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Author Topic: [4+ EH] Slush Pool (; Overt AsicBoost; World First Mining Pool  (Read 4382883 times)
slush (OP)
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June 10, 2011, 11:41:39 PM

Lets hope the 1 second one is invalid then. Would suck to crunch for 3 hours and then have it divided between 52 shares in the end (of which I had none of course Smiley).

Yes, invalid is that one with 53 shares. Too bad for being invalid, afaik it is all time record, previous one (but valid) was 83-shares round. But it was in times of 30k difficulty Smiley.

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June 10, 2011, 11:49:48 PM

Slush hows that long polling coming i know you have been working on it for a while. Just curious Smiley
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"I'm not psychic; I'm just damn good"

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June 10, 2011, 11:55:57 PM

Slush, I know you're really busy. But recently I've been doing some calculation.
says I should be getting 7.3/day. My max before was around 5 and that was once or twice. I don't know what to look for, I have some time now since my rigs have been stable and I've gotten used to the rest of the maintainence work to keep them that way. So could you please tell me how do I get closer to my 7.3/day or are we just having a really bad day?

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June 11, 2011, 12:13:15 AM

The last share time is all jacked up.....

Whats up?

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June 11, 2011, 02:15:53 AM

Slush, I know you're really busy. But recently I've been doing some calculation.
says I should be getting 7.3/day. My max before was around 5 and that was once or twice. I don't know what to look for, I have some time now since my rigs have been stable and I've gotten used to the rest of the maintainence work to keep them that way. So could you please tell me how do I get closer to my 7.3/day or are we just having a really bad day?

I think the calculator is assuming solo mining with no fees to be payed.  So you need to subtract 2% from that.  It also assumes that there is no pool or miner down time and that you don't have your result rejected by the network.
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"I'm not psychic; I'm just damn good"

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June 11, 2011, 03:31:33 AM

so 2.3 is fees, rejected shares and I have no down time. Wow I didn't know they cost so much.

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June 11, 2011, 04:01:35 AM

so 2.3 is fees, rejected shares and I have no down time. Wow I didn't know they cost so much.

Seems I've been performing a little better than the calc with some down time even.... I may be underestimating my hash rates.
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June 11, 2011, 04:28:17 AM

For those of you worried about losing out on mining if the pool gets DoS'd/DDoS'd there's a simple workaround.  Just setup a second worker for the same GPU with a lower aggression setting and point it to another pool/your local bitcoin solo server and leave both running.  I'm using GUIMiner/poclbm and for every GPU I have one miner/worker set up and pointing to slush's pool and then another for the same GPU pointing to my local Bitcoin client for solo mining.

For example, one of my cards is a 6950 and I have it running with the flags "-v -w 128 -f 1" for the Slush pool miner and "-v -w 128 -f 15" for the solo miner.  Assuming the pool is up, I get ~ 369 MH/s going towards slush's pool and ~ 1 MH/s going towards the local solo bitcoin server.  If I ever get any connection problems to the pool, the solo miner ramps up to ~ 366 MH/sec and chugs away.  Once the pool comes back up it reverses back to just about everything to Slush and the trickle to the solo.

Yeah, it's double the work, especially if you want to use multiple pools and have to manage all the workers on the pool websites as well, but for a bit of extra time during setup, at least you don't have to worry about these DDoS attacks or any hardware failures on Slush's side putting your mining out of commission.
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June 11, 2011, 05:49:57 AM

Slush, is there a problem with the pool right now?

Yes, pool was DoSed (actually not DDoSed). It is already solved. I have theory that mtgox price drop and attack to two pools (my pool and currently deepbit) were orchestrated by single entity Smiley.

Seems both pool was attacked. I am running PR1.41 , my main server is slush & back up is deepbit.
For around 15 minutes, miners cant able to mine & keep on switching from slush to deepbit & vice verse.
After that mining is going normally.
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June 11, 2011, 06:04:44 AM

Just started today and getting 230~ mhash on my 6870.

How long before I start to see results in my account?
Do I need constant internet connection?
Is there any way to tell what block i am working on?


edit: Just seen ive gotten a 0.00560481 reward on block 129965, what does this equate to in reality?
edit: nvm its BTC, thought it may have been %age of work or something
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"I'm not psychic; I'm just damn good"

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June 11, 2011, 06:09:14 AM

so 2.3 is fees, rejected shares and I have no down time. Wow I didn't know they cost so much.

Seems I've been performing a little better than the calc with some down time even.... I may be underestimating my hash rates.

Yea precisely my point. It's suppose to go closer (more or less) to the expected figure. 2.3 is A LOT of difference in my opinion (I'm not sure if it's this much of a difference), so I'm asking around unless everyone is getting a 2+ tolerence or I'm missing something...

And 2+ is a modest estimate because I only hit the maximum of 5 BTC only 2 times. I'd like to know if this is a common thing or do everyone get so much a difference from the calculator then I don't understand how people are getting into mining so blindly putting faith into the calculator.

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June 11, 2011, 06:48:28 AM

For those of you worried about losing out on mining if the pool gets DoS'd/DDoS'd there's a simple workaround.  Just setup a second worker for the same GPU with a lower aggression setting and point it to another pool/your local bitcoin solo server and leave both running.  I'm using GUIMiner/poclbm and for every GPU I have one miner/worker set up and pointing to slush's pool and then another for the same GPU pointing to my local Bitcoin client for solo mining.

For example, one of my cards is a 6950 and I have it running with the flags "-v -w 128 -f 1" for the Slush pool miner and "-v -w 128 -f 15" for the solo miner.  Assuming the pool is up, I get ~ 369 MH/s going towards slush's pool and ~ 1 MH/s going towards the local solo bitcoin server.  If I ever get any connection problems to the pool, the solo miner ramps up to ~ 366 MH/sec and chugs away.  Once the pool comes back up it reverses back to just about everything to Slush and the trickle to the solo.

Yeah, it's double the work, especially if you want to use multiple pools and have to manage all the workers on the pool websites as well, but for a bit of extra time during setup, at least you don't have to worry about these DDoS attacks or any hardware failures on Slush's side putting your mining out of commission.

This right here was priceless information that I've been looking for. Thank you good sir.

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June 11, 2011, 08:13:43 AM

How do i integrate my CPU with the pool as well? Using bitcoiner 0.3.21
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June 11, 2011, 08:23:55 AM

Having problems with DiabloMiner. I start i with "./ -u ***** -p ***** -o -r 8332 -v 2 -w 256"
Every 5 secodns i get "ERROR: Can't connect to Bitcoin: http", on the bottom left corner it shows my hashrate, which seams reasonable...

I dont know if i should just ignore the error (because of the hash rate) or if I am using my power for no profit.
slush (OP)
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June 11, 2011, 08:52:33 AM

Yea precisely my point. It's suppose to go closer (more or less) to the expected figure. 2.3 is A LOT of difference in my opinion (I'm not sure if it's this much of a difference), so I'm asking around unless everyone is getting a 2+ tolerence or I'm missing something...

And 2+ is a modest estimate because I only hit the maximum of 5 BTC only 2 times. I'd like to know if this is a common thing or do everyone get so much a difference from the calculator then I don't understand how people are getting into mining so blindly putting faith into the calculator.

If you're giving only 50% performance all the time, then something is probably wrong. There are too many factors which can hurt your earnings: mining hardware itself (are you really mining at expected hashrate?), connection quality (any connection downtime?), network lags (what's your ping/packetloss?).

Then of course luck (but should not be *so* important), pool downtime (yesterday it was around 15 minutes in total caused by attack) and weird thinks like using all gpus on same worker etc.

Daily rewards fluctuate a bit on my miners, too. It's pretty natural to mining process. But I'm not observing such huge drops, so I'm expecting something wrong on your side.

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June 11, 2011, 08:53:57 AM

ok, that was stupid, I missed the output of the terminal, I just had to give it an address without http
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"I'm not psychic; I'm just damn good"

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June 11, 2011, 09:01:35 AM

Yea precisely my point. It's suppose to go closer (more or less) to the expected figure. 2.3 is A LOT of difference in my opinion (I'm not sure if it's this much of a difference), so I'm asking around unless everyone is getting a 2+ tolerence or I'm missing something...

And 2+ is a modest estimate because I only hit the maximum of 5 BTC only 2 times. I'd like to know if this is a common thing or do everyone get so much a difference from the calculator then I don't understand how people are getting into mining so blindly putting faith into the calculator.

If you're giving only 50% performance all the time, then something is probably wrong. There are too many factors which can hurt your earnings: mining hardware itself (are you really mining at expected hashrate?), connection quality (any connection downtime?), network lags (what's your ping/packetloss?).

Then of course luck (but should not be *so* important), pool downtime (yesterday it was around 15 minutes in total caused by attack) and weird thinks like using all gpus on same worker etc.

Daily rewards fluctuate a bit on my miners, too. It's pretty natural to mining process. But I'm not observing such huge drops, so I'm expecting something wrong on your side.

Yea, thus I want to find out what's wrong. It didn't seem to me everyone else was having this problem as well. As the graph updates I only had 3.1 BTC yesterday. My expected is 7.33, and I've even done the calculation myself. This is really odd, I checked the miners even when I'm out (which is hardly) and I administer them myself. I'm on holidays right now and are home most of the time doing this and writing my thesis (Thus I don't sleep much). I don't see a reason why I'm getting such low rewards. I was busy trying to get my mining stable before and didn't really spend time to understand pools, shares and scores. However, I thought the rewards should not be so much different from solo except for fees in exchange for variance.

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June 11, 2011, 11:42:59 AM

Iam using slush's Pool again because I dont get so much at deepbit with my 200 Mhash/s
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June 11, 2011, 03:37:45 PM

for slush:
if a block took less than 1 minute you should pay the same amount as the previus block, a block of 1 second with 60 shares will pay me nothing or maybe 3 coins, i have 4.4 ghash and seeing blocks that pay me so much less coz they took only less than a minute is not so funny, thanks...
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June 11, 2011, 03:59:31 PM

for slush:
if a block took less than 1 minute you should pay the same amount as the previus block, a block of 1 second with 60 shares will pay me nothing or maybe 3 coins, i have 4.4 ghash and seeing blocks that pay me so much less coz they took only less than a minute is not so funny, thanks...

I actually like 1minute rounds a lot, they don't take long, so I get more coins/hour due to them.
You probaly get less because you only got 1 or 2 hashes in that minute, where you're used to getting a lot, it's jut the odds,

keep liking short rounds, the shorther, the more coins you get.

but for something else:
I'm new here, and I tought I knew how bitcoin worked,
but what's up with block 130034?
It's been found twice, and keeps on getting confirmed, how does that work?
can someone explain that to me please?
thx in advance.

5419   2011-06-11 12:57:57   0:14:57   333685   0.00567753   130034    71 confirmations left
5418   2011-06-11 12:43:00   0:04:58   108728   0.00458762   130034    71 confirmations left

nevermind, found out that it's just a visual bug, the second link points to block 130035..
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