISCUSSION] What have you learned on BITCOINTALK FORUM? Share Your Experiences.
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