March 18, 2016, 11:44:41 PM |
Oohhhhhh, I love the option "scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, prime"!!!! However, why not throw in SHA256 while we are at it?
I am with you for including SHA256, there are a lot of miners out there who would love to mine this Verge. Plus there are also duel miners (Scrypt & SHA256). see https://www.miningrigrentals.com/ front page see the algos listed: SHA256 - 431 rigs Scrypt - 194 rigs Edit: but going to vote x11, scrypt, prime, sha256 why do we have so many "wait, lets add more options..." voters?
It would be better to suggest than wait.
I haven't revoted yet but x11, scrypt, prime, sha256 would be great if you add Lyra2REv2
March 18, 2016, 11:47:12 PM |
how long are u waiting for?
One day. Previous transactions were much faster. when things are as they should be it's fast. All I can tell you, is the dev isn't sitting back and doing nothing he's exploring options.
March 18, 2016, 11:53:34 PM |
just a little worried about my coins, invested alot of money into verge thats all.

Activity: 280
Merit: 10
March 19, 2016, 12:03:20 AM |
just a little worried about my coins, invested alot of money into verge thats all.
Don't worry as long as you sent to the right wallet address everything is safe, with MA Verge will decentralize completely the mining great step for even more future great.
March 19, 2016, 12:27:38 AM |
Hi. I'm going to have to go with "wait, lets add more options...". Here's why: x11, scrypt, primeWhy just 3 when you can have 5? Actually, there's no real limit to how many algorithms you can run simultaneously. The only trouble is that, if an algorithm's hash power is too small, it can easily become a victim of difficulty hopping. This is where a large miner or pool starts mining when the difficulty is low. They get many blocks in a short time, then the difficulty soars, and they stop mining. The hash rate drops dramatically and miners take forever to find the next block. The difficulty drops, then the big fish jumps back on. Repeat. In multi-algo this is less of a problem as the other algos keep the blockchain running smoothly, but the big miner is getting cheap coins in the end, which leads to dumping, and weaker network security. Of course, the more algorithms a coin uses, the smaller the portion of block rewards per algorithm = lower hash rate = easier target for difficulty hopping. Our experience with Myriad shows that 5 algorithms seems to work fine, even on fairly low hash rates. However, in the past we did have issues with scrypt and sha256d (not our GPU or GPU/CPU algorithms). We solved this by enabling merge mining on scrypt and sha256d. Hash rate skyrocketed, and the network has been running great ever since. x11, scrypt, prime, sha2562.5 ASIC algos, and 1.5 GPU algos. I dunno... that's a lot of ASIC x11, scrypt, lyra2rev2Why leave out sha256d? It has the most mature ASIC market today. If anything, you would be better off having sha256d than scrypt or x11. Also, the issue I have with lyra2re2 is it's mainly just used by Vertcoin. Vertcoin devs publicly state they will change the algo in the future, so lyra2re2 has rather limited support. x11, x13, x15, x17This one has merit. x11 ASICs are starting to come online, and an x13 ASIC would appear to be only one step away, x15 two steps away, and x17 three. This could have the effect of allowing a very even, gradual shift from the GPU to the ASIC phase. Essentially, that's what every coin wants. I'm not voting for this option yet, but the community should consider it. scrypt, prime, x13 lyra2rev2, x13, primeSeem like fairly random choices. Why x13? Why not neoscrypt or keccak for GPU? Neoscrypt is a more popular GPU algorithm used in Feathercoin and others. keccak, x11, prime, scryptAgain, why scrypt and x11 but not sha256d? scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, primeWhy x15? Seems random... again, why not neoscrypt or keccak? My picks...I am a bit biased here, but personally I would like to see a flock of multi-algo coins all merge mining with each other and supporting each other. Therefore, it would be nice if Verge used one of the Myriad GPU algorithms. They are fairly supported now that they're used by Digibyte and soon also by Auroracoin. So with that, I would go with: sha256d - best ASIC algo, no brainer scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl - Myriad GPU algo All merge mined. 6 algos. 2.5 ASIC, 3.5 GPU. Groestl should be fairly easy to implement in an ASIC. Neoscrypt and prime will probably take a significantly longer time to see ASICs. Plus, Verge could claim to be the first 6 algo coin. I think that has great marketing potential 
Myriad: the ORIGINAL and fairest distribution 5 algo coin, which I did not develop. http://myriadcoin.orgNOT the Myriad developer. Just a fan.
March 19, 2016, 12:35:03 AM |
Hi. I'm going to have to go with "wait, lets add more options...". Here's why: x11, scrypt, primeWhy just 3 when you can have 5? Actually, there's no real limit to how many algorithms you can run simultaneously. The only trouble is that, if an algorithm's hash power is too small, it can easily become a victim of difficulty hopping. This is where a large miner or pool starts mining when the difficulty is low. They get many blocks in a short time, then the difficulty soars, and they stop mining. The hash rate drops dramatically and miners take forever to find the next block. The difficulty drops, then the big fish jumps back on. Repeat. In multi-algo this is less of a problem as the other algos keep the blockchain running smoothly, but the big miner is getting cheap coins in the end, which leads to dumping, and weaker network security. Of course, the more algorithms a coin uses, the smaller the portion of block rewards per algorithm = lower hash rate = easier target for difficulty hopping. Our experience with Myriad shows that 5 algorithms seems to work fine, even on fairly low hash rates. However, in the past we did have issues with scrypt and sha256d (not our GPU or GPU/CPU algorithms). We solved this by enabling merge mining on scrypt and sha256d. Hash rate skyrocketed, and the network has been running great ever since. x11, scrypt, prime, sha2562.5 ASIC algos, and 1.5 GPU algos. I dunno... that's a lot of ASIC x11, scrypt, lyra2rev2Why leave out sha256d? It has the most mature ASIC market today. If anything, you would be better off having sha256d than scrypt or x11. Also, the issue I have with lyra2re2 is it's mainly just used by Vertcoin. Vertcoin devs publicly state they will change the algo in the future, so lyra2re2 has rather limited support. x11, x13, x15, x17This one has merit. x11 ASICs are starting to come online, and an x13 ASIC would appear to be only one step away, x15 two steps away, and x17 three. This could have the effect of allowing a very even, gradual shift from the GPU to the ASIC phase. Essentially, that's what every coin wants. I'm not voting for this option yet, but the community should consider it. scrypt, prime, x13 lyra2rev2, x13, primeSeem like fairly random choices. Why x13? Why not neoscrypt or keccak for GPU? Neoscrypt is a more popular GPU algorithm used in Feathercoin and others. keccak, x11, prime, scryptAgain, why scrypt and x11 but not sha256d? scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, primeWhy x15? Seems random... again, why not neoscrypt or keccak? My picks...I am a bit biased here, but personally I would like to see a flock of multi-algo coins all merge mining with each other and supporting each other. Therefore, it would be nice if Verge used one of the Myriad GPU algorithms. They are fairly supported now that they're used by Digibyte and soon also by Auroracoin. So with that, I would go with: sha256d - best ASIC algo, no brainer scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl - Myriad GPU algo All merge mined. 6 algos. 2.5 ASIC, 3.5 GPU. Groestl should be fairly easy to implement in an ASIC. Neoscrypt and prime will probably take a significantly longer time to see ASICs. Plus, Verge could claim to be the first 6 algo coin. I think that has great marketing potential  That's the kind of input we need, not just "I will wait for more..." Your points are valid and I would change my vote to your suggestion: sha256d scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1001
Undeads.com - P2E Runner Game
March 19, 2016, 12:54:57 AM |
Hi. I'm going to have to go with "wait, lets add more options...". Here's why: x11, scrypt, primeWhy just 3 when you can have 5? Actually, there's no real limit to how many algorithms you can run simultaneously. The only trouble is that, if an algorithm's hash power is too small, it can easily become a victim of difficulty hopping. This is where a large miner or pool starts mining when the difficulty is low. They get many blocks in a short time, then the difficulty soars, and they stop mining. The hash rate drops dramatically and miners take forever to find the next block. The difficulty drops, then the big fish jumps back on. Repeat. In multi-algo this is less of a problem as the other algos keep the blockchain running smoothly, but the big miner is getting cheap coins in the end, which leads to dumping, and weaker network security. Of course, the more algorithms a coin uses, the smaller the portion of block rewards per algorithm = lower hash rate = easier target for difficulty hopping. Our experience with Myriad shows that 5 algorithms seems to work fine, even on fairly low hash rates. However, in the past we did have issues with scrypt and sha256d (not our GPU or GPU/CPU algorithms). We solved this by enabling merge mining on scrypt and sha256d. Hash rate skyrocketed, and the network has been running great ever since. x11, scrypt, prime, sha2562.5 ASIC algos, and 1.5 GPU algos. I dunno... that's a lot of ASIC x11, scrypt, lyra2rev2Why leave out sha256d? It has the most mature ASIC market today. If anything, you would be better off having sha256d than scrypt or x11. Also, the issue I have with lyra2re2 is it's mainly just used by Vertcoin. Vertcoin devs publicly state they will change the algo in the future, so lyra2re2 has rather limited support. x11, x13, x15, x17This one has merit. x11 ASICs are starting to come online, and an x13 ASIC would appear to be only one step away, x15 two steps away, and x17 three. This could have the effect of allowing a very even, gradual shift from the GPU to the ASIC phase. Essentially, that's what every coin wants. I'm not voting for this option yet, but the community should consider it. scrypt, prime, x13 lyra2rev2, x13, primeSeem like fairly random choices. Why x13? Why not neoscrypt or keccak for GPU? Neoscrypt is a more popular GPU algorithm used in Feathercoin and others. keccak, x11, prime, scryptAgain, why scrypt and x11 but not sha256d? scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, primeWhy x15? Seems random... again, why not neoscrypt or keccak? My picks...I am a bit biased here, but personally I would like to see a flock of multi-algo coins all merge mining with each other and supporting each other. Therefore, it would be nice if Verge used one of the Myriad GPU algorithms. They are fairly supported now that they're used by Digibyte and soon also by Auroracoin. So with that, I would go with: sha256d - best ASIC algo, no brainer scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl - Myriad GPU algo All merge mined. 6 algos. 2.5 ASIC, 3.5 GPU. Groestl should be fairly easy to implement in an ASIC. Neoscrypt and prime will probably take a significantly longer time to see ASICs. Plus, Verge could claim to be the first 6 algo coin. I think that has great marketing potential  That's the kind of input we need, not just "I will wait for more..." Your points are valid and I would change my vote to your suggestion: sha256d scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestlGood points and the selectio at the bottom covers a vast amount of the general populas
March 19, 2016, 01:42:23 AM |
make sure it has sha-256 im heavy invested in this coin and i have 20 s7 farm i would love to mine it and help the network
March 19, 2016, 01:47:20 AM |
just a little worried about my coins, invested alot of money into verge thats all.
I feel you. Especially given the recent climb I have far more invested into VERGE as a total percentage of all my crypto as any other coin by far. This one is just far too good to let go of.
March 19, 2016, 01:54:33 AM |
I must say, I appreciate Myriad's post a lot. I consider myself to be fairly well informed but he just dropped a knowledge bomb on me, and provided nice explanations along with it.
I do prefer that whatever group we go with, we keep scrypt. I don't think we should abandon our roots and kick out the dedicated users who have been mining with scrypt all along. Better to just invite new algos to join the party.
March 19, 2016, 02:01:54 AM |
Oops guys... I accidentally just voted again for "wait, lets add more options..." Anyone know how to undo a vote? 
Myriad: the ORIGINAL and fairest distribution 5 algo coin, which I did not develop. http://myriadcoin.orgNOT the Myriad developer. Just a fan.
Rabid Parrots
March 19, 2016, 02:10:17 AM |
Oops guys... I accidentally just voted again for "wait, lets add more options..." Anyone know how to undo a vote?  Lobbyists tend to do the trick.
March 19, 2016, 02:33:29 AM |
Oops guys... I accidentally just voted again for "wait, lets add more options..." Anyone know how to undo a vote?  I voted (scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, prime) with Scrypt we already get to keep those big farms if we add Sha256 you now have got half the mining given to huge farms and normally those farms work with Scrypt and Sha256 together so they can just continue doing what they did but now using their two farms so I think it's not a good idea. I like your idea of 6 algos so maybe dev can close the deal with scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, prime, groestl this option imo is perfect.
| Duelbits | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | | TRY OUR UNIQUE GAMES! ◥ DICE ◥ MINES ◥ PLINKO ◥ DUEL POKER ◥ DICE DUELS | | | | █▀▀ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █▄▄ | ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ | ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ | ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ | ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ | ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ ███ ▀▀▀ | | ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ KENONEW ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ | ▀▀█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄▄█ | | 10,000x MULTIPLIER | | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ | | ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ |
March 19, 2016, 03:11:30 AM |
Hi. I'm going to have to go with "wait, lets add more options...". Here's why: x11, scrypt, primeWhy just 3 when you can have 5? Actually, there's no real limit to how many algorithms you can run simultaneously. The only trouble is that, if an algorithm's hash power is too small, it can easily become a victim of difficulty hopping. This is where a large miner or pool starts mining when the difficulty is low. They get many blocks in a short time, then the difficulty soars, and they stop mining. The hash rate drops dramatically and miners take forever to find the next block. The difficulty drops, then the big fish jumps back on. Repeat. In multi-algo this is less of a problem as the other algos keep the blockchain running smoothly, but the big miner is getting cheap coins in the end, which leads to dumping, and weaker network security. Of course, the more algorithms a coin uses, the smaller the portion of block rewards per algorithm = lower hash rate = easier target for difficulty hopping. Our experience with Myriad shows that 5 algorithms seems to work fine, even on fairly low hash rates. However, in the past we did have issues with scrypt and sha256d (not our GPU or GPU/CPU algorithms). We solved this by enabling merge mining on scrypt and sha256d. Hash rate skyrocketed, and the network has been running great ever since. x11, scrypt, prime, sha2562.5 ASIC algos, and 1.5 GPU algos. I dunno... that's a lot of ASIC x11, scrypt, lyra2rev2Why leave out sha256d? It has the most mature ASIC market today. If anything, you would be better off having sha256d than scrypt or x11. Also, the issue I have with lyra2re2 is it's mainly just used by Vertcoin. Vertcoin devs publicly state they will change the algo in the future, so lyra2re2 has rather limited support. x11, x13, x15, x17This one has merit. x11 ASICs are starting to come online, and an x13 ASIC would appear to be only one step away, x15 two steps away, and x17 three. This could have the effect of allowing a very even, gradual shift from the GPU to the ASIC phase. Essentially, that's what every coin wants. I'm not voting for this option yet, but the community should consider it. scrypt, prime, x13 lyra2rev2, x13, primeSeem like fairly random choices. Why x13? Why not neoscrypt or keccak for GPU? Neoscrypt is a more popular GPU algorithm used in Feathercoin and others. keccak, x11, prime, scryptAgain, why scrypt and x11 but not sha256d? scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, primeWhy x15? Seems random... again, why not neoscrypt or keccak? My picks...I am a bit biased here, but personally I would like to see a flock of multi-algo coins all merge mining with each other and supporting each other. Therefore, it would be nice if Verge used one of the Myriad GPU algorithms. They are fairly supported now that they're used by Digibyte and soon also by Auroracoin. So with that, I would go with: sha256d - best ASIC algo, no brainer scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl - Myriad GPU algo All merge mined. 6 algos. 2.5 ASIC, 3.5 GPU. Groestl should be fairly easy to implement in an ASIC. Neoscrypt and prime will probably take a significantly longer time to see ASICs. Plus, Verge could claim to be the first 6 algo coin. I think that has great marketing potential  I'm with everyone, i like this idea best! All Dev has to do is give his blessing and throw it up on the voting board 
Dogedarkdev (OP)
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1009
$XVG - The Standard in Crypto as a Currency!
March 19, 2016, 03:12:17 AM |
i reset votes and added some more options. ill probably do this two or three more times until next friday.. adding and deleting based on popularity..
thanks for all the input so far, im glad to see this discussion being thought out among so many people. keep it up, im watching.
_///// [$XVG] ★★★★★WE ARE ON THE VERGE ★★★★★ [MULTI-ALGO] /////_
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1001
Undeads.com - P2E Runner Game
March 19, 2016, 03:45:21 AM |
i reset votes and added some more options. ill probably do this two or three more times until next friday.. adding and deleting based on popularity..
thanks for all the input so far, im glad to see this discussion being thought out among so many people. keep it up, im watching.
Ok all the algo's up have there pro's and con's and i think 6 is a good variety for people to use and will help to decentralize the mining , Im not sure if this has been suggested or not but what about a masternode option, help to decentralize it more and another option to 1 take more verge off the markets , anon masternodes can be set up create a stronger anon presence and also the reward strucker can be used as a form of mining as in rewards , similiar to darknet , like masternode mining , just thinking aloud and placing other options on the table !!
March 19, 2016, 03:47:45 AM |
Hi. I'm going to have to go with "wait, lets add more options...". Here's why: x11, scrypt, primeWhy just 3 when you can have 5? Actually, there's no real limit to how many algorithms you can run simultaneously. The only trouble is that, if an algorithm's hash power is too small, it can easily become a victim of difficulty hopping. This is where a large miner or pool starts mining when the difficulty is low. They get many blocks in a short time, then the difficulty soars, and they stop mining. The hash rate drops dramatically and miners take forever to find the next block. The difficulty drops, then the big fish jumps back on. Repeat. In multi-algo this is less of a problem as the other algos keep the blockchain running smoothly, but the big miner is getting cheap coins in the end, which leads to dumping, and weaker network security. Of course, the more algorithms a coin uses, the smaller the portion of block rewards per algorithm = lower hash rate = easier target for difficulty hopping. Our experience with Myriad shows that 5 algorithms seems to work fine, even on fairly low hash rates. However, in the past we did have issues with scrypt and sha256d (not our GPU or GPU/CPU algorithms). We solved this by enabling merge mining on scrypt and sha256d. Hash rate skyrocketed, and the network has been running great ever since. x11, scrypt, prime, sha2562.5 ASIC algos, and 1.5 GPU algos. I dunno... that's a lot of ASIC x11, scrypt, lyra2rev2Why leave out sha256d? It has the most mature ASIC market today. If anything, you would be better off having sha256d than scrypt or x11. Also, the issue I have with lyra2re2 is it's mainly just used by Vertcoin. Vertcoin devs publicly state they will change the algo in the future, so lyra2re2 has rather limited support. x11, x13, x15, x17This one has merit. x11 ASICs are starting to come online, and an x13 ASIC would appear to be only one step away, x15 two steps away, and x17 three. This could have the effect of allowing a very even, gradual shift from the GPU to the ASIC phase. Essentially, that's what every coin wants. I'm not voting for this option yet, but the community should consider it. scrypt, prime, x13 lyra2rev2, x13, primeSeem like fairly random choices. Why x13? Why not neoscrypt or keccak for GPU? Neoscrypt is a more popular GPU algorithm used in Feathercoin and others. keccak, x11, prime, scryptAgain, why scrypt and x11 but not sha256d? scrypt, x15, lyra2rev2, blake2s, primeWhy x15? Seems random... again, why not neoscrypt or keccak? My picks...I am a bit biased here, but personally I would like to see a flock of multi-algo coins all merge mining with each other and supporting each other. Therefore, it would be nice if Verge used one of the Myriad GPU algorithms. They are fairly supported now that they're used by Digibyte and soon also by Auroracoin. So with that, I would go with: sha256d - best ASIC algo, no brainer scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestl - Myriad GPU algo All merge mined. 6 algos. 2.5 ASIC, 3.5 GPU. Groestl should be fairly easy to implement in an ASIC. Neoscrypt and prime will probably take a significantly longer time to see ASICs. Plus, Verge could claim to be the first 6 algo coin. I think that has great marketing potential  That's the kind of input we need, not just "I will wait for more..." Your points are valid and I would change my vote to your suggestion: sha256d scrypt x11 prime neoscrypt groestlsha256d - ASICs scrypt - ASICs x13 [x15 or x17] - lessen the ASIC load prime neoscrypt groestl This way you have an intermediate which might eventually be taken over by ASIC, but I figure why put in x11 which is already taken over by ASICs, when you can already very easily mine with X13-17. I like your suggestions however though and I think this gives a great variety. I wouldn't mind throwing Keccak in there as well. For the same reasons x11 is a nice algo, is what makes the other x algos also nice, especially since they are overkill on encryption. Will maybe help slow down quantum computers trying to brute force our chain =P
March 19, 2016, 03:49:20 AM |
i reset votes and added some more options. ill probably do this two or three more times until next friday.. adding and deleting based on popularity..
thanks for all the input so far, im glad to see this discussion being thought out among so many people. keep it up, im watching.
Ok all the algo's up have there pro's and con's and i think 6 is a good variety for people to use and will help to decentralize the mining , Im not sure if this has been suggested or not but what about a masternode option, help to decentralize it more and another option to 1 take more verge off the markets , anon masternodes can be set up create a stronger anon presence and also the reward strucker can be used as a form of mining as in rewards , similiar to darknet , like masternode mining , just thinking aloud and placing other options on the table !! Are there more pros and cons to this idea? I'd like to hear more about this personally. Isn't Dash also using a system like this?
Activity: 1400
Merit: 1001
Undeads.com - P2E Runner Game
March 19, 2016, 04:07:47 AM |
i reset votes and added some more options. ill probably do this two or three more times until next friday.. adding and deleting based on popularity..
thanks for all the input so far, im glad to see this discussion being thought out among so many people. keep it up, im watching.
Ok all the algo's up have there pro's and con's and i think 6 is a good variety for people to use and will help to decentralize the mining , Im not sure if this has been suggested or not but what about a masternode option, help to decentralize it more and another option to 1 take more verge off the markets , anon masternodes can be set up create a stronger anon presence and also the reward strucker can be used as a form of mining as in rewards , similiar to darknet , like masternode mining , just thinking aloud and placing other options on the table !! Are there more pros and cons to this idea? I'd like to hear more about this personally. Isn't Dash also using a system like this? Dash use pow and masternode , darknet use masternode and pos(i think ) limxcoin use pow and masternode , i dont see why we cannot expand on this , I see it as more options the better really so no one point has a advantage over another and create a vast and varied decentralize blockchain , masternodes are simple to set up with vps services like MP Hosting , Paul does a awesome job , and tor and that can be set up for it easily !!
Dogedarkdev (OP)
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1009
$XVG - The Standard in Crypto as a Currency!
March 19, 2016, 04:28:06 AM |
i reset votes and added some more options. ill probably do this two or three more times until next friday.. adding and deleting based on popularity..
thanks for all the input so far, im glad to see this discussion being thought out among so many people. keep it up, im watching.
Ok all the algo's up have there pro's and con's and i think 6 is a good variety for people to use and will help to decentralize the mining , Im not sure if this has been suggested or not but what about a masternode option, help to decentralize it more and another option to 1 take more verge off the markets , anon masternodes can be set up create a stronger anon presence and also the reward strucker can be used as a form of mining as in rewards , similiar to darknet , like masternode mining , just thinking aloud and placing other options on the table !! Are there more pros and cons to this idea? I'd like to hear more about this personally. Isn't Dash also using a system like this? Dash use pow and masternode , darknet use masternode and pos(i think ) limxcoin use pow and masternode , i dont see why we cannot expand on this , I see it as more options the better really so no one point has a advantage over another and create a vast and varied decentralize blockchain , masternodes are simple to set up with vps services like MP Hosting , Paul does a awesome job , and tor and that can be set up for it easily !! clearnet masternodes do not provide anonymity, despite what you may have heard. anything that operates on clearnet, does not provide privacy/anonymity. i would consider setting one up on tor or i2p though, but that doesn't need to be implemented into the source code, can be set up as a stand alone service, and if i add it to the github, anyone can run one, making it more decentralized.. i agree that the more algo's the better though, as it does help decentralize mining, and gives almost every miner an opportunity to get coins.. i am a fan of adding at least 4 to 6 algos..
_///// [$XVG] ★★★★★WE ARE ON THE VERGE ★★★★★ [MULTI-ALGO] /////_