Activity: 3514
Merit: 6352
🚀Crypto Swap Exchange🈺
September 03, 2019, 01:19:45 PM |
Observing $10654  Mega volume green dildo  Green everywhere, will we see $11k today? 
Activity: 1352
Merit: 2300
a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours
September 03, 2019, 01:19:55 PM |
watching walls being eaten is fun, badger is hungry today
Activity: 1652
Merit: 1265
September 03, 2019, 01:20:14 PM |
next stop 12k ? 
Activity: 4284
Merit: 5219
You're never too old to think young.
September 03, 2019, 01:23:57 PM Last edit: September 03, 2019, 01:37:29 PM by JimboToronto Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
Good morning Bitcoinland. Nice to see we're back in 5 digits again... currently $10701USD/$14305CAD (Bitcoinaverage). Also back up over 70% dominance (CMC). I still think it's a little early to declare the battle for $10k to be won but the autumn (N. hemisphere) run up should be starting in not too many weeks. Go Bitcoin go. Not sure how accurate this source is.Yeah, but you did not even provide the source. The sources are in the image.

Activity: 170
Merit: 65
September 03, 2019, 01:26:46 PM |
Hi guys, I haven’t been on the forum for about a year and remembered about this thread. How are you doing? I did an analysis here and realized that 100k was waiting for us. 
Activity: 2548
Merit: 4377
Farewell o_e_l_e_o
September 03, 2019, 01:39:58 PM |
Hello all WO citizens, you all should read it. I made this one with latest data update from VB1001. Update:ABSTRACT(1) Last two months, Bitcoin fell ~4.5% in price, while figures for total replies, total pages, total views between last two periods (30/6/2019-31-7/2019 and 31/7/2019-31/8/2019) fell 24.8%, 31.3%, and 24.91%, respectively. (Details, please see in the last table in the bottom of the post).(2) In medians, figures for monthly new replies, views, and pages are 426942, 57218 and 277, respectively Data source (from @VB1001): Converted dataset:. list id day month2 year date rep repchange prep2 views viewchange pview2 pages pagechange ppages2 btc pbtc, abb(30)
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id day month2 year date rep repchange prep2 views viewchange pview2 pages pagechange ppages2 btc pbtc | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 31 10 2017 31oct2017 361446 . . 19386138 . . 18703 . . 6380 . | 2. | 2 30 11 2017 30nov2017 368288 6842 . 19749672 363534 . 18415 -288 . 9786 53.39 | 3. | 3 31 12 2017 31dec2017 380800 12512 82.87 20076512 326840 -10.09 19041 626 . 13186 34.74 | 4. | 4 31 1 2018 31jan2018 386480 5680 -54.6 20118498 41986 -87.15 19325 284 -54.63 10138 -23.12 | 5. | 5 28 2 2018 28feb2018 396480 10000 76.06 20185277 66779 59.05 19825 500 76.06 10629 4.84 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | 6 31 3 2018 31mar2018 402460 5980 -40.2 20222795 37518 -43.82 20109 284 -43.2 7119 -33.02 | 7. | 7 30 4 2018 30apr2018 407457 4997 -16.44 20247143 24348 -35.1 20288 179 -36.97 9275 30.29 | 8. | 8 31 5 2018 31may2018 410507 3050 -38.96 20280891 33748 38.61 20526 238 32.96 7559 -18.5 | 9. | 9 30 6 2018 30jun2018 416730 6223 104.03 20315481 34590 2.49 20787 261 9.66 6457 -14.58 | 10. | 10 31 7 2018 31jul2018 419443 2713 -56.4 20341078 25597 -26 20975 188 -27.97 7848 21.54 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 11. | 11 31 8 2018 31aug2018 424622 5179 90.9 20413924 72846 184.59 21132 157 -16.49 6935 -11.63 | 12. | 12 30 9 2018 30sep2018 426942 2320 -55.2 20474102 60178 -17.39 21288 156 -.64 6633 -4.35 | 13. | 13 30 10 2018 30oct2018 430939 3997 72.28 20650285 176183 192.77 21447 159 1.92 6642 .14 | 14. | 14 30 11 2018 30nov2018 437199 6260 56.62 20782977 132692 -24.69 21810 363 128.3 4015 -39.55 | 15. | 15 31 12 2018 31dec2018 446510 9311 48.74 20926425 143448 8.11 22296 486 33.88 3800 -5.35 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 16. | 16 31 1 2019 31jan2019 452916 6406 -31.2 21006158 79733 -44.42 22563 267 -45.06 3459 -8.97 | 17. | 17 28 2 2019 28feb2019 459605 6689 4.42 21042628 36470 -54.26 22974 411 53.93 3901 12.78 | 18. | 18 31 3 2019 31mar2019 465823 6218 -7.04 21079099 36471 0 23292 318 -22.63 4103 5.18 | 19. | 19 30 4 2019 30apr2019 473225 7402 19.04 21133357 54258 48.77 23662 370 16.35 5270 28.44 | 20. | 20 31 5 2019 31may2019 480783 7558 2.11 21193583 60226 11 24040 378 2.16 8501 61.31 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| 21. | 21 30 6 2019 30jun2019 488192 7409 -1.97 21256108 62525 3.82 24410 370 -2.12 11262 32.48 | 22. | 22 31 7 2019 31jul2019 493567 5375 -27.45 21307690 51582 -17.5 24679 269 -27.3 10052 -10.74 | 23. | 23 31 8 2019 31aug2019 497611 4044 -24.76 21343127 35437 -31.3 24881 202 -24.91 9605 -4.45 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
Notes on variables:- rep: total replies - repchange: change of total replies between two months - prep2: percent of change in rep (replies) between two continuous months. - views: total views - viewchange: change of total views between two months - pview2: percent of change in total views (views) between two continuous months. - pages: total pages - pagechange: change of total pages between two months - ppages2: percent of change in total pages (pages) between two continuous months. - btc: BTC price - pbtc: percent of change in BTC price (btc) between two continuous months. Since this update, I use new variables, pview2, prep2, ppages2, because variables for percentage of changes between two months in OP look stupid, so I decided to change.Now, let I explain the formula for variable prep2: To make it simple, I have a simple dataset like: month rep repchange prep2 1 10 na na 2 50 40 na 3 80 30 x
How to calculate x? x = (80-50)/(50-10)*100 It means I calculate percentage of changes in two period: period 1 (from month 1 to month 2), period 2 (from month 2 to month 3) Results:Period of observations (22 months, Oct. 2017 - end Aug. 2019) In medians, figures for monthly new replies, views, and pages are 6221, 57218 and 277, respectively . tabstat rep repchange viewchange pagechange, s(n mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max) c(s)
variable | N mean sd p50 p25 p75 min max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rep | 23 431653.3 40063.37 426942 402460 465823 361446 497611 repchange | 22 6189.318 2385.798 6220.5 4997 7402 2320 12512 viewchange | 22 88954.05 91983.42 57218 36470 79733 24348 363534 pagechange | 22 280.8182 176.8509 276.5 188 370 -288 626 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Plots  . list id day month2 year date prep2 pview2 ppages2 pbtc, abb(30)
+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | id day month2 year date prep2 pview2 ppages2 pbtc | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 31 10 2017 31oct2017 . . . . | 2. | 2 30 11 2017 30nov2017 . . . 53.39 | 3. | 3 31 12 2017 31dec2017 82.87 -10.09 . 34.74 | 4. | 4 31 1 2018 31jan2018 -54.6 -87.15 -54.63 -23.12 | 5. | 5 28 2 2018 28feb2018 76.06 59.05 76.06 4.84 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 6. | 6 31 3 2018 31mar2018 -40.2 -43.82 -43.2 -33.02 | 7. | 7 30 4 2018 30apr2018 -16.44 -35.1 -36.97 30.29 | 8. | 8 31 5 2018 31may2018 -38.96 38.61 32.96 -18.5 | 9. | 9 30 6 2018 30jun2018 104.03 2.49 9.66 -14.58 | 10. | 10 31 7 2018 31jul2018 -56.4 -26 -27.97 21.54 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 11. | 11 31 8 2018 31aug2018 90.9 184.59 -16.49 -11.63 | 12. | 12 30 9 2018 30sep2018 -55.2 -17.39 -.64 -4.35 | 13. | 13 30 10 2018 30oct2018 72.28 192.77 1.92 .14 | 14. | 14 30 11 2018 30nov2018 56.62 -24.69 128.3 -39.55 | 15. | 15 31 12 2018 31dec2018 48.74 8.11 33.88 -5.35 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 16. | 16 31 1 2019 31jan2019 -31.2 -44.42 -45.06 -8.97 | 17. | 17 28 2 2019 28feb2019 4.42 -54.26 53.93 12.78 | 18. | 18 31 3 2019 31mar2019 -7.04 0 -22.63 5.18 | 19. | 19 30 4 2019 30apr2019 19.04 48.77 16.35 28.44 | 20. | 20 31 5 2019 31may2019 2.11 11 2.16 61.31 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| 21. | 21 30 6 2019 30jun2019 -1.97 3.82 -2.12 32.48 | 22. | 22 31 7 2019 31jul2019 -27.45 -17.5 -27.3 -10.74 | 23. | 23 31 8 2019 31aug2019 -24.76 -31.3 -24.91 -4.45 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
September 03, 2019, 01:50:17 PM |
The first major resistance for the shorterm is marked with the yellow area. Around 10.800 Usd to 11.000 Usd, it depends when it gets there. The first minor resistance is marked with the orange area. We are currently already there. Around 10.500 Usd.
resistance is futile, go borgcoin go! edit: lol, borgcoin really exists:, for the longterm there is no resistance. Only sky is the limit. first resistance is pulverized   Yes, the first minor resistance (orange area) is pulverized but the first major resistance (yellow area) was barely touched.
Copper Member
Activity: 2898
Merit: 1465
September 03, 2019, 02:27:45 PM |
When Bitcoin reached 3100 Usd there was a very negative news about bitcoin and crypto in general. But Bitcoin started to rise anyway from there on. As you can see, you must be a little bit contrarian, not to just follow the news and the majority of people.
The horror! Ack! I'm having 'flashbacks' and PTSD from your comment above of that which should not be mentioned, $3,100 USD Bitcoin! Ack! I was so proud of myself selling at $3,965 USD and watching it fall to the above price. Dumped 13 BTC. Ack! Managed through lucky equipment sale, to get this down to only 10 BTC down as of now, but alas! The horror! This is what happens when you have a momentary lapse of the HODL faith! Anyway, still amazing and including myself, how folks will not buy at the very low but buy like hell on the pump. Hopefully, I have immunized myself from this with my 10 BTC sell lesson. Live and learn. Brad
September 03, 2019, 02:31:49 PM |
I appreciate your honesty! Many traders wouldn't admit that. But you will probably win in the longterm. You have more btc than i do. I started with 50 euros in the middle of 2017.
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
September 03, 2019, 02:37:41 PM |
 Pointing in the right direction, let's go !!! BTCI was about to send you a smerit for this lovely pic; however, I was not sure about the symbolism of it? Does it mean top? or a double top? TLDR: looks simultaneously nice and scary  Posted just before starting to climb, for not putting another green dildo.
Sr. Member
Activity: 616
Merit: 292
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going.
September 03, 2019, 02:37:51 PM |
Yeah, first fking Tuesday in 4 months to sit down at a normal time and have a beer. I think I just came in my brain. EDIT: And the first thing I thought of was coming here 
Activity: 3808
Merit: 10988
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
September 03, 2019, 02:40:39 PM |
Yeah, first fking Tuesday in 4 months to sit down at a normal time and have a beer. I think I just came in my brain. EDIT: And the first thing I thought of was coming here  Beer & Bitcoin - Two amazing things, they belong together, why not? Welcome back my friend
Sr. Member
Activity: 616
Merit: 292
I don't know where I'm going, but I'm going.
September 03, 2019, 02:47:51 PM Merited by LFC_Bitcoin (2) |
Yeah, first fking Tuesday in 4 months to sit down at a normal time and have a beer. I think I just came in my brain. EDIT: And the first thing I thought of was coming here  Beer & Bitcoin - Two amazing things, they belong together, why not? Welcome back my friend I do thank you very much, sent my last merit on the way for the warm welcome (back?)  Has anything changed here? Or how much can even change in about 7 months?
Activity: 938
Merit: 2540
September 03, 2019, 02:58:35 PM |
‘Big 4’ Auditor PwC’s Luxembourg Office to Accept Crypto Payments“Big Four” auditing firm PwC’s Luxembourg branch will accept cryptocurrency payments from clients starting next month.
The move, announced Monday, is a response to client demand and demonstrates PwC Luxembourg’s belief in blockchain technology’s “medium to long-term” role in the economy, the firm said. Turning words into actions: PwC Luxembourg embraces crypto-paymentsPwC Luxembourg is stepping further into blockchain and crypto-assets by accepting Bitcoin payments from its clients as from 1 October 2019, in a move acknowledging the needs of clients and the willingness of the Luxembourgish Firm to support the growing national crypto ecosystem. Understanding the game, playing by its rules
Bitcoin is now ten years old and went through a very public rollercoaster-life cycle over the years since its inception. In it relatively short history it has gone from being a symbol of a revolutionary payment model to a dark-web preferred currency tag, all the while passing through breathtaking price fluctuations. It has been a tough childhood to say the least.
What is certain, however, is that Bitcoin kept its promise as the first peer-to-peer payment mechanism that cannot be compromised and is based on a decentralised trust model. Despite this technological breakthrough, bad buzz and structural challenges have added to its growing pains by acting as impediments to its mass adoption.

Activity: 170
Merit: 65
September 03, 2019, 03:03:04 PM |
Yeah, first fking Tuesday in 4 months to sit down at a normal time and have a beer. I think I just came in my brain. EDIT: And the first thing I thought of was coming here  Beer & Bitcoin - Two amazing things, they belong together, why not? Welcome back my friend And football of course)
Activity: 3808
Merit: 10988
#1 VIP Crypto Casino
September 03, 2019, 03:03:13 PM |
Yeah, first fking Tuesday in 4 months to sit down at a normal time and have a beer. I think I just came in my brain. EDIT: And the first thing I thought of was coming here  Beer & Bitcoin - Two amazing things, they belong together, why not? Welcome back my friend I do thank you very much, sent my last merit on the way for the warm welcome (back?)  Has anything changed here? Or how much can even change in about 7 months? Have 2 back  Not much has changed, the same old trolls hanging around. I think we’re transitioning into full bull mode now. Hopefully the end of the year is a slow grind up continuing towards the halving & then the fireworks start in 2021. And football of course)
Of course & tits!
Activity: 2436
Merit: 17557
Fully fledged Merit Cycler - Golden Feather 22-23
September 03, 2019, 03:09:45 PM |
September 03, 2019, 03:12:58 PM |
I didn't see those other sources, thanks. Any comment on whether today's price action has a correlation? What say you oh chart masters?