Activity: 3262
Merit: 8887
September 07, 2019, 02:01:06 PM Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
Yep, you can have nice decorations when you do not agree on segwit is BitCoin.
Dude, segwit is bitcoin. Why don't you take your altcoin shilling to the right subforum? Forget about the right subforum, he needs to go to a different forum altogether. This is the Bitcoin Forum, and his whole schtik is pretending Bitcoin isn't Bitcoin. And btw, who tf says/write BitCoin? You lost all your credibility right there.
Craig Wright, his hero and savior, used to spell it that way back in 2014, before he got the idea to pretend to be Satoshi. So you're right, he would have lost all credibility, but he can't lose something he never had.
Activity: 4284
Merit: 5225
You're never too old to think young.
Good morning Bitcoinland. Leveled out and going sideways after yesterday's little correction... currently $10420USD/$13725CAD (Bitcoinaverage). Still well up on the week though. It's starting to feel like we're almost done with 4 digits. A couple more months and we should be on our way. Go Bitcoin go. Are you long or short? What % of capital? What are your take profit and stop loss levels?
Long. Almost all of capital (excluding personal items like art, real estate, antiques, musical instruments etc.) No stops. Take profits only when absolutely necessary. Acquire more whenever possible, especially when the price dips. Live happily ever after.
September 07, 2019, 02:06:57 PM |
There's a lot of evidence that Segwit is the alteration. Read the docs, the white paper
The same evidence that CSW is satoshi? I'm not sure if you're trolling or trying to be serious. The shitcoin section is that way --->
Activity: 2674
Merit: 3002
September 07, 2019, 02:12:10 PM Merited by JayJuanGee (1) |
another bcash idiot for my ignore list
saying that segwit is not bitcoin is the same like saying TCP is not IP. it's the same, but it's another layer. TCP can't exist without IP and segwit can't exist without bitcoin.
Saying that is actually wrong. You are mixing up SegWit and LN. LN is another layer. SegWit is part of Bitcoin.
Activity: 1352
Merit: 2300
a Cray can run an endless loop in under 4 hours
September 07, 2019, 02:36:03 PM |
another bcash idiot for my ignore list
saying that segwit is not bitcoin is the same like saying TCP is not IP. it's the same, but it's another layer. TCP can't exist without IP and segwit can't exist without bitcoin.
Saying that is actually wrong. You are mixing up SegWit and LN. LN is another layer. SegWit is part of Bitcoin. I'm not sure about this, maybe you are right. But LN is based on segwit and segwit has a second name, the consensus layer. LN is like one of many possible apps which can run on segwit. perhaps we can call LN a part of the third layer.
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4042
September 07, 2019, 02:41:45 PM |
another bcash idiot for my ignore list
saying that segwit is not bitcoin is the same like saying TCP is not IP. it's the same, but it's another layer. TCP can't exist without IP and segwit can't exist without bitcoin.
Saying that is actually wrong. You are mixing up SegWit and LN. LN is another layer. SegWit is part of Bitcoin. I'm not sure about this, maybe you are right. But LN is based on segwit and segwit has a second name, the consensus layer. Actually it's as Lauda says. The Segregated Witness thingy basically alters the transaction format so that certain (most) cryptographic proofs (the "witness") are not on the main blockchain (they're "segregated"). That's why space can be saved: segwit transactions can be stored more efficiently because some data can be discarded. As a result, the average transaction fee is significantly lower.
Activity: 2674
Merit: 3002
September 07, 2019, 02:43:47 PM |
Actually it's as Lauda says. The Segregated Witness thingy basically alters the transaction format so that certain (most) cryptographic proofs (the "witness") are not on the main blockchain (they're "segregated"). That's why space can be saved: segwit transactions can be stored more efficiently because some data can be discarded. This is why fees are significantly lower.
This is also incorrect. The signatures get stored in the chain as before, they just aren't counted towards the classic block size limit due to the segregation that you have mentioned. Space isn't saved, the chain size is growing much faster than ever. The ignorant/uneducated/bamboozled folk that said 'too little too late' were completely wrong; even this "little" increase is starting to become a mild issue. I'm not sure about this, maybe you are right.
In these matters, it's usually unwise to doubt my answer (if anything, it's usually just oddly written rather than incorrect). 
Activity: 2772
Merit: 4042
September 07, 2019, 02:52:36 PM |
Actually it's as Lauda says. The Segregated Witness thingy basically alters the transaction format so that certain (most) cryptographic proofs (the "witness") are not on the main blockchain (they're "segregated"). That's why space can be saved: segwit transactions can be stored more efficiently because some data can be discarded. This is why fees are significantly lower.
This is also incorrect. The signatures get stored in the chain as before, they just aren't counted towards the classic block size limit due to the segregation that you have mentioned. I stand corrected. Witness data can be removed from the Merkle tree, not from the chain.
September 07, 2019, 03:31:01 PM |
Are you long or short? What % of capital? What are your take profit and stop loss levels?
I'm long. If you count the btc/fiat/stocks ratio I'm 99% btc, and have been so since 2016. If you take properties/land into the equation I'm still 80% btc. I'm debt-free. I have my own house and my own land. I sell a small portion every month to cover my bills and everyday expenses. The rest stays in btc -- always. I quit my corporate job in 2016. Because fuck them. For me there is no take profit level. When the time comes, I won't need fiat.
September 07, 2019, 03:39:31 PM |
@APompliano This week in crypto: 1. Apple says they’re watching crypto 2. Binance issue USD stablecoin 3. Caliber issues digital mortgages 4. VanEck offers limited Bitcoin ETF 5. Franklin Templeton tokenize fund 6. Bitcoin still not dead  Every corporation will eventually be in the game! Twitter post:
September 07, 2019, 03:49:58 PM |
Are you long or short? What % of capital? What are your take profit and stop loss levels?
I'm long. If you count the btc/fiat/stocks ratio I'm 99% btc, and have been so since 2016. If you take properties/land into the equation I'm still 80% btc. I'm debt-free. I have my own house and my own land. I sell a small portion every month to cover my bills and everyday expenses. The rest stays in btc -- always. I quit my corporate job in 2016. Because fuck them. For me there is no take profit level. When the time comes, I won't need fiat. don't need disclosed personal balance or etc sure you can share personal experience trade type or your memorials history maybe when start so inspired others people.
Activity: 2436
Merit: 17561
Fully fledged Merit Cycler - Golden Feather 22-23
September 07, 2019, 04:10:30 PM Last edit: October 06, 2019, 12:49:42 AM by fillippone |
It's time (again) for a Wall Observer Meta Post! I made this post Monthly, so it will consider the merits sent during the month of August. So I had to wait for the last merit dum, that included the last day of the month. Merit analysis based on LoyceV merit file: updated to August,31th, 2019 23:59:59 UTC Total merits sent on WO: 28720 Monthly Merits sent on WO: 1127 (-) Merited Users: 599 (+16) TOP 100 WO MERIT RECEIVERS: 1.micgoossens 1833 2.Last of the V8s 1574 3.HairyMaclairy 1225 4.xhomerx10 1138 5.Toxic2040 934 6.BobLawblaw 921 7.jojo69 812 8.infofront 713 9.JayJuanGee 700 10.LFC_Bitcoin 671 11.VB1001 513 12.d_eddie 513 13.Torque 498 14.bitserve 474 15.gentlemand 391 16.Paashaas 375 17.mindrust 352 18.Elwar 352 19.kenzawak 342 20.Globb0 328 21.cAPSLOCK 294 22.JimboToronto 291 23.mfort312 282 24.fillippone 275 25.jbreher 263 26.Raja_MBZ 258 27.Lambie Slayer 255 28.ivomm 253 29.kurious 251 30.BTCMILLIONAIRE 247 31.goldkingcoiner 247 32.Rosewater Foundation 244 33.Biodom 237 34.nutildah 212 35.Phil_S 197 36.realr0ach 196 37.TERA2 194 38.JSRAW 192 39.bones261 184 40.600watt 182 41.Ibian 180 42.vroom 177 43.kingcolex 172 44.Kylapoiss 169 45.Icygreen 162 46.marcus_of_augustus 156 47.yefi 153 48.Hueristic 149 49.Wekkel 138 50.Pamoldar 138 51.Arriemoller 135 52.StartupAnalyst 130 53.Cryptotourist 130 54.toknormal 129 55.Spaceman_Spiff_Original 123 56.bitcoinPsycho 122 57.Anon136 121 58.Dabs 114 59.vapourminer 113 60.kirreev070 107 61.BinaryReign 105 62.AlcoHoDL 102 63.lightfoot 98 64.explorer 97 65.Bitcoinaire 95 66.Searing 88 86 68.sirazimuth 82 69.Cryptoqueeen 81 70.STT 77 71.somac. 72 72.BlindMayorBitcorn 72 73.HI-TEC99 71 74.Gyrsur 69 75.cryptjh 68 76.Majormax 67 77.Totscha 66 78.pacman7331 66 79.cannycassiopeia 64 80.DeathAngel 64 81.bitebits 63 63 83.nanobtc 59 84.Karartma1 59 85.crypmike 58 86.suchmoon 56 87.strawbs 54 88.Samarkand 54 89.BitcoinNewsMagazine 54 90.theymos 53 91.FractalUniverse 53 92.RoomBot 52 93.bkbirge 52 94.rolling 51 95.RayX12 50 96.fluidjax 50 97.Ludwig Von 48 98.gembitz 48 99.encycrypto 48 100.Speculatoross 47
TOP 100 WO MERIT SENDERS: 1.JayJuanGee 2478 2.BobLawblaw 1965 3.micgoossens 1462 4.LFC_Bitcoin 1129 5.bones261 1057 6.infofront 994 7.Last of the V8s 786 8.Globb0 758 9.jbreher 728 10.xhomerx10 691 11.vapourminer 662 12.mindrust 628 13.HairyMaclairy 602 14.cAPSLOCK 554 15.600watt 539 16.marcus_of_augustus 502 17.Toxic2040 429 18.jojo69 393 19.Torque 345 20.Paashaas 329 21.QuestionAuthority 311 22.Hueristic 284 23.d_eddie 273 24.yefi 256 25.Dabs 254 26.VB1001 248 27.bitserve 245 28.kurious 229 29.BlindMayorBitcorn 209 30.gentlemand 208 31.Ibian 207 32.Wekkel 205 33.ErisDiscordia 202 34.kenzawak 191 35.bitebits 188 36.suchmoon 186 37.RoomBot 180 38.Karartma1 179 39.JimboToronto 157 40.explorer 155 41.Raja_MBZ 154 42.nutildah 152 43.fillippone 151 44.Dunkelheit667 146 45.mfort312 145 46.Gyrsur 144 47.Lambie Slayer 128 48.Pamoldar 126 49.ivomm 124 50.kingcolex 123 51.ssmc2 120 52.BTCMILLIONAIRE 118 53.Rosewater Foundation 116 54.edgar 115 55.Searing 113 56.goldkingcoiner 110 57.Majormax 108 58.Arriemoller 105 59.PoolMinor 101 60.xyzzy099 99 61.Biodom 97 62.lightfoot 95 63.P_Shep 91 64.tonyq 87 65.julian071 86 66.Phil_S 85 67.sirazimuth 84 68.Icygreen 83 82 70.JSRAW 82 71.Kylapoiss 81 72.vroom 76 73.RayX12 73 74.criptix 73 75.Elwar 72 76.DeathAngel 71 77.bitcoinPsycho 65 78.Cryptotourist 65 79.StartupAnalyst 60 80.Anon136 56 81.empowering 55 82.rolling 52 83.AlcoHoDL 51 84.Jayjay04 50 85.sammy007 50 86.soullyG 49 87.STT 48 88.FractalUniverse 48 89.mymenace 46 90.MrFreeRoMan 45 91.Bitcoinaire 44 92.AlexGR 43 93.Totscha 42 42 95.afbitcoins 40 96.nanobtc 38 97.flynn 37 98.somac. 37 99.fabiorem 37 100.MirkoIta 36
TOP 100 MONTHLY WO RECEIVERS: 1.micgoossens 100 2.VB1001 82 3.fillippone 68 4.HairyMaclairy 58 5.LFC_Bitcoin 52 6.SuperTA 45 7.mindrust 41 8.nutildah 40 9.bkbirge 38 10.JSRAW 31 11.ivomm 26 12.JayJuanGee 25 13.Toxic2040 24 14.Lambie Slayer 24 15.jojo69 23 16.jbreher 22 17.makrospex 18 18.Cryptotourist 17 19.kurious 16 20.bitcoinPsycho 16 21.xhomerx10 13 22.Globb0 13 23.JimboToronto 13 24.600watt 13 25.AlcoHoDL 13 26.Wilhelm 13 27.Paashaas 12 28.BobLawblaw 10 29.gentlemand 10 30.vroom 10 31.Pamoldar 10 32.lightfoot 10 33.sirazimuth 10 34.Elwar 9 35.Biodom 8 36.Hueristic 8 37.Krubster 8 38.Raja_MBZ 7 39.vapourminer 7 40.GeoRW 7 41.cAPSLOCK 6 42.slocker 6 43.d_eddie 5 44.Searing 5 45.STT 5 46.somac. 5 47.Majormax 5 48.GreatArkansas 5 49._javi_ 5 50.jupiter9 5 51.Last of the V8s 4 52.Spaceman_Spiff_Original 4 53.Dunkelheit667 4 54.Saint-loup 4 55.Negotiation 4 56.hd49728 4 57.Torque 3 58.Phil_S 3 59.Icygreen 3 60.Karartma1 3 61.BitcoinNewsMagazine 3 62.hodl_2015 3 63.Millionero 3 64.infofront 2 65.realr0ach 2 2 67.DeathAngel 2 68.nanobtc 2 69.gembitz 2 70.DaRude 2 71.windjc 2 72.soxxx 2 73.gallianooo 2 74.btcbeliever 2 75.degxtra1 2 76.aesma 2 77.Bossian 2 78.bitserve 1 79.bones261 1 80.Wekkel 1 81.Arriemoller 1 82.Dabs 1 83.Totscha 1 84.RoomBot 1 85.Ludwig Von 1 86.fabiorem 1 87.criptix 1 88.Syke 1 89.P_Shep 1 90.erre 1 91.smartcomet 1 92.GrosWesh 1 93.rdbase 1 94.Febo 1 95.dyask 1 96.g-uid 1 97.kronos123 1 98.Lucius 1 99.NeuroticFish 1
TOP 100 MONTHLY WO SENDERS 1.JayJuanGee 155 2.micgoossens 151 3.LFC_Bitcoin 60 4.fillippone 46 5.vapourminer 44 6.mindrust 41 7.VB1001 37 8.Globb0 35 9.600watt 35 10.jbreher 30 11.Dabs 30 12.BobLawblaw 26 13.bones261 24 14.SuperTA 24 15.Wilhelm 20 16.infofront 19 17.HairyMaclairy 19 18.Lambie Slayer 19 19.Toxic2040 18 20.nutildah 16 21.ssmc2 14 22.bkbirge 14 23.Hueristic 13 24.ivomm 13 25.Paashaas 11 26.jojo69 10 27.JSRAW 9 28.xhomerx10 8 29.Pamoldar 8 30.kingcolex 8 31.bitcoinPsycho 8 32.Negotiation 8 33.Cryptotourist 7 34.makrospex 7 35.cAPSLOCK 6 36.Raja_MBZ 6 37.lightfoot 6 38.Torque 5 39.JimboToronto 5 40.Phil_S 5 41.AlcoHoDL 5 42.GreatArkansas 5 43.kurious 4 44.Biodom 4 45.sirazimuth 4 46.Icygreen 4 47.vroom 4 48.DeathAngel 4 49.d_eddie 3 50.Dunkelheit667 3 51.mfort312 3 52.Ludwig Von 3 53._javi_ 3 54.Krubster 3 55.Ibian 2 56.ErisDiscordia 2 57.Majormax 2 58.somac. 2 59.BinaryReign 2 60.Syke 2 61.rdbase 2 62.BitcoinNewsMagazine 2 63.GrosWesh 2 64.o_e_l_e_o 2 65.NeuroticFish 2 66.Woodie 2 67.WastedLTC 2 68.Dux2K 2 69.g-uid 2 70.wildduck 2 71.gentlemand 1 72.bitebits 1 73.STT 1 1 75.ChinkyEyes 1 76.HI-TEC99 1 77.fluidjax 1 78.Saint-loup 1 79.tmfp 1 80.actmyname 1 81.degxtra1 1 82.rebal15 1 83.BayAreaCoins 1 84.blink 1 85.Daniel91 1 86.Dotto 1 87.dkbit98 1 88.chimk 1 89.tranthidung 1 90.hd49728 1 91.Rikafip 1 92.bakasabo 1 93.mr_random 1
MONTHLY sMERITS BALANCE SMerits Balance=Received Merits/2-Sent Merits
Positive Balance means an user has been increasing sMerits on the WO thread, while negative numbers means the users has sent more merits on WO than received. Negative numbers are possible or because he has been generous this week because he has been greedy past weeks (so only temporary imbalance), or because he has hoarded sMerits on other threads spending them on WO thread, or because he's a merit source. TOP 20 MONTHLY NET RECEIVERS 1.HairyMaclairy 10 2.JSRAW 6.5 3.bkbirge 5 4.Elwar 4.5 5.gentlemand 4 6.kurious 4 7.nutildah 4 8.VB1001 4 9.Searing 2.5 10.Last of the V8s 2 11.makrospex 2 12.Spaceman_Spiff_Original 2 13.AlcoHoDL 1.5 14.Cryptotourist 1.5 15.hodl_2015 1.5 16.JimboToronto 1.5 17.jojo69 1.5 18.Karartma1 1.5 19.STT 1.5 20.aesma 1
TOP 20 MONTHLY WO NET SENDERS 1.JayJuanGee -142.5 2.micgoossens -101 3.vapourminer -40.5 4.LFC_Bitcoin -34 5.Dabs -29.5 6.600watt -28.5 7.Globb0 -28.5 8.bones261 -23.5 9.BobLawblaw -21 10.mindrust -20.5 11.jbreher -19 12.infofront -18 13.ssmc2 -14 14.Wilhelm -13.5 15.fillippone -12 16.Hueristic -9 17.kingcolex -8 18.Lambie Slayer -7 19.Negotiation -6 20.Toxic2040 -6
Nice update, I think monthly cadence is more insightful, as less prone to weekly imbalances due to MS drought (mic, I do hear you). Sadly, It a little bit delayed update, but I commit doing those as soon as sir LoyceV releases data dumps. Still fixing glitches here and there, I am using this to getting better at data management (errors are mine).
Activity: 1834
Merit: 4197
Good morning Beating into a short choppy sea with more squalls on the horizon. The storm jib is out and we have 3 reefs in the main. Steady as she goes. 4h  D 
Activity: 3444
Merit: 4866
diamond-handed zealot
September 07, 2019, 04:23:33 PM |
oh noes mah trust 
El duderino_
Activity: 2786
Merit: 13817
BTC + Crossfit, living life.
Have given my last 2 to @fillippone and @Toxic2040 Have a good evening brothers..... Mic has to run, f00d and b00z are calling me out of my seat 
Activity: 3990
Merit: 11739
Self-Custody is a right. Say no to "non-custodial"
September 07, 2019, 04:27:26 PM |
I expect/hope 12K to be broken next week.
No. 11k is too hard to break. We got too close and look what happened. Ohh no again bought at the wrong time it seems.Hopefully there won't be too much dump from 10K region. God no more four digit figures.  Surely we are getting within striking distance of 4 digits, but is this merely a fake out? I would not proclaim to know, even though the BAKKT seems to be bullish in terms of what would seem to need to be extra demands on actual BTC supply - plus of course, another route for institutional money to more easily and justifiably get a bit of BTC stake. Thank God the price seems to be stable at $10300 after that sudden dump.Where we are heading now? Further price fall in this weekend or this is going to be bullish again? We are stuck in a band between 9,300 and 11,300. It’s a bit irrelevant where it goes in that band it’ll bounce all over the place. What’s important is whether it breaks up or down. 80% chance we will eventually break upwards. It feels so good to hear that 80% of chances to increase.  Anyway I am not selling anything in the near future but I am worried that whenever I invest on the bitcoin there is sudden dump immediately. Am I the most unluckiest man in this world?  You are here, so you are very lucky (as are we). You just need to shift your mindset to a minimum of five years. Yes. Exactly. Even if I don't really agree with assigning an 80% probability of an upside breakout, in the short term, in the end, it might not matter too much. If anyone is worried about whether the break out is going to be up or down or the assignment of probabilities should be 58% or 80% to the upside, then you have not spent enough time accumulating and dollar cost averaging which in any 5 year time frame has very decent chances to being up rather than down or flat... which seems to be one of the reasons that bitcoin remains one of the best investments currently in terms of both hedging and having a decent asymmetric bet (to the upside, of course). The vast majority of us should realize that there are no guarantees, and also that we don't want to become over-reliant or over-invested in one direction, such as up, even though such upward direction continues to have very decent probabilities of happening... but even with "very decent probabilities of up," that still is far from a guarantee.
Activity: 4032
Merit: 4737
September 07, 2019, 04:27:53 PM Last edit: September 07, 2019, 04:45:11 PM by Biodom |
 Btc/Usd For the short term i'm watching the yellow EMA line, which currently acts as a support on the 4h chart. The 4h candle closed above it. Currently the yellow line is around 10.270 Usd. If it stays above it will be bullish. If not we will find other support. You sound undeniably correct. BTC's price is going to go down until it stops going down, and if it does not stop going down where it should stop, then BTC's price is going to go down more. I have learned a lot about bitcoin and about myself from such observations.  The chart helps to make that point, too.. Comes off as more professional.  I don't know about you but i buy on the support bounce. So i bought some back. If it reaches my target between 10.800 and 11.000 i sold 3 times already there. Yes it goes up and down but i tell where is the support (buy) and where resistance (sell). If it goes bellow support it means sell. (well i trade only 20% of my holdings, i never sell all.) Trader has to be prepared for both ways. ...This time, around, I don't really care, and I am fine with just continuing to follow my system that only sells small amounts on the way up and also buys back on the way down in intervals that are reasonable for me, and the tweaking this time around is to spread the intervals even more than they had been the first time around, but otherwise I am largely keeping with my system because I like it.. So, yeah a week or two ago, in our run up to a bit above $11k, I made several sales on the way up, and bought back at various points between about $10k and $9,400, and in this last run up to nearly $11k, I had a few BTC sell orders trigger, so the more that triggered, the higher my buy back points are. I have sell orders on different exchanges so some of them triggered and some of them did not, but so far in this particular most recent correction, from today, NONE of my BTC buy back orders have triggered yet, and most of them are set for a little bit below $10k. In my earlier days, I would have had both my BTC buy orders and my BTC sell orders more tightly structured; however, these days I am more happy with larger intervals and my goal and recent practice has been to increase and increase and increase the integers in which such orders are triggered. Another way of conceptualizing my strategy towards my BTC holdings has been to attempt to create my BTC buy/sell orders in such a way that I am largely NOT too much attached to price direction.. neither psychologically nor financially. Of course, I profit more from upwards BTC price movements, but it is also in my thinking that inevitably in the longer term BTC's price is much more likely to go up than it is to go down, but in the meantime, I am profiting from volatility in such a way that it causes me to become less and less concerned about BTC's price going down. Also, I have a plan that is projected into the future of starting to liquidate 1% of the value of my BTC stash per quarter, so long as the BTC price is not below $5k, and I am thinking that I will start to employ that particular plan in a few years, and I think that there are real decent chances that the BTC price is not going to go below $5k in the coming years or to interfere with my tentative liquidation plan, and if BTC's price does go below $5k, then I will just plan to hold off on cashing out my 1% during any such quarters that the BTC price does go below $5k, if such periods of low BTC price performance were to come, once I start my liquidation plan. The strategy of constantly selling and buying has one weakness: it produces LOTS of tax obligations during periods of fast btc growth. Theoretically, if someone was selling extensively, then re-buying in 2017, then watching btc declining to 3k while having serious tax obligations resulting in a need to a selling of the additional chunk at a suboptimal (low) price. Of course, this would not be the case when ample cash is available to pay the tax. In other words, in high taxing environment, this strategy might backfire. On the other hand, trying to sell at the top could be a difficult undertaking as well. The local top is currently projected (by various authors) to be anywhere between 30K and 400K. Tough choice. HM here favors 180K (don't know where the number came from, maybe just personal preference). My current feel is to allocate certain % for a sale, then sell once a personal preference is set in 1/10 fractions of the final number of btc sells. I intend to sell only up to 20% of my btc at the next ATH, knowing fully well that the rest would probably correct to 20% of the value. Why? Because I don't want to lose my position due to unforeseen price trajectory changes (like a double peak of 2013)..
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
September 07, 2019, 04:30:57 PM |
saying that segwit is not bitcoin is the same like saying TCP is not IP. it's the same, but it's another layer. TCP can't exist without IP and segwit can't exist without bitcoin.
Not sure you realize what you are saying here. IP certainly does exist independent of any TCP layer. By (your egregiously flawed) analogy, bitcoin certainly does exists independent of any SegWit. Indeed, without recourse to any analogy, bitcoin doth exist independent of SegWit. Remember -- " soft" fork? " Not" mandatory?
Activity: 2436
Merit: 17561
Fully fledged Merit Cycler - Golden Feather 22-23
September 07, 2019, 04:34:32 PM |
There mate, Here you got my last Merit. Put that half sMerit at good use!
Activity: 3080
Merit: 1688
lose: unfind ... loose: untight
September 07, 2019, 04:39:22 PM |
There's a lot of evidence that Segwit is the alteration. Read the docs, the white paper
The same evidence that CSW is satoshi? WTF are you on about? How could evidence of personal identity have anything whatsoever to do with evidence of protocol change? I'm not sure if you're trolling or trying to be serious.
Back at ya. See any evidence of SegWit in the white paper? No? Explicitly in front of your face. Willful dereliction of truthiness. SegWit was indeed an alteration of the Bitcoin protocol. Undeniably. There is really no way to argue otherwise.